Thursday, 25 September 2014

The Atls controls body and mind

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

-World Health Organization, 1948
Ranan Shahar for neck and spinal pain therapy
Ranan Shahar:
founder of Atlas Evolution Spinal Therapy


Whether you're looking to solve existing health problems, prevent future ones or are just trying to stay healthy, the atlas (also known as "C1" the first cervical vertabra) plays a key role in your overall physical and mental health.
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First Cervical Vertebra: The Atlas Bone

Ever feel like your head isn't screwed on right? Well it may well not be!
The first cervical vertebra, the "screw" between your head and everything else, plays a crucial role in the overall balance of your body. When out of alignment, this can cause a chain reaction, which begins at the spine and spreads thoughout the entire body, all the way to the fingers and toes. Though the atlas might only be out of alignment by a few millimeters, this miniscule error can snowball into serious health problems that manifest themselves in a myriad of symptoms. Plus, don't forget, your head won't be screwed on straight!
When the atlas is out of place the entire spine follows its error, spreading chaos throughout the body's skeletal structure. A direct symptom of this chaos is a stiffening of the muscles. Not only do stiff muscles cause a slew of painful symptoms to afflict the body, they also constrict the overall flow of blood, spinal fluid, nerves and bodily fluids causing the immune system to become weak and sluggish.
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The Solution: Atlas Evolution

FACT: 99.9% of the human race is afflicted by this problem. Though certain factors such as sitting in front of a computer all day, being birthed through a narrow birth canal, whiplash, accidents and head injuries can seriously worsen the alignment of the atlas, the problem seems to be a genetic defect and therefore existent in the overwhelming majority of humans, regardless of their race, religion or lifestyle. One need not have experienced any serious physical traumas to benefit from Atlas Evolution: it is an overall expansion in health and can even benefit those who already consider themselves fit.
While many methods have been implemented to try and solve the symptoms stemming from the atlas problem, few have accurately been able to grasp the reason responsible for the symptoms. Atlas Evolution tackles this problem head-on and solves it in ONE TREATMENT. The method of treatment is an all-natural, non-chiropractic, non-invasive procedure, which takes less than an hour to perform,
The result: the body goes into a self- healing mode, causing patients to experience both instantaneous and long-term benefits. In many cases long term health problems either considerably improve or even disappear.

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Health Problems?

Because the atlas plays such a central role in our overall health, nearly every health problem can be traced back, in one way or another, to the atlas problem, the following is a list of the most popular health problems resulting from a misaligned atlas. Though in many cases a health problem might have multiple causes, we have witnessed positive results in each of the following areas as well as complete recoveries.

Headache and Migraine
Vertigo or Tinnitus
Neck pain/ stiff neck/ limited rotation
Shoulder pain/ stiff shoulder
Back Pain
Chronic Fatigue
Brain Fog
Chronic muscle tension
Herniated disk
Pinched nerves / Numbness and Tingling
Digestion / Constipation
Uneven leg length
Bad Posture

Contact Ranan Shahar

New Dawn Clinic
2116 Wilshire Blvd. Suite #248
Santa Monica, CA. 90403

Phone: (310) 266-5321

Ranan Shahar, Atlas Evolution therapy for neck pain

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"I searched for years for someone who could effectively correct the position of the Atlas. Recently, I discovered Ranan and received this revolutionary treatment from him. Immediately and noticeably, I felt fetter than ever! I highlly recommend his work!"

David Wolfe, CEO
Author: "Sunfood Diet Success System", "Eating for Beauty" & "Naked Chocolate"

"I've had chronic neck sensitivity and occasional stiffness for as long as I can remember. Although a whole foods diet helped tremendously, my range of motion was still noticeably limited, despite yoga practice and massage treatments. After Ranan worked on me, my range of motion improved dramatically. I could turn my head 360 degrees! Well, not really, but it sure felt like that. This structural technique should be a required therapy. Your work is a blessing. Much Thanks"
Verne Varona
Author: "Nature's Cancer-Fighting Foods"

It is now September 22nd, 2006 and I continue to go through shifts in both my structure and awareness since my procedure on August 12th. My lab work from a few weeks ago showed almost no sign of the cancer I've had since the end of 2001. The amount of protein in the blood that indicates the cancer was so low that it didn't register as a quantitive amount. Isn't that great!! Thank you so much for doing this tremendous work. I'm positive it has been a contributing factor to my healing process.
June Edwards

I just had to send you a big Thanks! It's truly amazing how such a minor procedure can yield such great results. You are truly doing great work.
Peter Wilhelm,
Danbury, CT.
back and neck therapy by Ranan shahar
For me, this has been the physical gift of a lifetime! I feel free in ways that have left me speechless. I am amazed that even after 9 months so many incredible changes have taken place within my physical and emotional body. Not only that, I have had incredible spiritual experiences that opened me up to making powerful changes in my life.
In gratitude,
A. Were

This treatment has been the miracle that changed my life! I haven't been to see my chiropractor since I got this treatment. I have no more aches and pains. I have more energy. I am very calm and peaceful. I can think clearly. I stand up straight. I walk with my knees popping. My friends even tell me that I look peaceful! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

My daughter has reported no double vision since the treatment you did for her. No words move on the page, no lines move, all is normal now. I can only report that after thousands of dollars in chiropractic adjustments, and to a world renowned vision therapist, and hours of tests at Children's Hospital in Dallas, Texas, and the University of Texas Health Science Center Vision Clinic in Dallas, we now have a cure. It cost me $250 dollars. It was a little uncomfortable, she did cry, but she immediately felt so much better.
Sheri Greenstreet and her 10 year old daughter, Alexis

As a result of the atlas treatment by Ranan Shahar, I have experienced the following: more centered and attentive, more courageous and dynamic, more in action, more alive! The treatment has indeed been priceless. I recommend Ranan full hearted.
Dr. Jenifer Cochagn, Psychologist
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The History of Atlas Evolution

Ranan Shahar is a licensed Acupuncturist in Santa Monica, California with a profound understanding of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. During his extensive travels around the world, Ranan studied in Switzerland with Renee Schuemperli, who developed the "Profilax Technique"- a treatment strictly for the Atlas vertebrae. Ranan fused the best of the "Profilax Technique" with Chinese Acupressure points and years of experience treating thousands of people from North America to Puerto Rico, India, Israel and Australia. The result is Atlas Evolution: one of the world's newest, most unique solutions to finding physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Atlas Evolution is really an evolution of Atlas Profilax, giving patients everything the Swiss do with the added bonus of Chinese medicine and specialized work on the sacrum and sphenoid bones.
At last the gate between heaven and earth can be opened for maximum health! The Chinese figured out a long time ago how certain accupressure points can relax the short muscles surrounding the bones of the neck, Ranan uses these points to help the Atlas vertebrae return to it's stable position intended by nature. Combined with Atlas Evolution the results are astounding!. Should we say revolutionary!

