Thursday, 31 March 2011

ME and Candida (interesting)

This article was written by Medical Herbalist Jo Dunbar who specialises in treating M.E. and Candida. It was first published by Theresa Coe in the Action for M.E. magazine InterAction (Issue 53, August 2005). She is also the Author of “How to cope successfully with Candida” (Wellhouse Publishing), available from Health Food Shops and Lloyds Chemists, or from Botanica Medica herbal clinic and shop, which is owned and run by Jo. She can be contacted via the Botanica Medica website, or by telephoning 01372 470990.
There lies between M.E. and Candida a definite but sometimes confusing association. Many of the symptoms of Candida overgrowth are alarmingly similar to M.E., and may include long-term debilitating fatigue, headaches, food intolerances or an irregular bowel habit, joint and muscle pain, and brain fog.
Other common symptoms which are much more specific to Candida include hormonal symptoms such as severe Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), mood swings (especially depression), pain behind the breast bone, intolerance to strong odours, dandruff, athletes foot, visual disturbances, oral or genital thrush, an itchy anus and a feeling of bloating or flatulence. I do not believe that everyone with M.E. has a Candida problem, but I think it’s an issue for a significant proportion – particularly people who also have food intolerances, bloating, thrush, or an itchy anus.

Candida is a yeast which naturally lives in the human intestine, but under certain conditions the normally small Candida population can explode with serious consequences to health. From my experience, I would suggest that a Candida overgrowth may result from the immune breakdown in M.E., especially if the sufferer relies on sugar as an energy source (which ‘feeds’ the yeast) and/or coffee, which stimulates the release of blood sugars. However, although Candida alone doesn’t cause M.E., it mimics the symptoms so closely that distinguishing between the two can sometimes be difficult .

Whereas the cause of M.E. still escapes us, the causes of Candida problems are much clearer, which happily makes it easier to treat. Once it has been established that there is a Candida overgrowth, I usually set about treating the Candida, which then leaves a clearer clinical picture regarding what is need to treat M.E.
What Causes Candida?
It often surprises people to find out that Candida lives in our gut naturally, alongside other microscopic bowel flora, without causing us any harm. It may even have the beneficial effect of helping to remove excess heavy metal toxins from our bodies. However, there are certain conditions which allow the yeast organisms to explode very quickly from a normally small population group into an enormous domineering fungal overgrowth. If you have ever seen fruit ferment into wine or bread rise, you get the picture of how quickly yeast can grow, given the right environment.
Once this happens, the yeast can actually change shape from a small non-invasive organism into its aggressive and invasive fungal form which develops root-like structures called mycelia, more of which later.

In my experience, the five major causes of Candida overgrowth include:

1) Depletion of the gut’s friendly bacteria, sometimes caused by long-term antibiotic treatment or gastric infection

2) A breakdown in the immune system, as in the case of M.E., chemotherapy or HIV

3) Excess female hormones for example, as a result of multiple pregnancies, HRT, the Pill, during a pre-menstruation phase or the menopause

4) High blood sugar levels caused either by a high sugar diet, stress or diabetes

5) Drug therapy – mainly antibiotics, steroids, hormone therapies, or immuno-suppressive drugs
How Does It Affect The Body?
Once the yeast has changed into its aggressive fungal form, it penetrates the gut lining by secreting inflammatory chemicals which weaken the wall and allow the mycelia to pierce it, leading to a ‘leaky gut’. The leaky gut is like a hosepipe with large holes in it.

Normally the intestine breaks the food down into tiny particles which are then transported through little gateways in the gut wall into the bloodstream. However the leaky gut allows larger, undigested food particles to enter the blood stream. If the immune system doesn’t recognise these undigested food particles and assumes that they are a ‘foreign invader’, it immediately sets about forming anti-bodies to these foods, thus creating symptoms of food intolerance. Because the immune system is so busy fighting these food intolerances, it becomes hyper-reactive and disrupted. This alone can account for fatigue, allergic-type symptoms such as sinusitis or asthma, and brain-fog.

Furthermore, Candida is known to secrete toxins called mycotoxins, which can suppress the immune system further, as well as causing liver toxicity, headaches, and muscle pain. Once Candida has entered the blood stream, antibodies from the immune system combine with it to form antigen-antibody complexes, which when deposited in the joints, lungs or brain result in joint pain, asthma, depression and hormonal disruption.

Candida, being a yeast, thrives on dark, warm, wet and sugary environments. People with an overgrowth often have intense sugar cravings - this is the yeast demanding to be fed. In the warm moist gut, it ferments the sugars to produce symptoms such as flatulence and bloating, while the inflammatory chemicals released result in poor digestion and absorption, having the knock-on effect of further depleting the body as the sufferer is unable to benefit from nutritional nourishment.
Eight Steps To A Healthier Person
Clearly, gut imbalances leading to Candida overgrowth is a complex problem which requires a multi-faceted approach to treatment, ideally under professional supervision.

1) Get the correct diagnosis
There are several methods of testing for Candida overgrowth, but the most accurate is the saliva or blood test. These measure your immune system’s antibody response to Candida, and so are able to tell you how badly you have it. The only problem may be if your immune system is so exhausted that it cannot raise the antibodies to the Candida, which will result in a false negative.
A stool analysis can also test for Candida, but is less reliable, as sometimes the Candida is so embedded in the gut wall that it does not come out in the stool and again, you might get a false negative. However, the advantage of a stool analysis is that it is also able to analyse your levels of beneficial gut flora (the ‘good’ bacteria), whether you also have a problem with parasites, if you have an inflamed intestine and how effectively you are able to digest and absorb your food. Unfortunately, in my experience the NHS is not interested in looking for Candida overgrowth unless you’re on immune suppressant medication, so most people need to pay privately for tests.

2) Starve the Candida
One of the best ways to start treating yeast overgrowth is by going onto the ‘Candida diet’ for one month before you follow the rest of the program. In this way you starve and weaken the yeast, starting to kill it off gradually, and thus lessening the die-off effects.

By raising blood sugar levels, you are feeding the yeast, so you need to starve the yeast by completely avoiding foods with refined carbohydrates and sugar. In addition, people with a Candida overgrowth often become intolerant to foods with yeast in, (finding that they provoke brain fog and tiredness) due to the antibody reaction mentioned earlier. Yeast-containing foods need to be avoided until you’re better, while your intake of protein, extra virgin olive oil, salads and vegetables, and complex carbohydrates should be increased. It can also help to avoid non-organic foods, as these often contain high levels of antibiotics, pesticides and hormones.

Many people understandably feel that the Candida diet is an awful regime, but investing in a well-illustrated Candida cookbook can make all the difference.

