Monday 23 September 2013

Candida: The North American Epidemic

Candida: The North American Epidemic
Candida, a yeast that can invade the body and overwhelm its defenses, may be the culprit behind many
common health problems including, heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, food
cravings, fatigue (especially after meals), brain fog, ADD, ADHD, headaches, vaginal yeast and bladder
infections, coated tongue, sinus congestion, post nasal drip, food and environmental allergies, as well
as unexplained aches and pains. Most of these symptoms can also have other causes however, if you
experience several of these, there is a good chance that Candida is an issue.
Candida is a yeast or fungus, that is normally present in the bowel in limited amounts. It is estimated
that up to 85% of the population in North America have an overgrowth of Candida in their body.
Candida feeds on sugars, simple carbohydrates and fermented products. This invasive fungus can
penetrate the mucosa of the intestinal system and travel to other parts of the body. Candida
overgrowth then sets off a cycle that leads to the further weakening of the body's defenses, which in
turn allows Candida to spread even further.
The twentieth century diet and lifestyle are largely responsible for the Candida epidemic we are now
experiencing. Too many antibiotics, hormone intake (including the hormones in our meat), sugar,
refined food, food chemicals and alcohol, are all factors that are contributing to the problem.
Chemical use, pesticides, pollutants and daily stress in our lives produce toxins that also feed the
Candida produces toxins as a byproduct of it’s natural processes. Large quantities of Candida create
larger quantities of these byproducts. These toxins are very difficult for the body to cope with. The
result is a weakened immune system. Candida also creates a digestive conflict and robs people of the
vital nutrients they need from the food they eat. Many people with Candida digest less than 50% of the
nutrients in the food they intake. This invasive fungus can cause damage to the intestinal walls and as
a result, partially digested dietary proteins travel into the bloodstream and can cause other health
issues including food allergies and sensitivities. Not only does Candida wreak havoc in the intestinal
system, it travels to other parts of the body resulting in unpleasant and often long-term symptoms
including sinus, digestive, and skin issues.
Believe it or not, your intestines are home to many beneficial intestinal bacteria. These bacteria are
absolutely necessary to break down food, absorb nutrients, metabolize hormones and prevent disease
causing bacteria, parasites and fungus like Candida from taking over. When an overgrowth of Candida is
present in the intestinal system, the good bacteria is crowded out. This results in fewer nutrients being
absorbed and snowballs into many other possible symptoms.
If you are experiencing typical symptoms and suspect that Candida could be affecting your health, an
assessment and supervised treatment by an experienced health care practitioner is recommended.
Your health practitioner can develop an individualized approach and provide the appropriate
supervision during treatment. After a detailed assessment, your health practitioner will evaluate the
need for treatment. You will likely be asked to eliminate refined sugar from your diet which will starve
the yeast. White breads, pastas and rice should be avoided because they quickly turn to sugar in the
body. A good quality probiotic (high doses of “good bacteria”) may also be recommended. Other whole
food anti-fungal supplements like garlic, oregano and cinnamon can also be helpful.

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