Saturday 12 March 2011

They do do great things, I should remember that

The NHS is a fantastic system in many many other instances except mine, I have up until today been very angry as to my situation, as to misdiagnosis. Up until now I was going to get my own back, as they have done me wrong, then hey ho, rational thinking kicks in, all I want to eventually recoup is my expenses, anything else would be counterproductive. It puts it all into perspective, when a friends son has had a very bad moped accident, and has lost part of a bone in his leg, which he now has a contraption which he has to tighten, to help stretch the remaining bone. This is when reality kicks in, the NHS does marvellous things, for many many different people, from babies to pentioners. They just got it wrong with me and th MS thing. All I want to do is walk, I will be grateful for that. Blame is no longer my game. Its time I diverted my mind on just me and think of others especially children who need the NHS for their help and expertise, they can and do, remarkable things these days.

Its quite a nice feeling not to be angry anymore.

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