Saturday 9 November 2013

Benefits of an Upright MRI

There are three major reasons why you will benefit from Philadelphia's only Upright™ MRI system:
  1. You and your doctor will receive more accurate diagnoses because you will stand, sit, or take the position that most accurately represents your symptoms. For instance, if your lower back pain is less severe when you are lying down, it makes sense to perform the MRI standing up or sitting - it more accurately reflects the physical conditions that produce your discomfort, and thus makes for a more accurate diagnosis of your condition. This same principle applies to a variety of ailments requiring MRI for a proper diagnosis.
  2. There is no tunnel, as found in a conventional MRI machine. (Even the other so-called "open" MRIs feel like tunnels with immovable plates in your face.) No tunnel means less anxiety if you dislike confined spaces. Ideal for the plus-sized, too.
  3. The advanced technology of Upright™ MRI means less noise than a conventional MRI. In fact, you can even watch a cable station or your own DVD on our large-screen TV during your MRI.

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