The Urbana Atlas of pathology
The Urbana Atlas of Pathology
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign
Legends by Patricia J. O'Morchoe, M.D. Images from material collected by Donald R. Thursh, M.D. and Dr. P. J. O'Morchoe
Concept, design and implementation by Allan H. Levy, M.D., with the assistance of Ms. Jill Conway. Technical assistance by Ms. Dedra Williams and Ms. Tara Ramanathan.
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Table of Contents
Series 1
The images are taken mainly from images collected by Professor Donald R. Thursh, deceased. Dr. Thursh collected these images during the 70's while he was Professor Pathology at New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York. The images were digitized and a hypertext version was initiated at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign, by Dr. Thursh and Dr. Levy, with Dr. Patricia Jean O'Morchoe continuing Dr. Thursh's efforts following his death.
- Volume 1 - Overview of General Pathology
- Volume 2 - Cardiovascular Pathology
- Volume 3 - Endocrine Pathology
- Volume 4 - Pulmonary Pathology
- Volume 5- Renal Pathology
Series 2
The images in this series are from the collection of Dr. Patricia Jean O'Morchoe. Labelling and annotation are by Dr. O'Morchoe.
Using this Atlas
For volumes 1 and 2, you will initially be presented with a thumbnail sketch of each image, together with its accompanying legend. You will be given an opportunity to decide if you want to view the expanded version of each picture. To expand each image, a GIF or a JPEG viewer must be present in your system software or your browser must incorporate these viewers; many browsers do. Volume 3 to 6 are in a format using frames. We think it is much easier to use than the older version. To view these volume, you will require a browser such as Netscape (V2 or above) that supports frames or Microsoft's Internet Explorer (for Windows 95 and Windows NT only). These can presently be downloaded without charge from the respective vendor's home pages. We regret that we do not have the staff to support an alternate version that runs without frame capability.
Alphabetical Index
Comments & Suggestions
Volume 1 - Overview of General Pathology
Kidney, tubules, hydropic change
Heart, left ventricle, hypertrophy
Heart, left ventricle, hypertrophy
Spleen, splenomegaly, massive
Thyroid, hyperplasia, diffuse
Prostate, benign hypertrophy, hyperplasia
Testis, seminferous tubules, atrophy
Cervix, dysplasia, CIN 3/SIL high grade
Cervix, metaplasia, squamous metaplasia
Heart, papillary muscle, necrosis and scar
Heart, myocardium, necrosis, focal
Bowel, infarct, hemorrhagic
Small intestine, infarct
Bowel, infarct
Lung, infarct
Lung, infarct, histologic view
Artery, aorta, atherosclerosis
Artery, aorta, atherosclerosis
Artery, carotid, arteriosclerosis obliterans
Artery, aneurysm, thrombosis, aneurysm
Artery, prosthesis, atheroma, aneurysm
Artery, prosthesis, atheroma, high power
Liver, fatty change, alcoholism
Lung, congestion, passive and acute
Lung, pulmonary congestion
Spleen, Niemann-Pick disease
Kidney, renal tubules, jaundice
Kidney, jaundice
Pancreas, calcification
Kidney, tubular epithelium, hyaline change
Unspecified organ, cytomegalovirus infection
Lung,t uberculosis
Lung, tuberculosis, caseous necrosis
Heart, gross, metastatic melanoma
Heart, myocardium, metastatic melanoma
Liver, cirrhosis, hemochromatosis
Kidney, lupus nephritis
Appendix, acute inflammation, early stages
Pancreas, acute inflammation
Appendix, acute inflammation, focal, ulcerating
Appendix, acute appendicitis, focal, ulcerating
Lung, bronchus, asthma and chronic bronchitis
Lymph node, lymphadenitis, dilantin-induced
Pleural cavity, hemothorax
Right pleural space, hemothorax
Lung, hyaline membrane disease, respiratory distress
Lung, hyaline membrane disease, respiratory distress
Liver, congestion, hyperemia
Liver, acute passive congestion, hyperemia
Kidney, pyelonephritis, hyperemia
Pleura, pleural petechiae
Abdominal aorta, aneurysm, thrombosis
Liver, tumor embolus
Lung, embolus
Lung, asbestosis, ferruginous body
Lung, asbestosis, ferruginous body
Lung, bronchus, asbestosis
Peritoneal cavity, ascites, adenocarcinoma
Peritoneal cavity, ascitic fluid, adenocarcinoma
Peritoneal cavity, ascitic fluid, melanoma
Lung, aspergillosis
Lung, aspergillosis
Brain, abscess, mucormycosis
Unspecified organ, candida septicemia
Esophagus, candidiasis
Colon, amyloidosis
Liver, amyloidosis
Spleen, amyloidosis, nodular
Heart, amyloidosis
Kidney, amyloidosis
Kidney, amyloidosis
Liver, alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic steatosis
Liver, alcoholic hepatitis
Liver, alcoholic cirrhosis
Liver, alcoholic cirrhosis
Liver, alcoholic cirrhosis, early stage
Liver, alcoholic cirrhosis, early stage
Liver, alcoholic steatosis
