Friday, 31 October 2014

Field Control Therapy (FCT) is a unique deep complex and effective system of medicine-make up your own minds

Field Control Therapy® (FCT) is a unique, deep, complex and effective system of medicine.
FCT is scientific medicine that offers real health solutions. It uniquely integrates three sciences:
1. The Paradigm of LIVING SYSTEMS: Perspective, Priority, Essence, The Nature of Reality...
2. The Power of INFORMATION FIELDS: Physics, Bioresonance Testing, Information Medicine...
3. The Precision of DISEASE CAUSATION: Digital Forensics, Key Toxins, EMFs, Infections, Lifestyle...

However, as FCT incorporates many different aspects, there is no single definition which can do it justice, and we have therefore also decided to share below a diverse list of definitions as volunteered by different FCT practitioners and students, in case anyone wants to hear some other perspectives besides ours above.

Student definition which has been rated the most popular by other students:
Field Control Therapy is a relatively new healthcare system that specifically addresses the illnesses of the 21st century. Modern lifestyle comes at a cost. Poor diet, increased exposure to radiation, environmental pollutants and toxic metals are creating a host of new health problems from chronic fatigue to immunodeficiency, autism and MS, to name a few. FCT identifies key toxins underlying illness and treats with ‘causative homeopathy’ to restore healthy cellular functioning.

Dr Yurkovsky is the creator of FCT, and this is an extract of his own definition:
Field Control Therapy offers medical knowledge with clearly defined essential priorities in both diagnosis and therapy.
FCT empowers health practitioners with a deep, unique Bio-resonance testing algorithm for the accurate diagnosis of the underlying causes of imbalance in the human organism.
To address these disruptions in the normal homeostatic networks, FCT employs the safe and therapeutic use of carefully administered homeopathic isodes (nosodes) whose frequencies correlate with underlying structures involved. These remedies are accompanied with the necessary supportive organ measures in order to attain maximum health benefits with minimal to no healing aggravations.
The rest of Dr Yurkovsky's definition can be read here.

Below are alternative definitions as contributed by different FCT students/practitioners. Two of them were written by me (I won't reveal which!) - and in addition to these, the list also comprises the unedited descriptions of 19 other FCT students/practitioners. . . Just take your pick!

FCT is a very effective form of alternative medicine. It’s used to diagnose and treat the deepest underlying causes of any symptom or illness: it goes much deeper than other approaches. It’s worth looking into!
FCT is an exceptionally powerful cutting-edge system of integrative medicine. It draws from essential knowledge in both alternative and conventional fields to comprise: (i) a deep and comprehensive understanding of health, illness, key priorities and energy medicine; (ii) a new diagnostic technique to uncover the true causes of all illness, drawing from bio-resonance/kinesiology but with revolutionary new means of screening very deeply & for determining the best order of priority; & (iii) powerful therapeutics based primarily on a unique innovative system of causative homeopathy.

FCT is a new succinct homeopathic system which detoxes deep into the cells, prioritizes and heals the individual’s organs and revitalizes the whole body.

A treatment that is able to identify and remove the main poisons from the main organs of the body, e.g. heart, brain, etc. Designed by an American doctor who is a heart specialist.
A treatment that identifies and removes the main toxins from the organs of the body in a meaningful and controlled way.

FCT treatment is a bit like mending an electrical circuit. Do you remember learning about simple science and putting various objects across a bridge to make a circuit work? Well...our bodies are like this and our energy...the lightbulb will only be bright if all our circuitry is not impeded by any non transmitters in the circuit. Metals in this case are particularly bad and they stop energy flowing around our circuit. When this is removed, then the energy can flow again and we begin to feel better.

Effective diagnosis using kinesiology and sarcodes.
Effective treatment using sarcodes and homeopathy/toxicology.

FCT is an advanced form of ‘causative’ homeopathy. It is focused on the expulsion of modern-day toxins to allow the body’s natural healing to occur. Every treatment is tailored to the patient’s individual, neurologic and energetic response.
FCT is a therapeutic system of instructing the body to throw off deep-seated toxins which are preventing it from recovery. Individual testing ensures tailor-made healthcare.

FCT is a system of medicine that uses bioenergetic testing to find the root causes of disease and causative homeopathy to annihilate those causes.
Disease initially and primarily exists at the energetic level, not the biochemical level. FCT can determine these imbalances and eradicate them.
FCT is a way of discovering the root cause of health problems and eradicating those causes using homeopathy.

FCT understands that some of the body’s organs have been weakened by toxins such as mercury, which leaks from the dental fillings that most of us have, antibiotic residues, again which most of us have had, or even remnants of old vaccinations. It detects which organs are affected using a system of muscle testing and it then helps the body to release these toxins using a form of homeopathy. This form of homeopathy is also used to boost the particular organ as well as to bring the body in general back to health. FCT is also very specific about the necessity of adhering to certain food and lifestyle modifications that ensure that the body can recover fully and stay well. Depending on the person I am talking to I may add that it is a form of vibrational medicine.

This therapy will highlight the poisons in one’s body that are causing ill health and provide a means to get rid of them in the most efficient and safest method known to man today.

Field Control Therapy is a new complementary therapy based on a new branch of homeopathy, called causative homeopathy, which treats and deals directly in treating toxicity overloads in the body, infections, bacteria, traumas, past surgeries, etc., which are generally caused by poor nutritional status, poor diet, exposure to chemicals, toxicity in the environment, lifestyle, injuries and traumas. All these cause illness and injury to the body.

FCT is a therapy which increases cellular intelligence which automatically improves health. Based on bio-resonance testing and the use of energetically imprinted water it stimulates a spontaneous, yet carefully controlled elimination of heavy metals and other key pernicious agents.

