Thursday 16 October 2014

Noel Batten Australia has been maligned as a quack, he is NOT, his Tiffany case inspired me, and his Parkinson's work is also impressive

The Testimonies I Supply On This Page Are Of Real People
And The Success My Clients Have Experienced, Is Not Exaggerated.
Watch My Video Interviews And See For Yourself
To download a collection of my "Before" and "After" videos of clients I have treated for multiple sclerosis
and Parkinson's disease, so that you can view them without having to visit my websites, click on this link:-
My First Case History
80% success
over the symptoms of a very severe case
of Multiple Sclerosis, "in only one week"
The first case history I would like to present, is that of Tiffany,
a 32 year-old single mum, who I noticed to be a wonderful loving mother,
who has a heart of gold, a beautiful personality and a great sense of humour. WARNING: When you watch the "Before" and "After" videos of Tiffany and see
her amazing improvement, I want you to understand that she gained her success through
her own determination, and she still has a way to go, to overcome her MS completely and it is also
possible that if she does not remove herself from the stressful lifestyle habits and circumstances that
originally caused her multiple sclerosis, her symptoms can return. The positive side, is that at least Tiffany
now knows the truth about what caused her MS and she has experienced first-hand how she "can"
overcome it, and through her own efforts, can control the redevelopment of her health.

Tiffany was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis by neurologist Dr S. Broadley at the Gold Coast Hospital in Queensland, Australia and was admitted to the hospital after having an attack that prevented her from being able to walk. On a bad day, she found it nearly impossible to stand up for more than a few seconds, walk for more than two or three steps or turn around without falling over, and she had terrible difficulty with her speech. She also experienced numbness and tingling in ninety percent of her body. The only portion of her body in which she experienced normal muscular sensation, was a narrow band around her upper torso approximately 200mm wide. To see the amazing improvement Tiffany experienced through her own efforts of determination, watch the videos below, and then, download her case file, complete with X-ray which clearly shows a vertebral misalignment at her L5 vertebra in her lower back, which caused her walking peoblems, which her doctor and neurologist are not trained to look for, because, in my opinion, they are made to remain focussed on the sales of pharmaceutical drugs.
Watch the middle video and see how I restore Tiffany's faith and hope that she "CAN" regain her health, and see in the second half of this video how well she is already walking after a one hour stress management session, a trigger point massage and one chiropractic treatment.
"During her treatment"
"After only five days treatment"

Download Tiffany's Case File and See Her X-ray Which Shows A Severe
Misalignment At Her L5 Vertebra Which Was Responsible For Her Walking Problem.

This X-ray Is Identical To X-rays Of My Parkinson's Clients
Ross And Celeste, Who Also Had Walking Problems, And They Also Regained Their Ability To Walk When They Realigned Their L5 Vertebra, And Overcame Their Other Skeletal Misalignments and Eliminated Their Excess Neck And Lower Back Muscle Tensions.
Tiffany had "six" major problems with her body, which were
causing her symptoms and her
doctors and neurologist at the hospital
didn't even come close to noticing them, because they are not trained to do so.