From AtlasProfilax to Altas Evolution this technique permanently moves or floats your top atlas vertebra into correct position

Candida and SIDS


Chemical Name
Structural formula
[ X ] presently of low priority for further work
[ ] requiring further information to assess identified concerns
[ ] candidate for in-depth risk assessment with a view to possible risk reduction activities
The production volume of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) is ca. 140,000 t/a in Germany and ca. 264,000 in the USA. The worldwide production is estimated at ca. 850000 t/y. Nearly the entire production volume is used as intermediate in chemical synthesis. The only direct use known is as additive in explosives. 2,4-DNT can be regarded as "inherently biodegradable" with low to moderate bioaccumulation.. The most sensitive environmental species to 2,4-DNT is the crustacean Daphnia magna (21d-NOEC = 0.04 mg/l).
The derived aquatic PNEC is 4 µg/l.
The substance is harmful with oral administration (acute LD50 = 400 - 1954 mg/kg bw). It is mutagenic in the Ames test and in in vivo tests on mammals. The NOEL for repeated dose toxicity is 0.57 - 0.71 mg/kg bw/day (2-year study). No teratogenic effects were recorded and impairment of fertility were observed at doses which also cause other effects.
The highest aquatic local PEC due to production and processing was estimated to be 1.66 µg/l in Germany and 56 µg/l for a production site in the USA. For the PEC calculation (for production and processing plants plants without exposure information), the default values defined in the EU Technical Guidance Documents on Risk Assessment for New and Existing Substances are used (data about the discharges via waste water are not available for production and processing plants outside of Germany). For a production plant with an unknown site location a PEClocal of 245 µg/l and for a processing plant a PEClocal of 570 µg/l is calculated.
The EHD for inhalational exposure is estimated at <0.071 mg/kg bw.
Consumer exposure is not to be expected.
In conclusion, there is currently no risk to be expected to the environment or to humans for the 3 known production and processing sites in Germany. For a known production site in the USA, 2,4-DNT represents presently a risk for the aquatic compartment. A comparison of the predicted environmental concentrations for a production and a processing site (plants without exposure information, hypothetical unknown site location with a hypothetical capacity 1000 t/y) and the predicted no-effect concentration for aquatic ecosystems indicates that a risk of damage to aquatic ecosystems is to be expected.
Site specific exposure data have to be improved for all production and processing sites.
2.1Melting Point 
69.9 °C
2.2Boiling Point 
319.5 °C (at kPa)
1286 kg/m3
2.4Vapour Pressure 
7.9.10-6 kPa at RT °C
2.5Partition Coefficient (Log Pow) 
NA (exp.)
2.6 AWater solubility 
166 mg/l at °C
at °C
2.12Oxidation : Reduction potential 
3.1.1Photodegradation calc. (Atkinson)In air T1/2 = 71 days
3.1.2Stability in water (Photodegr.)  T1/2 = 6.5 - 20 days
3.2Monitoring data  In air = / mg/m3
    In surface water = 0.1 - 2.0 mg/l
    In soil/sediment = 0.01 - 0.07 mg/g
    In biota = / mg/g
3.3Transport and Distribution calculated 
   (fugacity In water ca. 98 %
   level 1 type) 
not readily biodegradable inherently with adapted inoculum
ECOTOXICOLOGY (lowest effect concentrations only)
4.1acute/prolonged toxicity to fishLepomis macrochirus
LC50 (96 hr) = 12.8 mg/l
4.2acute/prolonged toxicity to aquatic invertebrates (daphnia)Daphnia magna
EC50 (24 hr) = 22 mg/l
4.3toxicity to aquatic plants
e. g. algae
Microcystis aeruginosa
EPA (1971)
TLV (96 hr) = 0.05 mg/l
4.4toxicity to microorganismsUronema parduczi
TLV (20 hr) = 0.55 mg/l
4.5.1chronic toxicity to fishLepomis macrochirus
TLV (8 w) = 0.05 mg/l
4.5.2chronic toxicity to aquatic invertebrates (daphnia )Daphnia magna
UBA (1984)
NOEC (21 d) = 0.04 mg/l
4.6.1toxicity to soil dwelling organismsFolsomia candida
BBA (1991)
EC10 (33 d) = 2.8 mg/kg
4.6.2toxicity to terrestrial plantsLactuca sativa
OECD 208
EC50 (14 d) = 4.9 mg/kg
5.1.1acute oral toxicityrat
LD50 = 400 mg/kg
5.1.2acute inhalation toxicity/
LC50 = mg/m3
5.1.3acute dermal toxicityrat
LD50 = >2500 mg/kg
5.4repeated dose toxicityrat (CD)
(2-year study)
NOEL= 0.57 - 0.71 mg/kg
5.5genetic toxicity in vitro   
 bacterial test (gene mutation)S. typhimurium
Ames test
+ (with metabolic activation)
+ (without metabolic activation)
 non-bacterial in vitro test
(chromosomal abberations)
CHO K1 - (with metabolic activation)
- (without metabolic activation)
5.6genetic toxicity in vivorat (Fischer) positive
5.8toxicity to reproduction/
NOEL = mg/kg (general toxicity)
NOEL = mg/kg (rep. tox. parental)
NOEL = mg/kg (rep. tox. F1)
5.9developmental toxicity / teratogenicity/
NOEL = mg/kg (general toxicity)
NOEL = mg/kg (pregnancy/litter)
NOEL = mg/kg (foetal data)
5.11experience with human exposure   

