Thursday 16 October 2014

Noel Batten - Parkinson's - another medical blunder!!!!!!!!!!this man needs to be listened to

Parkinson's Disease

The Greatest Medical Blunder

By Autoimmune Specialist and Qualified Natural Therapist - Noel N Batten

The Testimonies I Supply On This Page Are Of Real People
And The Success My Clients Have Experienced, Is Not Exaggerated.
Watch My Video Interviews And See For Yourself
Before you watch the video of my interview with Derick, and the three "Before" and "After" videos of
Cileste, Barry and Leo, and view the spinal photos that explain exactly how my six steps to recovery,
actually work to help you, I want you to understand that it is reasonably easy to overcome the symptoms of
Parkinson's disease, providing you use all six of the treatments I list, "at the same time" and, you are fully focussed
on achieving improvement. Every person who achieves success through using my six steps to recovery, does so
because they have followed these steps with a real determination to succeed, while holding the clear vision
of their success, strong in their mind, every day. You must learn to "FEEL" the experience of success,
mentally, before you actually have it, as this encourages your immune system to
release the hormones that will help you achieve success, physically.
Watch the video below and hear the testimony of my client Derick Robertson, a dentist from Perth, who
improved so much after three days on my Five-day Personal Treatment Program, he went for a 1.5 kilometre jog,
after not being able to jog at all, for just over two years. Derick's disorder was not advanced enough for me to take
a "Before" video, as his symptoms were not clearly visible. The main problems he had when he first attended
my Program, were:- fatigue, a stiff neck and back, his left leg and arm were very stiff and he walked
with short steps, and even though he looked a little stiff when he walked, he had no real difficulty.
This is a "TRUE" story, which "PROVES" --- you "CAN" overcome Parkinson's disease
Derek's medical report documented by Neurologist Dr W. M. Carroll, resident neurologist at the St John
Of God Hospital in Perth, reads as follows:- "There was bradykinesia (slowing down) of upper limb movements and
of large body movements and he had left upper limb hypertonia (exceptionally high tension) with the usual augmenting (wavering) manoeuvers. Derek's "Bridges Fun Run" completion certificate, confirms, that these three
problems documented by Dr Carroll, were "ALL" overcome completely, within only three days on
my Five-day Personal Treatment Program and that Derek continued to remain free from these
symptoms, "seven months" later when he competed in this Fun Run.
Watch my interview with Derick,
filmed on day five of my Treatment Program
The fact that Derek competed in the 10 Kilometer "Bridges Fun Run" in Perth, seven months after he
attended my Personal Treatment Program in August 2006, proves, that providing my clients continue to follow my
stress management ideals, the improvement they experience while on my program, "is not temporary".
Derek is a "real" person who was officially diagnosed with Parkinson's disease by a qualified neurologist
who was purposly trained, - to DESTROY - faith and hope
in Parkinson's patients, by telling them
that Parkinson's disease is incurable, and then informing them that they should not follow the advice of ex-patients
like myself who have succeeded in overcoming an autoimmune disorder that the medical profession declares to
be incurable. Derek's case history is "not", a fictitious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I challenge any media executive to investigate my case histories and I offer my services "free of charge"
to any television current affairs program, to treat any number of officially diagnosed Parkinson's or MS
patients, to expose this terrible injustice and to help Parkinson's and MS patients to be set free.
(John 8:32) "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

To download a collection of my "Before" and "After" videos of clients I have treated for multiple sclerosis
and Parkinson's disease, so that you can view them without having to visit my websites, click on this link:-
My Sixth Case History
80% success
over walking problems associated with Parkinson's Disease,
"in only four days"

Cileste Zampieri was diagnosed as a Parkinson's patient at the Westmead hospital in
Sydney in December 2005 where he was told he would never overcome his disorder and
must expect to progressively get worse in his coming months. As you will see in Cileste's "before"
video, he could hardly stand up to get out of a chair, he had lost so much use of his legs he could only
take very short steps when he walked and he became quite tired after walking from one room in his house to
another. He had so much of a balance problem when he walked, his wife usually had to walk with him. WARNING: When you watch the "Before" and "After" videos of Cileste and see his amazing improvement,
I want you to understand that he still has a way to go, to overcome his Parkinson's completely and it is also
possible that if he does not avoid the stressful lifestyle habits and circumstances that originally caused his
Parkinson's disease, his symptoms can return. The real advantage Cileste gained from this success however,
is that he now knows the truth about what caused his Parkinson's disease and how he can overcome it,
and as he has experienced a drastic improvement through his own efforts, he can now keep working
with what I taught him, to encourage the complete recovery of his health.
It is very important for
Parkinson patients to continue implementing my stress management ideals after initial
improvement is experienced, and, to avoid ongoing stress and mental negativity.

