Saturday 14 December 2013

I was looking up addictions and found this - marijuana withdrawel is similar to Candida,

New Hope
Darren5000 over a year ago
For a while, and after several attempts at quitting marijuana, I did not feel great and noticed many symptoms, and had no clue why. (At this point I associated nothing with cannabis withdrawal, it had not occured to me.) I researched, and looked up many things on the internet about my symptoms. And I was almost finally convinced I may have some sort of yeast infection, like Candida maybe in my intestinal tract.
Since then I have changed my self diagnosis, and have now quit marijuana for good, and it has been over 6 weeks. I am still often unsure though, and I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced Candida like symptoms in relation to cannabis withdrawal.
Any input would be very helpful and appreciated,
New Hope
Darren5000 over a year ago
Also - has anyone else experienced horrible sh**s while going through marijuana whithdrawal? It has been 7 weeks roughly, and often my bowel movements are very soft, almost like a pile of mush rather than "logs". Just looking for some sort of recognition that this is normal.
New Hope
Darren5000 over a year ago
Can Cannabis withdrawals cause IBS-like symptoms?
New Member
ani_1_uk over a year ago
I believe that there has been suggestion of a link between candida overgrowth and cannabis, so perhaps it's actually a case of the symptoms being actually being caused by candia than of being 'just' withdrawl.

I was reading about the effect cannabis has on your body's ability to destroy ingested Candida albicanus, it's very interesting....
Also most cannabis (greens anyway) has fungus growing on it in the first place.

Back to the point though, I wonder if , since you have the fortitude to have quit your habit, maybe you should cut out some candida promoting foods and see if you feel better for it?

Hope this helps, know I'm a bit rambly. Email me at yahoo if you want.

Shining Star
vangie1005 over a year ago
i have been a daily smoker for seven years now! seven days sober!! yay! its beeen sooooo hard! the anxiety and depression night sweats, diarreah, chills,mood swings,not eating,nausea,headaches,bad dreams, all of the symptoms i have!!! i have always been deepressed which is the reason i started help that.i was tired of anti depressants!! me being a godley berson i dont believe in them.god made pot for a reason. i feel like im going crazy. i have no useful info on it as i am trying to get through this myself and would love some tips. all i have found is herbal tea! i have quit twice throughout the seven years only when i was prego! as soon as i had the baby i started smoking again!!i went to rehab when i was 16 for valium(5-6 v-cutsa day) and pot for 4 days..just the detox program.i havnet taken another valium but my world has revolved around pot. wake and bake, leave the house , smoke a bowl, come home, smoke a bowl. i was smoking prob about two grams a day!!! if i couldnt get dro then i would have to smoke more of the crappy stuff to get where i wanted to be! i would literally smoke a bowl and say" thats not where i want to be" and smoke more. i couldnt load a bowl and not cash it out!!! my label is a stoner. Im a mom twenty two and every knows me as the stoner!! its time to grow up. i dont think pot is bad but when u start letting the drug smoke you instead of you smoke it you have a prob!!!! i would like to get the same effects it use to give me. now its like i have to smoke to live!! if i dont, i feel like im going out of my the last couple of days!! my dad smokes so it makes it alot harder to quit.i feel like im disappointing him. its what we have in common!so stupid. i have been seeing a psychiatrist for the depression and anxiety. it does help to talk to someone. it really does. and i know all these symptoms will pass it time. it just seems like its taking forever!! it has also helped to just surf the web and hear everyone elses stories. you could be alot worse off. i know i have just been rambling but it helps me and hopefully it will help someone else. to know that your not alone and your not gonna go crazy! you feel like it i still do but i have faith that this will end. and i will have happiness that lasts. and i wont have to smoke to feel like myself or to feel happy!! herbal teas valerian root will relax you! excersice will help you sleep! i know you feel like you dont wanna do anything but trust me it helps. just getting out not sitting helps. i took azo standard to try and flush it out been drinking tons of water and lots of hot showers! its all the same info all the other sites give!! i will more than likely smoke again one of these years but never like i have! i dont want to go through this agian. its been putting me and my family through hell! we can do this!! _________________
BJamin over a year ago
Hey Vangie1005 I noticed you've posted a bit looking for some answers. There some good news and some bad news. The bad news isif you've just quit the anxiety feeling takes a long time to go away. The good news is that most of your other symptons shoould be gone in a month and eventually my geuss is 6 months the anxiety will be gone completley. Remeber you can't smoke at all even once will throw you to square one we have addictive personalities so smoking once almost always leads to more. I'm going through the same thing you are I'm 2 and half months in and panic attacks are gone but I sitll have a heightened sense of anxiety especially in particular situations, for example I went to a rave type club last night and I swear the lights and rediculously lound musc almost gave me a seixure/panic.... But I know can go to bars no problem sleep fine but with vivid dreams(thats another sideeffect REM rebound) work school. Everyone is different just over a year ago I quit and after three weeks I was a new man, now its taking much longer are bodies changes and so do our minds. If you want the feeling to go away you need to make the decision to quit for good, letting your dad down cause he smokes.... I highly doubt he would feel that way, probably be proud of you for quitting something he couldn't. God put you on this planet as a nonsmoker probably a reason for that. Stick with it, stay away from taking too much Xanax if not at all, try valerian root its just as good and not addictive. Keep yourself busy really busy and after three months half way through you will see tangible gains in the way you feel, dont compare yourself to anyone and set goals.... MOST IMPORTANTLY dont smoke you've been there and done that

