Saturday 4 December 2010

Real people, real experiences

A vast amount of information can be gathered by observing men and womens experiences on the MS website, I can't believe that all of what is said is not taken into serious consideration.

The current feedback from Neuro appointments. their attitudes that in my case correct, but they just havent got it all yet, the penny hasnt dropped. I'm sure that there are many Neurologists that are sooooo confused.

So MS doesnt cause pain, in my case correct, nervous tension does though especially if as in my case your Atlas is misalligned, which has caused my spine to twist, causing neck pain and lower back pain, nothing to do with MS.

So the expression that its all in your head, is true in my case, anxiety stress, nervous tension, had such an influence on me physically especially causing tremor, so I suppose the answer is, yes it was. But its not all a simple as that. People are being left in total distress, now that is a disgrace and very very wrong

There is one partcular item on website, where a wife has all of the symptoms, but tests are clear, this poor woman may be like me, I had all symptoms, but my MRI was positive, so hello some one's got it wrong.

Something is really really wrong, dont just dismiss it, what I say is relevant, and I will not give up never, there are kids out there denied having kids and that is unforgivable if wrongly diagnosed, luckily I'd had mine.

I will fight for all them kids, because they could be mine

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