12 Mar 11
My main aim is to cure my wife of MS.
My experiences of Doctors and Specialists are that they can only see through blinkers. They only see what they want to see and everything they see involves dangerous drugs with nasty side effects which happen sooner or later.

My wife has been told she is in the Secondary Progressive stage of MS by the specialist.
She was diagnosed by symptoms, lumbar puncture for antibodies and MRI scan of the brain showing multiple scarring. She has had MS for 38 years at least.
For 10 years now she has had constant overwhelming tiredness and poor memory with constant walking difficulty. She would collapse when walking (with help) within 50 yards. This has been constant so no relapse effect here.

She now has no chronic fatigue or tiredness and has a very sharp memory since the day after starting the treatment that helped me.
We walked together up the road last Sunday and she was not even tired when we got home.

My wife had been thinking of asking her doctor to put her on a course of steroids but the next day after starting the treatment she said it was no longer necessary which was quite a surprise to me.

Our Story:

Having been to hospital with heart problems I soon realised that most doctors were very poor at diagnosis (to put it politely). The Health Service Journal had a chat board open a couple of years ago on the subject but soon had to close it due to the embarrassment of finding that doctors agreed that they were useless at diagnosis. They diagnose correctly in less than a third of cases according to their own figures. If this happened in industry 9 out of 10 doctors would find they would be soon out of a job.

So I decided the only way to find out what was wrong with me and to get appropriate treatment was to do it myself.

That was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

I come from a very technical background and one of my jobs was to protect a major University from Computer virus infection. I did this job for many years and became very familiar with how infections bypass immune systems. I even designed a disk based immune system to protect computer disks from infection. (most people would not realise that computer disks can have their own immune systems.

Despite having had a heart attack I am now not on any NHS prescribed drugs and the Atrial Fibrillation I had for 40 years has gone.

The correct way to diagnose what is happening is to simplify things. (Doctors take note)

1) The way I see MS is that it is primarily caused by inflammation. That is simple.

2) To have MS the blood brain barrier has to be breached. That is simple too.

3) Before we get into drugs that stop the myelin sheath being damaged we should take a step back and fix the blood brain barrier first.

4)The chances are that the blood brain barrier is being damaged by something, most likely inflammation.

5) So by reducing inflammation we might actually fix the Blood Brain Barrier and stop MS in its tracks. ( at this point most doctors will come up with countless other ideas of what it might be, However we will keep it simple and assume that the simplest thing is the cause and think about more complicated things later if this does not work.)

On the basis that inflammation is the root cause of most "autoimmune diseases" The same treatment may well work for all, my wife started taking the same treatment that I had used to successfully treat myself.

And Bingo! It seems to work.

So what treatment could help heal the blood brain barrier?

Steroids reduce inflammation and worked very well for my wife but cannot be taken on a long term basis so they are out of the question.

NSAIDs like ibuprofen cannot be taken on a long term basis.

Inflammation cannot happen if the blood is flowing quickly.

So an anti-inflammatory which is not a drug and has no nasty side effects which thins the blood (allowing it to flow more quickly) would be ideal. (Inflammation causes the blood to thicken anyway I believe)

I am not allowed to mention the product here due to posting rules.

I will attempt to get double blind trials started but expect to get fierce opposition from the establishment for obvious reasons. The EU in any case has introduced unhelpful new laws to protect the drug companies.

Good luck all.