Thursday, 30 June 2011

POEM / scroll down you'll find it

Monday, 29 November 2010

my mess

My mess/ms

I sat in my wheelchair, afraid and alone,
I hate being here I want to go home,
The thought of just sitting, for the rest of my life,
Cuts into my heart, like a long jagged knife,
Is this it, right now, how life is to be,
But luckily not, not happening to me,

Suicide was no option, that road I wont take,
But consider just this, ms maybe fake,
I focussed my mind on alternative routes,
Eventually I’ll succeed, in giving the boot,
My first port of call, a physio called Louise,
Who actually listened and did humour me,

And thank God that she did, acupuncture she gave,
Now that wheelchair sits there, I wont be its slave,
As time did pass by, the better I’d feel,
I’m liking this hand, a much fairer deal.
I’m back on my feet, with my walker ahead,
But I now know I wont, be forever in bed,

Its all so complex, a hell of a mess,
This stupid disease, that they all call ms,
I will not conform, there are answers I seek,
I will not just sit, shut up and be weak,
I will continue my quest, for however long,
They need not prove me right, but just prove wrong,

Stress is the worst thing, to let it all grow,
The effect it sure has, only I seem to know,
Stress feeds through your day, from morning to night,
It wont let you rest, its always in sight.
Stress feeds off stress and then feeds my mess,
It gets bigger and bigger and never gets less.

Its hard I now know to break into this house,
But my stress now lays quiet like some kind of mouse,
The bladder’s the key,  break the link in that chain,
And now I can watch it, go off with its pain,
When the link has been broken, you begin to live life,
Ms didn’t break me, and make me its wife.

I have taken it slow, at my kind of pace,
Not rushed or fought it, as is complex like lace,
But now that I see, now what hides it all,
I want to tell others, just give them a call,
Prognosis alone, causes all kinds of stress,
But strip it away, and there is no ms


from my knee to my foot

I have just now layed on the floor with my leg up on the settee, as I have mentioned before I have a deep tissue massager, John my chiropractor has said to massage my legs particularly around the pelvis/hips, anyway I just massaged just above my right knee and I could feel it in my foot, I did it several times to make sure that I didnt imagine it and it happened every time.

Feeling beeter looking forward

I go to see John my Chiropractor tomorrow, today I feel better than I have done for years especially psychologicaly I look forward not back with regret. yes I'm still wonky, but the tension in my pelvis has nearly gone, I am aware of my lower back and the connection to nerves in both legs, but they are not jumpy and my feet as I look down are now side by side together. my left hip pulls down and back but the uncomfortable twisting feeling down below has gone, that I think was meridian related. I dont have severe pain just an achey/pain in lower back. I'm looking forward to tomorrows treatment, we are ticking along nicely

A non ms ramble so just ignore

After much deliberation and thought and because my son is going to the states in 3 years time. I have decided as I will be walking by then, soon hopefuly I've decided to go too.

I was hoping to make a difference here, help so to speak, but after hearing NHSs possible changes and not once hearing the words holistic medicine being included and considered, that is my first reason.

my 2nd is two organisations that have or could have if three years  agostressed me to the max by their total disregard of the trouble, inconvenience and disrespect they caused me, one being the MS Society. The other being the Child Support Agency or CSA.

Oh I forgot the misdiagnosis itself and the Candida thing. So I have no desire and no reason to stay in this country, none at all.

Now that feels better, I have got that off my chest.

money making out of Candida

I have noticed that people are now making money out of the Candida isue, all the sites and info that were at the forefront have now been pushed by others to the back of the queue, this is in my oppinion wrong and if accepted and recognised by the medical proffession/NHS then this could not happen as would be free.

The best course of action would be to contact your local established Holistic centre, they may be able to give advice or contact local health food shop. Trouble is many people will jump onto this particular band waggon which is going to cause distress to those like me on a limited income, it just makes me so angry. as this info should be free

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

What a Teacher!!

There was an item on the radio about old people being isolated. I know exactly how they fell health wise, the body deteorating, strength depleting, feeling very vulnerable, unable to have the fight or flight response (now that one is hard) knowing that you are only going to get worse, no reprieve no let up, scared to venture out. got nothing to say, no enthusiasm, false laughter. its an awful way to feel.

But luckily for me that is all changing by the day. I'm very lucky to be my Dads daughter and for him to teach me about D.I.Y and that something doesnt work for a reason. And I have now found my reason and all by myself.  So Thanx Dad a very valuable lesson learned.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Making info public to others

I have wrangled with the idea of going public with this blog, but there is far too much info on here to go through and sort. So I have decided to post one a day that is relevant to my case and hopefully others via the

What!!!! Neuroginic bladder, now this worries me

Neurogenic bladder and neurologist appointment
28 Jun 11
i been diagnosed with neurogenic bladder, can this be fixed, I dont feel the need to go, I use self catherisation.

I am seeing neurologist shortly, basically I have had a brain and Spinal MRI - normal, Evoked responses test - Normal - Lumber puncture - normal.

So does anyone know what could be causing my bladder problems, balance terrible, painful thighs, feels like I have walked up 100 stairs even when resting, weakness on left side, hand weak,tingling, electric shocks, etc etc.

My neurologist thought it was MS, but all results normal, however had urodynamics and was diagnosed with neurogenic bladder, how can this be, so confused

posted june 2011-Many many young ones

Somebody today asked the question on the MS Societys  Everyday Living board.....what age at diagnosis?
He was very surprised how many young people there were.

Include those also in limbo and I reckon it will shock anyone. I think why this is, is because young people are subjected by consistant stresses which take their toll.

Hang on perhaps the MS Society has got some comprehensive statistics available as to lifestyles, relationship  and employment envvironments etc etc. You know the sort of statistics that build up a comprehensive picture. They have access to much info from users of their site. Perhaps they have deemed this a prudent thing to do. na!!!! perhaps NOT

did it earlier with ease, but struggled later

Something that I put in the upper kitchen cupboard from my chair with ease this morning. I had difficulty at getting it out again this afternoon.

forgot my knee

I forgot to say but a few days ago when my left leg would flex my knee would twist this caused me awful pain and I was powerless to stop it happening, anyway that has stopped happening, and I kniow this sounds mad, but perhaps my knee has twisted back into its right position, as does feel different and when my feet touched the cold floor this morning it felt different no cold like normal or not as the case may be

2nd update today

Sciatic Nerve DiagramSo my neck and lower back ache.and this then must aggravate the sciatic and left leg nerve. as now the left leg flexes when I reach a certain position that effects my lower back, its all complex I know, but I am tryig to describe as best I can. First thing I could crawl now I cannot it feels like my back has seized up. This is all good news as I dont feel as bad as yesterday, but not as good as 4am. lets see what happens tomorrow

todays update

So discomfort has returned (not pain at moment) to my lower back and neck. Now was this for psychological reason, I dont know for definate but I dont think so, When I initially got up at 4am no pain at all but I think as time has passed the weight my spine is carrying has caused the aches, the stress of the weight  on it. It kind of makes sense. I imagine that both these areas are the weaker points of the spine so vulnerable to injury etc. So thats my update so far today

Why did they not put their thinking caps on

Why on earth has the MS Society never ever challenged the original theory of a why plaques/lesions appear on the brain.