3) Take anti-fungal medications
Your doctor may prescribe anti-fungal drugs such as nystatin, although some may not feel this is justified if you don’t have the more obvious symptoms of ongoing thrush etc. However, you can use a wide range of very effective herbal and nutritional remedies such as oregano, pau D’arco, cinnamon, or caprylic acid. In treating Candida, I usually use two or three ‘natural’ anti-fungals at once and frequently alternate them to maximise effectiveness.

4) Heal the leaky gut
Herbal teas such as calendula and chamomile can be drunk to stimulate the healing of the intestinal lining, whilst nutritional supplements such as L-glutamine and MSM provide the necessary building blocks for the healing process. The gut lining can take at least three months to repair. Given that food intolerances will slow down healing, a laboratory food intolerance test is also advisable.

5) Re-populate the gut with friendly bacteria
The two major probiotics or ‘friendly’ gut bacteria which help keep intestinal yeast in check are lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium. Don’t be tempted to use cheap probiotic drinks as found on supermarket shelves. These contain the minor gut bacteria and are usually in a very sugary liquid – perfect for encouraging fungal growth. Other cheap probiotic supplements have been shown to be made up of dead or ineffective bacteria. You really do get what you pay for in probiotics.

6) Boost the immune system
In Candida, as with M.E., we have one part of the immune system which is overactive, resulting in inflammatory conditions such as muscle and joint pain and food intolerances, and the other side which is depressed, resulting in a poor response to the yeast challenge. Herbs such as echinacea, astragalus or sutherlandia are superb at boosting and rebalancing the immune system.

7) Detox the liver
Herbs such as burdock, dandelion root, ginger and lemon juice are very good at encouraging the flow of bile, which flushes toxins out of the liver to be released in the stool. Other foods such as celery, fennel, parsley and watercress encourage toxins to be eliminated via the kidneys. Hot Epsom salt baths also encourage the elimination of toxins via the skin, while therapeutic massage helps to shift toxins into the lymphatic system and the kidneys for elimination. Drinking lots of water is absolutely imperative to facilitating the detoxification process.

8) Aid the digestive process
Digestive enzyme supplements support the digestion and absorption of food, and in doing the work for the digestive system, give it the rest it needs for recovery. A sluggish bowel means that any toxins released are able to seep back into the system, thus prolonging the die-off effect as well as contributing to tiredness and headaches. To offset this problem, mix two tablespoons of linseeds (whole or crushed) daily with some live plain yoghurt (providing you are not dairy intolerant), to facilitate regular and easy evacuation of the stools.

A word about die-off:
The bad news is that as the yeast dies, it releases its toxins into the blood stream, which can leave you feeling like you have a bad hangover. This die-off period can last between three days and two weeks. However, if your liver and bowels are working at optimum, you will be able to get rid of the toxins more quickly, and with a careful treatment program, the die-off may even be avoided. This is one of the reasons why I always recommend seeking professional help if you want to tackle suspected Candida problems.
Where Do We Go From Here?

If you do suffer from both Candida and M.E., treating the Candida can in my experience help to reduce many M.E. symptoms. By clearing the toxic load on the body, relieving the immune system of the Candida and food intolerance burden through anti-fungal medicines and diet, and boosting the immune system with herbs and probiotics, you will have gone quite some way towards helping the body to heal.

Realistically, getting Candida under control takes between 3 and 18 months, depending on how severe it is. While you would need to stick to the diet for some time, most people can gradually re-introduce fruit and enjoy the occasional sweet treat as they start to feel better. Once the Candida is under control (this may be confirmed through another Candida test), you can set about tackling the M.E. by continuing to treat the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, and by using adaptogenic herbs to build stamina.

Although there is no quick fix for either condition, people who aren’t sure whether Candida is a problem for them and are low in funds might want to try out a sugar and yeast-free diet whilst including live yoghurt and natural anti-fungals in their diet (e.g. raw garlic) for a fortnight. If there’s no difference in your symptoms, Candida may not be a factor in your illness, whilst a flare-up would suggest ‘die-off’, and an improvement in health would also be a good sign.

Although I strongly recommend professional treatment both for support as well as access to professional remedies, from a practitioners point of view, treating both Candida and M.E. very definitely also requires the patient’s input in terms of sticking to the diet and making sure that you get the rest needed to recover - because if these two areas are not adhered to, even the best treatment programme will be sabotaged.

conventional medicine and holistic could work so well together

I thought that I would try and find myself a local Doctor who practices conventional medicine but also has an understanding of holistic/alternative treatments too. I gave up after making several calls to different departments, even NHS direct, no luck because the task was so frustrating I chose to give up, I contacted the local wellbeing clinic, who do get patients referred to them, but the identity of the surgery is withheld from them.

I find this must be very upsetting and annoying for those who wish this kind of doctor, for a modern country, we are stuck where there is complete openess in giving people a choice, it all seems very wrong, especially the progress that could be made here especially where stress is concerned, we as a nation are not very progressive in this area at all.

There are answers out there

As everyone knows here I dont think MS even exists it is all conjecture and heresay with a lot of symptoms that are atributed to in the very first instance stress, which triggers some kind of overload that then causes temporary anomilies in our motor skills or sensory problems, the balance issues then causes the need to adapt to stay upright and this causes an Atlas misalignment, that when the blip is over, makes it impossible to adapt back, this then causes further misalignments in the spine also causing it to twist, and this then effects the bladder meridian and bladder itself, if thats not enough this also has many other knock on effects to other parts of the body and because our internal ability to dispose of waste material, this upsets the whole balance of our system even to the point of causing heat intolerance in hot weather as the urinery disposes of unwanted energies.

My second and very significant problem is Candida, what if this was not triggered by antibiotics but in stress or what it would consider poor diet, as unable to process it correctly.

MS for me doesnt come into it, but these two factors do, as the second has caused me lower back kidney pain, which at times has been quite severe in fact very. Through the strict diet I am now on which includes herb suppliments etc my kidney pain is lessening.

I believe that I have had both of these issues for a long long time, Candida has totally invaded my system and as each day passes that is becoming more apparent.

There are answers out there I have benefited greatly from acupuncture along the bladder line and am at present having chiropractic manipulation, but to progress further this now Candida issue needs to be addressed. And that I am now able to do. Thank goodness for the internet I say, as this all has been my own research. As I have stayed out of any existing flawed system as the are solely focussed on scientific remedies, and have shunned all holistic or alternative therapies as to them there are no answer, we as on that they are very, very wrong.

Over 40 different countries have viewed this blog which is not in the public sector,  It heartens me that there has been such an interest, it is good to talk for debate and discussion and for questions to be asked and answered. I have now found hopefully all of mine now and in that helps others to find theirs

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

We need to move forward

We go to the Doctors and wholeheartedly trust them with our health, they give us a prescription and off we trot happy with the result, but wait a minute, does everything need a drug, the answer to that is no. In todays society holistic/alternative medicine is the way forward, as there are many answers to be found there, to medicate depression, should only be a short term solution, to give extra support to tackle the underlying problem, which is stress related, either workwise, moneywise, or relationshipwise, these people need to resolve their problems, not to just live with it with the help of happy pills, I should know, I was on amitriptyline as an anti depressant for seven years at least,  it solved nothing, nothing at all and its only now that I can see that and so clearly too.