Pancreas, adenocarcinoma
Pancreas, adenocarcinoma
Pancreas, adenocarcinoma
Colon, adenocarcinoma, well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma, well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma, moderately well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma, moderately well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma, moderately well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma, gross
Uterus, cervix, carcinoma in situ
Thyroid, follicular adenoma
Thyroid, follicular adenoma,gross
Thyroid, follicular adenoma
Adrenal cortex, adenoma, gross
Parathyroid, adenoma, oxyphil cells
Heart, atrial myxoma
Small intestine, hamartomatous polyp
Heart, mitral valve, bacterial endocarditis, bacillary
Heart, bacterial endocarditis, bacillary
Heart, bacterial myocarditis
Heart, mitral valve, bacterial endocarditis
Heart, left ventricle, dilatation
Heart, myocardium, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Kidney, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Mesentery, periappendiceal abscess
Liver, abscess, gross
Heart, pericarditis, acute, purulent
Heart, rheumatic fever, nodule
Heart, rheumatic myocarditis, mature Aschoff nodule
Heart, myocardium, rheumatic arteritis
Heart, mitral valve, rheumatic endocarditis
Joint, rheumatoid synovitis, rheumatoid synovitis
Kidney, glomerulonephritis, diffuse, proliferative
Kidney, glomerulonephritis, diffuse, proliferative and exudative
Liver, streptococcal septicemia, postpartum
Lung, pneumonia, pneumococcal
Ovarian tube, salpingitis, acute and chronic
Spleen, typhoid fever, reactive splenic vasculitis
Unspecified organ, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Unspecified organ, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, beaded form
Artery, syphilitic aortitis
Artery, syphilitic aortitis
Lymph node, mediastinal, histoplasmosis
Skin, dermatomyositis
Artery, polyarteritis nodosa
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Volume 2 - Cardiovascular Pathology
Arteriosclerosis obliterans, carotid artery
Aneurysm, atherosclerotic, with thrombosis
Aneurysm, atherosclerotic, post-operative, prosthesis
Aneurysm, thrombosed
Tumor embolism
Bone marrow embolism
Thrombosis, recanalized
Coronary artery, thrombosis
Isolated arteritis, appendix
Polyarteritis nodosa
Rheumatic fever, nodule
Rheumatic myocarditis, mature Aschoff nodule
Rheumatic arteritis, myocardium
Rheumatic endocarditis, active, mitral valve
Rheumatoid synovitis
Syphilitic aortitis
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Renal artery stenosis
Aortic dissection, Erdheim's cystic medial necrosis-associated
Dissecting aneurysm, hypertension-associated type
Malignant nephrosclerosis
Malignant nephrosclerosis
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Left ventricular dilatation
Myocardial infarct, early stage
Myocardial infarct, neutrophilic infiltrate
Focal necrosis, myocardium, (DIC)
Rheumatic mitral valvulitis, post-operative, prosthetic replacement
Pericarditis, acute, purulent
Bacterial myocarditis
Myocarditis, viral, possibly adenovirus
Myocarditis, sarcoidosis
Myocarditis, probably toxoplasmosis
Myocarditis, probably toxoplasmosis
Bacterial endocarditis, bacillary
Bacterial endocarditis, mitral valve
Cerebral embolization, bacterial endocarditis
Endocardial fibroelastosis
Atrial myxoma
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Alphabetical Index
Volume 1 - Overview of General Pathology
Volume 2 - Cardiovascular Pathology
Index for Volume 1 - Overview of General Pathology
Abdominal aorta, aneurysm, thrombosis
Adrenal cortex, adenoma, gross
Appendix, acute appendicitis, focal, ulcerating
Appendix, acute inflammation, early stages
Appendix, acute inflammation, focal, ulcerating
Artery, aneurysm, thrombosis, aneurysm
Artery, aorta, atherosclerosis
Artery, aorta, atherosclerosis
Artery, carotid, arteriosclerosis obliterans
Artery, polyarteritis nodosa
Artery, prosthesis, atheroma, aneurysm
Artery, prosthesis, atheroma, high power
Artery, syphilitic aortitis
Artery, syphilitic aortitis
Bowel, infarct, hemorrhagic
Bowel, infarct
Brain, abscess, mucormycosis
Cervix, dysplasia,CIN 3/SIL high grade
Cervix, metaplasia, squamous metaplasia
Colon, adenocarcinoma, well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma, well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma, moderately well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma, moderately well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma, moderately well differentiated
Colon, adenocarcinoma888 Colon, amyloidosis
Esophagus, candidiasis
Heart, left ventricle, dilatation
Heart, mitral valve, bacterial endocarditis
Heart, myocardium, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Heart, amyloidosis
Heart, atrial myxoma
Heart, bacterial endocarditis, bacillary
