Wednesday 20 August 2014

If you do not handle your Candida you can get Cancer - something I will NOT get

How Candida Overgrows & The Only Way to Handle It!
© Copyright Bee Wilder, Revised December 20, 2011
December 20, 2011 to add: The Truth About Candida, What Are Antifungals and Fungus?, Doctors Create a Mystery by Naming ALL "Signs" of Poor Health, What IS Candida/Yeast (a fungus) and What Causes It?, What is Homeostasis?, and The False Information About Candida.

All of the information previously written in this article about candida was totally false—See the Section: False Information About Candida, however it isn't worth the effort to read it!

The Truth About Candida

Like many other people I believed the literature about candida, however I have discovered it was not true! In fact all of the information was fabricated (made up) by doctors and the medical and drug industries in order to make people believe their antibiotics, antifungals, antiviral, antiparasitic and antibacterial drugs would help us get healthy but instead they are making us sicker and more unhealthy! Since this is about candida, let's look at antifungals and fungus (candida/yeast).

What Are Antifungals and Fungus?

Antifungal is a term fabricated (made up) by the medical industry in order to justify the use of drugs to treat funguses, which includes candida, yeast, and cancer.
Antifungals are substances the medical industry "claims" will kill or inhibit the growth of funguses, i.e. candida, yeast, and cancer, and their ability to multiply, which includes medical drugs such as Nystatin, Diflucan, Nizoral, Sporanex, Clotrimazole Azole, Ketoconazole, etc., and natural substances such as garlic, oil of oregano, clove oil, olive leaf extract, etc.
Fungi is the singular form of the word "fungus" (plural). The English word "fungus" is directly adopted from the Latin fungus (mushroom), that comes from the Greek word spoggos, "a sponge." Fungi include a wide variety of organisms that reproduce by spores, including mushrooms, molds, yeasts, and mildews. Under certain conditions the spores of most fungi grow a network of slender tubes called hyphae [like feet or tenacles] that branch out and feed off of dead matter. Fungi can feed on almost any kind of material, and are considered the housekeepers of the planet and also of our bodies.
In our bodies the most common form of fungus is candida albicans, also called candida, yeast infection, or candidiasis. In the mouth it is called thrush, in the vagina it is called vulvovaginal candidiasis, monilial vaginitis, etc., and in male genitals it is called balanitis. However, all of those terms were created by the medical field in order to confuse us and to separate the naming of diseases to make us think they know more than they actually do.
You will learn that all disease processes are exactly the same as healing and detoxifying processes the body creates in an effort to maintain its health, in spite of poor nutrition, an overload of toxins, stress, etc. In other words, all symptoms, reactions, illnesses, organ malfunctions, etc. are simply "signs" of poor health, that are warnings from Nature that something is not right.
Think about it: How can diseases, illnesses, malfunctions, etc. cause themselves? That is like saying "firemen cause fires" or "flies cause manure piles". Therefore medicine today is not treating "causes of disease," instead it treats "results of disease," claiming they are the causes.

Doctors Create a Mystery by Naming ALL "Signs" of Poor Health

However, the medical industry labels each and every "sign" of poor health as separate diseases, illnesses, syndromes, malfunctions, etc., that they treat separately, as if the whole body didn't exist. They also deny and/or suppress information about how the body heals itself, by re–writing Human Physiology (how the body works) to support their false claims.
In fact "all signs" are evidence the body is working hard to restore its health, which are normal body reactions. For example, the body itself creates inflammation and infection in order to heal and detoxify an area. In other words, normal healing processes and reactions are not caused by any outside sources—see Inflammation & Infection are Natural Healing Processes.
Doctors first started naming "signs of poor health" back in the 1400s when Natural Healing was declared witchcraft, when they burned many "so–called" witches at the stake. Natural healing was declared magic, and was therefore the work of the Devil. If any person used what was called witchcraft to help someone, they were dealt with as though they had murdered a person. "...The workings of witches are never lawful" and therefore they were all seen as Devil–worshippers—Source The Inquisition and Witchcraft.
In the Sugar Blues book William Dufty writes: "Inquisitors [court who judged people on the basis of religious beliefs and activities] relied on physicians to distinguish between those [health] disorders due to natural causes and those disorders stemming from [so-called] witchcraft. Latin was the language of the physicians and the priest. So physicians came to use the Latin words symptoma from the Greek word symptoma, for sign. What the [so-called] sorceress [natural healers] had called a sign, warning from nature, the physician began to call a symptom.
" Few physicians could tell you something you did n0t know in your own bones. They could only examine you, listen to your complaints, then give your signs, warnings, or symptoms a fancy new name in Latin or Greek." That way physicians created a mystery, making people "believe" physicians know something they did not or could not know, which secured the physicians' services.
Dufty goes on to say: "Now that the competition [healers] had been wiped out, physician and priest did what conquerors in cahoots always do: The spoils were divided. The priest and exorcist took custody of the psyche [mind], leaving the soma [body] to the physician and surgeon." This ensured that people would look to them as their saviors, who are the psychiatrists and physicians today!

