Monday 30 December 2013

Balance problems, sensory problems. Atlas related, how do I know? because I had them too

don't feel real
28 Dec 2013 at 10:46PM
Hi all
This is going to seem weird I don't know whether to go to A&E. I have been aching weak tired for two months now with balance issues and pins and needles etc and today I am having the strangest experience I still have all of the above but don't feel like it's me in my body I know I am walking/ sitting but I don't feel like I am doing it i feel a bit distant I just noticed that my skin is cold but I feel warm I have two wet patches on my legs that are actually dry and have nearly fell over twice just now and still feel woozy lying down like I am tipsy or that half asleep feeling you get when you get up in the night
Will A&E help me or will they just say my vitals are fine and send me on my way to wait for my scan? I just don't feel right...
29 Dec 2013 at 12:46AM
I feel like they have to do something to help you if you explain it to them like that. It sounds like one of the things you are experiencing could be a severe case of vertigo so I think at the least they should treat you for that.
29 Dec 2013 at 1:59PM
Personally, I don't recommend A&E unless it's absolutely unavoidable.
I had the misfortune to go there recently, for reasons unrelated to MS (had an accident and needed to get checked out). I spent over eight hours on a trolley, with just one cup of tea and no food, and was discharged at half-past-ten at night, to make my own way home to a house with hardly any groceries (I'd been planning to go shopping when I had my accident).
If you are already being investigated for MS (or similar), I'd say it's not an accident or an emergency, and you can spare yourself AND an overstretched A&E department the hassle.
Why not just ring your GP in the morning, and see if they can prescribe anything, and/or do anything to bring forward your scan?

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