Saturday 11 December 2010


MS was discovered in the 19th century, are you telling me that theory still stands, as it was back then, no challenge no advancement in science regarding that idea.

Well it looks to me that they are now definitely running with the wrong ball, and barking up the wrong tree.

I had a psychological tension pain that was excaserpated by my bodies misalignment caused by my Atlas, that had become out of place due to me adapting to a stress overload which effected my balance and a 1/2 second delay in message relay, penultimately causing a pain in my neck and lumber area. because of my misalignment, I believe the muscles and tendons have shortened, down my right side, so when trying to outstretch or stand on my right leg, is very painful as if calf is ripping,

Our bodies are an incredible piece of engineering, but if one section becomes misplaced, it causes it to malfunction, in many areas.

The mind and body is so interlinked, and inmy case was able to cause a continuous catch 22 situation, after many months I now know what I am dealing with, and see it as incredibly arrogant to exclude chiropractors as they have been.

No wonder it all has become one complete mess, and those in limboland must be producing clear MRIs and LPs but if like me displaying symptoms synonimus to todays made up mess

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