Thursday 12 December 2013

Again Atlas related, it's not fair, I couldn't tell the difference between hot or cold

Very frustrating time!!uest
Rag Doll 34
03 Nov 2013 at 10:09AM
Dear all.
I am 34. Ended up in hospital just over a year ago after experiencing 'stroke like symptoms'. Since then I have had lots of strange things including pins and needles in my hands and feet, a lot of forgetfulness, heavy arm and the list goes on. I have had check ups since leaving hospital in August 2012 and at the time of these appointments I was feeling fairly good. I guess, getting used to all the odd feelings and just getting on with it. I was advised at this point that I was a Clinically Isolated Syndrome! Despite being told when I was in hospital, after CT scan, MRI and Lumbar Puncture that I had MS. I am not currently receiving any treatment.
I started experiencing numbness from my feet up to my chest which has continued to worsen and have constant pins and needles in my hands. Can hardly feel my feet and therefore making walking awkward. I'm finding it very hard to tell the difference between hot and cold. I also have a very uncomfortable tightness just under my chest which has worsened since it started. I saw my GP after 3 days of having these symptoms, she said she would request an urgent appointment with the MS consultant at one of my local hospitals and advised that I should expect to be fully diagnosed with MS and would probably be told about treatments. GP advised if things change in any way to get to A&E and get checked.
The uncomfortable feelings got to a point where I was very scared and so strange that I went to A&E. I saw a doctor who did various checks and consequently I was sent home with a print out of possible MS treatments and advised to make myself familiar. The doctor at the hospital called straight through to the MS clinic, also requesting an urgent referral.
It has now been 4 days since leaving hospital and I don't feel any better at all. I do not know how long I will have to wait for the appointment? Whether I will be given medication at the appointment? Or what to expect in the way of timing etc etc. I have 2 young children and at the moment I am unable to look after them without help. :-((x
Please can anyone help? Give advice? Or even just relate to this post? Please.
Many thanks for any help or advice
06 Nov 2013 at 10:13PM
hi im 26 i have been diagnosed 4 years ago with similar symptoms .... Symtoms last for a while it start to go awy after about 5 weeks but everyone diffrent  . Stay possitive try to  be happy .....

07 Dec 2013 at 9:00PM
Hi Rag Doll
You posted over a month ago so hopefully you are further forward by now.
You might have a MS diagnosis and treatment.
Please let me know.
One thing have learnt since being diagnosed with MS is that we often have to fight or be positively assertive to get what we think we need. We often know what we need better that our doctors.
I would advice you to google NICE guidelines and MS. As this will tell you what you are entitled to and I call it doctors law!
Another thing I have learnt is that the folk on this sight are wonderful. The knowledge is second to none. I have often posted in a distressed state and the quick and numerous responses are so comforting that I am not alone. Having said that I am so surprised that you posted on the 3rd November and only had one reply except mine.
Hope you are well and have the answers you need
Min xx
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