Saturday 22 January 2011

unchartered ground

I went to see John my chiro on Fri, and he is a little confused as to why my right side is so tight and bunched up,it doesnt seem to be for physical reasons. So he was going to consult a colleague who practices the Bowens Tecnique. But this morning I think that I have sussed it. I need to trust my bum particularly right side and start sitting more upright, its only a fractional shift, but it makes a big difference, to sit slightly back and to let my weight go down to my right buttock, so this I will practice.

I believe that John has got to the point where he cant ask anyone how  to sort it, is because we have now ventured into unchartered ground, nobody, nobody has been this far to this degree before. As my very first symptoms of the misaligned Atlas were bladder related, frequent UTIs, so when I went to the Doctor with this problem, her only avenue was MRI and because there was a lesion present I was then diagnosed with MS when in fact that was an incorrect diagnosis. Amazing but true, I would say I think, but I definitely know what the score is.

By the way I am not back, its just I just had something very relevant and new to say

So bottomline is  reoccuring UTIs are not necessarily MS related, as nor is a lesion on the spine or brain. Now that is revolutionary.

Also, I have now stopped visiting mss boards, as every post re ms, I have something in common with, not just one or two but all of them, oh except about fatigue, as never had that

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