Why on earth have they not research thoroughly into alternative thearapies and their benefit such as Chiropractic and Acupuncture, I have

Why on earth havent they looked into Palmers theory and 5 cases of chiropractic factss.

Why on earth havent the MS Society realised that through dietry investigation found out that Candida exists and of it having similar symptoms to MS.

Why on earth do they just focus on researching into what I think is a non existant cure.

So as someone who has received a possitive diagnosis on the evidence of a possitive MRI. The MS Society does not work in mine or others like me, best interests. And knowing that, they have allowed all of this fiasco of misdiagnosis to go unchecked and this just isnt its many if not all diagnosed. If they had taken more notice of what is discussed on the message boards, they would have come up with the same conclusion I have.

What have they been doing all these years

Monday, 27 June 2011

tension and anxiety can cause pain

I woke up just before 4am virtually pain free, and that is a good thing, but my mind plays a kind of game with me. because at the same time you have to get used to pain, you have to get used to not having it also and thats the hard bit. I may psychologically create a pain where there is just a twinge, because the anticipation of pain causes tension and anxiety which then may result in pain. I have for the last 3 years had contant pain, never being able to trust my body to not give me pain on every move I have made, so we will see how today goes will it be pain free or not that depends on how I think and cope with trusting my body, so we'll see.

not one leg but both

Sciatic Nerve Diagramnot only does my right leg react with the sciatic nerve
and bladder meridian, but the nerve down my left leg which is also affected when the bladder is large and full

Try to get new wheels

As my chair is inadequate suppoert wise, saggy and back tilts too far bac, and as I will not go through a doctor, apparently I need to go through social services, so that is what I shall do, when their phone line is fixed.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Dont hide that stress, it just adds to the mess

I know that years of constant stresses had such a physical resulted in me being misdiagnosed. But the stresses I was under, I kept to myself, never sharing them or showing them i.e. bad temper etc. I tried coping with them without letting anyone know I was worried. These stresses ect were caused by one person only my then partner, but to discuss these with anyone would to me have been betrayel. So basically I muddled along. Even though I had a warning from my body in the form of desenstised feeling down my left side top of my head tip of my toe, I am so gladand  that at the time I was told that it was a classic sign of depression and that was feesable, the feeling passed and I then continued the next 7 years as normal. My fundimental mistake was no heeding that warning. and therefore my second was more severe and put down to MS  (wrong!!!!!)  I now know what a devesyating affect stress can have on ones system/mobility if it is not checked and suitably dealt with, my Atlas at that point was affecte whether for psychological or physical reasons of that I am sure. Now I may or may not have had CANDIDA as far back as then, but who knows, now that no matter when it started was the NHSs 2nd and final mistake as far as I am concerned. the 1st misdiagnosis they could have covered up, but the 2nd of CANDIDA is unforgivable as they have known about this for years, but have actively hidden it, but the Holistic profession are very very much aware of its existance as the are picking up the pieces on this one.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

head in my legs

I have spent years over 10 in fact having my head in my legs, they have been my main focus amongst many other restrictions like taking a lid of something, so simple to others. I have decided as my upper body has regained strength even finer motor skills have improved, though using a knife and fork can be problematic depending how stressed I become as this makes it far worse. Today I will try and ignore ache in my back muscle tension in my legs, as tension/stress causes me further problems because tension builds up and restricts my upper back, so deep breathing, relaxing my weight to go down to lower back will be my focus today.

Warning back in 2006- hughes syndrome

Call for tests to avoid misdiagnosis of MS

Hazel Edwards
Hazel Edwards was wrongly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and ended up paralysed in a wheelchair 
Two decades after a British doctor discovered a syndrome that can easily be mistaken for multiple sclerosis, he warns today that hundreds of people may still be wrongly diagnosed because simple tests are not offered as a matter of routine.
The rheumatologist Dr Graham Hughes reported in the British Medical Journal in 1983 that he had identified the syndrome - now called Hughes Syndrome - that resulted in blood becoming sticky, leading to potentially dangerous blood clots.
Evidence has emerged that it could cause one in five recurrent miscarriages, as well as one in five strokes in younger people, and one in five DVTs (deep vein thromboses).
The good news is that, unlike multiple sclerosis (MS) - which affects 85,00 Britons - the syndrome can usually be treated with blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin and warfarin.
"It is still totally under-recognised," says Dr Hughes, now a professor at the London Lupus Centre. He estimates that five per cent of MS sufferers may be misdiagnosed.
For 26 years, John Simper, 60, from Ipswich, Suffolk, thought he would suffer the slow degeneration of MS, only to find he had Hughes Syndrome.
After the first blood tests came back positive a few weeks ago, he began campaigning for the test to become routine so some of the other estimated 150,000 people with the syndrome can be diagnosed. "The Government has to take notice," he said.
Few GPs are alert to the condition and lack of knowledge causes thousands of people to suffer needlessly, not only by thinking they have MS but, in the case of female sufferers, by having unnecessary miscarriages, said Prof Hughes.
He recommends that two simple blood tests be routinely offered to any MS patient who has suffered recurrent headaches, problems with clots such as DVT, a family history of autoimmune diseases, or who has had recurrent miscarriage.
Once the syndrome is diagnosed, aspirin, or anticoagulants such as heparin and warfarin, produces a dramatic reduction in symptoms in 80 per cent of patients, he said.
Dr Alasdair Coles, of Cambridge University, praised Prof Hughes's work, but said: "With modern techniques and careful inquiry, the number of people incorrectly diagnosed with MS is low."
The Department of Health was "not aware of any evidence that population screening would be beneficial".
Hazel Edwards, 48, of North Wales, was diagnosed with MS five years ago and ended up paralysed from the neck down.
She is now able to walk again, having been correctly diagnosed by Prof Hughes.
"As soon as I started warfarin, my memory improved and I found I could walk. I can drive and go to the gym. Prof Hughes and his team gave me back my life. But I feel very let down. My first symptoms of Hughes emerged 28 years ago."

temporary straightening

yesterday my physio, sat beind me pulled my upper body back and up and pushed down on my right top thigh, this straightened me a little and for the next three hours my cushion in my chair was straight, unfortunately getting back into my chair I twisted and reverted back in pushing my cushion lopsided  again, its hard to explain but I have tried my best ok

heat ms bad reaction

It is going to be very hot here tomorrow 30 degrees or something like that. Heat has a massive affect on some diagnosed with MS. It used to with me, its like my whole system overheated, it was awful and constant, I would have to have tepid baths to cool down.. Nobody can imagine how devestating it felt only another suffere could comprehend. Anyway 3 years ago I had acupunccture along the bladde line, and experienced many possitives, my bladder strengthened in density, it was no longer sensitive and this is the 3rd year heat has had no effect on me at all, I could also tolerate cold a lot more.