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations

Candida and nappy rash

  • What can I do to prevent or clear a nappy rash?
  • What treatments may be used?
  • References
  • Most babies develop a nappy rash at some stage. Usually it is mild and does not bother your baby. However, it can be more severe and sore in some cases. It can usually be cleared with the measures detailed below.
    Nappy rash is a skin inflammation. Most cases are due to a reaction of the skin to urine and poo (faeces, stools, or motions). In addition, a germ called candida commonly thrives on the inflamed skin. (This is the germ that causes thrush.) Candida can cause a more inflamed rash which may include darker red spots spreading around the nappy area ('nappy thrush').
    Nappy rash can occur or worsen when your baby is teething. It is unclear why teething can lead to nappy rash although it is thought that it is due to your baby producing more saliva.
    Most nappy rashes are mild or moderate, and are not serious. Occasionally, conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, infections, and some rare skin diseases cause unusual nappy rashes.
    • Leave the nappy off as much as possible to let fresh air get to the skin. Obviously, you cannot leave the nappy off all the time. However, the more fresh air, the better. Try letting the baby lie without a nappy on a towel or disposable absorbent sheet for a period of time each day. (However, change the towel or sheet as soon as it becomes wet.)
    • Change the nappy often. Ideally, change the nappy as soon as it is wet or soiled. The aim is to prevent skin being in contact with urine and poo for long periods. This is especially important if your baby is teething and has offensive, runny stools.
    • Wipes are as effective as water. Studies have shown that using baby wipes has the same effect on your baby's skin as using cotton wool and water.
    • After washing, make sure the baby's bottom is properly dry before putting on a new nappy. Dry by patting, not by rubbing, with a towel.
    • Do not use powder such as talcum powder which may irritate the skin.
    • Barrier creams or ointments that you can buy from pharmacies may help to protect the skin from moisture. Ideally, rub on a thin layer of barrier cream or ointment just before putting on each nappy. Do not apply too much, as this may reduce the 'breathability' of the nappy.
    • Don't use tight-fitting plastic pants over nappies. They keep in moisture and may make things worse.
    The above measures are likely to clear a mild rash. If the rash becomes worse, a doctor or health visitor may advise one or both of the following in addition to the above measures:
    • A mild steroid cream or ointment such as hydrocortisone. Steroids reduce inflammation. Apply sparingly as often as prescribed (before using a barrier cream or ointment) for a few days until the rash has cleared. A steroid cream or ointment should not usually be used for more than seven days.
    • An antifungal cream (which kills candida). This is typically applied 2-3 times a day. Unlike a steroid cream, continue to use an antifungal cream for 7-10 days after the rash has cleared, to make sure all the candidal germs have gone.
    • A combination cream containing an antifungal agent and a mild steroid is often given.
    Sometimes the inflamed skin of a nappy rash becomes infected with other types of germs (bacteria). This may be suspected if the rash becomes worse, despite using the above treatments. In these cases an antibiotic medicine may be needed. Also, as mentioned, occasionally a nappy rash is due to an unusual or more serious skin condition. Therefore, if a nappy rash does not improve with the usual treatment described above, then see your doctor.

    Candida and childrens behaviour mood swings, poor coordination, poor concerntration, focus and attention span, symptoms of ADHD, signs of Autism, learning difficulties, cognitive impairment

    Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

    Learn the most common symptoms of candida overgrowth and how they can contribute to child behavior problems including signs of ADHD and characteristics for autism. With the typical diet of children today there can often be large amounts of processed foods and sugar consumed on a daily basis. When a child is also put on frequent antibiotics due to ear infections or other bacterial infections it can unfortunately lead to overgrowth as well.

    candida saliva test, symptoms of candida overgrowth
    If you believe your child's behavior resembles any of these characteristics and he/she also has physical symptoms, there is a free candida saliva test you can try.
    I also highly recommend that you take children to be evaluated by a practitioner that is familiar with symptoms of candida overgrowth. Not all doctors necessarily treat candida, so you will want to check first and may need to find a specialist that practices integrative or alternative medicine.

    Two of the symptoms that are frequently confused with signs of ADHD are the inability to concentrate and hyperactivity. Therefore it is extremely important to rule out other possible causes of child behavior problems before diagnosing with any type of disorder.

    Physical symptoms of candida overgrowth:

    • Gas and bloating
    • Constipation and diarrhea
    • Headaches and migraines
    • Vaginal yeast infections or jock itch
    • Rectal itching
    • Excessive fatigue
    • Inability to concentrate or ‘Brain Fog’
    • Sore throat
    • Earaches
    • Indigestion/ heart burn or acid reflux
    • Athlete’s foot
    • Chronic pain
    • Nausea
    • Sugar Cravings
    • Ulcers
    • Leaky gut syndrome
    • Bad breath
    • Burning tongue or mouth sores
    • White coating on tongue
    • Abdominal pain
    • Colitis
    • Food allergies or sensitivities
    • Sensitivity to fragrances or chemicals - Olfactory dysfunction

    Mental and Behavioral Symptoms:

    • Feeling of spaciness
    • Mood swings
    • Poor coordination
    • Poor concentration, focus and attention span
    • Symptoms of ADHD, including hyperactivity
    • Signs of autism
    • Anxiety
    • Confusion
    • Depression
    • Memory Loss
    • Irritability
    • Learning difficulties
    • Cognitive impairment
    Two of the symptoms that are frequently confused with signs of ADHD are the inability to concentrate and hyperactivity. Therefore it is extremely important to rule out other possible causes of child behavior problems before diagnosing with any type of disorder.

    In addition to our son having issues with sensory processing we found that he had yeast overgrowth as well. This explained why he had so many food sensitivities given that yeast can damage the lining of the gut leading to leaky gut syndrome.

    Once we completed his candida treatment, his ability to concentrate in school improved immensely as well as his hyperactivity. He still has some food sensitivities, which may always stay with him. We also still have issues at times when his teacher reports he seems to be frequently in a daze, but it is usually when the yeast begins to come back and we have to reuse previously used supplements as well as reduce his intake of sugar/carbs etc.