When Tiffany came to me in October 2005, several days after leaving the hospital, I carried out a diagnosis on her and found that she had six major problems in her body that were responsible for all the symptoms that caused her to be hospitalised.
  1. She had five misaligned vertebra in her spine which were pinching the nerves that were responsible for her loss of balance, mental and emotional fatigue, inability to use her arm muscles, poor blood flow to the arms, poor digestion of food and poor ability to supernate (rotate) her hips, and lift her legs to step forward.
  2. A misaligned left hip which was pinching the sciatic nerves and further contributing to her loss of control of her leg muscles, poor blood flow to the legs which resulted in the numbness and tingling she experienced and the nerve damage that was preventing her from lifting her legs to move them forward.
  3. She also had several inflammed nerves on the left and right side of the spine from the neck to the lower portion of her back.
  4. Extremely imflamed nerves and tendons at the area just above the left buttock, behind the left knee and at the left ankle.
  5. I also found that Tiffany had profuse muscle tension in the muscles that support the full spine, from the base of her skull down to her hips, but most importantly, the spinal muscles on the left side of her neck and hips were so tense, she could hardly turn to the right at all.
  6. To compensate for a misaligned hip, one leg longer than the other and five vertebral misalignments, Tiffany's nervous system was forcing her to hold her head and neck over to the right, which caused added problems to the spine and nerves that protrude from the spine to operate the arms, torso and legs.
Tiffany's first photo shows five misalignments in her spine which, in conjunction with
her extreme spinal muscle tensions, were responsible for all her upper body symptoms
When I had Tiffany stand with her back to me so I could find what was causing her speech problems and the tingling and numbness in her arms and shoulders, I found five vertebral misalignments from the base of her skull down to her lower back. The first misalignment I found was her C1 (atlas) vertebra which is misaligned to the right, at the very top of her spine but the arrow I have drawn on her neck pointing to this misalignment is just under her hairline on this photo and cannot be seen. The next misalignment was her C4 vertebra which was also misaligned to the right, where the first arrow can be seen on her neck, also drawn on the left side of the spine. Tiffany's speech problems were a direct result of these two misalignments in the upper section of her neck and when I had them rectified by a chiropractor and I taught her how to overcome her overactive mind during sleep to slow down the firing of her nerve neurons during sleep, Tiffany's ability to speak properly was reinstated within three days.
Tiffany also had a misalignment at her T3 vertebra which is where the next arrow is, on the right side of the spine level with her shoulders and this misalignment combined with the two in her neck were responsible for the tingling and numbness she experienced in her arms and shoulders. Most of the nerves of her spine from the T3 up to the C1 at the base of her skull were inflammed and any of the vertebra down to this point that could not be classed as being fully out of alignment, were slightly out of alignment and there was also muscular swelling, either on one side of the spine or the other, from the T3 right up to the C1 at the skull.
Her next misalignment was at her T9 vertebra which is shown by the second arrow I have drawn on the right side of Tiffany's spine level with her armpits. On checking all the vertebra down to the T9 I discovered something quite significant in relation to Tiffany's symptoms. At the beginning of this case history, I explained that the only part of Tiffany's body in which she did not experience tingling and numbness was a band around her chest, well I believe I discovered why she experienced this strange freedom of MS symptoms in this one specific area all the way around the top part of her torso.
I found a definite correlation between the condition of Tiffany's spine between her shoulder blades and the band around Tiffany's torso which was the only area of her body where she was completely free of any symptoms of multiple sclerosis
Looking at the black lines I have drawn on both sides of Tiffany's spine, you can see that the area between her T3 misalignment level with her shoulders and her T9 misalignment level with her armpits is straight, and I found all five vertebra between these two misalignments to be very much in line with each other. If you also look closely at Tiffany's neck and head, you can see that she is holding her head over to the right slightly, which is a compensation response to the two obvious misalignments in her neck and the many other partial misalignments as well as the profuse muscular tension in her neck muscles. I assertained from this, that the only part of her spine that was in it's correct position was the area between her shoulder blades where five of her vertebra were perfectly in line and this was also the area where Tiffany felt the band around her torso where she had normal feelings completely free from any MS symptoms.

The full section of Tiffany's spine below her T9 misalignment also had several partial misalignments and a full misalignment at her L4 vertebra (which is indicated by the last arrow I have drawn on the left side of Tiffany's spine) as well as a twisted pelvis (misaligned hip) and a curvature in the lower section of her spine which I mentioned eariler.
Tiffany's spinal X-ray shows that she also had a curvature in the lower lumbar
area of her spine, caused by her right leg being 8mm shorter than her left
and not one doctor even looked for this very important causal problem
When I had Tiffany stand facing me to check the angle and height of her hips and the length of her legs, I found that she had a twisted pelvis and her right leg was 8mm shorter than her left which causes the extreme lower section of the spine to curve and her pelvis to twist to one side. I then checked Tiffany's X-ray's of her lower spine and found that my assessment was confirrmed in an X-ray taken while she was in hospital one week before our meeting and yet the medical doctors who treated Tiffany, completely missed this very important factor which was causing most of the problems in her hips and legs.
The bottom line running horizontally across this X-ray shows how much longer Tiffany's left leg is than her right and how much, that difference in leg length is causing the left side of her pelvis to tilt up and cause a severe kink in her spine in the very lower section.
This sudden kink was, in turn, causing
nerves to be pinched where the two arrows are,
on either side of Tiffany's spine and when I pressed on these two nerves I found them to be quite swollen and painful for Tiffany. I also discovered that this kink had also caused Tiffany's hip to be out of alignment which was also contributing to her problems with balance
and her ability to stand for any length of time
and her ability to turn around.
These specific problems were directly responsible for the loss of blood flow into Tiffany's legs which caused the tingling and numbness she felt all down
both legs and the total lack of feeling she sometimes experienced when she was at her worst. Tiffany's doctors did not even look for these faults,
but instead, they kept assuring her that the drugs
they prescribed were her only option.
After I discovered these extremely significant problems in Tiffany's lower spine, I had her lay down on her stomach so I could check the nerves and tendons that run down the back of her legs to operate the muscles that enable her to lift her legs, to walk forward.
What I found next was also extremely significant to why Tiffany was experiencing so many problems with the complete lower section of her body.
These next two photos show three specific points on
Tiffany's left side which were inflamed and very sore