Heart, bacterial myocarditis
Heart, gross, metastatic melanoma
Heart, left ventricle, hypertrophy
Heart, left ventricle, hypertrophy
Heart, mitral valve, bacterial endocarditis, bacillary
Heart, mitral valve, rheumatic endocarditis
Heart, myocardium, metastatic melanoma
Heart, myocardium, necrosis, focal
Heart, myocardium,r heumatic arteritis
Heart, papillary muscle, necrosis and scar
Heart, pericarditis, acute, purulent
Heart, rheumatic fever, nodule
Heart, rheumatic myocarditis, mature Aschoff nodule
Joint, rheumatoid synovitis, rheumatoid synovitis
Kidney, tubules, hydropic change
Kidney, amyloidosis
Kidney, amyloidosis
Kidney, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Kidney, glomerulonephritis, diffuse, proliferative
Kidney, glomerulonephritis, diffuse, proliferative and exudative
Kidney, jaundice
Kidney, lupus nephritis
Kidney, pyelonephritis, hyperemia
Kidney, renal tubules,j aundice
Kidney, tubular epithelium, hyaline change
Liver, abscess, gross
Liver, acute passive congestion, hyperemia
Liver, alcoholic cirrhosis, early stage
Liver, alcoholic cirrhosis, early stage
Liver, alcoholic cirrhosis
Liver, alcoholic cirrhosis
Liver, alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic steatosis
Liver, alcoholic hepatitis
Liver, alcoholic steatosis
Liver, amyloidosis
Liver, cirrhosis, hemochromatosis
Liver, congestion, hyperemia
Liver, fatty change, alcoholism
Liver, streptococcal septicemia, postpartum
Liver, tumor embolus
Lung, asbestosis, ferruginous body
Lung, asbestosis, ferruginous body
Lung, aspergillosis
Lung, aspergillosis
Lung, bronchus, asbestosis
Lung, bronchus, asthma and chronic bronchitis
Lung, congestion, passive and acute
Lung, embolus
Lung, hyaline membrane disease, respiratory distress
Lung, hyaline membrane disease, respiratory distress
Lung, infarct, histologic view
Lung, infarct
Lung, pneumonia, pneumococcal
Lung, pulmonary congestion
Lung, tuberculosis, caseous necrosis
Lung, tuberculosis
Lymph node,l ymphadenitis, dilantin-induced
Lymph node, mediastinal, histoplasmosis
Mesentery, periappendiceal abscess
Ovarian tube, salpingitis, acute and chronic
Pancreas, acute inflammation
Pancreas, adenocarcinoma
Pancreas, adenocarcinoma
Pancreas, adenocarcinoma
Pancreas, calcification
Parathyroid, adenoma, oxyphil cells
Peritoneal cavity, ascites, adenocarcinoma
Peritoneal cavity, ascitic fluid, adenocarcinoma
Peritoneal cavity, ascitic fluid, melanoma
Pleura, pleural petechiae
Pleural cavity, hemothorax
Prostate, benign hypertrophy, hyperplasia
Right pleural space, hemothorax
Skin, dermatomyositis
Small intestine, hamartomatous polyp
Small intestine, infarct
Spleen, amyloidosis, nodular
Spleen, Niemann-Pick disease
Spleen, splenomegaly, massive
Spleen, typhoid fever, reactive splenic vasculitis
Testis, seminferous tubules, atrophy
Thyroid, follicular adenoma,gross
Thyroid, follicular adenoma
Thyroid, follicular adenoma
Thyroid, hyperplasia, diffuse
Unspecified organ, candida septicemia
Unspecified organ, cytomegalovirus infection
Unspecified organ, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, beaded form
Unspecified organ, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Uterus, cervix, carcinoma in situ
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Index for Volume 2 - Cardiovascular Pathology
Aneurysm, atherosclerotic, with thrombosis
Aneurysm, atherosclerotic, post-operative, prosthesis
Aneurysm, thrombosed
Aortic dissection, Erdheim's cystic medial necrosis-associated
Arteriosclerosis obliterans, carotid artery
Atrial myxoma
Bacterial endocarditis, bacillary
Bacterial endocarditis, mitral valve
Bacterial myocarditis
Bone marrow embolism
Cerebral embolization, bacterial endocarditis
Coronary artery, thrombosis
Dissecting aneurysm, hypertension-associated type
Endocardial fibroelastosis
Focal necrosis, myocardium, (DIC)
Isolated arteritis, appendix
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma
Left ventricular dilatation
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Malignant nephrosclerosis
Malignant nephrosclerosis
Myocardial infarct, early stage
Myocardial infarct, neutrophilic infiltrate
Myocarditis, viral, possibly adenovirus
Myocarditis, sarcoidosis
Myocarditis, probably toxoplasmosis
Myocarditis, probably toxoplasmosis
Pericarditis, acute, purulent
Polyarteritis nodosa
Renal artery stenosis
Rheumatic arteritis, myocardium
Rheumatic endocarditis, active, mitral valve
Rheumatic fever, nodule
Rheumatic mitral valvulitis, post-operative, prosthetic replacement
Rheumatic myocarditis, mature Aschoff nodule
Rheumatoid synovitis
Syphilitic aortitis
Thrombosis, recanalized
Tumor embolism
The Atlas is copyright 1994,95,96,97 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. It may not be reproduced without permission. B
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