    Candida albicans infections in leg ulcers and surrounding skin after the use of ointment impregnated stockings


    Candida albicans infections in leg ulcers and surrounding skin after the use of ointment impregnated stockings.


    Six elderly women treated with double elastic bandages for chronic venous leg ulcers presented a clinical picture beneath these bandages as seen in intertriginous candidiasis. Painful, bright red, glistening skin lesions with pustules, denuded skin and scales were seen. Cultures on Sabouraud's agar from skin erosions and toe webs confirmed the suspicion of Candida albicans infection. Treatment with topically applied clotrimazole cream resulted in relief of pain and healing of skin lesions. There is a possibility of the Candida albicans having been transmitted from the toe webs by the bandages, and that the bandages creates a microenvironment suitable for growth of the yeast.
    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Tropical ulcers is Candida involved

    Tropical ulcer
    Classification and external resources
    ICD-10L98.4 (ILDS L98.440)
    Tropical ulcer (also known as Aden ulcer, Jungle rot, Malabar ulcer, and Tropical phagedena)[1] is a lesion occurring in cutaneous leishmaniasis. It is caused by a variety of microorganisms, including mycobacteria. It is common in tropical climates.[2]
    Ulcers occur on exposed parts of the body, primarily on anterolateral aspect of the lower limbs and may erode muscles and tendons, and sometimes, the bones.[3] These lesions may frequently develop on preexisting abrasions or sores sometimes beginning from a mere scratch.[1]
    Table of Contents
    1Clinical features
     3.1Geographic distribution
    7See also

    Clinical features [edit]

    This image depicted the left foot of a patient, which displayed this acute tropical ulcer upon his admission to toborra Goroka Hospital, in Goroka, New Guinea.
    The vast majority of the tropical ulcers occur below the knee, usually around the ankle. They may also occur on arms. They are often initiated by minor trauma, and subjects with poor nutrition are at higher risk. Once developed, the ulcer may become chronic and stable, but also it can run a destructive course with deep tissue invasion, osteitis, and risk of amputation. Unlike Buruli ulcer, tropical ulcers are very painful.[4] Lesions begin with inflammatory papules that progress into vesicles and rupture with the formation of an ulcer.[1] Chronic ulcers involve larger area and may eventually develop into squamous epithelioma after 10 years or more [5]

    Microbiology [edit]

    There is now considerable evidence to suggest that this disease is an infection. F. ulcerans has recently been isolated from lesions and is unique to tropical ulcers.[5] Early lesions may be colonized or infected by, Bacillus fusiformis (Vincent's organism), anaerobes and spirochaetes. Later, tropical ulcer may become infected with a variety of organisms, notably, staphylococci and/or streptococci.[4] The condition has been shown to be transmissible by inoculation of material from affected patients. [5]

    Epidemiology [edit]

    Tropical ulcer has been described as a disease of the 'poor and hungry'; it may be that slowly improving socioeconomic conditions and nutrition account for its decline[citation needed]. Urbanization of populations could be another factor, as tropical ulcer is usually a rural problem. More widespread use of shoes and socks also provides protection from initiating trauma[citation needed]. Despite this, susceptible individuals still develop tropical ulcers. Sometimes outbreaks can occur; one was recorded in Tanzania in sugarcane workers cutting the crops while barefoot. Tropical ulcers can also occur to the visitors of tropics.[4] The disease is most common in native laborers and in schoolchildren of the tropics and subtropics during the rainy season and is caused in many instances by the bites of insects, poor hygiene, and pyogenic infections.[1] Males are more commonly infected than females.[5]

    Geographic distribution [edit]

    Tropical ulcer is seen throughout the tropics and subtropics. In some of these countries, such as northern Papua New Guinea, it is the most common skin disease. It is also a frequent problem amongst the homeless in tropical countries, as both the exposure to the elements and their unhygienic lifestyle make them a high-risk population. Open skin from intravenous drug use often exacerbates the problem.[citation needed]

    Treatment [edit]

    • Antibiotics: In early stages, penicillin or metronidazole are used in combination with topical antiseptic.[5]
    • Improved nutrition and vitamins.[5]
    • Non-adherent dressings and elevation of limbs.[5]
    • Large infected ulcers may require debridement under anesthesia.
    • Skin grafting may be helpful in advanced cases to ensure the lesion does not progress to chronic stage.[5]
    • In extreme cases, amputation is necessary.

    Prevention [edit]

    Adequate footwear is important to prevent trauma. General good health and nutrition also reduce ulcer risk. Adequate and prompt cleansing and treatment of ankle and leg skin breaks is also important.[citation needed] Improving hygiene and nutrition may help to prevent tropical ulcers.[1]

    Complications [edit]

    See also

    Tuesday, 23 September 2014

    Is Polymyositis - Atlas related????????????

    Polymyositis is a rare inflammatory disease that leads to muscle weakness, swelling tenderness, and tissue damage. It is part of a larger group of diseases called myositis.
    Reference from A.D.A.M.

    Back to TopCauses

    Polymyositis affects the skeletal muscles. It is also known as idiopathic inflammatory myopathy. The exact cause is unknown, but it may be related to an autoimmune reaction or infection.
    Polymyositis can affect people at any age. It most common in adults between ages 50 and 70, and in children ages 5 to 15. It affects women twice as often as men. It is more common in African Americans than Caucasians.

    Back to TopSymptoms

    Polymyositis is a systemic disease, which means it affects the whole body. Muscle weakness and tenderness can be signs of polymyositis. A rash is a sign of a similar condition, dermatomyositis.
    Common symptoms include:
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Muscle pain
    • Muscle weakness in the proximal muscles (shoulders, hips, etc.) this can make it hard to raise the arms over the head, get up from a sitting position, or climb stairs
    • Problems with the voice (caused by weak throat muscles)
    • Shortness of breath
    You may also have:
    • Fatigue
    • Fever
    • Joint pain
    • Loss of appetite
    • Morning stiffness
    • Weight loss

    Back to TopExams and Tests

    Tests may include:
    People with this condition also must be watched carefully for signs of cancer.