What IS Candida/Yeast (a fungus) and What Causes It?

Candida is a short name used to describe yeast or fungal overgrowth in the body. The technical term for yeast overgrowth is "candidiasis," which means "an overgrowth of candida albicans in the body." Candida albicans is a single-celled fungus that belongs to the vegetable kingdom, similar to their "cousins" the molds.
Candida is not the "cause of" so many diseases, reactions, symptoms, or malfunctions as claimed, since it is the "result of" poor health, and there are five Primary Reasons for All Failing Health:
  1. Lack of the correct combination of nutrients that all humans need in order to be healthy.
  2. Lack of oxygen at a cellular level and/or the inability of the cells to utilize oxygen.
  3. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste because of an inability of the body to detoxify like it should.
  4. Lowered vitality (energy) due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, losses, relationship or financial worries, being unhealthy, etc., and a lack of energy at a cellular level.
  5. Poor "Nutritional Status" acquired from parents upon conception.
Mother Nature provides many ways of dealing with poor health, as it does in the environment, soil, plants, and all animals on Earth, called "homeostasis".

What is Homeostasis?

Homeostasis is:
  1. The ability of an organism or a cell to regulate it's internal conditions, usually by a system of feedback and controls, in order to stabilize health and functioning.

  2. The ability of the body or a cell to seek and maintain a condition of stability and health within its internal environment when dealing with internal or external changes or influences.
In humans, homeostasis regulates body temperature to maintain a normal body temperature around 98.6°F. For example, we sweat to cool off in hot weather, and we shiver to produce heat in cold weather. Homeostasis ensures we can act quickly and effectively to threats or danger by automatically switching over to our "fight/flight" nervous system.
Homeostasis is also involved when we do not get the nutrition needed for health, so our bodies are forced to pull nutrients from itself, called, borrowing, i.e. protein and nutrients from muscles or minerals from bones, to ensure vital organs like the heart function properly.
Mother Nature was wise enough to provide our bodies with all of the resources, mechanisms, tools, feedback, etc. that are necessary in order to maintain our bodies' homeostatis. All diseases, symptoms, illnesses, malfunctioning organs, etc. that occur are evidence the body is utilizing it's resources in order to maintain homeostasis, i.e. to restore its health. In other words, any changes the body makes are for its optimal survival, including the creation of germs, viruses, bacteria, fungus (candida/yeast and cancer).
Many researchers and scientist throughout history have proved germs, bacteria, fungus (including candida and cancer) are caused by the poor condition of the body, and that the body itself creates them. They proved the existence of a single micro–organism, or microbe, which is found everywhere in Nature, i.e. on rocks, plants, in soil, insects, and in all animals and humans on Earth. Modern microscopes commonly used in the medical field today are not able to detect these microbes, since they are too small. In order to see these microbes researchers who discovered them use special microscopes. For example, Gaston Naessens designed and built a microscope he called the "Somatoscope."
That is a good introduction to this article, so I will stop there, and refer you to these articles that tell "the rest of the story":

Remember that "Knowledge is Power".

The False Information About Candida

This is what I used to believe!

Table of Contents

How Candida Overgrows

Candida normally lives in everyone's body as a nice round friendly organism that is helpful and important to the body, and it is located in all mucus membranes, i.e. eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, mouth, throat, esophagus, intestines, kidneys, bladder, genitals, etc. Candida is one of billions of friendly organisms that serve a useful purpose in the body, and one of its important functions is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria and toxins.
A healthy immune system keeps candida under control, but when it becomes depressed candida changes (called pleomorphism, which is similar to mutation) its form and function into an overgrowing organism that grows long legs (like tentacles) and it produces large families, called colonies.