Doctors arent gods, and it is time we realised that, and we think that because a pill prescribed can make us feel better, but it is not addressing the problem.

millions must be wasted, a cost the NHS can ill afford.

This whole Candida issue for me knocks them off that ever so high pedastool that they sit on, my own experiences confirms it to me. this Candida thing is big and covers a vast array of illnesses and has been ignored by Doctors because of the antibiotic link for years, so has been allowed to manifest in what I believe to be now epic proportions, as can mimic many other illnesses.

Holistic Chinese and Alternative medicine is the  future, not drugs, the underlying problem whether psychological or physical needs to be addressed. And soon too.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

If there is a link with cancer, they have made a massive mistake

I know this is off the ms thing, but way before I knew about Candida, but when I had become interested in the urinary system  etc. I thought of my Dad who died a couple of years ago of prostrate cancer, I kept wondering if the urinery system of elliminating waste energy from his system had anything to do with his illness. Now that i have read some things on Candida and of my own experiences of elliminating past built up toxins from my own system, it would not at all surprise me if there is a link between cancer. And if this is remotely possible, the medical profession has made a massive mistake in keeping Candida from public knowledge, catastrophic even.

 I imagine that the bladder merridian has a connection to as leaves the torso to go  to the leg and circles round the sexual organs, perhaps my imagination is running riot, but it would make sense.

You see my Dad didnt smoke, ate very healthily, but unfortunately stressed, which I inherited I'm affraid. I'm suitably chilled these days though.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Coming out could be a good thing

If they went public with Candida, it could revolutionise the way people look at theirs and their childrens health, junk food would become a viable risk, as would unneccesary stress and the unneccessary prescribing of antibiotic drugs, unless in extreme circumstances and where a acidophillus, would also be administered to replenish the good bacteria that would be destroyed by the use of antibiotics.

I am today through NHS Direct trying to fiind a Doctors Surgery that also has an hollistic/alternative approach this is where the future of medicine is, and advice etc needs to be accepted from the Chinese way of the deep respect that they have for the mind body and spirit, what they know is thousands of years old and we need to know it and respect it as they do. Every Surgery should have access to both, thus giving US the choice of how we wish to be treated.

Montel has done all the donkey work yet again

The Montel Williams show featuring details re a misaligned Atlas, amongst other contributary factors, influenced and interested me greatly several years ago, and is one the reasons why I have persued the avenues I have ventured down. I today learn that he also interviewed Ann Boroch, who overcame her ms symptoms through  diet (anti candida ) I am amazed at how close Montel was at the joining of all these dots together. Again he has all the bases covered and indepth by interview, yet again this one man has done all the ground work.

When I set up this blog I desperately tried to inform Mr. Williams of it, I felt that I owed it to him as he had influenced me greatly. but allas dont know if I succeeded or not. As that is a man I would like to thank. And that is sincerely not all stupidly starstruck or anything like that. So thanx, it may one day get back to you

For Doctors to manipulate this situation is bad news

The silent epidemic in the United States is Candida albicans overgrowth. One out of three people are suffering from Candida overgrowth. This condition is continually ignored by Western medicine because its symptoms mimic so many other conditions. It is to be taken seriously and is one of the greatest causes of physical imbalance today.

What Is Candida?

Candida albicans is a harmless yeast that naturally lives in everyone's gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes and on the skin. It lives there in a symbiotic world in a healthy person's body. When your body's ecosystem becomes imbalanced Candida overgrowth can occur thus allowing it to attack any organ or system in your body.

What Causes Candida Overgrowth?

Antibiotics, steroids: cortisone, prednisone, birth-control pills, estrogen replacement therapy, poor diet, chemotherapy, radiation, stress, and alcohol overuse are what cause Candida albicans overgrowth.

The Detriment Of Taking Antibiotics

The United States, because of its protocol of antibiotic overuse, has one of the highest numbers of people with Candida albicans overgrowth. A vicious cycle starts with the use of antibiotics. For example, you have an infection, usually a cold or flu, and you visit your doctor. The problem starts right there because antibiotics are for bacterial infections not viral ones. Antibiotics are useless when it comes to colds and flues. Overuse also creates super germs that are resistant to common antibiotics and these germs that you used to be able to kill off become life threatening.

Nonetheless, you take the antibiotic, which wipes out the good and bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract but does not affect Candida albicans. Without the friendly bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria present, Candida albicans will multiply. It only takes having had one dose of antibiotics in your lifetime to raise yeast levels in the body. Think about how many times you've had antibiotics in your lifetime along with the antibiotics you get from consuming dairy and animal products.

You're not only dealing with yeast overgrowth but also the fact that Candida albicans puts out 79 toxic by-products, all of which weaken your immune system. One of the major toxins produced from Candida albicans is acetaldehyde, which is transformed by the liver to ethanol (alcohol), creating the feeling of intoxication and brain fog. There have been cases where Candida patients have been pulled over and tested positive with elevated blood alcohol levels above normal.

As the immune system continues to weaken from yeast overgrowth and its toxic by-products, more infections arise and you end up at the doctor's office taking more antibiotics. Thus a vicious cycle has been created.

If yeast overgrowth is not arrested it will change form into a pathogenic (disease producing) fungus with roots causing a myriad of symptoms. This fungus burrows its roots into the intestinal lining, creates leaky gut, allowing the yeast/fungus to go into the bloodstream. This systemic yeast infection is called Candidiasis.

A poor diet (refined sugar, dairy products, fermented foods) and high stress levels keep feeding the yeast overgrowth. Digestion becomes impaired, essential vitamins and minerals are lacking, and healthy cells are not replicated to repair the body. The result is chronic progressive disease over time.

What Candida Albicans Likes To Attack

Candida albicans overgrowth primarily targets the nerves and muscles, yet it can attack any tissue or organ in the body depending on your body's predisposition. The most common symptoms are, indigestion, bloating, gas, fatigue, disorientation, poor memory, numbness, abdominal pain, constipation, attacks of anxiety, depression, irritability and shaking when hungry, incoordination, headaches, rashes, vaginal yeast infections, and urinary frequency. You may experience a few of these symptoms or many to have Candidiasis.

Dr. William Crook, M.D. author of the book "The Yeast Connection" is an expert in Candida and his books describe the condition in detail. I've included his questionnaire so that you can score yourself to become more aware of the symptoms that correlate to Candidiasis.