    Back to TopTreatment

    The main treatment is with corticosteroid medicines. The dose of medicine is slowly tapered off as muscle strength improves. This takes about 4-6 weeks. You will stay on a low dose of a corticosteroid medicine after that. Medicines to suppress the immune system, such as methotrexate and azathioprine, may be used for people who do not respond to corticosteroids.
    Intravenous gamma globulin has been tried, with mixed results. Biologic drugs also may play in part in treating this condition but it is too soon to know.
    If the condition is associated with a tumor, it may improve if the tumor is removed.

    Back to TopOutlook (Prognosis)

    Response to treatment varies based on the complications. The 5-year mortality rate can be as high as 1 in 5 patients.
    Many people, especially children, a period when no symptoms are present and recover. For most other people, immunosuppressant drugs can control the disease.
    In adults, death may result from:
    • Malnutrition
    • Pneumonia
    • Respiratory failure
    • Severe, long-term muscle weakness
    The major causes of death are cancer and lung disease.

    Back to TopPossible Complications

    • Calcium deposits in the affected muscles, especially in children with the disease
    • Cancer
    • Heart disease, lung disease, or abdominal complications

    Many symptoms indicative of "ms" what have they done!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Relief for Cervical Vertigo Symptoms, Trigeminal Neuralgia Holistic Treatments and more..

    Wellness Based Care
    Wellness Based Care Health Care of the future will focus on achieving a degree of WELLNESS prior to the development of disease and/or symptoms. The "old model" of waiting until there is a problem has proven to be an ineffective approach to obtaining health. Many of our patients have chosen to take back control of their health and they have their spine and nervous system checked periodically, much like going to the dentist. Dr. Arbeitman serves as a wellness coach, providing sound advice and guidance so that you may reach all your personal wellness goals.

    Conditioned Based care
    Many patients seek our care due to symptoms that they may be experiencing. These symptoms may be related to a spinal misalignment that is disturbing the body's nervous system..
    Conditions Helped: Relief for Cervical Vertigo Symptoms, Trigeminal Neuralgia Holistic Treatments and more...
    Upper Cervical Care may help with some of the symptoms associated with the following conditions:
    VertigoTrigeminal NeuralgiaMigraines
    SciaticaCervical HeadachesHerniated Discs
    HypertensionNeck Pain and Back Pain

    Relief for Cervical Vertigo Symptoms 


    Vertigo is the sensation of that either your body or the environment around you is moving, when both are fixed in stationery positions. It may even feel as though your body or the world around you is spinning.

    True vertigo is different from the feeling of lightheadedness that comes with fainting. In addition to the feeling of motion, it may include nausea or vomiting, ringing in the ears, and sweating. You may also experience visual disturbances, feelings of weakness, difficulty walking or talking, or a feeling of reduced consciousness. Each episode can last from several minutes to several hours and may be constant or intermittent. 

    Vertigo may result from any number of causes or as a symptom of another illness or injury, such as whiplash, an inflammation of the inner ear, a tumor (acoustic neuroma), a decrease in blood flow to the brain, neck injury or head trauma, headache (especially migraines), or multiple sclerosis.

    How Has Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Helped People who have experienced Vertigo for Years? 
    The NUCCA & QSM3 procedures utilize a gentle touch and a controlled adjustment to the first vertebra of the spine, commonly called the Atlas. This adjustment often corrects any misalignments in the spinal column which irritate the nerves that run from the brain and spinal cord to the blood vessels in the head.
    Often, cervical spine misalignment that is the result of severe trauma, an injury or an accident causes nerve function between the brain and body to be compromised. The balance centers of the brain are influenced by the nerves in the upper cervical region. Recent research has revealed that vertigo, dizziness and balance symptoms may result from this type of misalignment.

    A NUCCA & QSM3 practitioner can conduct specific diagnostic tests on your spine and perform a thorough spinal exam to locate these misalignments. Then, through a gentle adjustment to the upper cervical vertebrae, performed by hand or a precise instrument, the NUCCA & QSM3 practitioner can realign the spine. This type of adjustment generally relieves any nerve interference, balances the body, resulting in improvement or total relief of the symptoms associated with vertigo. We've achieved results for people who have experienced vertigo for years and tried many other methods.

    Trigeminal Neuralgia Holistic Treatments

    Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is characterized by facial pain that is described as excruciating, stabbing, and sharp, usually on the right side in the cheek or jaw. Attacks can last for minutes, hours, days or even years and it affects women, generally over the age of 50, far more often than it affects men.

    Some people experience a mild attack of Trigeminal Neuralgia, with only slight twinges of pain, while others experience pain so severe, they feel as though "live" electric wires are running through their faces. An attack may last from several seconds to a minute or more, with attacks occurring repeatedly throughout a day, days, weeks or years at a time. Some people experience short periods of remission, although these periods become less common as the disease progresses. 

    Trigeminal Neuralgia usually only affects one side of the face. In rare instances, it can affect both sides, usually a side at a time. It is a chronic, progressive condition that affects the fifth cranial (trigeminal) nerve, one of the largest nerves in the head. Talking, chewing, or swallowing intensify the pain, making it extremely difficult for the sufferer to cope, which is why it is often referred to as the "suicide disease." Although the condition is not fatal, it is generally considered to be the most painful affliction known to man.

    The pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia starts with the trigeminal nerve, located deep within the brain. This nerve carries sensation from the brain to various parts of the face through three smaller branches. The pain usually originates when the trigeminal nerve comes in contact with an artery or vein in the base of the brain which exerts pressure on the nerve, causing it to "misfire." Stress or nerve damage may initially trigger the pain.

    Compression caused by a tumor, multiple sclerosis or a stroke that affects the lower part of the brain may also cause this condition. Eating, drinking, smiling, brushing your teeth, taking, shaving - all these actions can trigger a painful episode.
    How Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Help Those with Trigeminal Neuralgia?The NUCCA & QSM3 procedures utilize a gentle touch and a controlled adjustment to the first vertebra of the spine, commonly called the Atlas. This adjustment often corrects any misalignments in the spinal column which irritate the nerves that run from the brain and spinal cord to the blood vessels in the head.y.
    One of the major problems with Trigeminal Neuralgia is that the pain worsens and becomes more constant over time, requiring higher dosages of pain medication, that usually lose any effect on the pain over time..
    Often, misalignments in the upper cervical spine, caused by some type of trauma to the region as a result of an accident or injury, cause compression on certain nerves (cranial nerve V) that result in pain such as that experienced by Trigeminal Neuralgia sufferers. The misalignment is detected through diagnostic testing that includes precision x-rays and Thermographic/Surface EMG scans.
    By applying the NUCCA & QSM3 procedures, a chiropractor skilled in this technique can relieve compression on the damaged nerve. After correcting the misalignment in the upper cervical spine, normal communication is re-established between the brain and any pressure on the affected trigeminal nerve is removed, thereby alleviating the pain. Post-adjustment x-rays and Thermographic/Surface EMG scans are taken to ensure that a successful spinal correction has taken place.