Heat energy is wasted from the system through the bladder, if compremised and not working efficiently it cannot expel heat energy. And that I believe is why I am ok today


Just because these subjects are current news, I need to make this note. are they missing the candida link.

Candida link .....type 2 diabetes
                         prostate and breast cancer

The denial of doctors re CANDIDIASIS will turn out to be catastrophic to the General Publics health

Friday, 24 June 2011

Just the beginning

On the news today there is a problemwith prescribed drugs and over the counter drugs reacting with eachother and causing the over 65s the risk of developing Altzheimers or dementia.

Mark my words this is just the beginning.

People with ms take medications, that have side affects indicative to ms symptoms, so how does anyone knows what is what. There was one woman who said she was taking 15 types of drugs for ms etc,

I am so glad that I dont take any only amitriptyline which I hope to eventually stop in a couple of months.
or people like me, there is no need for drugs at all

As I keep saying holistic medicine is all we need. Unless wwe are dying of course.

Candida linked to so many things

Autism, weight gain, weight loss, infertility, prostate cancer, IBS, you name it theres a link much much more, it needs to be public, any holistic centre seems aware  of it. let Doctors deny it, but NHS needs to fund non trug remedies,  THEY NEED TO WAKE UP FOR EVERYBODIES SAKE

I wont run before I can walk

My physio said yesterday that he couldnt possibly estimate how many acupuncture sessions I would need in the future. I said to him as I said to John my chiropractor , we will just go with the flow, I wont push myself in any way. It took 10 years to get this wonky, it will take time to reverse back, and it will all fall into place all of a sudden and thats when I 'll walk. Many little good things have happened already, I can now do loads more, and the good thing is my son Brad who is 13 sees all these improvements and I now can look after my son better, cooking, ironing, washing and cleaning, yes there are still thing I cannot do, but I am doing so much more.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

I understand why they do it now

Over the years when I was active on MS Societys Everyday Living message board, I noticed fromn time to time, where a personwould come along with speciific ideas or methods that have benefitted themselves i.e. one girl was premoting that her possitive thinking and attitudes were helping her (makes total sense to me) but those on the website, were very negative and dismissive of her ideas, to the point where they were quite sarcastic to her. This behaviour has been directed at others that have different theories or ideas, they too are kind of driven away deliberately, its like being too possitive is automatically treated in a negative way. They have become quite bullying in the approach, and give the imporession it is done to protect others. The thing is the Society has allowed this kind of behaviour, even in my case. I think there has become a problem of some users of the site and those controlling it i.e. moderators an above socialise or have built up frienships, thus not making the impartial on certain situations, as the display favouritism. This for such a large organisation is unprofessional to say the least. In my oppinion it needs radically looking at. I think that because people have been convinced that there are no answers its just a case of waiting for a cure, thats why some good ideas and good people have been allowed to be hound off of boards. I can understand their reasons, but at the same time it is very manipulative and very wrong indeed in the fact it is keeping others ignorant of alternaive info, and keeos them dependant on a blinkered and unversitile organisation which seems to be solely interested in its own sustainability and future. Its really not good.

Update physio/acupuncture

Told him about my left leg  f lexing and crossing over my right. and this happens when I lean back and hit a certain point in my back, and when I want a wee, when 'I tell him when I hold on a little leaving it to the last minute to go  for a wee, he said that makes sense as there is a nerve which could be affected by the bladder expanding as well as the movement in that area which will effect leg. so it looks like I was wrong on sciatic nerve and meridian. see I am learning all the time, as this makes sense to, its great to talk to an expert.

Candida IBS (an easy find)

Candida IBS

Not all doctors agree, but some believe there is a candida IBS connection.
IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome. What is irritable bowel syndrome? It's not a disease but a group of symptoms that are related to the function of the bowel.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include:
  • Gas
  • Feeling bloated
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
So what is candida, and what is the candida IBS connection? Candida is a yeast that lives in our digestive tract. It's supposed to be there, but sometimes there is an overgrowth of it and then it causes us problems.
Symptoms of candida overgrowth include:
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Gas
  • Rectal itching
  • Frequent urination
  • Facial rash
  • Yeast infections (a type of vaginal infection) in women
  • Thrush (an infection of the mouth)
You may ask what is irritable bowel syndrome and what does it have to do with candida? As you can see, some of the symptoms of candida match those of irritable bowel syndrome. If you have these symptoms you may be unsure what is irritable bowel syndrome and what is candida.
Some doctors think that IBS is caused by candida overgrowth. So if you have candida IBS may be a problem for you.


Apprenly it is quite coomon for those diagnnosed with MS to also have IBS, I wonder if a Candida link, I shall research

This is just 4 my info

I am just stating this for the record ok. for my own benefit.

I am appalled by the treatment of Twoshoes/Don is receiving on the MS Society's EL board. He has been on there for years and has always believed in diet and certain foods he is passionate about it, he know that diet plays a big part and he is right in a way just doesnt realise that it is the CANDIDA diet of no yeast no sugar that is required.

I have informed the MS Society of his mistreatment and explained the importance of CANDIDA. They can look into it or ignore my email,, totally up to them, but this is my record of informing them.

movement of lower back/sciatic nerve/bladder meridian all connected

When I either lean back and hit a certain point in my back my left leg flexes over my right, it kind of twists and know my left knee is slightly swollen it doesnt hurt until this happens and I try standing on it, it sometimes just gives way.

Ayway this same flexing happens when I want a wee, yesterday I could sit forward and the leg would retract, today I dont seem able to do that.

I believe thisreaction is caused my the sensitivity of the sciatic nerve either by movement or the influence of the bladder meridian, these two thing the sciatic nerve and bladder meridian are closely linked.