These next two photos show three specific points on Tiffany's left side where her nerves and tendons were extremely inflammed which were the points I needed to find, in order to help her overcome the symptoms she experienced in her legs. When I had Tiffany lay on her stomach so I could press on all the nerves that come from her spine to operate her legs and on the nerves and tendons that went down the back of her leg, I found three specific areas that were swollen, where Tiffany felt the most pain.
The top area that I have marked just above Tiffany's left buttock from her spine out, is where several nerves exit the spine to control skin sensation in the leg and to work the muscles of the hip, thigh and knee. These inflammed nerves are the ones responsible for Tiffany's tingling, numbness and loss of feeling, and her inability to lift the leg up to take a step.
The other two points at the back of the knee and ankle, are where I found inflammation in tendons and nerves responsible for her lower leg problems. When I pressed on all three of these points and massaged them until Tiffany's soreness subsided, her left foot, which had a severe muscle spasm pulling it inward into an awkward position that made it difficult for Tiffany to stand up, totally corrected itself. This all unfolded in a matter of approximately one minute.
Every multiple sclerosis patient I have ever carried out diagnosis on, I have found to have, multiple spinal misalignments and profuse abnormalities in the full spinal and pelvic area as well as extreme muscle tensions all the way down the spine. There is absolutely no amount of supplements, herbs, dietary changes, youghurt products, pharmaceutical drugs or surgical operations that can even hint at helping to overcome even a fraction of these physiological dysfunctions. The "ONLY" way you can overcome multiple sclerosis is to begin by overcoming an overactive mind during sleep, which is the reason for the excessive muscle tensions that pull the skeletal frame out of alignment in so many places and then rectify "all" the abnormalities that these excessive muscle tensions bring about, including poor breathing and poor digestion and absorption of food. This is all explained in detail, in my eBook "Multiple Sclerosis, The Greatest Medical Mistake".

I have designed an easy-to-follow Daily Activities Schedule that covers all the steps of my treatment approach and if you want to overcome multiple sclerosis completely, you need to do all these things covered by the "Daily Activities Schedule" which I have designed as a cariculum for each day of the week.

This next testimony and case history is also of a "real" person, a "real client" who came to me
for help. It is not a fictitious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.

My Second Case History
50% success
over the symptoms of a case
of Multiple Sclerosis, "in only four days"
On Wednesday the 28th of September 2005, Shirley Bidman came to me from Atherton in North Queensland, to be supervised through my four-day treatment program for multiple sclerosis. She was diagnosed with MS in 1998 and when she came to me, she was in reasonable health. As a result of the four-day program Shirley experienced significant improvement over her energy and food allergies which I informed her, were only caused by excessive muscle tension and lack of sleep. While I was treating Shirley, I discovered some really interesting changes to the vertebral alignment of her spine, and most importantly, as Shirley overcame her mental overactivity during sleep and subsequently experienced improvement in her sleep, her spinal vertebra came into place on their own and her fatigue and allergies began to subside.
Shirley Bidman's testimonyI was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998 after experiencing the symptoms since 1992. Although my physical symptoms have remained mild over this time, they seem to be getting a little worse with age, especially the food allergies, depression and lack of energy.
Finding Noel Batten's website was a Godsend. After meeting with Noel he showed me how destructive my negative mindset had been in manifesting my disease and contributing to the depression. Noel's gentle and encouraging manner assisted me in changing my thoughts and he equipped me with practical strategies that have given me real hope and purpose for myself, my family and my future.
I was amazed to find out how my spinal misalignments and the chiropractic remedial massage were very beneficial as part of the overall therapy. Noel's firm Christian faith coupled with his unique understanding of psychology and physical illness has given him a rare gifting in approaching disease from an entirely different perspective.
Noel Batten offers real hope for people afflicted by "so called" incurable conditions.
Shirley Bidman

