Wednesday 17 September 2014

Crohns Disease relationship with Candida fungus

Crohns Disease and Candida Fungus Relationship

Candida albicans is a yeast or fungus like bacteria that lives in everyone's body. When the body is healthy the Candida is kept under control by other, so called "friendly" flora which also lives inside our body. Candida flourishes best in the human digestive tract, intestines and bowels. When the 
balance of bacteria and flora is upset within the human body, Candida is often able to gain a large foothold with little to no competition. This causes a host of different infections, symptoms, and conditions.

When Candida is left unchecked in the body, it can cause problems such as oral thrush, vaginal yeast infections, athlete's foot, and digestive disorders among other things. Prescription antibiotics are a known cause for yeast and fungus related infections in the human body, and many researchers feel there is enough evidence to point to these being a suspicious culprit in the development of Crohns disease too.

Some studies have shown the development of Crohns disease or other inflammatory bowel disorders after the use of broad spectrum antibiotics for instance, while others have shown the use of specific candida causing foods to also be a contributing factor.

The problems arise when treatments for Crohns disease are chosen. If the disease is actually caused by yeast and fungus bacteria, then a first step in treatment should involve balancing the digestive bacteria in the body. Doctors and medical scientists however, choose to use drug treatments which might actually make the conditions worse.

In attempts to reduce inflammation in Crohns disease for instance, some drugs are used which will suppress the body's immune system. And by suppressing that immune system, you subject it to potentially developing even more problems because it doesn't have it's natural defense systems operating at full capacity. Additionally, drugs such as steroids and immune suppressors can allow the candida to flourish.

Alternative and herbal remedy specialists feel you should treat for a candida yeast or fungal infections instead. Using simple inexpensive, gentle herbs such as garlic can kill the candida and fungus overgrowth in the digestive tract. Garlic will also treat the common infections that crop up as side effects of Crohns disease too.

Another natural method to control yeast and fungus overgrowth is to simply change the foods you eat. Some foods - such as those very high in simple sugars and starches - help candida to flourish and thrive. Gluton and grains can often cause candida overgrowth as well, so avoiding these in your diet is often an excellent way to balance the flora in your intestines, while reducing the inflammation commonly found with Crohns disease as well. Natural yogurt on the other hand, can supplement the friendly flora in your system, which will naturally start reducing the candida bacteria too.

Note: Some statements in this article may not be approved by the FDA. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice.

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