As time passes without treatment of the Candida albicans overgrowth, your immune system becomes more compromised, and the fungal overgrowth can interfere with nutrient absorption, altering amino acid and protein metabolism, which can alter multiple body functions. These imbalances create a situation in which the Candida overgrowth may be primary or secondary as the core problem, but either way it must be treated.

How To Know If You Have Candida?

The way in which you identify if you have Candida albicans overgrowth is to see a healthcare practitioner that treats this condition. By taking Dr. Crook's test you will have a good idea if Candida is a factor for you. I use his test, along with taking an extensive case history, performing a physical examination, and if needed a blood test and/or stool test to detect Candida albicans overgrowth.

If my patient's test results are negative that does not mean that I won't treat them for the condition because I rely heavily on my examination and their case history. A negative result may also mean the yeast is localized in the gut and is not in the blood.

Emotional/Mental Imbalances

Emotional and mental imbalances are a common occurrence with Candida albicans overgrowth. Depression is an almost constant component of systemic illness related to chronic yeast growth in the tissues. The reason is the link between the gut and the brain. Leaky gut allows the fungus and toxins to reach the brain, especially with a liver that is overstressed.

Unfortunately negative labels are given when you are imbalanced emotionally/mentally, implying that psychosis or neurosis is your initiating cause. Do not buy into the judgments you may receive from doctors. Search for the right healthcare practitioner that will treat your body/mind as whole.


Once Candida albicans overgrowth has been identified, treatment follows by killing the fungus/yeast and its toxins. It is killed by taking an antifungal supplement and modifying your diet so that there is nothing for the yeast to feed on. Treatment is simple but takes diligence. An antifungal source either herbal or pharmaceutical must be taken. When your condition is mild an herbal compound/supplement is sufficient. If your condition is chronic or severe, Nystatin and/or Diflucan, or strong herbal compounds used by alternative health care practitioners are what I find to be most effective.

Go HERE to see a chart of conditions directly or indirectly caused by Candida Overgrowth (PDF)


Nystatin comes from a soil-based organism that is concentrated and works by directly killing the yeast. It is safe and effective and can be used with pregnant mothers and infants. 1 pill (500,000 units) taken three times a day is usually the recommended dosage for an adult. If the powder, Nilstat, is used a 1/8th tsp. is taken 3 times a day orally either directly on the tongue or mixed with a little water.  Work up to three times daily to manage die-off symptoms. The difference with the powder is that it does not contain any dye and kills yeast living in the mouth and esophagus as well in the gastrointestinal tract.

Nystatin is not well absorbed into the bloodstream but with prolonged use it can get into the blood, helping those with autoimmune diseases. The problem is that most doctors prescribe Nystatin for less than 6 weeks. Better results show with a usage of three months or longer. In my case of MS I took Nystatin for two years. If you have a mild case of Candidiasis 3 or 4 months of Nystatin is usually sufficient.


Diflucan (fluconazole), an antifungal synthetic drug, is found to be effective against systemic (in the blood) Candida overgrowth. It is ten times stronger than Nystatin, but it also more toxic to the liver. If Diflucan is used longer than a couple of weeks have your doctor test and monitor your liver enzymes. When you have symptoms of depression or any mental imbalance, Diflucan can give you a jump-start on eradicating the fungus. I recommend taking one Diflucan pill (4 pills total), every other day for the first week and then switching to Nystatin because it is safer and can be monitored better. Unlike Diflucan, Nystatin permeates the areas of the GI tract where yeast overgrowth usually originates and it is essential to tackle both the blood and the gut in a chronic or severe case.

Herbal Antifungals

If your case is mild or a pharmaceutical antifungal cannot be secured there are many good herbal compounds available. Ones that I recommend are Candida Cleanse by Rainbow Light or Fungal Defense by Garden of Life (available at health food stores). If you cannot get either one then look for yeast eliminating products at your health food store containing a mixture of some of the following ingredients: Pau D'arco, Oregon grape root, garlic, berberine, undecylinic acid, caprylic acid, black walnut, grapefruit seed extract, and oregano oil, ginger, gentian root, marshmallow, and fennel. * Work up slowly to the maximum dose.

Die-Off Reactions

Note that starting a program of food elimination and taking an antifungal can create a Herxheimer reaction, in which you experience die-off symptoms from killing the yeast. Basically you may feel worse before you feel better. To assist with this process make sure that your elimination pathways are open such as the liver, bowel, kidneys, lungs, and skin.

A daily bowel movement is essential. If needed take fiber powder, a source with citrus pectin's, flax seed, or rice bran, not one with psyllium in it as it can create more gas and bloating. Gentle Fibers by Jarrow is a good fiber product. Take 1 level tbsp. in 10 oz. of water. Increase dosage in a week if needed. Drink a quart of red clover tea (hot or cold) daily to assist with cleansing the blood, liver, and kidneys. To make the tea boil 1 quart of filtered water and turn it off. Add 3 tea bags of red clover and let it steep for 15 minutes. Also engage in doing deep breathing several times a day to helps to remove toxins from the lungs. Exercise if you feel you can. Brisk walking or yoga is sufficient.

Symptoms of Die-Off

Flu-like symptoms, headaches, aches, or abdominal distress may be present as part of your detox process. If your die-off symptoms are too intense cut down on your dosage of the antifungal and increase it slowly as you feel you can handle it. Stick with the program and work with your healthcare practitioner. Having these symptoms usually means that you are on the right track because toxins are pouring out into the bloodstream. After a couple of days to a week these initial symptoms will pass. Consume as much water as possible in addition to drinking the red clover tea.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Spare a thought for the young ones

Theres always one more thing that I have to say, I just can let it go and this is one of them. We spend our children's childhood protecting and caring for them from all hidden dangers in society,  thankfully they reach young adulthood unscathed, we place untold stresses on our young adults particularly education wise, with exams and all the worry of getting into a university that they wish to attend etc. then they experience a stress overload that their body then sends them a warning in the form of temporary sensorary or balance problems (remember this is just a warning) which is then taken and totally misunderstood by todays medical proffession, as in being a diagnosis of ms, no alternative investigations here, if there are plaques present then its definitely ms. This I challenge as being incorrect and this I will eventually prove by walking, didnt bank on the Candida input but well that is a good thing as answers many questions that I and my Chiropractor had.