The following five photos are a reminder of how important it is for us to maintain peace of mind and self-confidence, two things I put a great deal of effort into during my treatment program. The foundation of my personal treatment program is to bring the mind and body back to functioning as nature intended which is the only way multiple sclerosis can be overcome.
These first two photos were taken on Wednesday morning when Shirley first came to me, prior to her first chiropractic visit. I have pointed out the misalignments she had, with a marker so we could keep track. She had three misalignments, one at the C3 vertebra high in her neck, one at her T5 vertebra between her shoulder blades and one at her L2 in the lower back region.
When I took Shirley to the chiropractor these three vertebral misalignments were all corrected and after that first chiropractic treatment, I commenced her first day of therapy with herbs and supplements, and I carried out several hours of counselling for stress that had been present in her life for several years. As we spoke, she had no real difficulty confronting these issues and I was happy with the outcome. That night however, because we had discussed things she preferred to avoid in the past, her mind was active all night long and she awoke around 3:00pm and could not get back to sleep.
When I carried out my assessment on Shirley the next morning, Thursday, and took the photo below, I found that she had five vertebral misalignments that were completely different from the three she had the day before. Her new misalignments were at C2, C7, T4, T6 and T10.
Now you may think this to be interesting, but the exciting part is yet to come. As I explain what happened next, keep in mind that Shirley's next chiropractic appointment is not until Saturday morning. She had absolutely no chiropractic treatment between her first appointment on Wednesday morning and her last, on Saturday morning and she did no real physical activity that could be blamed for vertebra coming out of place or going back into place.
All day Thursday we continued to deal with these stress factors that had been bothering Shirley for some time, and again on Thursday night, Shirley had difficulty sleeping. On my next assessment of her on Friday morning, I found only one of Shirley's five misalignments from the day before shown in the previous photo, to be remaining, which was her T4, and I found several other misalignments that were not there on Wednesday or Thursday, that had developed through the night, and they were: T4 and T7 but she also had partial misalignments at her T5 and T6. This resulted in four vertebra one-after-the-other, all out of alignment.
OK, now obviously you would find this interesting, but once again, the real interesting event is about to unfold and it is absolutely fantastic!!!
Towards the end of the day on Thursday, I explained to Shirley that Friday's treatment is what I call "automation day" where I take all the stress management ideals I have taught her on Wednesday and Thursday and encourage her unconscious mind to respond to them automatically, and to do this I taught Shirley a special way to use affirmations that works very quickly.
After her assessment I began a full day's tuition explaining how the automation of the mind works and gave her the affirmations to use to encourage her unconscious mind to act on these stress management ideals automatically and it was the night after this treatment, Shirley's sleep, energy, health and life began to turn completely around, and to her amazement, even her allergies began to subside.
Now today is the big day. When I came to do Shirley's Saturday morning assessment "before" her second visit to the chiropractor, she informed me that she had experienced an excellent night's sleep and I noticed that she had a natural smile that she did not previously have and a very happy attitude, whereas every other morning it was quite obvious she was fatigued and, I cannot say sad, but certainly not as happy as she was now. Now this photo below taken on Saturday morning, is the most interesting photo of all five as it reveals that Shirley's peaceful mind during sleep encouraged her vertebra to all come back into correct alignment on their own.
Except for a mild curvature and a very slight kick to the right at her T3 vertebra, where I have drawn the arrow, all the vertebra in Shirley's spine were virtually in correct alignment simply because we had spent the best part of Friday, helping Shirley let go of the stress that triggered her multiple sclerosis in the first place. When Shirley had her second chiropractic treatment on Saturday morning, after my assessment that gave me this photo, the chiropractor further encouraged realignment of certain vertebra such as the T3, so that Shirley's four-day personal treatment finished with great success both emotionally and physiologically.
Even the bible says, if we maintain peace of mind and love for life,
our bones will remain in place to give us good health

It is all well and good to have weekly relaxation massage and chiropractic treatments however, I have noticed that the people I treat who cannot overcome past stressful events which affect them at an unconscious level to cause an overactive mind during sleep, experience repeated vertebral misalignments which continue to encourage the symptoms of sleeplessness, fatigue, memory loss, headache, blurred vision, and the tingling, numbness and tremors synonomous with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and other similar autoimmune disorders. Even the bible explains that if we live according to God's ways, to help us maintain our peace of mind and love for life, our bones will remain in their correct place. (Colossians. 2:19) "And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God." (Ephesians. 4:16) "From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love."
We must always be positive and encourage
our peace of mind and love for life

