Saturday 21 September 2013

When I think back, I used to get the very same feeling

Sensation like palpitations...
20 Sep 2013 at 6:56PM
for the last couple of days I keep getting a sort of fluttering in my chest which feels like palpitations but I'm assuming it's not because I don't feel dizzy or faint. I wondered if anyone else has something similar and if there's anything that can be done about it? I'm guessing that it's some sort of nerve spasm in my chest. Starting to be really wearing and irritating more than anything else. I'm not on any medication so it's not a side effect.
Many thanks
Becky x
20 Sep 2013 at 7:03PM
Hi Becky
Yes I used to get this all the time and still do from time to time.  Try not to worry just take deep breaths.  In through the nose slowly then out through the mouth slowly.
I went to my GP and she arranged an ECG and blood tests and everything came back fine.  I mentioned it to my neuro and he said it is an internal muscle spasm.  Mine was and is always worse when I lie down to go to bed and I was told that this is because the messages to tell my body to relax weren't getting through fast enough and confusing things.
It is really frightening.  I used to think I was gonna be getting chest pain but it never came.
Try not to worry but it might be worth mentioning it to your GP to get peace of mind and I bet it will get better then.
Hope this helps.
Shazzie xx
20 Sep 2013 at 7:17PM
I have this at times. It's like someone's just taken my breath away. It does resolve after a couple of minutes but it's not nice feeling like someone's sat on your chest. Mine seems to start when I'm sat up x
Polar Bear
20 Sep 2013 at 9:53PM
Yes, I get this at times too.  Never thought to mention it but thanks shazzie for explaining it,  I just feel like a hypocondriac when so much is going on.  Is it stress related at all?
20 Sep 2013 at 11:15PM
I've noticed the same thing recently. It only seems to be when I'm in bed so thanks for the explanation Shazzie. I hadn't linked it to the MS and thought it was stress related so one less thing to wory about.

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