What is Field Control Therapy, in a nutshell? People often ask me this. If responding from the point of view of a healthcare practitioner, this might be the briefest of possible explanations of the three “lynchpins” of FCT:

(1) Understanding illness from a completely new perspective, via a pioneering system of energy medicine. Drawing key information from the fields of toxicology and quantum physics into medicine for the first time. Introducing essential concepts such as that of “key toxins” and how to deal with them effectively and safely, and at the deepest level possible in the body.

(2) Testing using a unique new form of bio-resonance that incorporates a “non-force” form of Applied Kinesiology (non-force = no muscle is pressed, meaning higher objectivity).

(3) Treatment using a unique new form of “causative” homeopathy, the deepest and most comprehensive therapeutic system biologically possible to address the root causes of illness.

It is also important to mention, of course, that FCT is the brainchild of a cardiologist and medical genius in New York called Dr Yurkovsky (his website can be read at ) who developed it as a new paradigm of medicine to deal effectively with the enormous “fall-out” of failures from other conventional and alternative medical approaches.

FCT is a treatment based on the concept of energetic medicine – similar to homeopathy in its method of application but working at much deeper levels within the body when appropriately practised. FCT deals primarily with the removal of deep rooted toxins held within our DNA/RNA molecular structures and other organs which are responsible for the survival and optimal functioning of the human and animal organism. To date people have reported profound shifts in their lives as a result of FCT treatments.

FCT is a system of medicine based in physics rather than chemistry. It uses the body’s own energetic field to test and diagnose. This determines the treatment – which is homeopathic – an energy based medicine. The main focus of FCT protocols is to alter the internal environment that allows disease to proliferate.

FCT is a sophisticated yet elegantly simply non-invasive method of working at a profound level with the body's innate intelligence to produce overall optimal health and functioning.  The practitioner uses bio-resonance testing via the autonomic nervous system and causative homoeopathy to assist in achieving this goal.

Wow, it’s amazing, you've just gotta try it!!

FCT is a new integrated understanding of health, complete with its own principles, diagnostics and therapeutics.

FCT provides us with a window to see into the body to discover what's really there. It gives us a blueprint for thoroughly and safely cleaning out all the pollution and debris which cause miscommunication not only between each cell, but between the master control centre in the nucleus of each cell and all the cell workers. When this is achieved, the individual is then free to manifest his/her true potential in life. The unique design of this blueprint allows it to be infinitely varied and fine-tuned for each person so that it can be applied safely with laser like accuracy. This is not a "one size fits all" method!
When this protocol is followed, it can be applied safely and with laser-like accuracy in any circumstances. FCT is an entirely new paradigm designed to provide a safe, effective way of restoring homoeostasis to the body. The inherent design of this blueprint allows it to be infinitely varied and fine-tuned so that it can be tailor-made for each individual at each stage of their progress.
This is not a one-size-fits-all method nor is it the shotgun approach of ‘if you give enough pills and potions something might have an effect’! Instead, FCT employs bio-resonance testing to determine the individual's needs regarding treatment priority of each organ/body system, the level of involvement, the strength and timing of each remedy and additional life-style protocols to follow to enhance the benefit of the remedies.
The remedies themselves contain specially prepared water, using the principles of homoeopathy. Unlike classical or complex homoeopathy, these remedies are primarily designed to be taken only once in one-drop doses. This method is known as Causative Homoeopathy.
By using bio-resonance testing via the autonomic nervous system, the most effective treatment protocol can be discovered with laser-like accuracy.
FCT is a synthesis of knowledge incorporating physics, quantum physics, energy related modern biology/biophysics, toxicology, immunology, immuno-toxicology, endocrinology and laws governing complex living systems.

FCT is a safe new innovative way to discover the cause of any or all symptoms that deplete the energy of the body, while strengthening the immune system thereby preventing being ill in the future.

FCT tests the whole body, at an energy level, for systemic dysfunction, using a kinesiology muscle test. Suitable FCT homeopathic remedies are given to re-balance key energies.

What’s Your Poison? F.C.T. is excellent for chronic long standing problems. For example, sinusitis, sore throats, migraine. First the bioresonance testing can pinpoint the specific poison caught in the affected area, such as sinus, nasal passages, etc. and by using specialised homeopathic remedies cleanse all the organs affected. F.C.T. ensures the poisons are cleared out of the body completely, including from all the affected organs, especially the routes of elimination such as lymph, liver, kidneys, large intestine, etc. The poisons are cleared out layer by layer as required. This is known in F.C.T. as a washout.

FCT is using energised vials similar to homeopathy to push out the different layers of toxins in the body while strengthening weak organs at the same time.

FCT involves a non-invasive test of muscle response identifying disturbances in energetics of individual components of the body for which homeopathic remedies may be prescribed.

This is a partial and ongoing list of possible definitions of FCT! If you would like to suggest a new one, please email it to us for consideration.

Laymans explanation of FCT (Field Control Therapy)

Layman’s Explanation of FCT (Field Control Therapy®)


Field Control Therapy is a system of medicine created in the 1990s by Dr Yurkovsky, a cardiologist in New

York. It is based partly on the concept of chronic disease developed by Dr. Reckeweg, a German doctor in

the early 1950s, who evolved a healing system called homotoxicology.

A simple outline of this system is as follows.

One of the main functions of our body is to take in energy in the form of food, water and air and utilise the

parts that we need and excrete what we don’t.

Some of what we don’t want are toxins such as heavy metals, toxic chemicals (insecticides, herbicides. etc),

and drug and antibiotic residues.

The progression of a disease state is viewed in six phases, as summarized in the table below.