"After only four days treatment"

Cileste was one of those Parkinson's patient's I meet from time to time, who learnt quickly and who had a great determination to improve. His dedication and improvement was amazing as he overcame his standing up problems completely and the majority of his walking problems and his leg stiffness and immobility, in only four, out of the five days he went through my five-day treatments program. During my five-day treatment program Cileste learned how to regain control over his health and his life.
The Three Main Causes Of Cileste's Leg and Balance Problems
Problem No1
The very first thing I noticed about Cileste when I carried out my first diagnosis on him on day-one, was the way he stood, when I asked him to stand up so I could inspect his hips and spine. It was outstandingly obvious that he had one leg longer than the other and a problem with his lower spine. When I looked at his X-ray (photo below) I could see a very unusual "S" bend in his lower spine, which was responsible for pinching the nerves that operate the muscles in his legs. He had two vertebra very close to each other which were uniquely misaligned in opposing directions which caused such severe interference to the nerves that operated his leg muscles, his legs were simply losing their ability to function. After raising his shorter leg the required amount, releasing the amazingly excessive muscle tension in his lower back and correcting the other five misaligned vertebra I found between his neck and shoulder blades (see them in the photo below in "Problem No2"), his lower spine came back into acceptable alignment for the nerve signals to get through to his leg muscles and he regained his normal ability to walk in only four days, as you can see in his "after" video.
Problem No2
My second discovery is revealed in the photo that shows his vertebral misalignments below, which is the first photo I took of Celeste on the first morning I worked with him. (When I supervise people through my five-day treatment program, I carry out blood pressure, respiratory and muscle tension tests, and do a spinal diagnosis every morning and take photos of any spinal misalignments, to keep record of the changes and improvements.) On this first diagnosis, I found his hip was tilted up on his left side, as you can see by the horizontal line I have drawn across his hip area with the two arrows. This difference in leg length is also revealed by the above X-ray where I have drawn the horizontal line.
I also found five misalignments at the C1 or "atlas" vertebra at the base of the skull, and the T3, T5, T10 and L3 vertebra where I have drawn the arrows and the severely out-of-alignment path of his spine.
These misalignments combined with extremely suppressed breathing and poor sleep capabilities were the absolute foundation causes for Celeste developing Parkinson's disease and as soon as I helped him overcome all these problems, he regained his health and his life.
Problem No3
The third contributing factor that I noticed with Cileste, was that he was very badly hunched over at the shoulders which prevented his lungs from being able to expand, to draw in oxygen. As I watched him, his rib cage didn't appear to be moving in and out, at all.
It honestly appeared as though he was not breathing.
One of the tests I did on Cileste, was to check how well he could inhale into a Tripple Cylinder Inhalent Test Unit. When you breathe out fully and then put the breathing tube of the Inhalent Test Unit into your mouth and breathe in as hard as you can, three ping-pong balls are drawn up in response to how strong you can inhale. Cileste could not raise even one of them off the bottom of the cylinder. This meant his lungs were losing the ability to draw any oxygen in, to keep him alive. In conjunction with vertebral misalignments and excess muscle tensions, this is a major contributing factor in all MS and Parkinson's patients and without improving lung efficiency, it is impossible to achieve long lasting remission over these disorders.

This next case history is also of a "real" person, a real client who came to me
for help. It is not a fictitious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.

My Seventh Case History
75% success
over the symptoms of a severe case
of Parkinson's Disease, "in only five days"

A "Before" and "After" video of another of my clients, Barry Black,
a real estate entrepreneur and author, who had Parkinson's disease for over thirty years.
Both Barry and his wife, explained to me that Barry had not
walked as good as he walks in this "After" video, for at least fifteen years.

WARNING: When you watch these "Before" and "After" videos of Barry and
see his amazing improvement, I want you to understand that he still has a way to go,
to overcome his Parkinson's disease completely and it is also possible that if, when he returns
home, he does not remove himself from the stressful lifestyle habits and circumstances that originally
caused his Parkinson's disease, his walking problems, speach difficulties and tremors can begin to redevelop.
One of Barry's main problems was that he was a workaholic who worked very long hours, seven days
a week and kept thinking about his work right up to the time he went to sleep,
a character trait all-too-common amongst workaholic business people.

