Wednesday 18 December 2013

Repost 2011 - lower back pain/bladder meridian/sciatic nerve

Monday, 23 May 2011

lower back pain/bladder meridian/sciatic nerve linked

I am convinced that the bladder meridian and sciatic nerve are linked, but i my lower back area where I have pa
Treatment of Sciatica By Dr Mohammed Sarwar Khan.

Sciatica pain is often associated with morning stiffness in the back often lasting an hour or so.  No Allopathic medical treatment can prevent the evolution of this disease. Young people especially males experience this pain usually in the lower back.  Chinese medicine can quickly treat the symptoms of pain associated with the pinching of the sciatic nerve itself as it leaves the spinal cord in the lower back.

There are a few reasons why one could get sciatica pain. From the biomedical perspective, the symptoms are associated with the sciatic nerve, itself. If the bones of the spine are damaged, or just lined up poorly, they can pinch or irritate the sciatic nerve as it leaves the spine.  Often, sciatica may come about due to a portion of the disc in the spine. The disc that should remain between the spines sticks out a little bit, pinching the nerve as it exits the area.  This creates the pain in the lower back and also pain that travels down the back of the leg into the foot.  On the other hand, the problem could be due to something simple like sitting on a bad chair.  Whatever the cause acupuncture can relieve the pain quickly and effectively. 

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the pain can be due to one of a number of problems. In Allopathic medicine we commonly talk about catching a cold. In Chinese medicine, we can catch a cold as well as many other environmental factors such as catching a damp or wind.  These factors settle into the meridians in the body causing pain that may feel hot or cold.  They move around in the body like wind and can become thick and cloudy like dampness arising in the body itself.  In the case of sciatica, one of a few different external factors may have settled into the meridians that go across the leg. Usually, it is the urinary bladder meridian that has been affected.  

Other factors that can lead to sciatica, from the Chinese perspective include a deficiency of the Kidney and Liver organs, or the stagnation of the blood circulation through the  meridian.  

The pain associated with sciatica follows the path of the urinary bladder meridian from the lower back down to the foot.  When there is pain along this line, it shows that the Qi (pronounced as “Chee”) energy is stagnated in that area.  The Qi stagnation needs to be restored in order to resume normal Qi circulation.  The fact that Qi stagnation occurs in the urinary bladder's meridian does not actually suggest that there is anything wrong with the patient's bladder.   What is causing the stagnation of the Qi energy can be one of many factors such as wind, damp, cold, or heat.

Syndrome Differentiation
(1) Invasion of wind, cold or dampness:
Pain is aggravated by overcast or rainy weather. The pain includes a heaviness, numbness and/or cold sensation along the pain pathway.

(2) Deficiency of the Liver and Kidney:
This is usually a long-term condition. Sciatica pain along with tiredness and weakness in the knees and lower back are classic symptoms of a deficiency of these two organs. 

(3) Obstruction of the meridian channels by the stagnation of blood due to local trauma:This type of sciatica pain follows a fall, or accident where the leg or lower back has been injured.
in. You see when I want to go for a wee my back area tenses and my left leg not my right flexes due to sciatic nerve (I think) the bladder meridian runs down right leg and releases a little when urinated. All three are related and at the same time. So following info kind of makes sense

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