Friday 8 August 2014

Kadcyla breast cancer treatment- does it kill or supress Candida fungus but not totally

Cancer is a result of Candida bacterial fungus blood infection, I myself have had Candida. It invaded my blood. It has taken 2 to 3  years to leave my system, I   don't think it will totally go until I'm back to normal and walking.

It is evil stuff, I have wasted it through my bowel, it has a strong smell, is sticky and yellowish beige in colour. There was a time I could smell that it was inside me.
I think that the body is trying to decompose, that's why Diabetes occurs, toxicity of the liver, reflux, joint pain, allergies, Asthma lung problems organ failure IBS and much more we buy over the counter remedies for warts, nail fungus, thrush etc. etc.

Unless you adhere to a strict diet for several weeks you won't kill it by causing die off, you will withdraw from it. That's why The Healing Crisis was so important

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