Anyway my point is yes I could walk away and get on with my own life, I'm ok Jack type of  thing, but that I will not do young adults are being diagnosed with what I can only see as a fictitious illness, they get to dsay 17,18, 19 early 20's and their futures are snuffed out by two tiny initials m and s. This is so wrong on so many levels its unbelievable, and while this terrible act continues to happen, I will make others aware that there are alternative answers here, a misaligned Atlas, Candida or as in my case both. I and you out there should fight for these kids, as they could be your daughters and sons, your nieces and nephews, or even your brothers and sisters. They deserve our protection against an incorrect system. And I will do my upmost to make sure that they have mine, I've had my life, had my children, which is nothing less than they deserve.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

This is a serious issue

Conquering Candida
Sam Rose, CN MS

        Candidiasis, an overgrowth of the yeast, Candida Albicans, is quite a controversial subject these days. On one side there are a few medical doctors and a slew of alternative practitioners who blame Candida for everything from migraines to cancer. On the other, the medical establishment, generally refuses to recognize the seriousness of this condition, primarily because it’s symptoms so closely mimic those of other conditions.  As with most controversies, the truth likely resides somewhere between the two extreme points of view.  My own experience has convinced me that, to varying degrees, Candida is a problem for a large number of Americans. If you’re wondering whether it’s a problem for you, read on.

The symptoms of Candida overgrowth
        In general, symptoms will include two or more of the following: fatigue, depression, brain fog, insomnia, bloating, gas, intestinal cramps, chronic diarrhea or constipation, sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes or other odors, loss of sex drive, allergies and food sensitivities. And that’s just for starters. If you are a woman, you might also experience recurrent yeast infections, bladder infections, and have painful menstruation or PMS. A man might suffer from persistent jock itch, athlete’s foot, other fungal infections, or prostititis. Symptoms in children can include recurring colds, sore throats, ear infections, and digestive problems like gas, constipation or diarrhea.

        The most common sign of Candida is a craving for sugar and starches like bread and pasta (which quickly convert to sugar in the body). This is because Candida uses sugar as its primary fuel. Think about how many people you know who crave sweets and/or bread and you’ll have some idea of the extent of this problem.

        While Candida may not be responsible for every illness that befalls mankind, letting it go unattended for years can lead to a variety of chronic health problems. Candida produces a potent toxin called canditoxin which suppresses the immune system at the cellular level.
        Once in the blood, Candida can cause symptoms such as migraine headaches, irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, eczema, hyperactivity, weight gain, chemical and inhalant allergies and rheumatoid arthritis. Candida “short-circuits” the body’s defenses at its deepest levels. That’s why attempts to rid the body of any of candida’s symptoms without addressing the candida itself, usually prove futile, and why allopathic doctors have a relatively poor track record treating many of these conditions.

Why has Candidiasis become nearly epidemic in America?
        The extensive use of broad spectrum antibiotics destroys much of the “good” bacteria in our gut that would otherwise keep candida in its place. Many women are aware that taking antibiotics for a bladder infection virtually guarantees an onset of a vaginal yeast infection.

        Birth control pills and estrogen replacement therapy are also thought to put women at a greater risk for Candidiasis. Yeast, a natural inhabitant of the vagina, proliferates in the presence of the estrogen in these drugs. According to Candida expert Leon Chaitow, N.D., fully 35% of women using birth control pills have associated cases of acute vaginal candidiasis.

        There is no doubt that the main culprit responsible for opening the door to candida overgrowth is a poor diet, high in sugar and white flour. According to Newsweek Magazine, In Sugar We Trust (July 13, 1998), the average American now consumes 150 lbs. of sugar per year, up 28 lbs. since 1970. And we’re paying the price. Our bodies’ digestive and eliminative systems have become sluggish under the strain of our inadequate, sugar laden diet. When sugary foods remain in our intestines for two to three days (the average transit time for Americans) we become a veritable smorgasbord for all sorts of opportunistic organisms, including Candida Albicans.

 Getting Rid of Candida

        To win the battle with Candida you must avoid sugar. This is more challenging than you might think. Sugar goes by many names and has a way of sneaking into our diets wearing many disguises. Make sure nothing you eat contains sucrose, dextrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glycogen, glucose, mannitol, sorbitol, galactose, maple syrup, maple sugar, molasses, brown sugar, raw sugar, date sugar, turbinado sugar, nutra-sweet (contains lactose), aspartame, corn syrup, honey, and fruit juice. They are all sugar, and fuel for yeast. If your cravings for something sweet are strong, try Stevia, a sweet herb that is safe to use on this program.

        You’ll want to avoid all refined, white flour products. This includes most pastas, breads and other baked goods, which also contain yeast, another no-no. My clients have had very good results when they remove wheat altogether.

        It is also important to stay away from alcohol, and fruits - again, because of their high sugar content. All dairy products are out. Also eliminate mushrooms, sprouts, and most nuts (with the exception of almonds), because of possible mold contamination. All vinegar, except for raw apple cider vinegar, and other fermented foods, are verboten.

        At this point you’re probably wondering what you can eat.

        One of the most important foods is protein. Because it is acid forming, protein helps to create an unfriendly environment for the alkaline dependant yeast. For the first month or two of a Candida program, eat plenty of naturally raised chicken, turkey, fish and eggs, free of hormones and antibiotics. All kinds of  fresh vegetables are also great, especially ocean vegetables, because of their high mineral content.

         The grains quinoa and buckwheat are made into pastas or noodles. Millet and amaranth can be substituted for rice which, because of its high glycemic index (turns to sugar quickly in the body) is also off limits for now. Beans (garbanzo, kidney, pinto, black etc.) are fine as long as they don’t make you too gassy, and other starches like corn and potatoes are allowed.

        Use your imagination, and this new way of eating can be a real adventure. If you need some help, there are a number of good Candida cook books on the market.


        Supporting your immune system during its fight with Candida is important. The antioxidants A, C, E, zinc, selenium, Glutathione and NAC should be included. Take the load off the liver with milk thistle and lecithin. Garlic, goldenseal root, cinnamon bark, cloves, Pau d’arco, Caprylic acid, and zinc tannates all have candicidal properties.

        Repopulating Candida’s natural enemies, lactobacillus acidophilus, which inhabits the small intestine, and bifido bacteria which lives in the oxygen-poor environment of the colon, is very important. Look for non-dairy, high potency products.

There are potentially dozens of supplements that might be of benefit. Have a qualified nutritionist design a supplemental program that is right for you. But the fact is, regardless of which supplements you use, the key to your success will be the adjustments you make in your eating habits.

        Candidiasis is a problem that will not go away by itself. Left unaddressed it will become entrenched, migrate from your intestines to other organs, weaken your immune system and ultimately threaten your health.

