Monday 4 July 2016

I believe that stress caused my own misalignment

1993-2006 The Way To Balance, LLC. All rights reserved. No duplication permitted without written permission.



RE: Lymphatic Issues

Medical Intuitive Reading performed by Sue Singleton on 11/24/03

in Amesbury, MA on a female, age 47.

(Summary of Reading Notes; typed transcript of entire reading is 4 pages long; used with permission)

Notes in RED are comments shared by the client AFTER the Reading.

Energetic Overview:

ROOT CAUSE: Physical Trauma Residue and Viral Residue in the cranium.

Unresolved Physical Trauma, the energy of injury lodged in the cranium, cumulative from 5 incidents of injury. One of them at birth…. Viral residues (unresolved from past infection or exposure) are also entangled in the same areas as the physical trauma. The pattern is held in a bilateral compression pattern of the parietal and frontal sutures. The is also a compression of the nasal bone, an upward pressure and compression of the sphenoid juncture, which is exerting stress on the pituitary gland, the gland is undersized. This is what regulates the entire endocrine system, the glandular, chemical and hormonal balances in the body, and it is not functioning optimally. Long labor/difficult birth. Dad hit her in the face as a teen. Forehead hit windshield in car accident, and she collided with a tree head-on. MRI later revealed shrunken and partially calcified pituitary gland.

The physical trauma pattern begins to have an impact on the central nervous system as well, from the occiput/atlas and to T-3 vertebra. The left temporal suture is also involved in this injury pattern; the jaw is also compressed and misaligned bilaterally……

There is not a live viral infection in the brain and cranium, but a partially mutated viral energy residue or imprint……lient recalled several stubborn viral infections, which she named.

~ Continued next page ~

Horizontal restriction pattern in cranium, coming about 1/3 of the way down from the crown, then down the left side of the cranium and the back of the head. Also extending into the neck and throat. The restriction pattern from the upper thoracic region actually winds back and forth several times before it reaches the lower body. At the lower torso, it becomes a spiraling, twisted energy restriction. The overview indicates that the most significant causal issues are in the cranium and the pelvic floor and the lower spine. Distinctly inefficient flow going from the upper body to the lower body, and the energy flow is imbalanced between the left and right sides of the body. Examples of Medical Intuitive Readings performed by SUE SINGLETON, Medical Intuitive, MHt, CST, EOLMTT, and Co-founder of The Way To Balance, LLC, Center for Advanced Healing and Training 1993-2006 The Way To Balance, LLC. All rights reserved. No duplication permitted without written permission.

(Sue Singleton Medical Intuitive Reading Example "A", continued)

ROOT CAUSE: Fear/Anxiety/Overwhelm and Sadness/Loss/Isolation in the chest/throat

The emotional patterns are held/lodged in the platysma, pectorals, SCM, scalene, transversus thoracis and serratus muscle groups. They are internalized into the cellular memory of those muscles…. These are causing low thyroid and thymus function and lack of full communication between those glands. Some additional viral residues are here as well. Subsequent blood tests by doctors confirmed the glandular dysfunctions.

The original triggering event for the Fear-based pattern was age 4. That’s the original activation of the pattern, and caused the weakness tendency for future anxiety or overwhelm to accumulate there. (Dad always scary and emotionally abusive, brother born sickly and premature, so she was ignored; then a new baby sister after that). The Sadness/Disappointment pattern internalized from ages 9-11, as opposed to a specific time. This means there’s either a chronic situation occurring during this time that causes you to feel that way frequently, OR several incidents not directly related to each other that caused you those same feelings……(During ages 9-11, deaths of 11 relatives, including children).

ROOT CAUSE: Physical Trauma Residue and Guilt/Shame/Regret in lower torso

The sacrum and tailbone show evidence of injury, compression, and misalignment of the coccyx (tailbone) is reducing spinal fluid flow in the lower spine.

The emotional pattern that originates in the diaphragm travels down through the psoas, iliacus and rectis abdominis muscles also go through the perineum and wrap to the lower spine and quadratus lumborum muscles. This guilt/remorse/shame or regret internalized in here when you were age 14…….These two issues in the lower torso are causing the lymphatic back-up I see in the groin and the legs, more so the left leg. Dad humiliated her at that age for wearing mini-skirt: "You are a wh*#e if you wear that skirt!"

OTHER COMMENTS: Enzyme imbalance in the liver and pancreas (some over-produced, some under-produced), which in turn is putting stress on your kidneys. Incomplete clearing of the colon is also visible, active candida overgrowth. Both are interfering with assimilation of nutrients and water in the ascending colon.