As toxins penetrate and build in the body over time, the related physical ailments worsen in their severity

and complexity. When accumulation of toxins occurs, the individual phases of disease progress into one

another. Homotoxicology works to reverse this process and restore health.
Summary of the Stages of Disease Progression

Some symptoms associated with each stage of disease progression are listed below each


I. Excretion Phase = Expulsion of Toxic Products

Intense sweating, difficulty concentrating, tears, joint pains, myalgia, coughing, sneezing,

heartburn, diarrhoea, lymphedema, electrolyte shift, susceptibility to infection

II. Inflammation = Turbo-Cleansing by the Activated Defence System

Acne, meningitis, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, acute sprain, acute bronchitis,

gastroenteritis, urinary tract infection, lipid metabolism disturbance, thyroiditis, acute

infections, weak immune system

III. Deposition = Storage of Toxins in the Extracellular Space

Nevi, chalazion, exostosis, nasal polyps, silicosis, arteriosclerosis, intestinal polyps,

gallbladder or kidney stones, lymph-node swelling, gout, obesity, goitre

IV. Impregnation = Invasion of Toxins into the Cell

Allergies, asthma, rosacea, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue

syndrome, chronic bronchitis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic gastritis, chronic

urinary tract infection, insufficiency of the lymph system, metabolic syndrome, adrenal

exhaustion, dyslipidemia, menopausal symptoms, recurrent vaginitis, hyperthyroidism,

glucose intolerance, chronic infections, autoimmune disease

V. Degeneration = Destruction of the Cell by the Toxins

Scleroderma, alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, spondylosis, osteoarthritis,

bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, atrophic

gastritis, renal atrophy, anemia, fibrosis, diabetes

VI. Dedifferentiation = Neoplastic Changes in the Cell

Tumours, cancer

The Excretion and Inflammation Phases (I & II) are part of the Humoral Phase. The defence

system is intact during this phase and can excrete the toxins through various pathways.

Intracellular systems are not disturbed.

The Deposition and Impregnation Phases (III & IV) occur in the Matrix Phase, which involves

toxins in the extracellular matrix or connective tissue for the first time. The structural

components of the connective tissue are altered.

In addition, during the Impregnation Phase (IV), the biology of cells in the body begins to


The Degeneration and Dedifferentiation Phases (V & VI) take place in the Cellular Phase

when cell systems are increasingly destroyed and there is loss of function in the connective

tissue. The defence system cannot excrete toxins from the body.

If we are unable to excrete all of these toxins they are stored in the body initially in the fat tissue and

intracellular spaces. This may lead to mild diseases such as polyps, gallbladder and kidney stones, and

swellings of lymph-nodes.

After a period of time and continued exposure to the toxins they will adhere to the cell membranes leading

to disruption of the information being passed between cells. This will lead to non-specific diseases in which

when you see the doctor and blood samples are taken they come back as normal as do the blood pressure

and various other tests. At this point stress is blamed, or age, hormones, etc, etc.

Given more time and more toxins the cells will be invaded by the toxins. The toxins will now interfere with

the chemical reactions that are going on in the cell. This leads to diseases or conditions that now have names

such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, coronary heart disease and glucose intolerance.

Physiologists have estimated that more than 10,000 chemical reactions are going on in each cell at any point

in time to maintain life. These reactions are not arbitrary but are very accurately controlled by chemical

catalysts and antagonists. These in turn are controlled by coherence fields.

The concept of morphogenetic fields comes from quantum physics. For matter to exist energy has to be

condensed, as outlined in Einstein’s equation, e=mc2. For the energy to take on a unique form an energetic

blueprint is required, each one being a unique frequency pattern. This leads to the fact that a healthy tissue

has a different field than an unhealthy tissue, and this is the field referred to in FCT.

The tissues that are intoxicated will not function correctly and so produce patterns of change that the doctors

are able to give names to – names such as diabetes, idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, M.E. or any name you


These names given to the patterns are not a diagnosis of the illness but just a name. The problem is that

various organs and tissues are intoxicated by various toxins and true healing would involve the removal of

the toxins and the establishment of health by the body’s innate homeostasis. This is what is done in FCT.

Within ‘allopathic’ treatment (i.e. most forms of medicine) the changing of symptoms is the goal, not true

A way to see this is as follows:

The red oil light on your car is a warning that something is not well with your car (in you this correlates

with high blood pressure, M.E., diabetes, etc). So you go to the garage. They say, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll fix it,’

and place some black tape over the light. Now you can’t see it, so all must be well. They again say, ‘Don’t
worry,’ and let you go. That is like your allopathic medicines – all the ‘anti’ drugs, like antihypertensive,

antidepressants, antibiotics, i.e. hiding the symptom. You drive on not too happy. . . and with your car not


You arrive at the next garage and explain the problem to the mechanic. He picks up his screwdriver,

removes the facia, unscrews the bulb and gives it to you, saying, ‘There you go, that’s you sorted – the

light’s out.’ That’s what the surgeon does – ‘You don’t need this gall bladder,’ etc.

Sure, the light isn’t on any more. . . but the problem is not fixed.

You go to the FCT garage: they don’t aim to suppress the symptom of the red oil light, but instead they look

at the engine, seeking to find and address the actual cause of the problem. They find out what is going on by

finding what is wrong with the engine, asking you how the car has been used and what you have been

putting in the fuel tank.

The disease model in FCT is in essence derived from the homotoxicology one described above. Other

sciences have also contributed extensively to further evolving and improving the FCT model since then,

and, based on these, the FCT approach to treatment is unique.

The conclusions on which FCT bases its approach are derived from various disciplines, ranging from

decision science, quantum physics and toxicology to naturopathic medicine, homeopathy and, in particular,

systems theory. Some of the main ones are summarised in the following ‘Seven Key Tenets’ that

differentiate FCT from other therapies (see table below).
The Seven Key Tenets of Medicine, As Defined in FCT

© 2008 Simon Rees, Kevin Eakins and FCT World.