The cause of multiple sclerosis is "VERY STRAIGHT FORWARD". First we experience repeated stress that we just can't seem to manage effectively, then we seem to magnify these stressful circumstances by continually thinking negatively about our stress which eventually causes our mind to become very overactive during sleep which makes our smooth muscles become very tense which prevents our system from storing glycogen for energy and hormones for emotional strength. If our mental overactivity comes predominantly from the left brain hemisphere, it also causes excessive tension in the erector spinae muscle down the right side of the spine to pull vertebra out of alignment to the right, and if our mental overactivity comes from the right brain hemisphere, it causes vertebra to be pulled out of alignment to the left. Then, these misalignments pinch nerves that cause tingling, numbness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, poor eye sight, itchy eyes, carpal tunnel, food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, depression and any other symptom you can think of, which can be related to multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, sarcoidosis, cancer etc, etc, etc. These symptoms have absolutely "NOTHING" to do with deterioration of the nerve myelin sheath. The reason MS sufferers experience variations in symptom severity is because of this mental overactivity during sleep, pulling the vertebra of the spine in different directions according to whether we take positivity, happiness and love into sleep with us "on a regular basis" or we take negativity and stress into sleep with us "on a regular basis".
The reason Shirley experienced such severe spinal changes was because she had experienced stress for some time, which weakened her spinal muscles and allowed the vertebra to be easily manipulated by her mental anxiety. I have found these severe spinal variations in all people who experience stress and mental anxiety for some time and who have difficulty sleeping. The key to a healthy spine, is not to allow stress to go to bed with you and to always do things before going to bed that will encourage relaxation, peace of mind, love for life and personal contentment.

If you suffer from multiple sclerosis and your neurologist is telling you your MS is caused by deterioration
of your nerve myelin sheath, that deterioration is causing your symptoms and it is completely
impossible to overcome those symptoms, DO NOT LISTEN!!!
Go and find a neurologist who is not full of doom and gloom and who has his/her heart in actually
helping you and who is accepting of the undeniable evidence I am offering on this website and in my book
"Multiple Sclerosis The Greatest Medical Mistake", and then, follow the Daily Activities Schedule
exactly as I have outlined it in Part One of this book.

As you follow my Daily Activities Schedule from me eBook "Multiple Sclerosis, The Greatest Medical Mistake", you "MUST" remain under the supervision of a chiropractor to monitor and correct any repeated misalignments on a weekly basis and a masseur, to help you in your efforts to "TEACH" your muscular system to go back to a normal relaxed state. As you do these two things, you also "MUST" do one blood flow exercise before going to bed, five nights a week "exactly" how I have explained to do blood flow exercises in my eBook, and a stomach exercise three mornings a week, to encourage blood to begin flowing efficiently throughout your body again. As you do this, you also "MUST" do the deep breathing exercise I describe in the Daily Activities Schedule, before each meal , to encourage your lungs to regain normal breathing efficiency again and, to improve your digestion efficiency of each meal.
Over and above all of these things, by far the most important thing you "MUST" do, is to regularly practice what I call Inner Release Relaxation so that you retrain the firing of your nerve neurons to slow down to a healthy speed and thus allow your mind to slow down to achieve R,E,M, sleep every night, so you build up your reserves of energy and you encourage your natural feelings of happiness to develop from within.
I assure you, this is the "ONLY" way you can overcome
multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease, which is very much the same as MS
These are the things I taught Tiffany and Shirley to do and these are the things my next and they are all explained in the Daily Activities Schedule in my book and I also explained to Shirley, if she wants to maintain the success she gained, for years to come, she must continue following my methods, making sure that she supervises her mind and lives her life according to the nature of our design. The interesting thing about this nature of our design that I teach clients like Shirley who achieve success, is that it all comes from the Bible.

This next testimony is also of a "real" person, a real client who came to me
for help. It is not a fictitious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.

