Tuesday 11 January 2011

Just seventeen

I have just looked at young persons board, and a seventeen year old has just been diagnosed with ms. Personally I would tell her to stay off the mss website and go and get on with her life, but to definitely address any stress issues that she may have, that she actually is not aware that she has, to take some kind of relaxation therapy. The trouble is just being on the site alone will fill her head to the maximum of all that is ms www. this and that, theres loads of advice and empathy but she needs to stay out of that way of life. Was she diagnosed on her second ans her first stressful experience was  traced back into childhood, perhaps puberty or exam time. This just isnt fair when are they going to back off the kids and help them deal with just the stress issue, by teaching them stress avoidance tactics.

My first blip was 7 years before being diagnosed, ms was never ever mentioned didnt even cross my mind, I went desensitised down my left side, but eventually went, just leaving a little residue in tips of fingers of my left hand, it was put down to depression which fitted in at the time and off I went continued as normal with my life, even having my third child. Ignorance was bliss. If I knew what I do now I would have made some changes and addressed the stress issue and send her on her way. This is all so wrong, very, very wrong and these are kids lives they ar playing with, its just wrong.

It has to be realised that the everyday STRESS issue which eventually builds up, must be addressed, I think the human body can only sustain and deal with a certain amount, and then eventually the systemfalters under the strain, perhaps in the form of a fatal heartattack. damaging stress needs to be addressed in society, it is all around us and there is no escape or relief and that is where the damage occurs, not giving any kind of respite in letting us recover, tablets and medication to cover up the issues doesnt fix the problem. We should enjoy life not dread it, we need to pay this a great deal of respect as will kill or be disabling for many, and the financial cost of that is enormous.

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