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    Balancing the Spine for People Suffering with Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica

    Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica

    Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica is a specific condition; and is a description of the sciatic nerve (the largest nerve in the body) that has lost function and no longer works properly (Neuropathy). The prefix "Radix" means "root" and in the case of neck pain with radiculopathy, there is a problem with a lumbar nerve root. This can result in radiating symptoms which include pain (radicular pain), weakness, numbness, paresthesias and difficulty controlling specific muscles.
    Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica: The problem is at or near the root of the nerve, along the spine. Often, people will experience back pain with radiculopathy. Although the problem is originating in the back, the pain or other symptoms may be noticeable in an extremity through a process called referred pain. For example, a nerve root pressure in the back can produce pain and weakness in the foot. Often, the pattern of symptoms associated with Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica is along the buttock, posterior thigh, posterior calf and along the outside of the foot and into the 5th toe. Other nerve roots can produce symptoms along the side or front of the thigh and into other toes.
    People often ask what actually "pinches" the nerve to produce Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica?There are multiple answers to this question: 1) Disc 2) Bone or stenosis 3) Inflammation 4) Misalignment or Subluxation.
    Discs are sponge-like substances that are located between each of the vertebrae in the spine. They act as "shock absorbers" for the spine, cushioning the vertebrae and allowing for the type of movements that help you twist, bend and rotate.
    As the spine ages, the center of the disc may lose some of its water content, causing it to have less of a cushion effect. As the disc continues to deteriorate, the outer layer may tear, allowing tissue matter from the center of the disc to escape through the tear into the area where the nerves and spinal cord reside. This condition is known as a ruptured or herniated disc.
    Stenosis refers to a closing down of an opening. In the case of advanced degenerative or arthritic changes, the body will lay down extra bone to stabilize the degenerating spinal joint. This extra bone growth can often increase the pressure on an adjacent nerve root resulting inLumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica.
    Although osteoarthritis is categorized as a non-inflammatory arthritic condition, it is common for arthritic joints to become inflamed from time to time. This may result from repetitive motion, a misaligned spine or overexertion. The inflammatory process can produce chemicals that irritate the adjacent nerve roots resulting in Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica.
    A common cause of Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica, but often overlooked, is a misaligned cervical spine. When the Atlas vertebra (C1) misaligns this alters the center of gravity of the skull on the spine below. The misaligned atlas results in a twisting of the cervical spine and spinal joints lock into this stressed position. This leads to abnormal movement patterns and abnormal wear and tear (arthritis, disc degeneration, stenosis and inflammation).
    The misaligned spine or subluxation may be the underlying cause of Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica. The misaligned vertebra can make the opening (foramen) for the exiting nerve root even smaller. If there is arthritis, stenosis and/or a disc bulge at this level, a misaligned spine may make the already compromised opening (foramen) even smaller.
    Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica symptoms of a differ based on the extent of the nerve irritation, but may include: back pain, leg and/or foot pain (usually in one extremity), muscle weakness, tingling sensation in the leg, wcalf or foot.
    Causes of herniated discs and the associated Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica include the prolonged spinal misalignment, natural degeneration of the spine, as described above, injury to the discs resulting from poor lifting posture, repetitive movements, sports, and back strain. Spine injuries from car accidents are just one example of a physical trauma that can lead to neck pain with radiculopathy.


    Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica
    How Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Help Those with Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica?

    The NUCCA & QSM3 procedures utilize a gentle touch and a controlled adjustment to the first vertebra of the spine, commonly called the Atlas. This adjustment often corrects any misalignments in the spinal column which irritate the nerves that run from the brain and spinal cord to the blood vessels in the head.
    Since many Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica disorders result from spinal trauma or repetitive stress injury to the cervical spine, any injury to the neck area or brain stem can lead to interference with the brain's control over the postural muscles of the spine - resulting in muscle weakness or spasms. Spinal muscles in spasm often lead to compression of the vertebrae and, therefore, compression of the discs between the affected vertebrae. Spine injuries from car accidents are just one example of a physical trauma that can lead to Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica.
    A NUCCA & QSM3 practitioner can determine whether a spinal injury exists, realign the spine through a gentle and scientific correction applied with the hands, and reduce any nerve irritation and pain resulting from the herniated disc.
    Once the spine is properly realigned, and the body comes back into a state of balance, vertebrae and disc pressure are relieved and the herniated discs are able to heal.

    Headaches and Cervical Spine Problems

    There are many categories of headaches, including migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches, sinus headaches and Cervical Headaches (originating from the neck). Science is still determining the exact causes of cervical headaches, and cervical spine issues seem to be showing in research as trauma-induced origin for several types of headaches. Evidence is pointing to mild trauma to the head, neck or upper back that increases the risk of cervical headache onset.
    Researchers have categorized some headaches as "cervical" in origin, triggered by dysfunction of the neck. Cervical headaches can begin immediately following the trauma or take years to develop.

    Upper Cervical Care for Headaches and Cervical Spine Pain

    If you have tried everything but you have not tried Upper Cervical Care, Cervical headache relief may be a phone call away.
    The purpose of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is to improve the alignment and function of the neck; reducing irritation to the nerves and blood vessels that may play a role in cervical headaches. Many cervical headache sufferers can remember a specific trauma such as a head injury, motor vehicle accident or fall, however some do not.
    An upper cervical evaluation consists of a thorough health history, examination, computerized neurological evaluation and laser-aligned digital radiography. This evaluation allows the doctor to determine whether or not the underlying cause of the cervical headaches may be originating from the neck (cervical).
    If after the evaluation, the doctor feels your Cervical headaches may be originating from a small misalignment in the neck, he will tell you. If not, he will tell you that too. The upper cervical procedure is a gentle procedure that does not require any twisting or turning of the neck. Upper Cervical Care has been effective in helping people with neck and back pain, herniated discs, arm pain, sciatica, vertigo and dizziness as well.