(N.B. The text below isn’t a complete version, but about half of the full text version, focusing on

some key parts for the general public which for this article I have extracted with permission

from the FCT Graduate Programme,



a. Over-Specialisation Leads to Poor Medical Strategies: Through the process of

over-specialization which is so prevalent in the medical (and other) sciences, we have

reached a juncture where health, illness and the factors which sustain them are poorly

understood and inadequately addressed. Therefore the first step towards progress in

medicine is to take a step back in order to integrate different relevant disciplines and

form an overview of the functioning of the human body in health and illness, in order

to evaluate the key factors which lead to illness, and the key components of an

effective treatment strategy. If the health of the human body is a lock we wish to

open, then we are continually trying new keys (a strategy doomed to failure) instead

of examining the lock.

b. Laws of living systems: The lock is a living system whose properties have already

been defined outside the field of medicine, as they are properties common to all living

systems. In FCT®, Dr Yurkovsky has facilitated a great leap forward for humanity by

applying systems theory to medicine, and then implementing this in practical terms

by likewise applying other disciplines to everyday medical practice such as quantum

physics and immuno-toxicology. This marks a landmark in the history of medicine:

from here on the clinician of integrity is the one who bases his or her work on the

fundamental soundness of this framework as a new basis for medical and healing

practice. The human body obeys the laws of all living systems, conforming to their

universal properties; namely those of being:

(i) Complex, non-linear and dynamic – in other words, due to the

body’s intrinsic unfathomable complexity, caution and precision

are necessary from clinicians, and in particular we need to go

easy on throwing endless substances into this non-linear system

hoping for a linear response; better to proceed minimally, but as

precisely as possible)

(ii) Open – in other words, through being an open system, the

human body is susceptible both to beneficial and pernicious

influences, and likewise open to quantum energetic diagnostic

and therapeutic interventions. It exhibits varying degrees of

openness to different influences and interventions, namely being

more susceptible to some toxins [key toxins] than others, and

being more responsive to some energetic domains and

interventions [deepest quantum energy domains] than others

(iii) Individual and diverse – in other words, although most people

are exposed to the same key toxins, they manifest diversely as

different disease entities/names on account of the individuality

of organ weaknesses from person to person; hence the

diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, correspondingly, need

also to be individually tailored to target and protect the weak





a. Minimal Therapeutic Intervention: Proceed cautiously when choosing therapeutic

interventions. Intervene as little as possible, for as short a time as possible, and in as

minimal a dose as possible. A little therapeutic input goes a long way. Conversely,

the majority of therapeutic inputs are excessive and potentially harmful. The motto to

remember is that it is more important to remove blocks from the system rather than

adding things to it; to take out toxins rather than bombard the body with substances.

By working with what’s there already, and making it better all the time, we can

usually coax the door to open itself; the body has its own self-healing and selfregulating

mechanisms, and our role is not to take over that process, but only to finetune

it minimally. The time-worn principle ‘First do no harm’ begins by undertaking

interventions which are minimal, contrary to the prevailing iatrogenic medical

practices of the majority of clinicians both conventional and alternative.

b. Minimal Diagnostic Intervention: Similarly, the principle of minimal intervention

applies to diagnostic procedures. The FCT® test method is designed to be the most

minimal intervention possible. Even compared to other forms of muscle-testing or

bio-resonance testing via the use of probes, the FCT® muscle-testing procedure is

significantly less invasive (as well as less subjective, and as well as eliminating the

fatigue factor) due to the elimination of force (through the non-force kinesiology

method used), and even due to the position of the tester during testing (by sitting near

the ankles, the practitioner is further outside of most parts of the patient’s immediate

body field than if positioned alongside the patient’s arm as in most forms of applied



c. Precision and Control: Instead of bombarding the body with a large number of

inputs of blunt (non-specific) nature, let us increase the precision (specificity) of the

minimal inputs we do offer. The more difficult the case, the more precision and focus

are needed in the therapeutic input. Difficult cases are the real test of a therapy: the

more able a therapeutic system is to offer precision and thus help the difficult cases,

the better a system it is. FCT® has specifically been formulated as a high-precision

system of medicine which involves itself only in minimal interventions. The reason

Field ‘Control’ Therapy places the emphasis on ‘Control’ is partly in order to achieve

better therapeutic results through greater precision. This equates to greater focus,

precision and control in both diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, as detailed below.



a. The Terrain is More Important Than Opportunistic Infections or Other Secondary

Factors: Not all pernicious influences are created equal. Toxins are the most pivotal

influence, as they poison the terrain, making the human body more susceptible to

other secondary pernicious influences (infectious, stress-related, diet-related, etc.) If

functioning with a relatively non-toxic cellular terrain, the body can generally

overcome or control most of the other pernicious influences which afflict humanity.

b. Treat Immuno-suppression First, Unless Another Factor Is In a Severe Acute

Phase: In the majority of cases, the most effective, genuine and lasting solution is to

address the immuno-suppression as the first priority. In particular, this involves

identifying and removing key toxins from key immune tissues. Otherwise it is like

taking a race-horse that is in chains and trying to get it to run by giving shots of

adrenaline, without removing the chains. The only exceptions to this thumb-rule are

when another factor is crying out for urgent management, e.g. a raging infection

which is a severe endocrine drain, in which case this can be managed temporarily

provided we subsequently return to address also the underlying terrain to ensure the

desired long-term result.

c. Some Toxins Are Key Toxins – Especially Mercury and Lead: Not all toxins are

equally debilitating to the cellular terrain. Not all toxins are created equal. In a

hierarchy of toxins some cause deeper and more severe harm to human cells than

others, and in particular some are more potent immuno-toxins. Some are Godfathers

of crime; most others are subordinate henchmen in the criminal network, and hence

subordinate factors in disease states.

