Tuesday 15 February 2011

2day much better

Yesterday was a really scarey day, my left knee swelled up and was incredibly painful crawling was not an option, I couldnt do anything my whole body felt delecate awkward and my spine was sore and achey. Well I still managed  to see Karen my physio/acupuncturist, as that was before total defunkness happened. Anyway she decided to put needles in my lower back, on ocassion my right leg would flex, which would have a reaction to the needles in my back, interesting eh!

She had also contacted my Dr., very nice Irish lady indeed. My Doctor wants to reveiw me to see if there is anything that she can help me with i.e. physio on the NHS. Now I have had to make a crucial decission as I have spent years staying out of what I see is for me a very blinkered way of looking at the whole MS/Mess thing, but she is a lovely lady and knows about my views sort of, and not to take advantage of her offer would be a bit like cutting off my nose to spite my face. So I will contact her.

Anyway after yesterday being a total wreck and having to reluctantly resort to my wheelchair, and help from my sister (who is a nurse ) and my brother in laws lifting power. I am a lot lot better today, I dont feel as if I am being poisoned from within.

I do believe the swelling is down to the merridian/chi as when I went for a wee this morning there was a distinct stinging/tingling in my knee.

I think it is all linked to what is going on with me healing wise right now, and not just a coincidence

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