Even though Barry's "After" video shows an amazing improvement, his legs soon become
tired after he walks a reasonable distance, as he still needs to exercise his leg muscles to regain
strength and fitness after not using them for so long. Barry also runs out of oxygen quickly due to the
fact his lungs have not been used for so long and he also runs out of energy, due to the fact that he needs to
keep improving on his R.E.M. sleep so that his liver and muscles regain their ability to store sufficient glycogen
for a full day of walking and physical activity.
This "After" video was taken in the morning when his energy is up,
and at the moment he spends his energy after a few hours of walking and being active, so he still needs to keep
doing the exercises I taught him and following the sleep improvement and stress management ideals that
brought him this far. The real advantage Barry gained from this success however, is that he now
knows the truth about what caused his Parkinson's disease and how he can overcome it, and
as he has experienced a drastic improvement through his own efforts, he can now keep
working with what I taught him, to encourage his complete recovery.
"After only five days treatment"

This is yet again, more "PROOF" that brain lesions and atrophy of the substantia nigra
are "NOT" the cause of Parkinson's disease and,that you "CAN" overcome Parkinson's,

Barry came to me on Monday the 22nd, of May and he was getting around with the use of a walker and a battery operated scooter as he had great difficulty walking, and when he was at his worst, he also had difficulty standing up out of a chair and being able to focus on the simplest of movements, such as bending his knee or lifting his foot off the ground. His legs were easily capable of making these movements, but his mind had become so fatigued due to being overactive during sleep during his forty-plus, years of busniess, that he had lost the mental ability to concentrate, and his muscles had lost the strength to lift and step forward, to make it all happen together, to enable him to walk. Part of the reason I teach Parkinson and multiple sclerosis patients how to do blood flow exercises, is to help the leg and arm muscles and the lungs, to regain strength to enable the body to come back to normal functioning efficiency, something that all PD and MS patients need to do.
Only by encouraging all the individual mind and body functions to come back to normal function efficiency, is it possible to overcome up to 80% of Parkinson and multiple sclerosis symptoms in only five days, even after suffering from these disorders for thirty years. The only condition attached to this success, is that you must be well-focussed and determined to achieve success, and you must have no permanent damage to the components of your immune system, which most PD and MS patients don't have. (The way to tell if you don't have any permanent damage to the components of your immune system, is if your symptoms vary from day to day. In other words, symptoms that eventuate due to permanent damage to the components of your immune system, will "never" vary in their severity.)
Day 1, Of Barry's Treatment
During my diagnosis of Barry on the morning of Day 1, I found that Barry had five vertebral misalignments (C1, C3, T2, T5 and T11)
as well as a misaligned hip which was caused by his right leg being shorter than his left. His worst problem however, was that he had a short severe curve at the base of his neck between the C3 and T2 vertebra, and a section comprising three vertebra, T2, T3 and T4, which were all in line with each other, and "all" out of alignment with the rest of the spine, as you can see in this photo below. As a result of Barry's longer left leg and severe contortion of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine between his C3 and T4 vertebra, his upper torso had a constant lean to the left and he always held his head over to the right hand side to the extent he looked like he was trying to rest it on his right shoulder. After Barry's second chiropractic treatment and doing some neck muscle exercises and visualisation exercises to help him keep his head straight, by the end of day three, his head remained in the upright position all the time, which it had not done for many years.
I also found Barry's leg muscles and the muscles around the area of his left kidney, just near the arrow you can see in this photo, to be extremely tense and when I massaged his legs and that particular area around the left kidney, I heard a very hard solid sound, which indicated that his leg muscles were too tight to enable him to walk easily and his left kidney was so tense, it most certainly would have been having difficulty doing it's job of keeping Barry's blood clean. --- Several years ago Barry's doctor put him on Warfarin as he suspected Barry's blood had been clotting. (Most people who suffer from blood clotting don't realise that clotting is usually caused by kidney problems and most kidney problems are caused by vertebral misalignments preventing the kidneys from receiving healthy nerve signals which prevents them from relaxing and functioning efficiently. People who "are" aware that kidney problems are the primary cause of clotting, usually increase their water, fruit and vegetable intake but don't even think to correct any vertebral misalignments that may be hindering the nerves that operate the kidneys, and as a consequence, the kidney problems are not solved and the clotting remains.)
All Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis patients who
are advanced, usually have severe spinal misalignments

