Sunday 24 April 2011

Silent Sciatica

I vcame accross something that I had written some years ago, that is really relevant as to my situation today, I had forgotten that I had written it:

Would sciatica effect neurological responses.
Do I have any misalignments or subluxations of the spine that maybe correctable

I need conclusive proof and that is not achievable via the NHS

Would sciatica cause lower back pain
Would sciatica effect the straightening of my leg
Would sciatica cause a rais area above my right buttock
Would it cause restrictions in leg movement

I dont disrespect anyones oppinion, but I want mine taken into consideration and investigated.
The thing is I'vebeen affraid my oppinion will not countand it will be presumed that I am in denial and that is not the case. I know what I have been diagnosed with, I understand that I have sustained a certain amount of damage, but dont believe that my present problems are of a permenant nature and I believe although all related and affect eachother are not permenant.

Wow! Three years on, I'd forgotten all that. Today I believe that I may have some kind of siolent sciatica, where I do not experience any leg pain.

 Tthe conclusion that I come to this very day as to why that happens is because I do not walk, and my weight does not go (yet) natuarally down through my body so the pressure on sciatic nerve is different.

interesting eh! not such a crazy idea afterall.

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