My Third Case History

On Monday the 12th, of June, Cynthia Fernandez flew over from Florida to attend my five-day personal treatment program to overcome the symptoms of multiple sclerosis which she began developing in September 2003. Her main symptoms were numbness and tingling in her arms, hands and feet and she had difficulty writing. Her most severe symptoms were tingling and numbness in both her arms.
When first conversing with Cynthia while she was in Florida, in order to help her decide whether or not to make the lengthy trip to Australia for treatment, I asked her to have her X-rays photographed and then send the photographs to me as email attachments, and on viewing these photos I could see that she had no permanent damage to the vertebra of her spine, so I informed her that I believed she could indeed achieve success by doing my five-day program. The only problem I had with Cynthia was that she had previous chiropractic treatment in the USA and several days after this treatment, her right arm became paralised for two days. Even though Cynthia's neurologist informed her that he did not think the temporary paralization was caused by the chiropractic treatment, she still had the fear of further difficulties from any chiropractic treatment that I was planning on giving her, should she decide to come to Australia for the my treatment program.
After Cynthia arived and I carried out my first diagnosis on her, I found she had seven vertebral misalignments and her left leg appeared to be 6mm longer than her right which caused a misaligned hip, which in turn, pinched the nerves that operated her leg muscles, to create the numbness and tingling she experienced in her feet.
Due to Cynthia's fear of experiencing a repeat of her arm paralisation after previous chiropractic treatment, the chiropractor I had treat Cynthia, decided that he would correct only the misalignments below her neck (T4, T5, T6 and L5) to make sure that she suffered no interferance to the section of her spine where the arm nerves exit. He explained to Cynthia that providing she felt comfortable with her first treatment, he would then correct the C1 vertebral misalignment only, during her second visit, which was the one right at the top of her neck and he explained that he would leave the C3 and C5 misalignments alone, so that once again, he would minimise any risk of causing a repeat of her arm paralisation, just in case, her previous chiropractic treatment "was" the cause of her past daunting experience.
This two-step approach was very successful in helping Cynthia reduce her symptoms and she went home a very happy person.
The following five photos I took of Cynthia's spine show the gradual improvement she experienced as the chiropractor carried out his progressive treatment on Cynthia and as Cynthia and I worked to help her overcome her overactive mind during sleep, improve her breathing and digestion and encourage improved blood flow to the areas of her body that were experiencing the numbness and tingling, in order to encourage the vertebra.that were misaligned, to remain in place after her chiropractic treatment. Every method I use to treat my clients, aside from the chiropractic treatment, is designed to encourage the vertebra to remain in place after the chiropractor rectifies the misalignments. This is the true secret that has enabled me to help my clients achieve such great improvement, in only four to five days.
Day 1
On the first day I carried out a diagnosis on Cynthia, I found that she had seven vertebral misalignments.
C1, C3, C5, T4, T5, T6 and L5. Cynthia's C1 vertebral misalignment could not be marked for this photo
as it is right on her hair line. You can also nitice how Cynthia's left shoulder is raised up slightly, which is a
secondary response to her having a misaligned hip and excessive tension in the hip muscles.
Day 2
Before Cynthia's first chiropractic treatment on Tuesday 13th, of June, her left hip was
raised up due to excessive muscle tension around the hip, which twisted the femur out of
alignment and caused the right leg to appear shorter as can be seen in this photo below.
Day 3
On the morning of Day 3, Cynthia reported that she had a really good night's sleep that previous night, and it is
usually after my clients have their first good night's sleep that the spine begins to come back into place which is what
happened to Cynthia. I also noticed that the excessive muscle tension in Cynthia's hip muscles had gone and the left femur
joint had settled into it's correct position which allowed her hips to come back into the horizontal position.
I appologise for this photo being slightly blurred. It is the only one I took on the day.
Day 4
On my diagnosis of Cynthia on the morning of Day 4, I found that whilst the excessive hip muscle tension she
experienced at her left hip on Day 2, was gone on the morning of Day 3, due to having a bad night's sleep last night, she had
now developed excessive hip muscle tension in the muscles of her "right" hip, which twisted her pelvis in the other direction
and caused her right hip to be pulled out of alignment, making it appear that her right leg was now longer than her left.
You can also see that the left curvature between the T4 and T6 vertebra between Cynthia's shoulder blades, has
gone completely and yet the chiropractor refrained from working in this area on her Tuesday treatment, as a safeguard
to prevent a repeat of her arm paralysation. This amazing case history, reveals how tremendously influential the mind is,
over the positioning of the individual spinal vertebra and both hips. Every time I counsel my clients who go through the
five-day treatment program, the spinal vertebra and hips are pulled in different directions according to the subjects we
cover in counselling and the degree of success we have with the stress of each of the different subjects we cover.
Day 5
Cynthia had her second chiropractic treatment on Thursday afternoon and also had another good night's sleep last night, and as a result, when I did my morning diagnosis on her, I discovered that her spine "and her hips" had all come back into alignment.
As the chiropractor corrected Cynthia's C1 vertebral misalignment at the very top of her neck, with the activator gun,
Cynthia immediately said, she felt blood flowing into her arms and she explained that feeling by saying: "I feel as though my
arms are coming back to life." Whilst the correction of Cynthia's T4, T5, T6 and L5 on her first day of treatment, caused the
symptoms in her lower body to reduce, she did not feel any improvement in her arm and hand symptoms until
the moment her C1 was realigned. This was the real turning point of Cynthia's success.
What was most amazing, is that the chiropractor had never touched the two misalignments at Cynthia's
C3 and C5 vertebra. They had just gone back into place on their own after the chiropractor had realigned
Cynthia's C1, T4, T5, T6 and L5 vertebra and her hips, and after Cynthia had learned to overcome
her overactive mind and improve her breathing and blood flow to her neck and arms.
Whilst it is essential to have chiropractic treatment, it is also essential to do all the other
complementary treatments that I arrange "after" the chiropractic treatment, to help encourage
the vertebra to remain in place after the chiropractor does his job.

