Sunday 12 December 2010

Where there is stress, you'll find MS

I think the diagnosis of MS is only in western countries,where  stress is considered a part of life.

I quite often think, why it is not evident in poor 3rd world countries, they have bundles of stresses in just finding food. But then it's a differennt kind of stress, even though their children are suseptible to hunger and disease, but I very much doubt MS. In my eyes it has been manufactured by modern man. I think stress is also under estimated in modern countries, its responsible for heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes, depression etc etc the list goes on, it about time all that is possible is done to reduce everyday stresses, especially when you presume you are safe and secure in your own home, only to be badgered by phone calls, junk mail and door to door callers, its not right everyone should be entitled to some kind of respite and peace. Until stress is treated as a major factor to peoples health, the powers that be will always be out of pocket and waisting money on it consequences, which are so distructive to us all. People do thrive on a certain amount of stress and may work fine in a working environment, so back off of our private lives.

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