Five Primary Causes of a Depressed Immune System

  1. Lack of proper nutrition.
  2. Low oxygen levels.
  3. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and wastes.
  4. Lowered vitality due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, and relationship or financial worries and concerns, etc.
  5. Poor "nutritional status" inherited from both parents upon conception.

Nature Intends Candida to Change

Nature only intends candida to change into an overgrowing monster when the body dies, so it will produce over 79 different kinds of toxins, which are mainly alcohol. These toxins are designed to break down the body into dust (ashes to ashes and dust to dust). Toxins are not produced by "normal" candida organisms.
If the body deteriorates to the point that the immune system is depressed, candida kicks in ahead of time, changing its shape and functions from a friendly, helpful organism into a destructive organism. This creates havoc and destruction throughout the entire body, causing numerous symptoms, diseases, illnesses, malfunctions, and degeneration.

You Cannot "Catch" Candida!

Candida overgrowth is not infectious or contagious. Therefore it is impossible for anyone to "catch" candida overgrowth from someone else, the environment, or from any other outside source. You cannot "catch" candida any more than you can catch someone else's broken finger or their grey hair.
Candida changes from a friendly organism into an overgrowing, destructive monster within each person's body, totally independent of anything or anyone else.

How Babies Acquire Candida

Babies inherit the "nutritional status" of their parents upon conception. As Dr. Weston A. Price points out in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Chapter 21: "Of the many problems on which the experience of the primitive races can throw light, probably none is more pressing than practical procedures for improving child life.
Since this has been shown to be largely dependent upon the architectural design, as determined by the health of the parental germ cells and by the prenatal environment of the child, the program that is to be successful must begin early enough to obviate [anticipate and prevent] by effective measures these various disturbing forces.
The normal determining factors that are of hereditary origin may be interrupted in a given generation but need not become fixed characteristics in the future generations. This question of parental nutrition, accordingly, constitutes a fundamental determining factor in the health and physical perfection of the offspring."
This means that if either parent has candida overgrowth the baby will also have it because they inherit the same immune system status, which will be just as depressed as their parents. Candida is not infectious or contagious therefore it is not possible for babies to "catch it" from the birth canal during birth, nor can they "catch it" from the mother after birth, i.e. from the breast or any other contact with a mother who has candida.

The Only Way to Handle Candida

The only way to handle candida, so it will "change back" into its normal friendly form, is to build up the immune system. The only way to build up the immune system is with proper nutrition (candida diet plus supplements) which provides the body with what it needs to heal itself. It takes 1 month of natural healing for every year the immune system has been depressed, which for most people nowadays has been since before birth. When the immune system is strong enough Candida will "change back" into a round friendly organism, the way it is supposed to be, which is helpful rather than destructive.

IF You Do Not Handle Candida You Can Get Cancer!

If you do not handle candida it will change into cancer! Candida is an evolving organism, which means it can "change back" into its normal form and function, OR it can further change, or mutate, into cancer – see articles on cancer and the candida connection. One of the best articles that explains this change is The Origins of Cancer.
Cancer and candida overgrowth thrive in the same conditions, i.e. feeding on sugars and high carbs, and in a low oxygen, toxic environment. This was discovered by Dr. Otto Warburg – see Cancer, the Prime Cause and Prevention. Also see Cancer's Sweet Tooth.

Do Not Fool Around; Handle Your Candida!

So it is very important to be diligent in following the candida program so your immune system will be built up, so it will make candida "change back" to its normal form and function. There are no quick fixes! It takes time, patience, and persistence to build up the immune system. The most successful candida program is outlined in Bee's article How to Successfully Overcome Candida.


  1. Weston A. Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, La Mesa, CA, The Price-Pottenger Nutritional Foundation, Inc., 2004, Chapter 21.
  2. You Do Not "Catch" Germs, Bacteria, or Viruses.
  3. Cancer – The Candida Connection
  4. The Origins of Cancer
  5. The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer, Dr. Otto Warburg, Lecture delivered to Nobel Laureates on June 30, 1966 at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany.
  6. Cancer's Sweet Tooth

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