    Fibromyalgia is a chronic debilitating condition that typically occurs more frequently in women, aged 20-50.
    Symptoms include widespread pain in your muscles, ligaments and tendons, fatigue, and tender areas on your body where even the slightest application of pressure causes pain. Many fibromyalgia sufferers also experience headaches, facial pain, TMJ, neck pain, anxiety, dizziness, Irritable Bowl Syndrome, depression, chest pains, difficulty with concentration, dry mouth, blurry vision, and a heightened sensitivity to smells, bright lights and sounds.
    Symptoms may be affected by the weather, hormonal changes, time of day (symptoms are generally worse upon rising and toward the evening hours), stress, or the amount of physical activity you engage in on any given day.
    No one is certain about the exact causes of fibromyalgia; however current thinking seems to point to the increased sensitivity of pain signals in the brain. Why does this occur? Repeated nerve stimulation may cause changes to the brains of those suffering from fibromyalgia. These changes may trigger an abnormal increase in certain brain chemicals that signal pain, called neurotransmitters. The brain's pain receptors, or neurons, receive signals from neurotransmitters and researchers believe that these neurons may start to hold memories of pain, which makes them more susceptible to pain signals, so they overreact. This particular theory on the cause of fibromyalgia is known as "central sensitization," however no single cause has been established.

    Other theories on the causes of fibromyalgia include:
    • Injury to the upper cervical spine that affects the central nervous system (resulting from an accident, fall, sports injury, etc.)
    • Sleep disturbances
    • Bacterial or viral infection
    • Hormonal factors
    • Psychological stress
    • Changes in blood flow to the muscles and reduced muscle conditioning that leads to loss of strength and fatigue

    How Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Help Fibromyalgia? 

    Upper cervical subluxations are generally found in fibromyalgia patients using two essential techniques: a) precision laser-aligned radiography to determine the extent of C1 (Atlas) misalignment; and b) digital infrared imaging.
    The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA) and Advanced Orthogonal Technique and Procedures have developed a highly advanced spinal correction procedure that repositions the weight of the head over the center of the neck to remove nerve compression and restore balance to the body.
    The NUCCA and Advanced Orthogonal procedures utilize a gentle touch and a controlled adjustment to the first vertebra of the spine, commonly called the Atlas. The effects of this single adjustment influence the entire spine and nervous system and allow the head, neck, spine and pelvis to return to their proper positions, restoring balance to the body.
    After performing a series of NUCCA and Advanced Orthogonal adjustments to fibromyalgia patients, nerve signals are balanced and restored. Although upper cervical care does not cure fibromyalgia, People generally report a significant reduction in the symptoms associated with the condition, most noticeably the severe pain and fatigue that is characteristic of fibromyalgia. Many return to full-time work and leisure activities (gardening, exercise, dancing) that had been affected by the debilitating effects of this condition.


    Migraines can be severely incapacitating, especially if they become a daily occurrence. Unfortunately, most people with migraines run to a pill bottle at the first sign of onset. All that does, if anything, is reduce or relieve the pain symptom; over-the-counter and prescription medications do nothing for the cause of your headaches and may, in fact, trigger a “rebound effect” for future headaches.
    Migraines headaches are characterized by intense pain that is felt on one side of the head. The pain may be accompanied by sensitivity to sound and light, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and cold hands and/or feet. Some migraine sufferers experience an aura (flashing, colored spots or lights that start in the center of the field of vision and radiate outward) prior to actual onset of the headache.
    Migraines affect many more men than women. Generally, a migraine attack may last from 4-72 hours. Because of the light and sound sensitivity, many migraine sufferers retreat to the comfort of a dark, quiet room during an episode..
    Much about the causes of headaches in general is still unknown; even less is known about the causes of migraine headaches. They may occur as the result of an overly sensitive central nervous system, past spinal trauma (fall, accident,), hormonal irregularities/changes (many women experience pre-menstrual migraines), eating certain foods (i.e., red wine, chocolate, aged cheese, caffeine, etc.), stress, medication side effects, environmental changes (i.e., barometric pressure, altitude, etc.), and changes in sleep cycles.

    How Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Help Migraine Sufferers?
    The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA), QSM3 and Advanced Orthogonal Technique and procedures have developed a highly advanced spinal correction procedure that repositions the weight of the head over the center of the neck to remove nerve compression and restore balance to the body.

    The NUCCA & QSM3 procedures utilize a gentle touch and a controlled adjustment to the first vertebra of the spine, commonly called the Atlas. This adjustment often corrects misalignments in the spinal column which irritate the nerves that run from the brain and spinal cord to the blood vessels in the head. Causes of these misalignments include sports injuries, falls, auto accidents, and poor posture.

    The effects of a single adjustment to the atlas influence the entire spine and nervous system and allow the head, neck, spine and pelvis to return to their proper positions, restoring balance to the body. After correcting the vertebrae in the upper neck, normal nerve function and blood flow returns to the patient, allowing many migraine sufferers to at last be migraine free, or at the very least, experience far fewer episodes than they did prior to undergoing NUCCA, QSM3 and Advanced Orthogonal procedure care. Former migraine sufferers have benefited greatly from upper cervical care.
    Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for a Patient with Chronic Migraine Headaches with an Appendix Summarizing an Additional 100 Headache Cases 
    by Erin Elster, DC. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. August, 2003 (PDF)
    Radiculopathy: Cervical Lumbar Radiculopathy: Sciatica