I have found from treating many Parkinson's and MS patients that a drastic contortion of the spine such as the one Barry has, causes extreme problems with standing up, walking, sleep and energy and this severe contortion "MUST" be rectified, in order to achieve the success that Barry achieved after only five days of treatment.
As you can see from the spinal photos of all the clients I have on this Testimonies page, accept for Katherine Carter further down on this page, this severe contortion of several misaligned vertebra in a row, is very common in Parkinson and multiple sclerosis patients. In fact, as far as I can remember, all Parkinson and MS patients whom I have treated who are advanced and are therefore suffering severe symptoms, have this contortion of several vertebra in a row.
On many occasions, I have found neck vertebral misalignments like Barry's, that have been misaligned for thirty years or even more, in clients who came to me, who had no idea that their neck pains and cervical misalignments were responsible for serious problems that they suffered from, in their mental capabilities, in their swallowing, speaking and breathing capabilities, and in their eyes, nose, ears, tongue, mouth, shoulders, hands, arms and legs.
Day 2, Of Barry's Treatment
After Barry had his first chiropractic treatment on the Monday, most of his vertebra were put back in alignment. The only one the chiropractor had difficulty putting back in place was the T2 vertebra which is the top one out of the two marked on this photo below, but when I checked Barry's spine on Tuesday morning, his T2 was still out of alignment, which I expected, but his C1, C3 and T5 had come back out of alignment during the night due to his mind being overactive, milling all his stress over and over during sleep.
After taking Barry back to the chiropractor that Tuesday and again on Thursday, his vertebra began to remain in alignment a little longer but they still kept coming out of alignment, and probably will for some months, until he retrains his mind to become peaceful during sleep and continues to exercise his lungs so that they breathe more efficiently and keeps encouraging his spinal muscles and the muscles around his kidneys and stomach to be much more relaxed. All these things need to be done "AT THE SAME TIME", in order to keep the vertebra in place after a chiropractor corrects them.
Day 5, Of Barry's Treatment
After five days treatment, all of Barry's vertebral misalignments had been corrected, just the same as can be seen in this photo below which was taken at the end of his second week, although as I kept treating Barry for the second five-day session, I found that his C1 and T2 vertebra kept coming back out of alignment each three days or so, however, the more Barry is massaged in order to help his muscles come back to a normal relaxed state and the more he does his blood flow exercises, Inner Release Relaxation and deep breathing exercises, the longer his vertebra will remain in place.
When vertebra have been out of alignment for as long as 30 years, they become accustomed to being out of alignment which means they have to be continually corrected until they regain the body's natural positioning through redevelopment of the muscles that support them. Just correcting misaligned vertebra is not enough to achieve improvement such as can be seen on Barry's "After" video, and it is certainly not enough to achieve an eventual complete recovery. It is essential to complement chiropractic correction with exercises to restrengthen the muscles that hold vertebra into place, with massage to encourage the muscles to relax back to normal, by regularly practicing my 4x4 shake stopper deep breathing exercise to encourage the inner muscles to relax when you feel that inner shaking, by doing my blood flow exercises to encourage improved blood flow to the specific areas that are experiencing tremors and numbness etc, and, by following my seven steps to improved sleep explained in my eBook "Beautiful Sleep, Abundant Energy" to encourage R.E.M. sleep. If you do "all these things at the same time" as I have explained in my eBooks on Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis, you "CAN" overcome Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis with complete and long-lasting success providing you are well-focussed and have no permanent damage to the components of your immune system and most PD and MS patients don't. (The sign that you have no permanent damage to the components of your immune system is if the severity of your symptoms varies from day to day, particularly after you have a good night's sleep.)
This photo above, was taken on Friday the 2nd, of June, which was at the end of Barry's second week with me and this particular morning when I arrived to do his diagnosis, I found his face to be quite red, I counted his pulse to be 120 at rest after only just getting out of bed, which is really high, I found he was having difficulty breathing and his walk was faultering again. When I checked his spine I found that his C1 vertebra at the very top of his spine was out of alignment again and quite bad this time, and I blamed his distressed state on this C1 misalignment. I asked Barry how he slept and he confirmed that he didn't sleep very well that Thursday night and said he tossed and turned all night.
I immediately took Barry to the chiropractor and as soon as the chiropractor realigned Barry's C1 vertebra, his resting pulse came down to 76, the colour of his face regained it's healthy look and he began breathing easy again. His walking began to improve, however, by this time he was tired and needed to catch up on some sleep.
Any person who has suffered from Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis for many years, as Barry has, needs to be prepared for some up's and down's in the improvement process and as Barry is a really determined person, he is standing strong against his disorder and he now has the information he needs to achieve success and he also has the proof that his personal effort can help him overcome his disorder.
This next case history is also of a "real" person, a real client who came to me
for help. It is not a fictitious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.

My Eighth Case History
Parkinson's Case History --- Leo Timothy
"After only four days treatment"
This next testimony is also of a "real" person, a real client who came to me
for help. It is not a ficticious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.

