MS and Candida some thoughts by Judy Graham | |
![]() You can take it either as a tea, a tincture, or in capsules mixed with other herbs which help colon health. There are 817 websites about barberry! For the benefit of readers who may not know what candida is or how to treat it, here are some basic details: What Is It? The Candida Syndrome, more commonly known simply as Candida, is a fungal overgrowth in the gut. We all have some fungus in the gut, but when it proliferates out of control it overloads the immune system. In Candida, the normal yeast has had a population explosion and changed into a parasitic fungus that penetrates the bowel wall, puncturing it with little holes. This causes the leaky gut syndrome, where partly digested foodstuffs leak into the bloodstream, causing havoc. Effects of Candida Healthy bacteria in the gut are needed for the proper functioning of the digestive system. One of the key tasks of this healthy bacteria is the production of the B vitamins. It also makes other vitamins and minerals easier to absorb. If the gut bacteria are disturbed, as in Candida, it has a profound knock-on effect. The semi digested foodstuffs in the bloodstream set off an immune response - the immune system thinks these partially-digested food proteins are foreign. You become sensitive to certain foods, and it also leads to malabsorption: Nutrients you need are not taken up by the body properly, leading to a cascade of disorders. Symptoms Symptoms of Candida include general malaise, low energy, and craving sweet things. You can also feel bloated and heavy in the gut. Once the Candida has gone, many people with MS say they have more energy, less fatigue, a greater sense of well being and an improvement in MS symptoms. Causes Candida can be caused by the over-use of antibiotics, the contraceptive pill, long-term use of steroids, and other drugs which can destroy healthy gut bacteria. Other yeasts, parasites, or some obscure bacteria could also be factors. Testing for Candida You can get yourself tested for Candida at some clinics. One of the main ones is Biolab, 9 Weymouth Street, London, W1. Tel: 020 7636-5959. Treating Candida The idea behind the treatment is to get rid of the fungal overgrowth, and restore the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut. Candida feeds on anything sweet, fungal, or fermented. So to treat it you have to cut out all sweet foods - however 'healthy' - all fungi, anything with yeast, and everything fermented. The Anti-Candida Diet:
Other Ways to Combat Candida:
Full details of Candida can be found in the book by Judy Graham and Frances Pulling 'MSRC A-Z Guide to Complementary Therapies' . | |
Multiple Sclerosis & Candida ? | |
To read various influential peoples views on what causes MS, please click here. | |
Anti-Candida Products and Where to Get Them | |
Candida related products Citricidal grapefruit seed extract; Oxyflex Higher Nature Tel: 01435 882880 Fax: 883720 Barberry bark, Pau d'Arco Hambledon Herbs (organic suppliers) Tel: 01823 401104 Fax: 01823 401001 Barberry Capsules, Chamomile Ft Cascara Capsules* and Pau d'Arco TinctureHerbs Hands Healing Tel/Fax: 01379 608201 * A stronger version of the Barberry Capsules, for occasional use OxCgen Capsules Resonance Tel: 01803 840008 Recommended book: Candida Albicans. Could yeast be your problem? - Leon Chaitow, Thorsons © Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre (MSRC) |
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