Saturday 7 May 2011

The making of money, it just isnt fair

There are too many people making money out of those diagnosed with ms. And I can understand why some believe that they have found a cure especially through diet. As I think Candida could be that particular link.

Information to the diagnosed should be free, they are entitled to free advice and solutions. I see too many adverts for books premoting one thing or another,. its just not fair, for years false hope has been given. those diagnosed are tired of it, tir ed of chasing that non existant cure.

Look at now CCSVI, in my case I know that Chiropractic manipulation of my cervical spine has significantly INCREASED my Blood flow. How do I know because the veins in my hand hat I had inherrited from my father (very veiny) suddenly returned, I had no idea that they had gone. The Atlas alters blood flow, it also effect blood pressure. Another fact that happened was my gums had bled for 9 years or more stopped overnight another bonus.

But because false is given time and time again means that I will not go public until I walk, and that I am working on as I speak.

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