This next testimony is also of a "real" person, a real client who came to me
for help. It is not a fictitious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.

My Fourth Case History

While supplying the successful case histories on this page,
it is only fair that I also supply the not-so-successful
so you can see the pitfalls
If you come to me for my Five-day
Personal Treatment Program, you need
to be fully focussed and learn "ALL" the
procedures I teach in the program
On Monday the 11th of December 2005, Carol Peters came to me from Mackay, Queensland, to be supervised through my five-day treatment program for multiple sclerosis, but as we progressed, I sensed that she didn't seem to be interested in putting any real effort into learning the Inner Release Relaxation or doing the blood flow exercises, and she also often became impatient and disinterested in actually focussing on achieving success.

Carol also decided to only stay for four days instead of the full five days and at the end of the four days she told me she was disappointed she could not go to the tourist destinations and do some sight-seeing while she was on the Coast, or sleep in of a morning, even though the treatment program didn't commence until 8:30AM each day and only ran for four hours.
If you want to achieve success over your multiple sclerosis, you must remain "fully focussed" on working to achieve positive results in every aspect of the program, whether you do the program at home without my supervision, by following the Daily Activities Schedule, or whether you come to me to be supervised through the five-day Program. Carol's multiple sclerosis was so far advanced that she was having difficulty walking and would often lose her balance even just standing still and yet she had such little focus on achieving remission that she was disappointed she didn't have enough time to go sight-seeing and sleep in.
In my eBook "Multiple Sclerosis, The Greatest Medical Mistake" I clearly emphasise that two of the most important aspects of the program are to relax "on the inside" by learning to do "Inner Release Relaxation" and to encourage improved blood flow to the areas of the body suffering symptoms, by doing blood flow exercises every day. To help encourage multiple sclerosis patients to work hard on these particular aspect of the program, I have emphasised it on many occasions throughout my book and I have also added the testimony from my Parkinson's patient, Solomon Lader, in my multiple sclerosis book, to show how effective Inner Release Relaxation is, as Solomon gained 90% success over all his symptoms in only four days, due to him putting so many hours in, practicing the Inner Release Relaxation.
Even though Carol had purchased my book four weeks before coming to me for the Personal Treatments program, which is ample time to learn how to do Inner Release Relaxation, she had not practiced it and did not take any interest in learning it while doing the program. When combined with blood flow exercising and the exercises for overcoming an overactive mind during sleep, Inner Release Relaxation is extremely powerful in overcoming many autoimmune disorders.
Even though Carol didn't like practicing her Inner Release Relaxation
and doing blood flow exercises, she still experienced improvement

