Wednesday 25 September 2013

It appears Candida and misaligned Atlas go hand in hand

I have looked into both conditions for a number of years, because I myself had both, but it's only recently that it's dawned on me, that it highly probable that the majority of people have both.

One effects us physically that can be seen externally by a trained eye, I think its responsible for many misdiagnosed neurological conditions, in children and the elderly.

The other infects our blood and therefore can damage any organs, particularly causing toxicity to the liver and cancer is the body's natural defense against it, it has been allowed to manifest itself in the human population since the 80s and ignored due to its antibiotic link.

The only solution is, if the fully admit to both conditions and address them before its too late, as I believe its being passed from generation to generation and may explain why healthy young men and women have heart problems.

We are cutting bits and pieces out of people, transplanting organs when its not necessary.

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