A must read on ms and Candidas experience

Mycotoxins: etiology for Multiple Sclerosis - Letters to the Editor - Letter to the Editor

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Nov, 2003 by Deanna Benson

My name is Deanna Benson, a 55 year-old widow. In 1991 I was diagnosed by a neurologist to have Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I had the classic symptoms which included numbness in my arms and legs, I was so numb front my waist down that I could not feel the sensation of urination. My right leg was weak and my right ankle dropped so I walked with a limp. I also had recurrent iritis in my eyes. I often stammered when I was on the phone. When I turned 49 and hit menopause, my problem became more pronounced, I was easily tired, my memory became much poorer, I experienced anxiety episodes and frequent headaches. I was also becoming more and more sluggish and constipated, my hormone replacement therapy (Provera) did not alleviate much of my menopausal symptoms and hot flashes were getting unmanageable. At that point I decided to consult with Colet Lahoz, RN, MS a licensed acupuncturist. I heard her speak at a workshop and was very impressed with her work and her perspective about healing. She combines acupuncture, herbal medicine and diet and had remarkable success in treating conditions like mine.
I consulted with her in May 1997, and as part of an intake interview I filled out the questionnaire to determine if I had a long standing, untreated condition called Candidiasis. She was able to pick up this possibility when I mentioned that I had severe sweet cravings but that every time I ate too much refined sugar, my symptoms became more pronounced, especially the fatigue. The fact that my symptoms all got magnified during damp, cloudy days also were indicative of candidiasis. I scored high on the Candida profile which indicated I was positive for systemic fungal infection. She explained that her research as well as other research done by other specialists such as Dr. A.V. Constantini (director of the WHO division on mycotoxins), has documented the link between mycotoxins (the toxins from fungi absorbed in the bloodstream) and the development of autoimmune diseases and even malignancies. Colet Lahoz claimed that she has observed this link in patients with diagnoses such as Lupus Erythematosus, Sjogrens Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and that putting them on the antifungal therapy reversed the autoimmune condition. I found this information very exciting and could not wait to get on the program.
The three-fold regimen I had to follow included a change in diet. She advised mc strongly to adhere to the diet strictly, especially the first three months, in order to get the best results. The diet I followed eliminated all refined sugars, even fruits for the first three months, alcoholic beverages, any food items containing yeast as an ingredient, coffee and dairy. I was allowed to have vegetables, grains, nuts, organic meat, eggs, seafood, and emphasized the importance of eating fresh foods, free from mold.
She also put me on an antifungal mix which included Caprol (liquid capryllic acid, an antifungal), liquid Bentonite, psyllium husks and seeds. I took these together twice a day as a shake. I also took acidophilus to replenish friendly bacteria in my gut.
The third part of my treatment regimen was a series of acupuncture treatments spaced about once a week. These treatments were to repair the damage caused by the longterm fungal infection which has damaged my immune function, my nervous system, and is causing the many symptoms including the MS I was experiencing.
She also advised me to learn to meditate and I used the self-hypnosis tape "Self Healing: A Meditation with Colors," a 25-minute meditation developed by Colet Lahoz.
I must say that by the 4th visit, I was beginning to feel better, the numbness in my arms and legs were the first to feel relief, and to my amazement, I could feel myself urinate again. As I began to improve, she advised me to try getting off the Provera, because hormone therapy can promote fungal overgrowth. I got off the Provera in June 1997 and have not used it since. Instead I use progesterone cream (Femarone) and Colet uses acupuncture points and Chinese herbal medicine to correct the imbalance as shown in my pulses.
By the 5th visit, I was able to report that my ankle functioned much better and I was able to walk with a more normal gait. As the weeks went by my symptoms got better and I also recognized that when I cheated on my diet or missed taking my antifungals regularly my symptoms would worsen.
By the 6th week, I reported that my recurrent vaginal itching had completely gone and that my headaches were less often and when they occurred they were less intense. Needless to say, I was very thrilled and I adhered to the program closely. I am happy to report that after three months my energy had improved to the point that I was able to work full time for the first time since 1991. The symptoms that were attributed to MS were reversed and was pronounced by my neurologist to be "in remission."
I continued the antifungal regimen, rotating antifungals every three months. After three months I was able to tolerate having fruits and I tapered my acupuncture visits to twice a month (every other week). It has been three years since I was first seen by Colet Lahoz at the East West Clinic. My MS is still "in remission" and all the other symptoms attributed to candidiasis such as fatigue, sugar craving, vaginal itching, and recurrent headaches are stable. I continue to receive acupuncture treatments once a month for preventive maintenance. I believe that I possibly still have MS but that the treatments keep it under control. When I am overextended and tired, or am sick with the flu, the old symptoms of numbness and weakness seem to recur, but as soon as I get balanced through the acupuncture treatments and I am able to sleep, the symptoms disappear.

Friday, 25 March 2011

2 many coincidences



Candida Overgrowth and the resulting leaky gut syndrome may lead to the production and distribution of toxins that may affect the brain  and nervous system it may also release metabolites that are toxic and interfere with biochemical processes.
A yeast cell may produce over 75 known toxic substances here are a few: 
Canditoxin, injected into rats was shown to cause unsettled behavior, paralysis of the limbs and ultimately death. 
 Ethanol (alcohol) is known to cause fatigue, aggression, depression and toxicity. 
Tartaric acid may compromise cellular energy production, and may be associated with the fatigue and cognitive problems (brain fog) that often accompany chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia it is also toxic to muscles and may cause muscle pain. 
Arabinose is another yeast metabolite, and may play a role in hypoglycemia and protein dysfunctions. 
Opiate mimics, partially digested molecules from dairy and wheat products such as casomorphine (from dairy products) and gluteomorphine/gliadorphine (from wheat and other grass seeds) may cross the blood brain barrier. They can  act like morphine by interacting with the brain's opioid system , this is central to the regulation of cognition, pain perception, memory, blood pressure, sexual activity and some aspects of immune function.
 Acetaldehyde (AH CH3CHO), is a nasty neurotoxin and another waste by-product of sugar fermentation caused by Candida overgrowth. It is said to promote damage to the brain structure and function through numerous pathways. AH may combine with red blood cells, proteins, enzymes, and other substances present in the gut or gut lining, and then travel through the bloodstream to reach the brain. 
Neurotoxins may be involved in some types of seizures and where no other cause can be found surely every alternative should be considered especially non evasive ones.   
Autism and Asperger's syndrome
If a leaky gut lets partially digested particles enter the bloodstream and evoke an immune response this may affect the nervous system this may contribute to some symptoms of autism.Other toxins may interact with the opioid system that is important in modulating perception, cognition, emotions, mood and behavior. 

 Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) have long been linked to, food intolerances , allergies , nutrient deficiencies , the presence of neurotoxins , and over use of antibiotics ,  and when looking at natural ways of controlling this disorder controlling candida overgrowth should be considered an important step if only to be eliminated as a causative factor . 
Headaches, Fatigue, Depression Schizophrenia and Tourette's 
Candida overgrowth can be been linked to almost any nervous system problem the effect it may have as it travels through the body, producing toxins, upsetting nutrient absorption, disrupting the endocrine system, and confusing the immune system, makes it clear that it must always be eliminated as a causative factor, by controlling candida, and repairing the gut the nervous system and the body in general can have a chance to reach optimum health.  

