Wednesday 27 August 2014

PMS and Candida

Treatment PMS Definition:
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is assumed to be a physical and psychological disorder. PMS occurs regularly between ovulation and the onset of menstruation. It is followed by a symptom free phase. The suspected causes of PMS are the following: abnormal premenstrual levels of serotonin, too high levels of progesterone (present prior to menstruation), and changes in eating habits and diet. PMS can affect all major body systems: immune, digestive, circulatory, nervous, endocrine and dermatologic. 70-90% of women suffer from some of the symptoms, 40% experience symptoms of true PMS and 5-10% experience a severity of symptoms that disrupt normal activities.
Do you have PMS? Check symptoms you suffer (for more than 2 menstrual cycles):
Fatigue_____ Anxiety_____ Bloating_____ Depression_____ Forgetfulness_____ Weight gain_____ Tension_____ Loss of control_____ Acne_____ Headaches_____ Confusion_____ Dizziness_____ Mood swings_____ Withdrawal_____ Diarrhea_____ Anger_____ Food cravings_____ Sweating_____ Decreased concentration_____ Sensitivity to rejection_____ Breast tenderness_____ Emotional over-responsiveness_____ Unexplained crying_____ Joint & muscle pain_____ Constipation_____ Nightmares_____ Backaches_____ Change in sex drive_____ Seizures_____ Suicidal thoughts_____ Shakiness_____
If you have checked at least half of these symptoms, I'd encourage you to see your doctor. Remember, the doctor needs to rule out other medical conditions before determining if you have PMS.
A poor diet is a contributing factor to PMS. Taking calcium and manganese can eliminate such symptoms as pain, water retention and mood changes.
If you suffer headaches, migraines specifically, as a result of PMS try B complex, EPA and alfalfa. Increase the doses halfway through the month. This combination of supplements appear to relieve the problem for about 50% of PMS sufferers.
Gamma Linolinic Acid, an essential fatty acid is used in the body to produce prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), a hormone-like substance important to the health of women. It plays a vital part in relieving certain types of premenstrual symptoms. PGE1 is found in Evening Primrose Oil. Always take Evening Primrose Oil with a fish oil such a cod or halibut (cod is said to be the best).
A natural progesterone cream is recommended for PMS symptoms. 95% of women using a natural progesterone cream report a cessation of symptoms after 1-3 months.
Exercise within your body's abilities.
Compiled from:
It's Your Health, Helen Bishop MacDonald, Chatelaine.
Women's Health Alert, Vol. III, McNeil Consumer Products Co., p. 1.
PMS, The Once-a-Month Blues, Stephanie Bender, Focus on the Family, May '96, p. 9 & 11.
PMS won't go away unless you make it, Dr. Daniel J. Crisafi, ND, PhD, MN. Notes from a newsletter.
Candida Definition:
Candida (Vulvovaginitis candida caused by Candida albicans) is a yeast organism naturally found in the body (vagina, mouth, digestive tract and skin). When there is an imbalance in the body, the yeast multiply. Some factors involved in the yeast infection called Candida are: the overuse of antibiotics, increase in progesterone levels in women, weakened immune system, toxins, stress, deficiency in copper levels, and poor diet (too much refined sugar), and diabetes. 75% of adult women suffer from a vaginal yeast infection at least once in their life. On average, these women will experience infection a total of three times. 40% of these women will have more than three infections.
Vaginal itching (mild to intense), a lumpy white vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese, vaginal soreness, irritation or burning (especially during intercourse) and redness are some of the main symptoms. Other symptoms include a craving for sweets, gas and bloating, depression, anxiety and irritability.
Yeast does not do well in an acidic or low pH environment. Yogurt, cranberry juice and vinegar can help to change the vaginal pH and inhibit yeast growth. According to researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, vaginal cell concentrations of the antioxidant, beta-carotene are lower in women with Candida, compared to other women. They think that the immune system is not as strong because of a deceased defense by antioxidants.
The most common over the counter medication used to treat Candida is Monistat 3 or 7. If the yeast condition you experience is caused by toxin overload from a diet high in refined sugars, processed foods, chemically preserved foods, refined flours, or pesticides, fungicides, perfumes, etc. you need to consider a more aggressive treatment program. Naturopaths recommend detoxification, rotational diets, regimented diets, etc. to get Candida in control. The drug preferred by naturopathic doctors, if one is used at all, is Nystatin.
To help prevent a reoccurrence do the following:
  • wear breathable clothing (cotton underpants).
  • do not stay in a wet bathing suit.
  • dry the outside vaginal area thoroughly after a bath, shower or swimming (showers are best).
  • avoid douching.
  • do not use bubble bath, perfumed soaps, dyed toilet tissue or talcum powders.
Compiled from:
Goodbye Candida. Candiasis, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 1-2.
Some Straight Talk about Vaginal Yeast Infections. Women's Health Alert. McNeil Consumer Products Co., p. 1.
Yeast Infections, Nuisance? or Nightmare! Dalton Moore, CN, cc. Life Natural Wonders, AA Publishing, Willowdale, ON, p. 1-3.
Treating a Vaginal Yeast Infection...and How it Impacts on Your Every Day Life. Women's Health Alert. McNeil Consumer Products Co., p. 1.
Living Well. Nicole Gregory, ed. Living Fit, May/June, 1996, p. 18.
Repeat Performance. Marie Berry. The Health Journal, Feb/Mar 1998, p. 28.
Please note that you should always check with your doctor before undertaking any type of treatment.

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