    Radiculopathy: Cervical

    Radiculopathy: Cervical is not a specific condition; instead it is a description of a nerve or group of nerves that have lost function and no longer work properly (Neuropathy). The prefix "Radix" means "root" and in the case of neck pain with radiculopathy, there is a problem with a cervical nerve root. This can result in radiating symptoms which include pain (radicular pain), weakness, numbness, paresthesias and difficulty controlling specific muscles. Radiculopathy: Cervical: The problem is at or near the root of the nerve, along the spine. Often, people will experience neck pain with radiculopathy. Although the problem is originating in the neck, the pain or other symptoms may be noticeable in an extremity through a process called referred pain. For example, a nerve root pressure in the neck can produce pain and weakness in the hand.
    People often ask what actually "pinches" the nerve to produce neck pain with radiculopathy?There are multiple answers to this question: 1) Disc 2) Bone or stenosis 3) Inflammation 4) Misalignment or Subluxation.
    Discs are sponge-like substances that are located between each of the vertebrae in the spine. They act as "shock absorbers" for the spine, cushioning the vertebrae and allowing for the type of movements that help you twist, bend and rotate.
    As the spine ages, the center of the disc may lose some of its water content, causing it to have less of a cushion effect. As the disc continues to deteriorate, the outer layer may tear, allowing tissue matter from the center of the disc to escape through the tear into the area where the nerves and spinal cord reside. This condition is known as a ruptured or herniated disc.
    Stenosis refers to a closing down of an opening. In the case of advanced degenerative or arthritic changes, the body will lay down extra bone to stabilize the degenerating spinal joint. This extra bone growth can often increase the pressure on an adjacent nerve root resulting in neck pain with radiculopathy.
    Although osteoarthritis is categorized as a non-inflammatory arthritic condition, it is common for arthritic joints to become inflamed from time to time. This may result from repetitive motion, a misaligned spine or overexertion. The inflammatory process can produce chemicals that irritate the adjacent nerve roots resulting in neck pain with radiculopathy.


    Cause of Neck Pain with Radiculopathy

    A common cause of neck pain with radiculopathy, but often overlooked, is a misaligned cervical spine. When the Atlas vertebra (C1) misaligns this alters the center of gravity of the skull on the spine below. The misaligned atlas results in a twisting of the cervical spine and spinal joints lock into this stressed position. This leads to abnormal movement patterns and abnormal wear and tear (arthritis, disc degeneration, stenosis and inflammation).
    The misaligned spine or subluxation may be the underlying cause of neck pain with radiculopathy. The misaligned vertebra can make the opening (foramen) for the exiting nerve root even smaller. If there is arthritis, stenosis and/or a disc bulge at this level, a misaligned spine may make the already compromised opening (foramen) even smaller.
    Radiculopathy: Cervical symptoms of a differ based on the extent of the nerve irritation, but may include: neck pain, arm and/or hand pain (usually in one extremity), muscle weakness, tingling sensation in the arm, wrist or hand.
    Causes of herniated discs and the associated neck pain and radiculopathy include the prolonged spinal misalignment, natural degeneration of the spine, as described above, injury to the discs resulting from poor lifting posture, repetitive movements, sports, and back strain.Spine injuries from car accidents are just one example of a physical trauma that can lead toneck pain with radiculopathy.


    Radiculopathy: Cervical

    How Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Help Those with neck pain with radiculopathy?

    The NUCCA & QSM3 procedures utilize a gentle touch and a controlled adjustment to the first vertebra of the spine, commonly called the Atlas. This adjustment often corrects any misalignments in the spinal column which irritate the nerves that run from the brain and spinal cord to the blood vessels in the head.
    Since many radiculopathy: cervical disorders result from spinal trauma or repetitive stress injury to the cervical spine, any injury to the neck area or brain stem can lead to interference with the brain's control over the postural muscles of the spine - resulting in muscle weakness or spasms. Spinal muscles in spasm often lead to compression of the vertebrae and, therefore, compression of the discs between the affected vertebrae.Spine injuries from car accidentsare just one example of a physical trauma that can lead to neck pain with radiculopathy.
    A NUCCA & QSM3 practitioner can determine whether a cervical injury exists, realign the spine through a gentle and scientific correction applied with the hands, and reduce any nerve irritation and pain resulting from the herniated disc.
    Once the spine is properly realigned, and the body comes back into a state of balance, vertebrae and disc pressure are relieved and the herniated discs are able to heal.
    Spinal Decompression therapy is an adjunct procedure that helps to decompress the nerve root, disc and inflammation associated with the radicular symptoms. Please see our Spinal Decompression page to learn more.

    Herniated Discs

    Discs are sponge-like substances that are located between each of the vertebrae in the spine. They act as “shock absorbers” for the spine, cushioning the vertebrae and allowing for the type of movements that help you twist, bend and rotate.

    As the spine ages, the center of the disc may lose some of its water content, causing it to have less of a cushion effect. As the disc continues to deteriorate, the outer layer may tear, allowing tissue matter from the center of the disc to escape through the tear into the area where the nerves and spinal cord reside. This condition is known as a ruptured or herniated disc.

    Symptoms of a herniated disc differ based on the size and location of the herniation , but may include: low back pain, leg pain (usually in one leg), muscle weakness, tingling sensation in the buttock, knee, ankle, foot or thigh, pain in the thigh, and in extreme cases, weakness that affects both legs and/or loss of bowel or bladder control.

    Causes of herniated discs include the natural degeneration of the spine, as described above, injury to the discs resulting from poor lifting posture, repetitive movements, sports, and back strain.

    How Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Help Those with Herniated Discs?
    The NUCCA & QSM3 procedures utilize a gentle touch and a controlled adjustment to the first vertebra of the spine, commonly called the Atlas. This adjustment often corrects any misalignments in the spinal column which irritate the nerves that run from the brain and spinal cord to the blood vessels in the head. 

    Since many disc disorders result from spinal trauma to the cervical spine, any injury to the neck area or brain stem can lead to interference with the brain's control over the postural muscles of the spine - resulting in muscle weakness or spasms. Spinal muscles in spasm often lead to compression of the vertebrae and, therefore, compression of the discs between the affected vertebrae.

    A NUCCA & QSM3 practitioner can determine whether a cervical injury exists, realign the spine through a gentle correction applied with the hands, and reduce any nerve irritation and pain resulting from the herniated disc.

    Once the spine is properly realigned, and the body comes back into a state of balance, vertebrae and disc pressure are relieved and the herniated discs are able to heal