Remember Alternative medicine can work in with Western Treatment

What if a misaligned Atlas and Candida is it, I have both

Candida is a yeast infection which begins in the digestive system and little by little spreads to other parts of the body. It produces a large number of different toxins which weaken the immune system, glands, kidneys, bladder, lungs, liver, brain and NERVOUS SYSTEM. It is believed to be a contributing factor to chronic fatigue, depression, mood swings, anxiety, immune weakness, allergies and general systemic degeneration.

Again the waste system i.e. urinery and gut systems are comprimised in a big way, that is why a low carb diet is good for those with ms, interesting eh! again if the original theory is wrong as in why plaques occur, everything that follows is incorrect too.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Candida needs to be accepted by Doctors

Conventional Doctors need to recognise Candida as I have it, I have read some stuff on it. It is now possible that it is at epidemic proportions, it can cause numerous problems, can also be mistaken as rheumatoid arthritus, its implications for many many things is enormous, people can have it and not know.

This is SERIOUSLY massive, it needs to be treated with the urgency it  deserves.

I know how it has invaded my whole system and the  problems it has caused, I will beat it, but thank God I now know I have it.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Now I can go

Hi! all thank you for taking such an interest in this blog. I seem to have now covered all bases, ticked all boxes, mine and many other answers are a misaligned Atlas, plus the presence of Candida in the system. I think I have had this for quite sometime, it has invaded all areas and had a physical effect, but now I am dealing with it, and trust me I will win.

So I now leave it up to you guys to progress with the Atlas and Candida theory, I know its right for me and now I can get fixed with a clear conscience, that I have done my best to share my findings.

So to all of you out there, farewell and good luck at making a huge difference.

Thank you
Fiona Marshall

Me thinks its the antibiotic link, the one thats been brushed under carpet

Association between multiple sclerosis and Candida species: evidence from a case-control study.

Department of Neurology, University Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain.


Candida infection among multiple sclerosis (MS) patients has not been studied in depth. We determined whether there is an association between serological evidence of Candida infection and MS. Blood specimens were obtained from 80 MS patients and 240 matched controls. Immunofluorescence analysis and ELISA were used to detect Candida species antibodies and slot-blot to detect antigens. Using immunofluorescence analysis, moderate to high concentrations of serum antibodies to Candida famata were present in 30 (37.5%) MS patients vs. 30 (12.5%) controls (p < 0.001). Results for Candida albicans were 47.5% (38/80) in MS patients vs. 21.3% (51/240) in controls (p < 0.001), for Candida parapsilosis 37% (28/80) vs. 17.1% (41/240) (p < 0.001) and for Candida glabrata 46.3% (37/80) vs. 17.5% (42/240) (p < 0.001), respectively. After adjusting for age and gender, the odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for MS, according to the presence of Candida antigens were: 2.8 (0.3-23.1, p = 0.337) for Candida famata; 1.5 (0.7-3.4, p = 0.290) for Candida albicans; 7.3 (3.2-16.6, p < 0.001) for Candida parapsilosis; and 3.0 (1.5-6.1, p = 0.002) for Candida glabrata. The results were similar after excluding ten patients on immunosuppressants. The results of this single study suggest that Candida species infection may be associated with increased odds of MS.
PMID: 20556470 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

another candida and MS expierence

Candida Albicans and MS - a life story

[A few MSers have asked me about this, and I meant to write it years ago. A bit late then, I hope the following helps.]

Ah, the enemy! The dreaded fungus that is Candida Albicans (commonly known as just ‘Candida’), that is the ruination of so many people – whether they know it or not. And, almost certainly, a contributing factor in – if not the actul cause of - multiple sclerosis (MS).

I probably need a disclaimer here. I am no medical expert and certainly not a microbiologist. I’m just someone talking from experience who’s done lots of research (many naturopaths agree) and who, most importantly I think, isn’t afraid to face the truth – even when it involves a revolting little parasite living within our own bodies that decides to take charge!

I owe much of the ground-work for what I know to Leon Chaitow who with his book, CANDIDA ALBICANS Could yeast be your problem?* probably saved my life. I cannot recommened this text highly enough for anyone who wants to know more, and maybe has their own suspect symptoms of a “yeast allergy”. Information I give from Mr.Chaitow I will bracket L.C.* and the book itself I will give details of at the end of this piece.

‘The end’? But where to begin?...

Well, I guess where the Candida does, when it changes from its yeast form in your gut (everyone has it) into its mycelial (reproducing through a network of threads called hyphae), fungal form, Candida Albicans. (L.C.*). When it bursts through the abdominal wall, enters the blood-stream and breaks through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to cause the brain allergies which create so much havoc. This is how Candida begins, but why? And what can we do to prevent it occurring in others?

finally got to the bottom of it

In brief in my particular case MS misdiagnosis = Misaligned Atlas and Candida, got there in the end.

The wonder of the internet

Google "MS and Candida" you will find some interesting reading, through in a misaligned Atlas and you have a "result"

Candida and MS a must read

Article Reprint: MS - The Candida Connection


Interviewed by CAM Editor Simon Martin


Susie Cornell was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 1974. She defied conventional prognoses back then and is still doing so. In 1992, as editor of Here's Health, I presented her with that magazine's Achievement Award. She was then the only person in Britain advocating that people with MS should be exercising strenuously. Forced to defend her corner after the resulting publicity brought her condemnation from doctors, physios and MS specialists, she threw herself into research and study. Now 35 years after her original diagnosis, she is an MBE, is Deputy Lieutenant of Essex, is a highly successful practitioner specialising in chronic fatigue as well as MS - and is still advocating measures that orthodox medicine – and the big MS charities – just don't want to know about.

In the last couple of years she's come to realise that many MS sufferers need urgent treatment both for Candida overgrowth and for thyroid and adrenal imbalances.


CAM: back in the Here's Health days you were the ONLY person doing anything about MS, and I think you were basically weight training, weren't you?

Susie Cornell: I'd been to the Peto Institute in Hungary - I was the first British adult to go there - and they taught me that 90% of my problem was lack of use; only 10% was MS. They turned round my whole way of looking at illness. I realised that a lot of it was in my hands and I could help myself, whereas before that I'd trusted the medical profession - I thought they were gods.


CAM: How long had you had MS at that point?

SC: About 10 years, and I'd been waiting for “the cure”. All the time you're just coping and hoping that the doctors will find the cure. My experience at the Peto Institute was my introduction to self-help. From that point on I improved. When I got back to the UK there was nothing here for me, so I set up my own exercise programme and then put the exercises on a video - which is still the only exercise video with conductive education around for MS people.


CAM: Which is one of the things you got the award for.

