Thursday 14 April 2011

Comforting feeling

There is a wonderful comforting feeling knowing that things are going to get easier and easier as my future progresses. I did things yesterday that I have previously really struggled with I am taking thing slow at my kind of pace, I am putting no pressure on myself at all, my status today is wheelchair bound, but I am aware of strength returning gradually especially to my upper body, I am zapping about so much easier. life is not a constant struggle but an exciting adventure.

An ms diagnosis is such a negative thing, and effects you deeply psychologically which in turn effects you physically by causing tension, slap on a misaligned Atlas and the knock on effects it causes and then on top of that Candida that effects mainly the digestion process but the invades many other areas which effect the bladder meridian, which also the knock on effects of the Atlas as causes the spine to twist its no wonder my whole body was out of line on many levels, now all I have to look forward to is gradual realignment which is already starting to happen, so my future is a good one, and I look forward to it very much. So my positive MRI didnt tell the right story, and if it didnt for me, it doesnt for others either.

As I learn about the flow of Chi and how important it is, for the mind body and spirit to function correctly. Flow is what I have desperately been lacking, because of other factors preventing me from doing so. I intend for the flow to return, and then I will be fixed.

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