Friday 14 January 2011

All in hand, don't pannick

So an hour ago I was thinking that I need to find an acupuncturist who practices the Chines way quick quick quick, as not all practise the Chinese way ( hey! is that modern man wanting to scap one or two thousand years of experience, now they need to get with the program.)

Anyways I have through John my Chiropractor purchased a deep tissue  massager, yesterday was the first day I was relaxed enough to access the goin area around the top area of both legs mainly concerntrated on right,
now was that a coincidense to my previous posts experience. I dont think so. I have just done the same thing going from the very top of my thigh down to my ankle, and has a spasming effect (a bit painful,) but def has an effect.

As I was to ill to se John today, I will concerntrate on doing this for a week, and just see how it goes results wise. I am smiling as I type so perhaps that is a indication eh! who knows

Oh and I am drinking water, not copious amounts just about a litre and a half, just to flush out any nasty stuff.

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