Friday 14 January 2011

yet another catch 22

Does an MS diagnosis make you a constant "drugs guinea pig" and manages to keep yet another catch 22 situation going as one side effect becomes tomorrows symptom, and they are so wrapped up in the medical side of things (the powers that be that is) they cannot see what actually stands before them. And on top of their victims troubles they cause them more stress related issues, by Neuro appts after Neuro Appointment, desperate to keep them off the MS list, even in limbo for years. They are causing the people they profess to help even more problems.

So my conclusions in my case are  misaligned atlas/hidden by stress both psychological and physical/misaligned bladder meridian/pressure on pressur points/resulting in MS MISDIAGNOSIS

But thats just me, or is it

I know people are neither going to like or accept what I am saying, and I may stand alone, as no-one dare say anything else accused of being in denial.

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