Shining Star
vangie1005 over a year ago
thank you ben. yeah that is some pretty crappy news... but i think i can do it. i went to my dads today and he didnt smoke in front of me at all. i was surprised. He gave me support instead which was awesome. i havent been taking to much xanex, maybe half of a .5 in the morn and one at night. which is the lowest mg they give you. i got some valerian root im gonna take it instead prob. im still waiting for the nausea to go away and my appetite to come back! nothings the same anymore. i just dont get this anxiety c**p! its horrible. first i thought i was dieing then i thought i was going crazy. still feel like i am going crazy. i have no energy to go do anything at all!! I want to try to go out sometime this week, I havent been out in like three weeks.. but im scared that im gonna get overwhelmed and freak out like that. And as always when i drink i wanna smoke. I need to get out so im gonnna try i will let ya know what happens..hopefully just a good time with my friends.
I want to smoke just because i want this to go away but i smoked last sat. and had an anxiety attack. i know it was just really really good stuff and i hadnt smoked in two days due to running out. I should have started with the shwag. but then that wouldnt have happened and i would still be smoking prob. and just getting myself deeper and deeper. i cant wait till i can say six months sober. In my life i will finally have made an accomplishment!

they tried to put me on some anti deppressant and i just wigged out. my eyes were dialated black as night i was pale white and sick so freakin sick!! i will never take another anti depressant. I hope i can get through the depression too. its not that bad. i think it might have been worse when i was smoking i just didnt realize it. well hit me back _________________
BJamin over a year ago
You will be fine, Ive done this three times like an id**t this year learn from my mistakes not relapse and get it out now. I'm not sure how long you've been on Xanax for but .5 in the morn and night might not seem like allot but it can really really affect you in the long run. I sugesst no I urge you to stop taking them right now, if you think canabis withdrawl is tought take a minute and go to the benzo withdarawl section it makes what were going through look like a walk in the park. I also recommend exercise allot of it, no alcohol for a bit, and some type of hoby(yoga, meditation, guitar) you have us here for support keep us updated and make this somthing of your past once and for all... you might be helping your dad get throught this in a couple years to come STOP THE XANAX trust me Wink or only take it on a as needed basis prob no more than once or twice a week
Shining Star
vangie1005 over a year ago
okay i will stop the xanex!! i remember the valium withdrawal. even though they took me off slowly it was still verry was a long time ago though. everyday is getting easier. i am now turning into an insomniac sleep for me. and food sucks!!!

yeah ive quit before but i never had the withdrawal symptoms till this time. i guess cause it wasnt my decision to quit! but you can take my word i wont smoke again, its not worth it if its just gonna be like this when i dont have it. it just sucks to see my friends not have a problem with not having it and being able to quit like that and have no problems. makes me feel kinda weak! i know im not seeing as i am going through this and havent given up yet!..... i hope i dont. right now its kinda hard to relapse. i just moved to another state and i dont know anybody. its not like i can take my kids up and down the street asking where to find it. Whats making it hard is how lonley i am. my husband works in the oil so hes not around much. work three weeks off one. he took off last week cause i was going so nuts!! which was a relief.

i just cant beleive marijuana withdrawals would be this freaking hard!! i need to quit beating myself up so much thats making it so much worse!

So how long have you been sober? or are you still smoking? whats your story? _________________
New Member
cgail over a year ago
Hi All!
I just started the anti-candida diet about 3.5 weeks ago and it has been the hardest thing I 've ever done, aside from getting over a death. The self control it takes it's out of this world. Reading this conversation you two are having has helped me get through this day and reading other people's stories is also helping. I also smoked a decent amount of green in the past 1.5 years but I quit because I started seeing a holistic doctor who suggested it will inhibit my ability to control the yeast in my body.
I definitely think the Xanax has to go! my entire family is addicted to Xanax, Vicodin and blood pressure medication and they are all crazy! they have the worst anxiety and they are always paranoid. The day they started taking these medicines was they day the family got torn apart. They are always to doped up on these drugs to take care of their families and they lay on the couch all day watch tv and have 100% no personality. I beg you to stop the Xanax. I am not sure of an alternative but perscription medicine is so dangerous sometimes and doctors rarely tell you this because they make a decent amount of money a year from your constant consumption of it.
I don't know what your funds are looking like but the thing that has helped me the most was going to a Holistic doctor who did a bunch of weird tests on me and put me on a CRAZY strict no sugar low carb diet and ordered me to get fresh air everyday and eat organic. Now it is a recession so when I went to him I had thirty dollars. I was so determined to get better (I had horrible addictive eating habits and digestive problems) that I took out a credit card just to pay for his services. I'm in NYC and for 12 visits to him it is costing me $700, I was super happy that I could get a doctor to spend 30 min with me and listen to me 12 times for just $700. The amount of money I am putting up for this is helping me be succesful on my diet. The last thing I would want to do is fail at this diet now...I've put too much money on it.

