Tuesday 22 February 2011

I will get to the bottom of it all

I have been awake since 3am, I have discomfort in my lower back, and when I go to for a wee eases off, I need to keep drinking water as helps a lot. I now think the discomfort has something to do with my liver or kidneys, and the knock on effects it causes like flexing/spasm is related to the meridian (acupuncture speak) I also have a tightness in upper right back and neck area. As I have eliminated probs along the way, it  doesnt always come down to just one issue. Take for instance my lower back, some pain might be to do with my kidneys, meridian or its the point where my spine twists. my right side between hips and ribs is incredibly tight, I think that the liver or kidneys may have something to do with that. also I get sometimes an uncomfortable twisting down below, this I also think is down to the meridian, I have learnt how to position myself and relax (dont pannick) to help release area, also I have a deep tissue massager and that is helpful, especially in the groin and hip area. I am still learning things about how my body functions and what effects it. I now only eat fruit, carrots, and drink plenty of water and eat one good balanced meal daily. this helps as I was eating a lot of junk. I need to monitor what actually goes into my body and it doesnt complicate issues and its all easier to manage. I am still taking antibiotics so I might experience some kind of difference when I stop in two days. I am going to continue with seeing John my Chiro, and have now started seeing an Acupuncturist so with these two experts help I will get to the bottom of it all.

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