My Nineth Case History
90% success
over the symptoms of a severe case
of Parkinson's Disease, "in only four days"

Parkinson's testimony --- Solomon Lader
An amazing testimony as to how easy it is for some people
to achieve success over the symptoms of Parkinson's disease

On Wednesday 18th of May 2005, I began offering personal treatment for Parkinson's patients, requiring clients to come to the Sunshine Coast in Queensland for a minimum of four days treatment, which I have now extended to a minimum of five days.
On Thursday the 26th of May, Solomon Lader came down from Cairns for four days treatment and when he arrived he had constant minor tremors in his right hand and arm, he was only slightly unstable in his walk but was so stiff when he walked, he looked like a slow moving mechanical robot, his face was stiff and frowning as though he had experienced some sort of shock and he spoke quite slowly, although his speech was clear. His right hand was so stiff he also had a little difficulty writing.
The first thing I noticed about Solomon was that he was exceptionally keen to do everything I taught him and he really began to improve from the very moment he started on his vitamins, minerals and herbs and I began teaching him inner release relaxation, blood flow exercises and the ideals I teach to overcome an overactive mind during sleep. By the time he left to go home on Monday morning, the tremor he had that was ever-present, only commenced very mildly when we spoke about an acquaintance whom he had a disagreement with, which began just prior to the onset of his PD. Solomon agreed that this disagreement and the stress that went with it, was to blame for his PD and as an integral part of his sleep improvement program we figured out a way for him to let go of his stress and set some exciting goals for the future, and I urge all PD sufferers, to teach your mind to separate from the stress of your past and plan your future to be exciting and uplifting.
Without exaggerating the extent of Solomon's improvement over the four days he spent with me, in order to over-glorify my treatment, I give you this totally honest assessment. "Solomon showed so much improvement in only four days that 90% of his symptoms had gone and as a result, he was sleeping well and he walked, smiled, laughed, spoke and interacted with people in a way that absolutely "nobody" could see any symptoms of Parkinson's disease, even his relatives and friends who knew of his condition. After this four days Solomon was a completely different person who was enjoying life and doing all the things he could not do prior to his four days treatment.
Solomon's words to me when he left on Monday morning 30th May
QUOTE:- "I cannot believe how easy it has been to overcome my stiffness and enjoy life again. Noel I can't thank you enough."
Another thing that Solomon said during the time I supervised him, which actually helped me to understand how he was responding to my teachings, was, "I actually need to change my thinking and become a slightly different person and learn to relax more, don't I?" I confirmed the importance of this to him and explained how, changing his thinking is what will actually change his health and bring it back to what it used to be when he had peace of mind, before developing his PD.
I am so proud of Solomon, because his beautiful victory,
feels like I have lived my own victory all over again

Now before anybody gets carried away at this point and begins to assume that it is me who can establish remission over Parkinson's disease, this is not the case. Solomon achieved his amazing success because he was willing to work at his own recovery by following the ideals I explain in my eBook. Solomon is the one who deserves the applause, due to his amazing enthusiasm to learn and his determination to work at achieving remission.
I urge all Parkinson's patients to work at developing this enthusiasm and determination as Solomon did, and as you do, I want you to follow every step of the Daily Activities Schedule, exactly as I have outlined in my eBook, so that you have a specific program to help you plan your every day.
Don't expect every day to be easy, as there will be a day here and there, where things will be a little more difficult than others, but if you remain persistent and determined as Solomon did, you will feel the positive results begin to unfold. Solomon had his bad days, but his persistence is paying off. After phoning Solomon some three weeks after he went back home, I could hear in his voice that he was a little unhappy and quite tired. After asking him a few questions, he explained that his PD symptoms had not returned, however he had another argument with his acquaintance which had encouraged his mind to become overactive during sleep again, causing him to wake up several times during the night. This is where all the problems begin and to overcome Parkinson's disease it is essential to overcome an overactive mind and resurrect regular effective uninterrupted sleep. (The bonus eBook I supply with this eBook on Parkinson's disease will help you with suggestions as to how you can improve your sleep.)
I am presently helping Solomon via phone consultations and he has regained his peace-of-mind and is experiencing good sleep again and is still approximately 90% free of the symptoms he experienced when we first met. (The 10% portion of Solomon's Parkinson's disease that I assessed him to still have, I believe will take him up to three years to overcome, as this is the part of his immune system that will require him to continue following the lifestyle habits we are designed to follow, to keep our system in line with the nature of our design.)
After speaking with Solomon on the 12th of Novemeber, six months after Solomon went through my four day program, I found he was still enjoying his improvements and in fact he is feeling so good, he has just started up a small business, one that is not too stressful but that helps him obtain a small income. This is the success that causes me to love my work.
As Solomon also has a heart to help people, he is willing to speak to other Parkinson's patients on the phone as long as he isn't swamped with phone calls, so if you need encouragement to work to achieve success, let me know and I will pass your information on to him.