Homework and Action Plan were provided to the client during the Reading. Specific cleansing program, work on self for lymphatic, specific nutrients, EOL self-healing CD for Fear/Anxiety and Overwhelm, a specific hydro-therapy treatment plan, physical and emotional release work from the body with Sue and/or Aaron. Phase 2, possibly phase 3 action plans will be needed according to progress.

Later medical tests confirmed issues with pituitary, thyroid and adrenals, for which she was treated both medically and holistically. Examples of Medical Intuitive Readings performed by SUE SINGLETON, Medical Intuitive, MHt, CST, EOLMTT, and Co-founder of The Way To Balance, LLC, Center for Advanced Healing and Training 1993-2006 The Way To Balance, LLC. All rights reserved. No duplication permitted without written permission.


Severe restrictions to the vital or core energy systems of the body.

Brain and Central Nervous System stress and shock at 6 months gestational timeframe. Vagus nerve involvement. Emergency birth at 6 months gestational.

Lack of complete flow and communication between the left and right sides of the body. Loss of energy/energy leak at the sacrum/coccyx region.


RE: Failure to Thrive; Slow Growth and Frequent Illness issues

Medical Intuitive Reading performed by Sue Singleton on 08/01/05

in Amesbury, MA on a female, age 21 months.

(Summary of Reading Notes; used with permission of parent)

Notes in RED are comments shared by client’s mother AFTER the Reading.

Energetic Overview:

ROOT CAUSES: Physical Trauma and Shock to the Brain and Central Nervous System at 6 month’s gestational period, and during birth, as well as Chemical Residues in same locations.

Strong rotation and compression of the atlas/C1, C2 misalignment and therefore extra vagus nerve and CNS stress. Bi-lateral compression of the parietals, temporals, frontals. Nasal bone and palatine compression. In addition to the chemical/likely medication residues in the brain and CNS, I also see unresolved viral, bacterial and fungal residues, unusual to find all of them at once in the same area. Doctors were also surprised: Para-Flu Virus, Bacterial Pneumonia and Fungus all affecting blood and lungs. Numerous spinal issues and left-sided pelvic tilt. The position in utero cause the energy leak at the base of the spine and the coccyx, the positional issue plus birth process caused the physical trauma and shock to the brain and CNS. She is a twin and they suffered "twin to twin transfusion syndrome", wherein she became the donor or "stuck twin". 30% size discrepancy between twins at birth.

All of the above are affecting the Endocrine System, moreso the pituitary, pineal and thymus glands. Digestive and eliminations systems are highly stressed, including the liver, gallbladder, small intestines and colon. All confirmed medically.

ROOT CAUSE: Fear/Anxiety/Overwhelm (original trigger 3 months gestational (when she became donor twin, also parents’ business stress); 6 mo’s gestational—emergency birth by C-Section) internalized in the throat and chest, specifically the platysma, transversis thoracis, longus capitus, diaphragm muscles (tubes down her throat as newborn), as well as Sadness/Grief/Abandonment (3 mo’s. gestational, and also karmic) in the same tissues. Karmic patterns: head trauma and grief from the collapse of Atlantis (she was age 14 at the collapse, did not fully understand/comprehend, and died from the head injuries)

~ Continued next page ~ Examples of Medical Intuitive Readings performed by SUE SINGLETON, Medical Intuitive, MHt, CST, EOLMTT, and Co-founder of The Way To Balance, LLC, Center for Advanced Healing and Training 1993-2006 The Way To Balance, LLC. All rights reserved. No duplication permitted without written permission.

(Sue Singleton Medical Intuitive Reading Example "B", continued)

This is a very wise soul, and she has incarnated 978 lifetimes. She came into this life with two soul’s purposes:

1) To experience giving unconditional love—this purpose has already been met

2) To receive and accept unconditional love for herself.—she’s working on this

She has had many positive and spiritual lifetimes to prepare her for this…very wise old soul! (An honor to meet you…)

HOMEWORK: A phased action plan/homework was provided, as she can only handle small increments. Needed to refer her out to both a specialized N.U.C.C.A. technique upper spine specialist practitioner (non-force) and a true homeopath, as well as hands-on physical, emotional and energy work, illness residue work with Aaron and Sue and other practitioners. Homework will need to be phased into at least 3 segments. Almost immediate changes/improvements and she began to gain weight once the homework/action plan was initiated. Still a long way to go…

~ End ~

About Sue Singleton and Medical Intuitive Readings:

Sue Singleton’s Readings are highly sought after due to the amazing anatomical and physiological detail into the Root Cause of illness and disease of each specific client. Each one-hour reading includes a cassette tape of the entire reading as a courtesy, as well as a written action plan/homework plan for the client to follow to help him/herself resolve the Root Cause.

For more information, visit or call 978-834-0341

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