I am going again for acupuncture later so all this we will discuss. no doubt we will still use UB54 as this has such a reaction with flexing/spasm of right leg when the needle is turned.

I find this all incredibly interesting, how one part of the body can react if another area is stimulated.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

google- dr windman Atlas then cross ref the 2. they literally match


The bladder is closely linked to the kidney organ anatomically and functionally. It receives impure liquids and excretes urine. Its ability to store and discharge rely on the strength of the kidney.Pasted Graphic
This meridian is the longest and most complex meridian. It starts at the inner portion of the eyelid and travels across the front of the head to the back of the head. It then forms two branches that travel down the back to the sacrum along the spine. It then goes along the middle of the butt, and then to the back of the thigh. The two branches then meet behind the knee. The branches then travel between the calf along the Achilles tendon to the outside of the foot and ends at the outside of the baby toe.

A climb down is needed for progress to happen

Western medicine underestimates the body's capability to self heal, they snub holistic madicine and are too quick to administer a drug, when with alternatives the healing process begins say within 72 hrs. The medical profession have leaders that are not only arrogant but ignorant towards say chinese and indias ways discounting thousands of years of teaching and learning.

I in the future only want to be treated by holistic methods, I think that should be peoples right and available on NHS to all who choose it, as looks at the whole body and mind as one. Makes total sense to me, and would to any biologist,psychologist and such like too.

UB 54 (bladder meridia)

sciatic nerve and urinary bladder meridian same path

Treatment of Sciatica By Dr Mohammed Sarwar Khan.

Sciatica pain is often associated with morning stiffness in the back often lasting an hour or so.  No Allopathic medical treatment can prevent the evolution of this disease. Young people especially males experience this pain usually in the lower back.  Chinese medicine can quickly treat the symptoms of pain associated with the pinching of the sciatic nerve itself as it leaves the spinal cord in the lower back.

There are a few reasons why one could get sciatica pain. From the biomedical perspective, the symptoms are associated with the sciatic nerve, itself. If the bones of the spine are damaged, or just lined up poorly, they can pinch or irritate the sciatic nerve as it leaves the spine.  Often, sciatica may come about due to a portion of the disc in the spine. The disc that should remain between the spines sticks out a little bit, pinching the nerve as it exits the area.  This creates the pain in the lower back and also pain that travels down the back of the leg into the foot.  On the other hand, the problem could be due to something simple like sitting on a bad chair.  Whatever the cause acupuncture can relieve the pain quickly and effectively. 

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the pain can be due to one of a number of problems. In Allopathic medicine we commonly talk about catching a cold. In Chinese medicine, we can catch a cold as well as many other environmental factors such as catching a damp or wind.  These factors settle into the meridians in the body causing pain that may feel hot or cold.  They move around in the body like wind and can become thick and cloudy like dampness arising in the body itself.  In the case of sciatica, one of a few different external factors may have settled into the meridians that go across the leg. Usually, it is the urinary bladder meridian that has been affected.  

Other factors that can lead to sciatica, from the Chinese perspective include a deficiency of the Kidney and Liver organs, or the stagnation of the blood circulation through the  meridian.  

The pain associated with sciatica follows the path of the urinary bladder meridian from the lower back down to the foot.  When there is pain along this line, it shows that the Qi (pronounced as “Chee”) energy is stagnated in that area.  The Qi stagnation needs to be restored in order to resume normal Qi circulation.  The fact that Qi stagnation occurs in the urinary bladder's meridian does not actually suggest that there is anything wrong with the patient's bladder.   What is causing the stagnation of the Qi energy can be one of many factors such as wind, damp, cold, or heat.

Syndrome Differentiation
(1) Invasion of wind, cold or dampness:
Pain is aggravated by overcast or rainy weather. The pain includes a heaviness, numbness and/or cold sensation along the pain pathway.

(2) Deficiency of the Liver and Kidney:
This is usually a long-term condition. Sciatica pain along with tiredness and weakness in the knees and lower back are classic symptoms of a deficiency of these two organs. 

(3) Obstruction of the meridian channels by the stagnation of blood due to local trauma:This type of sciatica pain follows a fall, or accident where the leg or lower back has been injured.
Treatment Acupuncture points along the pathway of the pain are treated. This helps move the Qi energy locally. Sometimes other points in the body are also used to treat the damp, cold or wind that may have spread out into the rest of the body including into the urinary bladder meridian.

Acupuncture anesthesia is also applicable in the treatment of sciatica. Electric stimulation ("electro-Acupuncture") is used on the acupuncture needles. The local nerves are over stimulated, not with pain, but with a painless electrical sensation.  This over-stimulation reduces the sensitivity of the nerves and also diminishes the other pain that travels through those nerves

Ear Acupuncture is used for additional assistance in treating the pain associated with sciatica.  After the acupuncture treatment, seeds are taped into the ears to supply an on-going stimulation to these points.  These seeds, or even magnets are worn for a few days at a time.  Ear acupuncture is an effective adjunct to acupuncture for treating sciatica pain.

At CHINESE HOSPITAL medical specialist will do there best to help sciatica suffers. The patient can rest assured that the fully trained Chinese medical specialists will provide the best diagnosis and treatment available for the pain associated with sciatica.


I never intended to post so many posts, I have deliberated, and discounted many factors that are relevant to myself, but at the same time may be relevant to someone else misdiagnosed.

Also in my case the sciatic nerve and bladder meridian are also key aspects, and are closely linked. in lower back area

atlas, candida both are linked to fatigue and fibromyalgia

A misaligned Atlas causes fatigue and fibromyalgia - google dr windman Atlas

Candida linked to CFS/cronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia - google candida and fatigue

Subject today "fatigue"

People on website have been asked what is their worst symptom, and "fatigue" is it an overwhelming majority.

So my subject to highlight today is "fatigue" I myself have never suffered from it, but I know it is described as having ones plug/power switched off

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

tummy rounded

my tummy is rounded and sticks out further than my chest, but I think this has something to do with not being able to sit upright and tall due to flatback syndrome. Things will finally fall co something that I have to go through in order for that to happen.omfort ismfotably into place, but this pain and disc

sciatic nerve pain

I have just woken with a burning sore cramping pain from my waist down my right leg. this is a normal occurance at the mo. and presume is the sciatic nerve, this pain goes approx 5mins after getting up and sitting in my chair. I shall now be able to o back to bed shortly. I think this happens or is so intense because I lay on my left sidebut dont fully relax my side to lay on the matress thus causing a tension to occur, a bit of a catch 22, tension causing pain, pain causing tension.

relating to previous post

Apparently I was dropped on my head, went I was 18, a long time ago, when I was a little drunk. It was in a ditch not concrete floor, so no after affects as such. Perhaps this made my neck vulnerable to injury later in life.

ms/parkinson's and the cervical spine/whiplash

Eighty-One Patients with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease Undergoing Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care to Correct Vertebral Subluxation: A Retrospective Analysis
by Erin L. Elster, DC. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. August 2004.