Heavy metals – especially mercury and lead – are the greatest offenders due both to

being key immuno-toxins of the highest order, each with a long list of catalogued

harmful cellular effects, and also due to the prevalence of their use for so long in

amalgam fillings as well as many other areas of human society.




a. Individuality of Weak Tissues: Each person presents with a different set of

organs/tissues which are relatively stronger or weaker. This varies not only from

person to person but also to some extent from week to week. These tissue weaknesses

are the main factor determining where the key toxins will do the most harm in a given

individual. They may be inherent constitutionally weak/toxic tissues since birth,

and/or tissues which have acquired weakness/toxicity over time through toxicity

exposures and/or over-use and/or injury.

b. Non-Disease Treatment of Diseases: There is only one disease; all diseases have

the same root cause – key toxins. Without key toxins, we would have ailments, but

hardly any diseases; key toxins are the factor which perpetuate and deepen ailments

into diseases. The location is the factor which varies, and what determines the name

and manifestation of the disease, on the basis of symptoms which develop at the

target organ(s). So two individuals with two apparently completely different diseases

usually have in reality the same disease with the same cause – the only difference is

the location (target organ) of the key toxins in the two cases.



c. Precise Organ Protection & Prevention of Redistribution of Toxicity: Mobilization

of toxins is not equal to elimination of toxins. Redistribution of toxins is one of the

greatest potential problems facing anyone who tries to undertake a detoxification

regimen of any kind. Substances alleged to mobilize/bind to toxins are common;

means to assess and protect the individually weak organs are not common. The latter

have formed the principal focus of FCT® therapeutic interventions. Weak and

burdened tissues need to be identified and treated/protected on an individual basis,

and with regular re-tests due to the situation changing from week to week. Likewise,

particular attention needs to be given in every case to the key organs of elimination,

especially the kidneys, lymph and colon.



a. Clinical Priorities – Mental Software First, Hardware Second: The microphone is

not as important as what is being said through it. The questions asked are more

important than the physical method employed to obtain answers. The physical

techniques, machines or test methods pale into insignificance compared with the

parameters determined by the clinician’s interpretation, understanding, medical

concepts and sense of medical and clinical priorities. Meaning, priority and mental

software are far more important than hardware.

b. Endless Variables and Parameters vs. Entities of High Clinical Meaning: There are

practically endless variables and parameters that exist in the human body which are

open to measurement, scrutiny and interpretation – literally millions. The vast

majority, however, are clinically meaningless. In other words they will contribute

little or nothing to the genuine and lasting recovery from illness in a particular case.

In a given case, there will be only a tiny amount of information which constitutes

entities of high clinical meaning. The factor which directs the clinician to this tiny

proportion of the available information that is most pertinent is not the question of

which hardware or test method is used – it is the question of the mental software of

the practitioner. This holds equally true in all forms of medicine.



a. Direction of Control – Information & Energy Rule Matter: There are various

levels/domains of cellular energetic depth in the human body, and the majority of the

control of biochemical and electromagnetic activity in the body is governed by the

quantum energy fields at the core of every human cell. The direction of control is

largely from the quantum domains towards the more superficial energetic domains,

rather than vice versa. Information and energy first; matter second. So for a deep,

significant and lasting biochemical change to take place, first the information and

energy need to change.

b. Aim Tests and Treatments at Quantum Level: This principle has many implications

for medicine in general, and particularly for diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, as

laid out below. Attempts to alter the biochemistry, while ignoring the body’s native

quantum cellular domains, are doomed to fail, especially when it comes to the longer

term health or sickness of an individual. This is because over time, the after-effects of

employing treatment approaches which are too superficial will rebound with further,

deeper and more extensive illness, as the deeper roots of illness will have been left

unaddressed. Unfortunately, the majority of both conventional and alternative

medical practitioners have yet to assimilate this principle.


c. Quantum Energetic Diagnosis: It is possible – and necessary – for the clinician to

communicate digitally with these quantum energy fields to assess the state of health.

The cornerstones of this diagnostic process should include:

(a) Aiming this assessment primarily at the deepest quantum energy fields, not

basing it primarily on more superficial assessments such as biochemical or

structural evaluations;

(b) Carrying out the assessment on an individualized and regular basis;

(c) Establishing the presence and identity of a very small number of the most

harmful (key) pernicious agents;

(d) Establishing their locations in a prioritized hierarchy of currently

debilitated/poisoned/infected tissues, taking special account of the following four

areas, which often overlap: (i) the weakest tissues in the individual case, (ii) the

key immune tissues, (iii) the key organs of elimination, and (iv) the organs of

energy distribution;

(e) Establishing corresponding diagnostic criteria and therapeutic strategies

based on the above.

d. All Information is Non-Localized – And We Focus It: Diagnostically, we ‘Control’

the information ‘Fields’ (hence ‘Field Control’ diagnosis) by digitally forcing them

into a focused context of clinical usefulness. The method employed can best be

explained and understood by applying some of the discoveries of quantum physics to


According to ongoing scientific research investigating the laws of physics and nature

of the universe, particles do not behave as the finite, clearly-defined and isolated

entities which we might imagine them to be, but instead display certain apparently

peculiar characteristics such as those exemplified by the wave-particle duality

phenomenon (where particles can sometimes behave like particles yet sometimes like

waves instead), the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (the intrinsic uncertainty of

pinpointing linear information about a particle, a principle of which wave-particle

duality is one manifestation), the observer effect (where the act of observing will

itself affect the outcome of any measurement made), the inter-connectedness and

non-locality of particles (where particles can have effects on each other non-locally

despite there being no possible physical connection between them, and particularly if

they have previously been in contact with each other), mind over matter (the

documented effects on physical particles or objects of subliminal messages and/or

mental intentions), and so on.

Applying these discoveries from the field of physics to medicine has great

implications. In particular, all information is non-localized, i.e. inter-connected across

all apparent spatial (and even, in theory, time-related) boundaries, in a web or field or

universal bank of information. The job of the clinician of integrity, therefore, is to tap

into this information bank and localise the most pertinent information through the

diagnostic procedure. We create a specific point in the space-time continuum in

which to extract and actualize key digital responses to a focused set of clinical

questions. In this way, we pass our nets through the ocean (of quantum information)

and sift out certain large fish that have particular relevance to the patient’s state of

disease and for the prospects of restoration of health.

