Thursday 28 August 2014

Candida related to CFS, Fibromyalgia or Lyme diease


There is a tremendous overlap between the signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome and those of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Approximately 70 percent of the people with fibromyalgia meet the diagnostic criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome, and two-thirds of those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome meet the diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia syndrome. The only difference in diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome is the requirement of musculoskeletal pain in fibromyalgia and fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome.
For this reason, treatment protocols for the two disorders are often similar treatment with anti inflammatory drugs can also lead to candida overgrowth.
Candida overgrowth may lead to leaky gut syndrome which may lead to candida and other toxins spreading through the body which may trigger serious responses in the body.         
If Candida overgrowth is  left unchecked and enters its  second fungal stage where it sends out very long, root like structures that penetrate the mucous lining of the gastrointestinal wall.
This penetration breaks down the protective barrier between the intestinal tract and bloodstream, allowing many foreign and toxic substances to enter and pollute the body systemically.
As a result, proteins and other food wastes that are not completely digested or eliminated can assault the immune system and cause allergic reactions, fatigue and many other health problems.
It also allows the Candida fungus itself and other toxins to enter the bloodstream, from which it may find its way to other tissues, which may result in far ranging symptoms such as those which present in CFS, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease.
Candida overgrowth may also interfere directly with  digestion and assimilation of food nutrients.
Candida overgrowth creates chaos in the intestines and may be connected to many diseases of which western medicine has little or no answer to and often use medicines to treat symptoms that can be worse than the disease its self.
Immunological weaknesses and infections are made worse by the presence of Candida and toxins throughout the body.
A yeast cell may produce over 75 known toxic substances that poison the human body. These toxins contaminate the tissues where it weakens the immune system, the glands, the kidneys, bladder, lungs, liver and especially the brain and nervous system.
Tartaric acid is one such toxin it may compromise cellular energy production, and may be associated with the fatigue and cognitive problems (brain fog) that often accompany chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia it is also toxic to muscles and may cause muscle pain. 
Candida overgrowth may be a major contributing factor in Chronic Fatigue it weakens the body and in a weakened state we are more vulnerable to other pathogens and the pollutants in our food, and the air we breathe.
 All these pollutants contribute to a weakening of our physiology which then makes it easier for harmful micro-organisms to flourish, a vicious cycle can result and the end result is that we suffer a wide range of symptoms.
Anti-candida therapy has shown to be very effective for patients presenting symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, even using western medicine ( a silver bullet) and a no sugar, no alcohol diet, a major reduction in symptoms has been seen in many patients.
Fibromyalgia has a strong component of ecologic illness, environmental illness, hypoglycemia-like symptoms, food and chemical sensitivity, and food allergy. The common thread is immune dysfunction, and in some cases hormonal imbalance conditions in this spectrum often benefit from controlling candida overgrowth.
Research has found people with fibromyalgia may be insulin resistant, lending further support to the importance of consuming a high-fiber, low cane sugar diet, such as a candida diet.A diet high in simple and refined sugars may cause elevated insulin levels in the bloodstream.
High insulin levels have been associated with decreased neurotransmitter production and are also believed to block the release of HGH, a hormone required for tissue repair and growth.
A high sugar diet can also promote fatigue (reactive hypoglycemia), increase sensitivity to pain, and disrupt sleep patterns.
Many people have low iron content because this mineral is hard to absorb when Candida overgrowth is present, and therefore have little oxygen in the tissues.
Ethanol and acetaldehyde are waste products of candida and  can cause excessive fatigue, reduce the strength and stamina which takes away ambition, they may destroy enzymes needed for cell energy and cause the release of free radicals  encouraging the ageing process. 
It is believed many patients previously diagnosed with Lyme Disease were misdiagnosed. (Lyme disease is usually contracted by getting a tick bite). Many patients with symptoms may not have active cases of the disease and others may have had previous cases of the disease but may be experiencing other conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.

So could the problem be  Candida overgrowth sometimes called  the chameleon disease, causing a huge list of symptoms, some of which mimic Lyme Disease very closely  ,some of the these symptoms include fatigue, headache, depression, joint pains, fibromyalgia, abdominal pains, insomnia, rashes, flu-like symptoms, swollen glands, and difficulty concentrating, similar to those in Lyme Disease.

Patients believed to have Lyme disease are often given Antibiotics these may not only be ineffective in treating the symptoms, but they may compound the problem as they increase candida overgrowth in the long term.                                 
So with these three diseases we see a pattern where a simple overgrowth of candida could develop into a vicious circle where misdiagnosis and treatment with conventional medications could lead to further overgrowth and worsening of symptoms so candida overgrowth must be addressed and at least eliminated as a causative factor when looking at these health problems. 
Remember Alternative Medicine can work in with Western medicine

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