All I can say is take it a few hours at a time, tell every1 that you know what you are going through so you can get through your detox. It's so hard, I'm having a hard time as I write this but I know the benefits and the triumph I will feel when it is over. Good luck and I truly hope you are successful on your endeavors...if not for you, for your kids. Good luck.
New Member
emja17 over a year ago
Hi CGAIL (or anyone else who happens to stumble upon this page via google search like I did),
I just started on the anti-candida diet as well a short time ago... I know your last post was many months back, but if you get this message, I'd love for you to get in touch with me in regards to your progress if you're still living this anti-candida lifestyle. I am on the Nystatin anti-fungal, on the anti-candida, but still smoking marijuana occasionally, and never thought that it could be that preventing my body's ability to fight candida? This is interesting.
New Member
cgail over a year ago
Hi emja17,
Yeah I still smoke weed occasionally and I am convinced it's keeping me from getting to optimum health because I have been fairly strict on my anti-candida diet (haven't drank since Aug 09, no candy ever, only drink water, no fruit) yet I am still not all the way healed. I still have an extremely white coated tongue but most of all my digestive problems cleared. I took Nystatin too but it didn't help clear my tongue. I'm going to stick with the diet still though because I know patience is a virtue and I know I am so much happier and healthier without all the junk food I was eating but I can't wait until the day I can eat an ice cream sundae and not have to worry about how my body will react or weather or not I'm feeding some sort of yeast infestation in my gut. Good luck! write me at if you want.

PS I do plan on not smoking weed for at least 3 months straight so I can give my body a chance to heal. I currently smoke about once every 2 weeks or less.

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New Member
emja17 over a year ago
Courtney, when I first looked at your post here, you had your email address posted. Well since that day, I guess a moderator went in and deleted your email address from your post, which I guess is good and bad at the same time, but he/she removed it before I was able to email you!

Do you have Facebook? I have a recipe blog that I run, and I'm going to give you the address of my blog's Facebook page. I'm sure that's not banned on here, or at least I hope. If anyone else reading would like to check out my blog, please go ahead. (Courtney, I would love to strike up a conversation with you about this.) Go to:

And throw me a comment/message with your info again. (don't worry, I don't ban email address on there. hahah. I know, the moderators are just doing their job!)

I don't know anyone on this Candida diet other than me and my husband, and I would LOVE to be able to talk to someone other than him about this. I have so many friends that are so self destructive, I don't feel like dealing with them anymore to be honest with you, because I feel like they're holding me back.

As you know, this is so difficult to do, I could use all the support I can get and I'm sure you feel the same way too. Also my recipe blog has ONLY Candida diet friendly foods, so you can get some meal ideas off of that as well.

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delstrons over a year ago
Hi guys,

I never quite realized weed made candida happy...this sucks. I've been battling with candidasis for a long time. Here is what works for me...use grapefruit seed extract, garlic pills, olive leaf extract, and oregano extract. These in combination 3x a day kill the bug and make white tongues go red again within a couple of weeks. They also help with the anxiety, sleep problems and bad mood. Make sure you don't touch any refined sugar, wheat and so on...READ LABELS!! You also need to take large amounts of probiotics. I take some with each meal in different forms. They key is combining many things and doing some exercise. In can't stress this enough, add an exercise routine to your day. This will boost up your immune system and help you fight the bug.

Best of luck,
New Member
Ashley Lintz over a year ago
.Two weeks in and this is so awful...I have ruined my relationship with my boyfriend of almost two years we have a 1 month old baby together and I decided to quit for a Job and School program.  He keeps calling me crazy and I keep trying to explain to him that these withdraw feelings are so serious it makes me cry.  I never believed I was so addicted that Id cry to smoke..  He smokes and when he goes outside and smokes and comes back in and I smell it I get so angry and I try to explain that it seems impossible for me to stay with him while he smokes and I don't, but I dont want to loose the opportunity of a family.  I read all these blogs and see that others feel the same the anxiety is so overwhelming that I just want to smoke to get rid of it.  I have antidepressants but they make me so nauseous the last time I was on the I don't even think they worked.  I so mad at myself for even starting because everyday it seems to worsen and now Im in this house with my three children alone going through this becuase the person I thought was my partner can't handle my emtional withdraws from this.  I believe he feels Im just making it up.  I wake him up in the night because I can't sleep and I think about it and try to explain how his smoking around me is driving me down more and he get so angry with me cause Im weak and burdeing my want to stop on him and he doesn't want to.  Im sitting here at mmy computer in tears because I feel like this is never going to end and it is one of the awfulest feelings the depression alone makes me want to just stay in my room all day and cry.  Any other advice of how to help my relationship and myself. _________________

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