Related Conditions

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Parkinson's Disease

    • Abstract

      Objective: The objective of this article is threefold: to examine the role of head and neck trauma as a contributing factor to the onset of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease (PD); to explore the diagnosis and treatment of trauma-induced injury to the upper cervical spine through the use of protocol developed by the International Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (IUCCA); and to investigate the potential for improving and arresting MS and PD through the correction of traumainduced upper cervical injury. Data from 81 MS and PD patients who recalled prior trauma, presented with upper cervical injuries, and received care according to the above protocol are reviewed.
      Clinical Features: Each patient was examined and cared for in the author’s private practice in an uncontrolled, non-randomized environment over a five-year period. Of the 81 MS and PD patients, 78 recalled that they had experienced at least one head or neck trauma prior to the onset of the disease. In order of frequency, patients reported that they were involved in auto accidents (39 patients); sporting accidents, such as skiing, horseback riding, cycling, and football (29 patients); or falls on icy sidewalks or down stairs (16 patients). The duration between the traumatic event and disease onset varied from two months to 30 years.
      Intervention and Outcome: Two diagnostic tests, paraspinal digital infrared imaging and laser-aligned radiography, were performed according to IUCCA protocol. These tests objectively identify trauma-induced upper cervical subluxations (misalignment of the upper cervical spine from the neural canal) and resulting neuropathophysiology. Upper cervical subluxations were found in all 81 cases. After administering treatment to correct their upper cervical injuries, 40 of 44 (91%) MS cases and 34 of 37 (92%) PD cases showed symptomatic improvement and no further disease progression during the care period.
      Conclusion: A causal link between trauma-induced upper cervical injury and disease onset for both MS and PD appears to exist. Correcting the injury to the upper cervical spine through the use of IUCCA protocol may arrest and reverse the progression of both MS and PD. Further study in a controlled, experimental environment with a larger sample size is recommended.
      Key Indexing Terms: upper cervical spine, chiropractic, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, trauma

      This post on MSS site/ and so on the right tracks *Candida* wise

      reply in this thread
      21 Jun 11
      I was diagnosed with MS in 2001. At first it wasn’t so bad but over the last five years + it has become more aggressive.

      I went on a copaxone and had mitox treatment plan (and lost much of my hair) for 12 months but symptoms continued to get worse. I’ve been offered more ‘radical’ (to my mind) treatments of which the side effects worry me to be honest (campath or tysabri).

      I also added 3.5mg LDN to my regime for the last 6 months but haven’t really notice any difference.

      I’m thinking about going off all medication and trying a diet based treatment such as SWANK or Best Bet Diet. My body needs a rest and I’d like to give it a chance to heal itself if that were possible. I suppose the difficulty would be purchasing specialist food on a limited income.

      Has anyone done anything similar and cured or at least arrested the progression of their MS through dietary means / supplementing their diet with vitamins / minerals etc?

      *My symptoms are legs don’t work, cognitive issues and extreme fatigue
      **Anon because I’m sure people will see me as mad, rejecting tried & trusted medications :), no offence, that may be what I have to return to eventually.

      Thank you for any advice

      If only I could answer

      Now this is what I experience, only the pain is lower back and buttock area, now if I could access the MS Society website, I could answer her that is why it is so frustrating and annoying that they banned me because of a gang of people who told fibs.

      Back pain when lying down
      21 Jun 11
      Good afternoon

      I hope you are all as well as possible.

      I will get straight to the point now.

      I do not have back pain when I am upright or sitting down, but I have horrific back pain at about 4.30am every morning, this happens in any bed or any place that I lie down (it was the awful whilst having my MRI) and I cannot get comfy in any position and end up getting up to relieve the pain. The pain is in my spine and is not always in the same place it moves up and down.

      Whenever I have mentioned this to any Doctor they say that it is something else and nothing to do with my MS, but another person with MS told me that it could be inflamation.

      My query is does anybody else get this and is there anything that can be done to relieve it?

      Thank you in advance.

      Gina xx

      Brainwashed, no not me

      "MS Hug" does NOT exist, other things are going on.

      I can fight and I will

      I was speakig to my sister yesterday about how I have lost the "fight or flight" scenario, being in a wheelchair restrixts you somewhat. After a conversation upon the matter my conclusions are,

      I can fight, I will fight, as I disagree with the whole diagnostic theory of why lesions appear on the brain and spine, I suspect it is stress related not ms related.

      And I shall present my own case, from the research and info all included in this blog "fionasmess" I have nothing to prove personally, but I have a duty to others like me, to be heard. I will fight their corner, after I walk, because then proof will be conclusive.

      I know exactly how she feels, not now though, not now

      reply in this thread
      I want to die
      20 Jun 11
      Cannot cope anynore

      Monday, 20 June 2011


      So I wanted to find out legally what my options are, and apparently I havent got any. To proceed with any misdiagnosis claim, i first have to go to a private doctor for him or her to verify it.

      But its the whole diagnosis system that I question, as  that is what led to my misdiagnosis on a positive MRI.

      So bottom line is, I need to prove it by walking. So that I will do

      Sunday, 19 June 2011

      rheumatoid arthritus/candida link

      Candida And Rheumatoid Arthritis


      candida yeast infection medicationThere is a suspected relationship between candida and rheumatoid arthritis. Nobody really knows how rheumatoid arthritis begins. There is a genetic predisposition suspected.

      The possibility that candida, by triggering an immune response in the host, has not been ruled out as a contributing factor in developing candida and rheumatoid arthritis in the first place.

      There is more research yet to be done. One recent study involved another bowel infection as a precipitating factor in rheumatoid arthritis and indicated that an infectious cause of some type is a likely factor in developing the disease.