This next case history is also of a "real" person, a real client who came to me
for help. It is not a fictitious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.

My Tenth Case History
40% success
over the symptoms of a mild case
of Parkinson's Disease, "in only four days"
Parkinson's testimony --- Daniel MillsWhen Daniel Mills came to me from Canbera to commence my five-day treatment program, he suffered mild tremors in both arms, an inner buzzing feeling when he leaned back in his chair, a stiffness in his right calf muscle and he had difficulty shaving and brushing his teeth due to neck pain and profuse neck and shoulder tensions. I found Daniel to be a very caring person who was very emotional about any stress he experienced in his family. After a lung efficiency test, I found Daniel had reasonably strong breathing capabilities but he always seemed to slump forward and breathe really shallow during conversation, so shallow in fact that he often didn't appear to be breathing at all. I explained to Daniel that he really had to work on his breathing and posture if he wanted to overcome his Parkinson's completely as a huge causative factor of Parkinson's is poor breathing and lack of oxygen during sleep.
Day oneOn my first day's treatment of Daniel I found he had a misalignment to the right at his C3 vertebra in his neck (first arrow at the top), a misalignment to the left at his C5 vertebra in his neck (the second arrow down), a misalignment to the right at his T2 vertebra at the base of his neck (third arrow down), three vertebra misaligned in a row starting at the fourth arrow down pointing to his T4 vertebra and extending down to his T6 vertebra. The fifth arrow down ahows where the spine comes back into the normal line that his spine should be following and then there are another two misalignments at his T11 (the sixth arrow down) and his L4 vertebra, the seventh arrow down.

Even though Daniel was in great muscular condition, his spine was all over the place. This is a spine that could cause all sorts of problems including all the symptoms he explained, and then some.
After carrying out my assessment and teaching Daniel my "Shake Stopper" breathing exercise, how to do Inner Release Relaxation and some sleep improvement exercises, I took him to the chiropractor to rectify as many of these misalignments as possible. The chiropractor had difficulty correcting the vertebra in his neck area as the muscular swelling around those vertebra was quite profuse, however Daniel's lower spine misalignments were reasonably easy to correct. After his first chiropractic treatment Daniel had his first massage to remove extreme tension from his neck and back muscles.
On this first day during my five-day treatment program, I always do my best to find the stress responsible for causing an overactive mind during sleep and interfering with his much needed R.E.M. sleep pattern and triggering the excessive muscle tensions and vertebral misalignments responsible for his Parkinson's, but with Daniel, I could not find the stress that was causing him his sleeplessness.
Day two
On day two when I carried out my morning assessment on Daniel, I found that the misalignments he had at his T11 and L4 vertebra the day before, were gone and as this photo below reveals, the misalignments he had in his neck had changed slightly. The misalignment he had at his C3, C5 and T2 had gone but he had a new misalignment at his T1 vertebra just above his T2. The three vertebra that were all misaligned in a row, T4,T5 and T6 were no where near as bad and Daniel had no misalignments after his mild misalignments that ended at T6. This showed a definite improvement in his spinal alignment and he also experienced a reduction in his symptoms. His arm tremors were nearly non-existant and he was looking happier and started joking whereas on day one, he was always serious and quiet. He still felt the inner buzzing when he leaned back in his chair and he still felt tighe in his neck muscles.
The treatment I gave Daniel on day two consisted of mental relaxation and self-confidence counselling to raise his character strength and confidence. I urged Daniel to work in these areas on a regular basis as he quite easily took offence at simple confrontations and stressful events in daily routine and I felt that this was a big part of the unusual muscular tightening in his body that influenced his vertebral misalignments.


Day three
When I came to do Daniel's assessment on the morning of day three, he looked really good. It was obvious to me that he had experienced a good sleep that night and he greeted me with a really happy attitude and a look of self-confidence. When I checked his spine, I was really happy with what I discovered. Even though the misalignments he previously had at his C5 had returned and his T1 misalignment had gone but his T2 misalignment had returned, his spine seemed to be straightening out between the shoulder blades where he had the three misalignments at the T4,T5 and T6 vertebra. He now only had two misalignment but his whole spine was starting to look as though it was improving.
After carrying out my assessment I taught Daniel how to do blood flow exercises and gave him more Inner Release Relaxation therapy and then took him for his second massage and chiropractic treatment to see if we could relax his muscular tension even more that the first massage had done and eliminate the last two vertebral misalignments.