Carol's main symptoms were severe sleep problems, fatigue, loss of balance, difficulty walking, difficulty gripping a pen and tingling and numbness in the right hand and leg. She was diagnosed with MS in February 2003 and when she came to me, her biggest problems was difficulty walking and not being able to stand up on her own due to problems with her balance. On her first morning with me, I checked her skeletal frame and found she had a misaligned hip, five vertebral misalignments (C2, T2, T4, T8 and T12) and a very severe curvature in the thoracic area of her spine, which can be seen in this first photo below.
The severe vertebral misalignment at Carol's T2 vertebra, the one marked at the top of her curvature, is probably the worst misalignment I have ever seen in over forty years of treating people and I blame this misalignment for the problem Carol has with walking. The vertebral misalignment that Carol has at her C2, which is called the "Dizzy bone" is responsible for her loss of balance. (I have marked Carol's C2 misalignment which is up high near the base of her skull, but her hair is covering the mark.)
From Carol's severe T2 misalignment and curvature, I knew immediately that she was not going to experience a great deal of improvement in only five days of treatment, as her severe curvature was going to take quite some time to overcome completely. The problem in this case however, is that Carol will not do the exercises that help overcome an overactive mind during sleep and work at practicing the Inner Release Relaxation four times a day as I recommend in my book. These inner relaxation exercises are essential to overcome the uneven muscle tensions in the muscles on the left side of her spine which are responsible for pulling the full Thoracic spine over, to create the curve.
I have a special blood flow exercise that I gave Carol to do, to tighten the spinal muscles on the right side of her spine to counteract the excessive tensions in the muscles on the left side, which were pulling the spine over, and as you can see on the second photo, doing this exercise twice a day for four days started to straighten the spine out, but without doing Inner Release Relaxation four times a day and the exercises to overcome her overactive mind during sleep, in order to release the excess tension in the spinal muscles on her left side, Carol will not achieve complete and long-lasting remission.
This photo below was taken after one chiropractic treatment to correct the five misalignments and
four days of doing the blood flow exercise designed to increase the tension of the muscles on the right side
of her spine, in order to put her spine back straight again. You can also notice that Carol's right shoulder blade is
no longer sticking out as much which will allow her lungs to expand a little more and her heart to pump a little more
freely but Carol will need to keep doing the exercise and start to work regularly on doing the Inner Release
Relaxation in order to bring everything back into place, sufficiently for her to overcome all her symptoms.
The "only" way to keep the spine straight and free of misalignments is to do "everything" necessary to relax the muscles of the body and this includes Inner Release Relaxation (before each meal and before going to bed at night), regular chiropractic treatment (once a week if possible), regular massage (daily if possible), blood flow exercises (as explained in my Daily Activities Schedule on pages 76 to 83) and mind-calming exercises to overcome an overactive mind during sleep.
Too many MS and Parkinson's patients are looking for a quick-fix pill whilst they are rejecting the need to work at overcoming the faults of the mind and body, and too many health consultants are focussing on trying to find a pharmaceutical drug, a vitamin, a herb, a mixture of herbs and vitamins, or some sort of magic elixar, which they can sell to increase profits, instead of doing these practical things to rectify the faults of the mind and body which have proven to create complete and long-lasting success.
I have lived through the suffering of multiple sclerosis and the victory of overcoming it
with complete and long-lasting success by using these methods, and I assure you,
this is the "only" way to achieve complete and long-lasting success

This next case history is also of a "real" person, a real client who came to me
for help. It is not a fictitious story made up for the purpose of false advertising.
I am ready to hand the contact details of any or all of these cases to the
Government Department of Fair Trading, to investigate, at any time.

My Fifth Case History
90% success
over the symptoms of a severe case
of Multiple Sclerosis, "in only eight weeks"
without any personal supervision
The great rewards of determinationAfter I made this book on multiple sclerosis available on the internet in November 2004, one of the first sales was made to Mr Samuel James, an Australian resident living in New South Wales. Because Samuel was really determined he followed all of my suggestions diligently and he overcame 90% of his symptoms in eight weeks although it took another eight weeks for his vertebra to remain in place withought continous treatment.
Just following the ideals in my eBook, gave Sameul his success
I have never met Samuel and have only given him a small amount of advice via email, as he applied the ideals I outline in my eBook, powered by his own determination, so Samuel deserves a huge congratulations for the success he has gained. (I have also pointed out to Samuel that he needs to keep following the lifestyle and stress management ideals that gained him his success, in order to maintain that success.)

This is one of several emails he sent to me after his four months of recovery:-
MS testimony --- Samuel James
G,day Noel,
Well, this is the end of month four, of treatment from your book "MS the greatest medical mistake". A brief summary is as follows.
My back is now straight, with the 12 vertebra that were misaligned now remaining in place for the past 8 weeks, only requiring minor manipulation around every 4 weeks. I do the exercises you suggested and they have helped me regain my full potential in life.
I now sleep with around 6 hours continuous sleep nightly which is really good. My left body (arm & leg) strength have returned to the point where I now walk without a limp on most occasions, and I use my arm almost as I used to before I was diagnosed with MS.
My cognitive function has returned to the point where I now feel so confident I have enrolled at a major technical college to undertake studies to work on a goal of self-improvement as you encourage in your book. This course is full time for 2 years and I would like to say, you are right, working on a goal really does make a difference.
So Noel, thanks again to you, & your assistance in combating this so called disease. If I can be of assistance to you in any way, please don't hesitate to contact me. I owe you one.
Best Regards Samuel James
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