      Candida and rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating and deforming disease involving many joints of the body. It can affect adults and children. It is considered one of the auto-immune disorders because the body causes the disease by attacking its own joint tissues.
      Some with the disease can be nearly crippled by the joint deformities and pain. Because this is an immune disease, the individual with candida and rheumatoid arthritis often take medications that suppress the immune system, keeping it from attacking its own tissues.
      The problem with using treatments that suppress the immune system is that it leaves the sufferer with the inability to fight off other conditions, such as infections. Candida, in particular, can become overgrown in the bowel or can cause infections on the skin or in the genitourinary tract, in part, because candida resides in these places already.
      Candida causes what is called an “opportunistic infection” meaning that it lives in small numbers in and around the body and only causes an infection when the situation is right.
      Having rheumatoid arthritis is one of the “right situations” for candida infections. While the immune system is suppressed, the candida can find an opportunity to overgrow in the intestine.
      When it does this, it displaces the healthy bacteria and changes form into its mycelial form. This type of intestinal candida can make the lining of the intestine more permeable or “leaky”.
      The things that leak into the system are often somewhat toxic. candida secretes over 70 of its own toxins and allows bacterial toxins and environmental toxins into the body. Once the intestinal lining has been compromised allowing candida and other toxins to enter the body you have the staging ground for a systemic yeast infection.
      candida overgrowth also attempts to stimulate an inflammatory response which, unfortunately, makes an individual with rheumatoid arthritis feel worse.
      The combination of a heightened inflammatory response and the overall body toxicity from toxins lead to an increase in bony and joint pain - the exact symptoms they would get from candida and rheumatoid arthritis.
      This means that an overgrowth of candida can be a result of the immune deficiency in rheumatoid arthritis and can also turn around and worsen the symptoms of the disease.
      If you are suffering from candida and rheumatoid arthritis, you would do yourself a service to block the proliferation of yeast in your system, particularly in the intestinal tract.
      The best mechanism for this is the use of a natural antifungal nutritional supplement and probiotics that keeps the levels of candida in their system as low as possible. Doing so will prevent the overgrowth of candida for an extended period of time and will help improve your health and quality of life.

      A link to a link to link to a link

      This was posted on ms website, Candidiasis/candida is mimics reumatoid arthritus it also causes allergies. This is why Candida should be public knowledge, also there are crossovers with climacterium........
      19 Jun 11
      I have both conditions as well as range of allergies, so I am definite believer in a link between all auto immune conditions. As most of the symptoms overlap (with my climacterium as well), I treat them all the same: rest, omega 3 oil and painkillers....

      fibromyalgia/candida yet another link

      This is a personal post, not ms related at all ok

      Today I just want one of those hugs from my Dad, a reassureing, you'll be ok hugs, no words, no need, just a hug.

      I presume this messege goes via satallite in the sky,


      different pain

      At mo my mattress is on floor and when getting up need to hoist myself up to get into my chair. everytime I do, I get awful pain in base of my spine. I have just learned to expect it, but for the last 4 nights that certain pain is gone. Now I do have sciatic nerve pain but it is a different tyoe of pain, its sore and a burning sensation. So different things cause different types of pain.

      So is the description of numbness in ms. I remember going to Doctors with a funny feeling on my tummy. The Doctor got quite impatient with me, he actually mademe cry, it was hard to describe it wasnt numb but not feeling either. Somebody desccribed it as being wrapped in clingfilm, and that is exactly how it felt. So are others or Neuros describing it as a numb area, when it is desensitized only.

      Somebody described fatigue once, as just having the plug taken out, and others have said the same to.

      Are people saying that they have double vision, when in fact it is just poor vision, I had the latter, didnt realise it was as poor as it was, until after Atlas treatment it improved, colour were more vibrant.

      But are descriptions of symptoms of ms being confused and incorrectly noted.

      Saturday, 18 June 2011

      All getting a bit tricky

      I think that I have reached a situation that I now need legal advice to carry on. I am on a low income and although I cannot afford further treatments I cannot afford not to a bit of a catch 22. I will carry on I just need to know how I do that and sustain financial security, as I have my son to consider.

      Nobody is going to just back me, I have to persuade them that I am right.

      Again a great attitude to life


      Ayurveda is most certainly the most ancient of all medical systems. It has its origins in India, and is still the most important form of medicine in the Indian subcontinent; its philosophies are also gaining ground in the West. Despite its antiquity, there are relatively few practitioners, particularly in the UK, due in part to the very length training and the huge complexity of its philosophy and teaching. Classical Ayurvedic training is conducted in Sanskrit. Most Ayurvedic practitioners tend to be orthodox doctors as well.
      The word 'Ayurveda' comes from Sanskrit and means 'the science of life', the whole aim of Ayurveda is prevention. The ancient texts say that the human lifespan should be around 100 years, and that all those years should be lived in total health, both physical and mental, therefore the Ayurvedic practitioner is looking to balance the body and mind, find health problems before they occur or arrest them before they do any real harm. It is a complete philosophical and spiritual system, which has over thousands of years become subtle, sophisticated and highly complex. However, the basic tenets are reasonably easy to understand and have changed little over the centuries.
      The five elements - ether, air, fire, water and earth are the foundations on which the Ayurvedic interpretation of all matter and life is based, they are not to be interpreted literally however, each represents qualities and different types of force and energy, as well as some form of physical manifestation. The elements do not act in isolation - three different combinations of the elements, called tridosha, are what form the basis for diagnosis, treatment, cure and health maintenance in Ayurvedic medicine. Each individual's constitution is determined by the state of their parents' doshas at the time of conception, and upon birth a person has the levels of the three doshas that is right for them. Life and all its forces can cause the doshas to become unbalanced which can lead to ill health.
      Each of the three doshas has a role to play in the body:
      VATHA is the driving force, it relates mainly to the nervous system and the body's energy center.
      PITTA is fire, it relates to the metabolism, digestion, enzymes, acid and bile.
      KAPHA is related to Water in the mucous membranes, phlegm, moisture, fat and lymphatics.

      Friday, 17 June 2011

      What have they been doing

       The MS Society, they have done absolutely nothing for people like me. I was diagnosed on a possitive MRI. I have had all symptoms apart from fatigue oh! and TN. I have spent mainly the last three years researching areas which have been relevant to me, I started with subluxations and progressed from there, what exactly have they been researching obviously not into alternatives as I have.

      I shall say nothing more, but make up your own minds as to where it has all gone wrong.

      This is the MS Society take on chiropractors, this is so poor, and they have been in charge all these years


      Chiropractic medicine is based on the idea that the nervous system is important for health and that many diseases are due to poor alignments of the bones of the spine. These poor alignments are thought to cause abnormal pressure on the nerves that leave the spine. Spinal manipulation methods (known as 'adjustments') are believed to normalize bone position and relieve pressure on the nerves.

      Research of chiropractic therapy in MS is limited. The clinical studies are of poor quality, and otherwise there are only reports of individual responses to this therapy. In general, however, chiropractic therapy may decrease low back pain. Although chiropractic manipulation is usually well tolerated, in rare occasions low back manipulation may cause spine trauma and neck manipulation may cause strokes.