The most effective way to do this is by focusing the diagnostic procedure on the

patient’s own body, establishing a process of quantum dialogue with its cells. This

immediately establishes a specific focus for the retrieval of pertinent information,

Likewise, through the use of the FCT® test filters and the algorithm, we gain

clinically useful information in the most accurate way possible.


h. Quantum Energetic Therapy: It is possible – and necessary – for the clinician to

communicate digitally with these quantum energy fields to modify the nature of the

fields with potentised remedies. It is a dialogue – a feedback communication. Health

and healing depend primarily on the free flow of information in the body. Information

is mediated by energy, and potentised remedies (FCT® energized water remedies or

homeopathic remedies) have the property of carrying the information field of a

substance without its biochemical component, and moreover amplified in strength.

The cornerstones of this therapeutic process should include:

(a) Basing the therapeutic inputs on priorities and strategies as revealed

during the quantum diagnosis, particularly (although not exclusively) through

the use of carefully selected specific potencies and sequences of sarcodes and

isodes, as these constitute the most precise and ‘close-to-home’ information

fields of clinical relevance to the state of disease and process of healing.

Tissue terrain (i.e. sarcodes) should generally take precedence;

(b) Ensuring the therapeutic inputs are minimal, precise, effectively

prioritized, individualized, meaningful, deep and carried out not long after


Health and healing (which are mediated in the quantum cellular domains) depend on

two factors: information and energy – both the free flow of information and sufficient

energy. The most powerful of the two – the one which has the most leverage – is

information. This is why most of the work of an FCT® practitioner is devoted to

establishing effective priorities for the input of clinically useful information into the

patient’s system via the treatment protocols.

However, the available energy reserves must also be sufficient to respond and carry

out the work. Each FCT® potentised remedy we prescribe contains information which

has potentially tremendous leverage to influence the state of illness in the patient’s

body, but what inevitably follows from this is work: we are exacting work on the part

of the tissue’s cells. Hence even if the requisite information is made available via

careful FCT® bio-resonance testing and tailored treatments, there may be insufficient

energy reserves for the necessary healing and regeneration to be carried out in

response to the therapeutic input. However, no matter how ill the patient, the adage

applies that ‘Where there is life there is energy’ – and therefore the main (albeit not

only) drain on a treatment’s viability and success is not intrinsic to the patient, but

dependent to a greater or lesser extent on the environment. In addition, there may be

(usually secondary) physical medical needs, such as nutritional or glandular ones, or

such as the possible need for an organ/glandular ‘substrate’ (extract) to support and

help carry the information inputs.

As a consequence, it is essential to control the patient’s immediate external and

internal environment, on a continual basis but particularly during treatment protocols.

This is to keep the channels open to respond to the treatment effectively. And the

more blocked the channels, and the lower the energy reserves, the greater the need to

control and reduce pernicious environmental influences in an individual case.

Of particular importance are diet (candida-feeding foods) and electromagnetic fields

(EMFs), either or both of which may deplete energy/endocrine reserves and immune

capability via various mechanisms, including disruption of the elimination process,

particularly through promoting excitation/retention of toxins (in the case of EMFs)

and/or transport/release of toxins (in the case of candida), as well as through direct

immuno-stress (in the case of both EMFs and candida). In addition, there are many

other possible (but less common) potential obstacles to be aware of.

For the same reasons, each individual patient will present with their channels blocked

to a greater or lesser degree, which will have a major influence on the pace of

improvement during the course of treatment. Key factors include age (the older the

person, the more blocked the channels have generally become), constitutional type

and extent of toxicity exposure (particularly to amalgam fillings and antibiotics).

Unfortunately, the majority of both conventional and alternative therapeutic

modalities not only fail to apply treatments primarily at a quantum energetic level,

but in addition pay inadequate attention to the channels in each individual case, as

regards their state of being relatively clearer or more blocked. They therefore proceed

on the assumption that the channels are already sufficiently able to respond, which in

many cases is not true. This in itself accounts for the limitations and failures of – and

also iatrogenic damage caused by – most prevailing treatment methodologies

currently being applied by both conventional and alternative practitioners. In

particular, most practitioners are unaware of the significance of ambient EMFs on the

process of healing and detoxification, and likewise many are unaware of some of the

other key influences such as amalgam fillings, antibiotics, Candida-feeding foods,





Health, happiness, longevity and a smooth course of treatment progress all depend on

maintaining the immune and endocrine systems (as well as the rest of the body’s

organs and tissues) in a healthy non-toxic state. Achieving this involves:

(a) Carrying out a full course of FCT® treatment until a relative plateau of

optimal health has been achieved

(what is optimal in terms of achievable will vary for each individual);

(b) Controlling and minimizing stresses on the body both during this course

of treatment and on an ongoing basis afterwards, particularly those stresses

which deplete the immune and endocrine reserves, as these systems are in

charge of maintaining or restoring systemic health. Key depleting factors to

be aware of are key toxins such as ongoing heavy metal or radiation

exposures, plus candida (and other organisms) and EMFs.

EMFs need to be controlled particularly during treatment protocols, but are

also a general contributory stress factor at other times. Both candida and

EMFs tend to exacerbate health problems in people with heavy metal toxicity

(i.e. most of the population), but are also draining factors for non-toxic


In addition, the avoidance of other pernicious influences, and nourishment

from positive influences, are likewise important for the maintenance of

health. Human beings universally rely on nourishing influences emotionally,

psychologically, physically, energetically and spiritually, or conversely can

be drained by influences in all these areas.

(c) Continuing with regular FCT® re-tests and treatment protocols as a

maintenance regime, e.g. at least three to four times a year, to help maintain

the state of good health.