SC: The award from Here's Health launched my career, because the media suddenly wanted to know what I was doing. I was on TV and in magazines and newspapers and I couldn't believe what people wanted to know. I had to find out more so I started training as a practitioner - reflexology, massage, aromatherapy, homeopathy, nutrition, Bach Flower remedies - everything. I wanted answers and nobody could tell me what I wanted to know. Now I use the e-Lybra® Bio-Resonance System, which pulls everything together for me.


CAM: Where did nutrition come in for you?

SC: It really became important when I realised that the digestive system was the key to everything. I had to become a practitioner in all other areas first before I realised that the digestive system is the link, and if you don't get that right, nothing else will work.


CAM: On your website you give a very clear out line of your current thinking on MS, which I'll repeat here and then maybe you could say a bit more about it. You write:

“Basically the official line is that no one knows what causes MS - which is why there are almost as many theories as there are people with MS! I have done some research on this and the way I believe MS develops is that a combination of factors all have to come together in a certain way over a set period of time.
“In sequence it looks something like this:
“A genetic weakness (or 'predisposition' as the doctors call it)
“A long-term nutritional deficiency or imbalance (possibly due to malabsorption)
“A long-term situation of emotional stress or strain (possibly coupled with a very specific emotional trauma)
“A severe infection, particularly of the throat (such as tonsillitis or glandular fever)
“A physical trauma or injury (this could be something dramatic such as whiplash, but it could just as easily be something as simple and non-specific as falling off a chair: these sort of minor injuries often go undiagnosed and untreated because there is little or no pain and so the person injured this way doesn't think of it as an injury).”
How does that translate into what you actually do with people?

SC: What I know - and it's not something I just think, or believe - I know - and you only have to read my case histories to understand this, is that like all diseases, if I can get someone in the very early stages of MS and I can sort out their digestive system, then we will see most of the symptoms of MS disappear. Usually it involves Candida - I would say 90% of the symptoms of MS are Candida-related...


CAM: You are kidding?

SC: I'm not. And even mine - I think my MS is truly Candida, and I've had MS now for 36 years. I don't think it's the CAUSE of it, but it's a huge area that is not being addressed.

  CAM: How did you get to that conclusion?  
  SC: Like many practitioners, I'd been struggling to treat Candida, then what happened was that about 12 months ago I started using Bionutri's Ecobalance with clients. Suddenly I had a Candida programme that worked consistently, so I was able to see clear results. I see the difference it makes to my non-MS clients when I treat them for Candida, and I know that they've got a small amount of the problems that people with MS are dealing with. Now I know that if I can balance the endocrine system, the adrenals, the thyroid, get rid of mercury and toxic metals, get rid of Candida then - even in my condition the same thing - 90% of the symptoms associated with MS will probably go away.  
  CAM: So you also made a connection between low thyroid function and Candida?  
  SC: I was screening my MS people and was coming up with Candida and also low thyroid. Then I realised that a lot of my “ordinary” people with Candida had got low thyroid too.

The way I got on to that was because my bioresonance system kept throwing it up. I use that system to scan everybody who comes to me. To confirm it I give them the Broda Barnes test - they take their temperature every morning for 10 days. They can do the same test 3 months later to see the improvement. 36.5 or below on consecutive days suggests low thyroid function.

With my MS people, if their thyroid is disturbed, the Candida won't go or it won't stay away, so you have to balance the endocrine system. Now I think most people with Candida have got low thyroid.
  CAM: So do you go for the Candida first?  
  SC: No, you have to balance the adrenal and the thyroid first. If you think about someone with chronic fatigue - and I see a lot of people with that - it probably is easier to get.

If you put them onto a detox programme they'll probably fall down a little bit. So I usually put them on a Nutri thyroid or a Nutri adrenal glandular for about a month or six weeks. At the same time we look at their diet, do a food intolerance test and remove problem foods. Doing things this way helps them feel a lot better to start with because their energy usually picks up. The problem foods have been taken out and then after that month, they go on the anti-Candida programme for at least 2 or 3 months. If they're using Ecobalance, then I've found their diet doesn't have to be as strict. It works a little bit more slowly, but the diet doesn't have to be so restrictive. The glutamine in it is absolutely essential, because they all seem to have leaky gut and it's imperative to heal the gut wall.
  CAM: Looking through some of your case histories, it seems like people start feeling better pretty quickly - within 2 or 3 weeks.  
  SC: I know, it surprises me sometimes, too. One of my clients said that the numbness that she'd got on the left side of her face, which had been there for two or three years, within 10 days of doing the programme, it all went. Her doctor had told her that the numbness was MS-related. I think that's incredible - there are people with the numbness and tingling associated with MS - and all of a sudden it's gone!  
  CAM: I suppose that's when the work really starts.  
  SC: Yes, it's up to them then to go forward with the programme, because it's a long-term programme and there may be other areas they need to look at - for instance the bioresonance assessment may suggest they need cranial work, or their back needs looking at - in which case I refer them to an osetomyologist who works with me and looks after their physical or exercise programmes.  
  CAM: Is this just people with MS or everybody?  
  SC: Everybody, because “ordinary” people have these problems too!  
  CAM: You've made this link between Candida and MS but also between chronic fatigue and MS - do you find them a similar to deal with?  
  SC: I wrote an article for What Doctors Don't Tell you and Lynn McTaggart told me, “Susie, you're the first person to ever put leaky gut and MS in one sentence!” So yes, I'm probably the first person to put Candida and MS together, because I strongly believe that everybody who has MS has got to be treated for Candida, but I also think that most people in the general population needed to be treated for Candida, too. I've noticed with some of my clients that the Ecobalance and anti-Candida programme often have fantastic results on people with mental health, emotional problems.

Chronic fatigue and MS are similar, but with chronic fatigue you don't get the numbness and tingling, you don't get the devastating mobility issues like the walking problems There's a nerve imbalance with MS, so it's a lot more difficult to treat and needs a lot more perseverance...
  CAM: You were wheelchair-bound at one time, weren't you?  
  SC: Yes, and I still use a wheelchair - but not all the time.  
  CAM: Where do you think you'd be if you hadn't discovered all this?  
  SC: I was diagnosed in 1974 and they told my mother that within two years I would be in a wheelchair. My prognosis was very bad because I had a type of MS they thought was quite severe. You can lose your sight; you can lose feeling, can be numb; bladder and bowel control can be poor. Obviously I haven't gone that route. My walking is impaired, but I have no other symptoms of MS. I work full-time. If I'd listened to what the doctors were telling me, I've no doubt I would have continued to get weaker and weaker - as I was doing before I went to Hungary and got turned round.  
  CAM: So MS is one of those things that you can't consider as “cured”?  
  SC: Well, I'm still working on it! I'm never going to give up and I haven't really got the answer yet. I'm working on my own. There's no medical practitioner who's going to support my work and other practitioners are also struggling, just as I am, to find answers. It's all money-orientated. Many of my clients don't have the finances to keep it all going - the supplements make it an expensive, long-term programme.