      Chiropractic is regulated by law in the UK. All chiropractors must be fully qualified to practise and must register with the General Chiropractic Council who can provide list of practitioners in your area.

      This was vital support to me, as I was totally on my own

      the minds strength or weakness

      There is absolutely no conclusive proof that Rebif, Copaxone, Avonex, Ldn, tysabri chemically reduce relapses, but only have a placebo effect and only produce a psychological affect in decreasing anxiety/stress which in itself causes a physical restriction. Its hard to explain but the psychological affect the physical vice versa, and this cycle can have a positive effect or a negative one. the mind and body is linked in such a way one cantfunction to its full capacity without the other, they have to be in tune with one another.


      Its those left in -Limboland-that should be observed, through The Limboland board on MSS website is a good place, and there is so many many young persons there to its quite an alarming amount of them,

      Clear MRIs clear Lumber Puncture, but are potraying all the symptoms indicative to MS, they are left afraid and alone not fitting anywhere while Neuros find another disease criteria to fit them into. Now to me this is MAD beyond belief. I have portrayed in the past all of thos indicative symptoms, some very personal and private ones, but all the same I had them. But not fatigue, and thank goodness that I didnt, curious as to why, but that one can wait for now.

      MS is a made up condition, and they will never find a cure, and that is why.

      So these people in Limboland need releasing

      Tunnel vision

      I believe that there are many Doctors and Nurses that work for the NHS but at the same time believe that holistic medicine also has many many attributes, but they keep quiet and tow the line that is required of them by the powers that be. I consider this to be a great shame and the NHSs loss. There must be numerous trained Nurses and Doctore that have since moved to the holistic side, this again is the NHSs loss, these methods believe in the reduction of stress, and come on lets face it, its the biggest killer of all.

      To manipulate people with the fear of being ousted from their chosen profession of helping people is a very blinkered way. When are they going to realise that there is a much much bigger picture out there.

      Again their loss, but also others like ME too.

      Thursday, 16 June 2011

      This is just one of my problems at mo

      Treatment of Sciatica By Dr Mohammed Sarwar Khan.

      Sciatica pain is often associated with morning stiffness in the back often lasting an hour or so.  No Allopathic medical treatment can prevent the evolution of this disease. Young people especially males experience this pain usually in the lower back.  Chinese medicine can quickly treat the symptoms of pain associated with the pinching of the sciatic nerve itself as it leaves the spinal cord in the lower back.

      There are a few reasons why one could get sciatica pain. From the biomedical perspective, the symptoms are associated with the sciatic nerve, itself. If the bones of the spine are damaged, or just lined up poorly, they can pinch or irritate the sciatic nerve as it leaves the spine.  Often, sciatica may come about due to a portion of the disc in the spine. The disc that should remain between the spines sticks out a little bit, pinching the nerve as it exits the area.  This creates the pain in the lower back and also pain that travels down the back of the leg into the foot.  On the other hand, the problem could be due to something simple like sitting on a bad chair.  Whatever the cause acupuncture can relieve the pain quickly and effectively. 

      From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the pain can be due to one of a number of problems. In Allopathic medicine we commonly talk about catching a cold. In Chinese medicine, we can catch a cold as well as many other environmental factors such as catching a damp or wind.  These factors settle into the meridians in the body causing pain that may feel hot or cold.  They move around in the body like wind and can become thick and cloudy like dampness arising in the body itself.  In the case of sciatica, one of a few different external factors may have settled into the meridians that go across the leg. Usually, it is the urinary bladder meridian that has been affected.  

      Other factors that can lead to sciatica, from the Chinese perspective include a deficiency of the Kidney and Liver organs, or the stagnation of the blood circulation through the  meridian.  

      The pain associated with sciatica follows the path of the urinary bladder meridian from the lower back down to the foot.  When there is pain along this line, it shows that the Qi (pronounced as “Chee”) energy is stagnated in that area.  The Qi stagnation needs to be restored in order to resume normal Qi circulation.  The fact that Qi stagnation occurs in the urinary bladder's meridian does not actually suggest that there is anything wrong with the patient's bladder.   What is causing the stagnation of the Qi energy can be one of many factors such as wind, damp, cold, or heat.

      Syndrome Differentiation
      (1) Invasion of wind, cold or dampness:
      Pain is aggravated by overcast or rainy weather. The pain includes a heaviness, numbness and/or cold sensation along the pain pathway.

      (2) Deficiency of the Liver and Kidney:
      This is usually a long-term condition. Sciatica pain along with tiredness and weakness in the knees and lower back are classic symptoms of a deficiency of these two organs. 

      (3) Obstruction of the meridian channels by the stagnation of blood due to local trauma:This type of sciatica pain follows a fall, or accident where the leg or lower back has been injured.
      Treatment Acupuncture points along the pathway of the pain are treated. This helps move the Qi energy locally. Sometimes other points in the body are also used to treat the damp, cold or wind that may have spread out into the rest of the body including into the urinary bladder meridian.

      Acupuncture anesthesia is also applicable in the treatment of sciatica. Electric stimulation ("electro-Acupuncture") is used on the acupuncture needles. The local nerves are over stimulated, not with pain, but with a painless electrical sensation.  This over-stimulation reduces the sensitivity of the nerves and also diminishes the other pain that travels through those nerves

      Ear Acupuncture is used for additional assistance in treating the pain associated with sciatica.  After the acupuncture treatment, seeds are taped into the ears to supply an on-going stimulation to these points.  These seeds, or even magnets are worn for a few days at a time.  Ear acupuncture is an effective adjunct to acupuncture for treating sciatica pain.

      UB 54 evoked a reaction yet again

      As the burning sciatic pain I had been experiencing constantly for 3 days, and as I was in a bit of a state, I decided to go for acupucture yesterday to help with the pain.

      We concerntrated yet again on the all important bladder meridian, I will try and explain a couple of reactions that were experinceded

      The UB 54 point again had an interesting reaction, although the point is in my lower back, when needle was turned my right leg quite violently spasmed immediately, this happened on boh occassions when needle was turned. I also had oneon the right side of my lower right knee, this for a seconed or two evoked a feeling in my uooer foot. I had two in my neck area and the lower one created a dull ache.

      I find it incredibly interesting that a needle placed in a particular site can have a reaction in a totally different area.

      Those lttle needles are really quite incredible. I also had one in the back of my right knee, which has released the tension there no end.

      I am seeing John my Chiro today I will post on that treatment afterwards.