The test is carried out with the patient lying down on the couch and the tester monitoring the patient’s

response to the various test vials (isodes and sarcodes), that are offered to their system via a test plate and

hand held rod. This is done in a sophisticated series of moves (the FCT ‘test algorithm’)

The response is monitored by assessing changes in the level of stress in the autonomic nervous system as

shown by changes in the position of the patient’s ankles in relation to each other.

The consultation and test take approximately 1½ hours and at the end of the test or over the next few days,

the practitioner will produce the protocol sheet with a list of the remedies the patient needs, the time

between taking each remedy and the frequency of repeats. This process is usually repeated once every few

weeks, as layers shift over time, making it necessary to re-test. Therapeutic progress in FCT is cumulative

over any time period, with best results coming from a medium- to long-term cycle of treatment.

An example of an instruction sheet is shown below.

None of the listed remedies contain the actual items specified in each name – only their corresponding

energetic signature fields in a medium of energized water. These mostly relate to the energy fields of the

most affected bodily organs and/or pernicious factors that need removing from them. The active ingredients

of each remedy are not pharmacological but informational, delivering quantum energetic information of

potent therapeutic value to the cells’ governing energy domains (or what we could call ‘information receptor

sites’), resulting in a deep restoration of cellular health and powerfully increased efficiency of detoxification

and repair. Remedies, potencies and intervals are listed in an individualized sequence according to priority

at the time of testing.

This system of treatment is new to many of you. Please make sure you have read “Patients’ Most Frequently Asked Questions.”

TIME GAPS: If no time gap in hours is stated prior to a remedy, then take it in the morning unless otherwise stated. If time gaps are stated, follow them carefully,

except for during your normal sleeping hours, e.g. if the next remedy is due at 4am, you don’t need to set your alarm for 4am – just take it later on when you wake up

naturally, and then resume with the subsequent gaps re-calculated from that time.

Time remedy taken:

1. AB 500M__________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Repost Feb 2001- FCT- I can't paste it

I cant paste it, but you must google Layman's Explanation of FCT (field control therapy) again just all makes perfect sense

I think Deepak Chopra would be proud of me, by the way he also knows exactly what he is talking about. I was given his book several years ago, by another Chiropractor actually, I just took a look at it the other week and was quite taken aback at how spot on he is.

P 3, 4 and 5 - The American diet and lifestye has infected UK shores and also by the use of Antibiotics over decades, we have created the problems that exist today

Written by Cathy Newman
Republished from the pages of National Geographic magazine
Not everyone has converted to the Atkins gospel. Dean Ornish, director of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, is one of the original advocates of a low-fat diet as a way to lower heart disease risk. He contends that following Atkins's diet might help you lose weight in the short run, but at the cost of "mortgaging your health." He cites an increased risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and heart disease, not to mention headaches, constipation, and even bad breath as the price you pay for the Atkins diet.
"Atkins is right about us eating too many simple carbohydrates," he says. But Ornish argues the solution is to replace them with complex carbohydrates like whole grains and vegetables, not more fat. "Atkins gets into trouble when he says to eat bacon and go into ketosis. It's a toxic state. Look, I'd love to tell people it's OK to eat bacon and sausage, but it's not. You can lose weight in ways that aren't good for you. Smoking causes you to lose weight, as do amphetamines. But it's not just about losing weight, it's losing weight in a way that is helpful. There are no long-term studies to support this diet."
As a closing question for Atkins, I had asked him how he wanted to be remembered. "As a person who changed mainstream medicine's approach," he replied. "I hope I live long enough to see that." A month after his death, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that in the short run, people on the Atkins diet did lose more weight than those on a low-fat diet, and there was no real difference in cholesterol between the two groups. The catch: Those on Atkins started regaining weight after six months, and by year's end were on par with the comparison group. The jury is still out on the diet's long-term effects, but the National Institutes of Health is funding a five-year study that may render a verdict.
Even so, not even Atkins's death has silenced the critics. "I want to know why he didn't have himself autopsied, so we could see for ourselves what his coronary arteries looked like," one nutrition expert hissed when I broached the subject of Atkins's death. "That's what a real scientist would have done."
If even the experts can't agree which diet is best, who are we supposed to believe?
"Me, of course," says Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University. "Beyond that, how about using some common sense? It's a simple matter of eating fewer calories. But nobody wants to talk about calories because doing so does not sell books." She's right. The government recommends 1,600 calories a day for the average sedentary woman and 2,200 for men. In 2000 our reported per capita daily calorie consumption was 1,877 for women and 2,618 for men—roughly 300 calories more than we need.
So in one sense, the obesity crisis is the result of simple math. It's a calories in, calories out calculation. The First Law of Fat says that anything you eat beyond your immediate need for energy, from avocados to ziti, converts to fat. "A calorie is a calorie is a calorie," says Lawrence Cheskin, director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center, whether it comes from fat, protein, or carbohydrate. Cheskin, who is six foot one (1.85 meters) and weighs 160 pounds (72.8 kilograms), has never had a weight problem himself. "Who said life is fair?" he observes.