Day four
When I came to do Daniel's morning assessment on day four, he informed me that once again he had a good night's sleep and I was really happy with the findings. His neck and shoulder muscles were reasonably relaxed and he had no vertebral misalignments whatsoever, although he still had a mild curvature between his T2 vertebra at the arrow drawn on the right of his spine at the base of his neck and his T9 vertebra where the black lines finish. We were making great progress at this point and Daniel felt a complete return of the flexibility of his neck and also experienced approximately 80% reduction of his symptoms in his upper body and had experienced total recall in the flexibility of his calf muscles. He was now walking in a very relaxed manner and appeared happy and relaxed in his personality although he still didn't feel fully recovered.


Day five
When I came to do Daniel's morning assessment on day five, it was quite obvious to me on my arival at his apartment that he had lost interest in putting 100% effort into following the program. He informed me that he had a bad night's sleep that night and even though he enjoyed his improvement, he was tired of doing the exercises and wanted to go home. When I did his assessment I found the vertebral misalignment at his T1 vertebra had returned and the trapezius muscle on the right side of his neck was quite swollen which indicated his neck was redeveloping the tensions we had just spent the last four days overcoming. Over the last four days I had also felt that Daniel was stressed over something that he preferred not to speak about and I can only assume that his latest reoccurrance of neck problems were a result of that unresolved stress.
Unfortunately the photo below is the only photo I took while doing this fifth assessment and it is slightly blurred and a little dark but it shows the misalignment at T1 and I have circled the swollen area to the right of his spine which goes all the way up to the top of his skull. This inicated that Daniel's mind was troubled by something that only he can explain.
I left Daniel with the advice to work regularly on his self-confidence, his posture and his breathing as his system was quite deprived of oxygen at all times and he was often affected by stress in his daily routine.

This next testimony is also of a "real" person, a real client who came to me
for help. It is not a ficticious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.

My Eleventh Case History
Improving the blood flow to Katherine's right arm, overcame her writing problem, and teaching her mind
to be calm during sleep, caused her misaligned vertebra
to come back into alignment, on their own