      Going to get some pain relief

      Because I am in constant sciatica burning pain, really hurty I have decided to go and have acupucture today. Will post on return

      Just have to say,

      The MS Society boards Every day living, is really going downhill, yet again somebody who has been on them for years is being ganged up on and hounded off. Its a disgrace, and shouldnt be allowed to happen, it happened to me. This is the just one of the reasons I want nothing to do with them. They have lost so many good people over the past year or so, me included, because of a particular group. All adult debate stopped a long time ago was averaging 55 users now struggles to get 30+ not operated to its maximum ability as it was it was so nice and balanced with humour debate questions and help, nothing like it was. failing those who need it. they should hang their heads in shame.

      please excuse my spelling mistakes

      A nasty rumour

      I have heard a nasty rumour that past Doctors that also believed in Holistic medicine have been struck off. what!!!!!  how rediculously stupid, The NHS should be begging these girls and guys to return, their knowledge is not only valuble but forward thinking, in NHS reforms I have not heard holistic methods mentioned, their are experts in the field of neutrition and relaxing productive therapies such as massage and meditation, to help combat stress, exactly what todays health service needs to concerntrate on as prevention is better than cure. how backward are they in their thinking. It needs raically changing if to survive in the future, everyday wellness should be in hollistic hands and accident and emergency in the NHSs. Is the medical sector that arragont to think drugs and drugs alone are the answer. wow nuts even verging on crazy.

      Sciatic nerve and meridian

      Just to give an update on my current situation. I wake up at night approx every 2-2 1/2 hrs with a burning pain in lower right back/buttock area, this type of pain only occurs when laying down at night. It is no use shifting position trying to get comfortable to ease, I have to get up I also get incredible tghtness in right leg, after 5 mins the pain and tightness starts to subside, if I go to for a wee it subsides even more, only when the discomfort has gone can I return to be, by the way this is I believe the sciatic nerve causing pain, also tightness in leg is bladder meridian related as eases after urination. Although my right leg ispermenantly at present effect by tight ligaments or tendons something of that nature and not possible yet to straighten leg. This sciatic pain on top is problematic at mo. But I do see John my Chiropractor tomorrow and perhaps he can help, and on tues having acupuncture along bladder meridian and that again will help.

      I again state for the record that this is definitely not MS, I do not have it, this is a whole different ball game.

      Wednesday, 15 June 2011

      they just didnt listen

      I think medics topped listening to the people who really mattered US. They have dictated what we are actyally feeling, and any objection or questions, then we were quietened with the word DENIAL, how dare they, they silenced the most important people of all, above any Neurologist, cientist or Doctor peop;e like ME.
      I am no expert at anything really, not even an academic, just an ordinary divorcee with three kids ( 2 all growd up)

      I am expert on one thing though and that is ME, my body, my mind and my spirit. And there are many of us too.


      So countries or regions with low antibiotic usage and low stress levels will have minimum cases of ms. now is there a country like that.

      The internet uncovers no end

      Google chiropractic treatment and multiple sclerosis. Although there is iffy stuff out there there is an awful lot of good research and info out there too

      I just got my Chinese Medicine Bible just opened, and it opened at the Urinary Bladder Meridian what were the chances of that brilliant and made me smile too

      Chiropractors should be involved, may prove misdiagnosis of many

      Tuesday, 14 June 2011

      Leaky gut syndrome

      Leaky Gut Syndrome
      Leaky Gut Home
      About Leaky Gut
      Causes of leaky gut
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      Dr Gilbere

      Candidiasis is a fungal infection produced by a species of Candida Fungi, particularly Candida Albicans. Candida fungi normally reside harmlessly in various parts of the body.
      If the healthy bacteria in the digestive tract becomes seriously depleted the candida proliferate and can produce root like structures which damage the villi along the intestinal tract leading to a 'leaky gut'.
      There are many causes of candidiasis cited, such as: repeated antibiotic use, poor diet, steroid medications, birth control pills, malnutrition, cytotoxic drugs.
      Symptoms of candidiasis include: chronic fatigue, depression, yeast infections, bloating, joint or muscle pain, genital itching, hyperactivity, athletes foot, hair loss.
      Candidiasis is a fungal infection produced by a species of Candida Fungi, especially Candida Albicans. Candida fungi are found in many places in the environment and some reside harmlessly with the other bacteria residing in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary tract. [1]. In a normal healthy person the immune system and the beneficial bacteria prevent the overgrowth of candida. One of the purposes of Candida Albicans in our digestive tract is to recognise and alleviate harmful bacteria. A healthy person can have millions of Candida Albicans.[2]
      If the healthy bacteria in the digestive tract is reduced by antiobiotics, pesticides, chlorine or if the person's immune system has been weakened by illness (particularly by AIDs or diabetes) malnutrition or certain medications (such as corticosteroids or anti cancer drugs) the candida fungi can dramatically increase in numbers causing numerous symptoms. Also poor diet, alcohol and incorrect pH in the digestive system can cause candida to proliferate and invade the body.
      In it's normal yeast state candida is harmless but as a fungus it becomes invasive producing root like structures called rhizoids that can push through the mucous membranes or intestinal walls damaging the villi (finger like projections along the intestinal tract) and allowing undigested food particles, toxins and bacteria to move through the lining and enter the bloodstream resulting in leaky gut syndrome. Your antibodies attack the particles and wait for them to appear again ready for another attack when you eat the same foods. Then you end up with food intolerances and allergies as well as sensitivities to the environment. [3]. Candidiasis and Leaky Gut Syndrome often go hand in hand and left untreated can lead to advanced stages of disease.
      Causes of Candidiasis
      There are many causes of Candidiasis such as: repeated use of antibiotics, diet high in sugar /refined carbohydrates/processed foods, birth control pills, malnutrition, steroid medications, alcohol, cytotoxic drugs. Anything that compromises the immune system can result in the reduction of friendly bacteria in the intestines and allow Candida Albicans to proliferate.
      Chronic fatigue, depression, yeast infections, abdominal bloating, constipation or diarrhoea, brain fog, poor memory, confusion, mood swings, chronic joint or muscle pain or weakness, allergies, hair loss, athlete's foot, recurring ear or sinus infections, nail ridges, nail fungus, flatulence, nasal congestion, indigestion/ heartburn, eczema, dark circles under eyes, bad breath, itchy scalp, constant coated tongue, skin fungus infections, genital itching, worse symptoms in damp, moldy or muggy places, sensitivities to environment, low blood sugar, carbohydrate, sugar or vinegar cravings, impotence, prostatitis, night sweats, persistent cough, hyperactivity, hyperthyroidism.