The Second Law of Fat: The line between being in and out of energy balance is slight. Suppose you consume a mere 5 percent over a 2,000-calorie-a-day average. "That's just one hundred calories; it's a glass of apple juice," says Rudolph Leibel, head of molecular genetics at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. "But those few extra calories can mean a huge weight gain." Since one pound (.45 kilograms) of body weight is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories, that glass of juice adds up to an extra 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) over a year. Alternatively, you'd gain 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) if, due to a more sedentary lifestyle—driving instead of walking, taking the escalator instead of the stairs—you started burning 100 fewer calories a day.
"We know people get fat by overeating slightly more than they burn, but we don't know why they do it," Leibel says. "I'm convinced our overeating is not willful or the result of a deranged upbringing. It's the genes talking, but it's a very complicated language. Genetics are everything."
In the 1960s James V. Neel, a geneticist at the University of Michigan, listened in on one genetic conversation. In his "thrifty gene" hypothesis, Neel suggested that some of us inherited genes that make us exceptionally efficient in our intake and use of calories. Our bodies are good at converting food into fat and then hanging on to it. This trait may have helped our ancestors survive when calories were few and far between, Neel speculated.
But fast-forward to the 21st century, when calorie supply isn't a problem, and genes that favor gaining weight have outlived their usefulness. Evolution betrays us. We store fat for the famine that never comes. "If we understood the genetics well enough," says Anna Mae Diehl, a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, "we could fingerprint people when they are born and say: Ah, good genes. Lucky you. You can eat whatever you want. Or: Uh-oh. Poor kid. Better never have a doughnut."
A team led by Jeff Friedman at Rockefeller University discovered a piece of the genetic puzzle in 1994. In studies of obese mice, the scientists identified a gene that tells the body how to make leptin, a hormone that decreases appetite. Leptin, produced in the fat cell itself, turned out to be part of a thermostat-like system that maintains weight at a constant level. Think of it as a watchdog guarding against starvation by monitoring body fat. It doesn't wait for you to become skinny; it acts within a few days to correct any perceived imbalance. Lose weight and leptin levels fall, prompting you to eat more and gain back the weight. Put on some extra pounds and leptin goes up; you eat less. It's part of an intricate biochemical and neurological circuitry that flashes signals on and off like a sailor's semaphore: EAT! DON'T EAT! EAT!
So if we take enough leptin, we can all fit into our high school prom outfits? It didn't turn out that way. Injecting leptin into people with a rare congenital inability to produce it does cause them to lose weight, but it wouldn't do much for the rest of us. In clinical trials, what worked in mice didn't always translate to humans.
The discovery of leptin and a number of other promising hormones has not yet produced a miracle drug. But genetic research is providing clues about why some people are more likely to get fat than others. We tend to assume that people who overeat simply lack willpower. What seems increasingly clear, however, is that the drive to overeat has strong biological underpinnings. People who are genetically susceptible to obesity don't necessarily have slow metabolisms that help their bodies hang on to fat. Instead, they may have a stronger biological drive to eat, especially in an environment where food is tasty, cheap, and plentiful
The real question, says Friedman, isn't why so many of us are getting fat, but why, in our food-rich environment, is anyone thin at all?
One morning I click on the tube to see what food messages are reaching America's living rooms. According to a 2001 study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education, the average child in the U.S. will watch nearly 10,000 commercials touting food or beverages a year.
A huge bag of Double Delight Oreos swims into view…
Martha Stewart, looking as if she hadn't a care in the world, is making a chocolate ganache.
Finally, amid a sea of sugar, an image of healthy food flashes by:
It's Bugs Bunny, munching a carrot.
What's a broccoli-pushing parent to do?
"We live in a toxic environment," says Kelly Brownell, director of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders. "It's like trying to treat an alcoholic in a town where there's a bar every 10 feet (3 meters). Bad food is cheap, heavily promoted, and engineered to taste good. Healthy food is hard to get, not promoted, and expensive. If you came down from Mars and saw all this, what else would you predict except an obesity epidemic?"
Brownell favors the intervention of legislation that would, for example, suspend food advertising directed at children or remove soft drinks and snack foods from school vending machines. "The parallels with tobacco are interesting," he says. "We could search for a drug that would cancel out the effects of smoking, or we could go right to the cause and do everything possible to get rid of cigarettes."
Perhaps what this country really needs to fight fat is a mom. Make that a vintage mom, with a gingham apron tied around her waist as she places a bowl of vegetables on the table next to a skinless roast chicken. "Instead," says Harry Balzer, vice president of NPD, a marketing research firm that has been tracking what and where Americans eat for nearly a quarter of a century, "the restaurant has become the ultimate kitchen appliance."
Because I, too, deserve a break today, I am sitting inside a McDonald's in State College, Pennsylvania, with Barbara Rolls, professor of nutritional sciences at the Pennsylvania State University. For twelve dollars and change, Rolls and I have ordered a Happy Meal with cheeseburger, Coke, and fries; a Big Mac with medium fries and large Coke; and the Grilled Chicken California Cobb Salad with a packet of Caesar dressing. Inspection begins. Rolls peers at the Big Mac (600 calories) like an entomologist classifying a new species. The kid's Happy Meal cheeseburger turns out to be a regular size cheeseburger (330 calories). In total, 2,470 calories are sitting on the red plastic tray in front of us; if we clean our plates, we will each have consumed 77 percent of our daily caloric requirement in just one meal.
As we talk, I absently reach into a small bag of fries and scarf down the contents. Rolls calls this "mindless eating." "We pay little attention to the actual need for food," she says. In one experiment she and her students fed subjects baked pasta. "Some days we offered a normal portion. Some days we offered a portion 50 percent bigger for the same price. If we served them 50 percent more, they ate it. They just kept eating."
Betrayed by our genes, confused by the experts, we graze in endless pastures of food while the statistics grow more chilling. "Some of the earlier treatments like jaw wiring were extreme, but so is gastric bypass," Rolls says. "It's like the prefrontal lobotomy used to treat mental illness in the past."
Last year surgeons performed gastric bypass operations on 103,200 patients, with a complication rate of 7 percent. Linda Hay's four-hour operation was complicated by pneumonia. She stayed in the hospital five days longer than expected. A year and a half later, she has lost 162 pounds (73.5 kilograms). She feels full quickly and eats sparingly—a protein shake for breakfast; salad or sandwich for lunch; Lean Cuisine for dinner.
Hay has given away her size 4X clothes, buys size 10 pants, and can climb a flight of stairs without gasping for breath. "And I've caught the eye of men when I go out—especially in my new convertible."
Short of stapling our stomachs, will we ever solve the problem of fat? Meanwhile the struggle has turned global. For the first time, the Worldwatch Institute reports, there are as many overfed, overweight people in the world as those who are underfed and underweight.
"There is no feast which does not come to an end," an ancient Chinese proverb warns.