This is a really amazing story,
about a really amazing woman

Parkinson's Case History --- Katherine Carter
Katherine was not suffering any severe symptoms when she came to me to go through my five-day-treatment-program. Her main symptom was an inability to write efficiently with her right hand which made it difficult for her to sign her name. She also found it most difficult to sign her name when people were watching, which is an emotional issue relating to self-confidence. I have noticed that all people who develop Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis, have lost their self-confidence which in turn, causes nervousness and anxiety when having to carry out significant duties in public or circulate at a social level.
Katherine also became extremely nervous when she went to see any health professional in a clinical atmosphere. Katherine's pulse count began to increase and she began to have difficulty breathing when she went for her second chiropractic treatment. She appeared to be working herself up to developing an anxiety attack after leaving the chiropractor's office which is a direct result of the trauma Katherine originally went through when she was first told by her neurologist that she had Parkinson's disease and that it was incurable and she would only get worse as time went on. It is not uncommon for people who have been told by medical doctors and neurologists that their life will be filled with doom-and-gloom from now on, to suffer anxiety attacks every time they see a health consultant in a clinical setting, particularly if they have a sensitive nature.
One of the first things I noticed with Katherine when I carried out my first diagnosis on her on day-one of my five-day-treatment-program, was that her left arm had a very normal easy-to-feel strong pulse, but her right arm had a pulse so weak that I could hardly feel it. I took me ages to even find her right arm pulse. This is very common in Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis patients because they all suffer from really excessive neck tension and misaligned vertebra which strangles the arteries of the neck and arms and when only one side of the neck is affected, the arm on that side always suffers loss of blood flow and poor nerve signals, which is the foundation cause for numbness, tingling, tremors and even total loss of use of that arm.
In my diagnosis, I found that Katherine had a severe vertebral misalignment at the C5 vertebra in her neck. (The first arrow on the left of Katherine's neck right at the top, in the first photo below, shows how the C5 vertebra has misaligned over to the right.) I also discovered that the lateral borders of both Katherine's trapezius muscles on both sides of her spine up her neck, were really really tense. They felt like two steel cables on each side of her neck. You can actually see how tense the muscles are on each side of Katherine's neck, in this photo.
I also found a second vertebral misalignment at the T3 vertebra between Katherine's shoulder blades which was pinching the nerves that operate her lungs and restricting her breathing and a third misalignment at her T12 in her lower back as well as a spinal curvature that began at her T12 misalignment. Notice how Katherine's spine is curving off to the right just above the arrow I have drawn on the right of her spine at the T12 misalignment.
These three vertebral misalignments and her curvature were all caused by excessive muscle tension in her neck, shoulders and lower back and the only reason I was successful in helping Katherine regain the writing ability in her right hand and improving her sleep and energy, was by helping her overcome her overactive mind during sleep and relaxing her muscles through the lung exercises and blood flow exercises she did each day.
When the chiropractor gave Katherine her first treatment on the Monday morning after I carried out my first assessment on her, he could not completely realign her C5 vertebra but was successful in partially realigning it and he could not even budge the T3 misalignment between her shoulder blades to bring it into alignment. He explained that because her T3 had been misaligned for quite some time, it would take several treatments to correct, however, after counselling Katherine over her stress, her T3 misalignment corrected itself after a good nights sleep.
On Tuesday morning, when I carried out my assessment on Katherine, I found that she still had a partial misaignment at her C5 vertebra, a full misalignment at her T3 vertebra and the curvature in her lower back was still causing her to lean to the right.
In Tuesday's treatment, I counselled Katherine for the stress in her life and taught her how to overcome an overactive mind during sleep to help improve her sleep, as she had not experienced good sleep for quite some time. On Wednesday night Katherine experienced her first good night sleep for months and when I carried out her Thursday morning assessment, I still found she had her vertebral misalignments however, her neck and shoulder muscles were really starting to relax.
In Wednesday's treatment, I continued counselling her and teaching her some stress management ideals to improve her sleep and begain teaching her the Inner Release Relaxation which added to her ability to relax her muscles and improve her R.E.M. stage of sleep. That night, Wednesday night, Katherine again experienced a really good sleep without waking up at all during the ngiht and when I carried out her Thursday morning assessment, I found that her C5 partial misalignment, her T3 full misalignment and her spinal curvature at the T12 were all completely gone. Her spine had completely corrected itself simply because Ktherine had learned to overcome her overactive mind during sleep, she had learned to relax her neck, shoulder and lower back muscles and was regaining her self-confidence.
I took this second photo on Friday morning two hours before Katherine was to have her second chiropractic treatment and found that her spine was completely back to normal. (I would like to point out at this stage that weekly chiropractic treatment is essential to realign misaligned vertebra. Do not rely on relaxation, peace of mind and blood flow exercises to realign your misaligned vertebra because this positive result is not experienced by everybody I treat. This is definately the end result that you must aim for but do not avoid chiropractic treatment on the hope that your vertebral misalignments will rectify themselves by doing the Inner Release Relaxation, deep breathing, massage and blood flow exercises.)
It is "VERY" important for all MS and Parkinson's patients to understand that "ALL" the symptoms of MS and PD are caused by the mind going tight and causing the body to go tight. MS and Parkinson's disease are simply a result of the body becoming so tight that it loses it's ability to be flexible, breathe efficiently and move freely. If anybody tries to tell you anything different, "DO NOT LISTEN".
When I developed my epilepsy, bronchitis, pre-diabetes and multiple sclerosis at age thirteen, it was because I listened to my father abuse my mother in the adjoining room two to three nights a week for three years, before I fell asleep. I began hating him and causing my mind to be overactive during sleep, dwelling on anger, unforgiveness and depression which in turn, caused my neck and shoulder muscles to become really tense, which caused my vertebra to become misaligned, which, just like Katherine, reduced my breathing and made my whole body become tight and prevented me from writing efficiently and caused me to develop fatigue.
These are the real reasons we develop autoimmune disease and if doctors do not learn to treat them by correcting the body dysfunctions that come about due to these stressful experiences, they will never help us achieve remission.
As I worked with Katherine over the five-day-treatment-program, it was obvious that she was totally dedicted to achieving remission and her dedication was the reason she experienced her success. I gained the greatest respect for Katherine, just as I did for Solomon Lader because they refused to accept defeat, and that is the only fuel that will light the fire of victory within you.
Never forget that your efforts can really make a difference when it comes to overcoming autoimmune disease. It is my opinion that medical doctors are commiting a criminal act when they inform MS and Parkinson's patients that MS and Parkinson's disease are incurable, because they have such a strong influence in society that most people will not question their instructions even if their instructions are not to even try to overcome the disease they suffer from, even if other ex-patients who have achieved the success they would like to achieve, try to help. Our Government Health Department leaders are not aware of the devistation this destructive advice has, on someone who is suffering to this degree.

This next testimony is also of a "real" person, a real client who came to me
for help. It is not a ficticious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.
Click here to read about more of Noel's amazing testimonies

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