Wednesday 10 September 2014

German MDs Dr. H. Biederman, Gottfried Gutman MD - KISS Syndrome- Traumatic Birth Syndrome -newborns

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A Look at the Research
There is extensive research available that demonstrates the need to avoid the use of such drugs as Ritalin, Adderal, or Cylert when "treating" hyperactivity disorders in children. Unfortunately, the drug manufacturers market the drugs very well and to many parents and health care providers, the downsides of such medications are vague or even unknown.

I have referenced two specific studies that assessed the role of Chiropractic treatments in the management of children who have been diagnosed with hyperactivity disorders. These studies, both separate from one another, revealed that hyperactivity, and other behavioral conditions responded well to chiropractic care and even exceed results seen from medication. 1,2
One medical study demonstrated the existence of a positive relationship between cranial motion restrictions and learning disabled children, as well as children with a history of an obstetrically complicated delivery. 3
Nerve and spinal system compromise can result from the traumatic pulling, twisting, and compression that a newborn's spine is exposed to during a forceful birth. Traumatic Birth Syndrome is not a new concept; it has been commonly accepted by experts in both the medical and chiropractic fields. Birth trauma often adversely affects the bones at the base of the skull, the brain stem and the soft tissue surrounding it. The cervical (neck) nerve roots are often stretched as the baby's head is pulled from the birth canal.

Two prominent German MD's published papers in the late 80's and did clinical work with newborns and infants to address what atlas chiropractors allude to ANVS. Gottfried Gutman, MD addressed what he called "Atlas Blockage" (ANVS) and stressed the importance of having the atlas area of infants examined after birth, especially if the birth was difficult. He treated over 1,000 infants and documented the positive clinical results derived from correction for "Atlas Blockage" by performing specific light force adjustments to the atlas vertebrae.4
Another medical study revealed that due to the physical forces incurred during delivery, 80 % of ALL children born exhibited mis-alignments of their upper cervical spine. Dr. H. Biederman, a German MD, wrote a paper stressing the importance of the neurological structures in the atlas and occipital (base of the skull) areas. Biederman described atlas misalignments is newborns with the term "Kinematic Imbalances due to Suboccipital Strain" (KISS Syndrome). According to Biederman this "blockage" can be corrected by "manual therapy of the suboccipital area of the upper cervical spine".5

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