Monday 9 December 2013

He needs to stay off MS Society boards and google, both are the worst places for him to be


1 post / 0 new
09 Dec 2013 at 3:57PM
Hi All
I don't want to waste anyone's time or indeed be insensitive to those with MS but I've recently had "symptoms" which could be those of MS but could also be a hundred other things (or indeed originate in my head).
Up until a month ago I was regularly cycling 5 hours a week on an indoor cycle trainer (basically a racing bike fixed to a flywheel and the front wheel is raised off the floor). I then developed a numb/tingling left foot and very tight left calf muscle. I initially put this down to the cycling and/or the fact I had a bad injury as a child and the doctors initially told my parents "he may lose the leg".
After cycling I would sometimes have a tingling right hand when showering - again, I put this down to gripping the handlebars tightly for an hour or more.
The tingling leg didn't go away with rest (as I suspected it would) and it's now been around 5 weeks. It's not constant but it's often there. Not enough to affect me in any way - I can walk, run, go up stairs etc but it is just there. My next step was to go on Google and that was probably my worst mistake. Google "tingling or numb" foot and it's not long before MS pops up (as it were).
I've been in a state of extreme anxiety ever since (Male, 43, married with two young kids) and franky am working myself and my wife into a panic. In the last 10 days I've "experienced" weakness in my arms/legs (when I say "weakness" the limbs are absolutely capable of normal function - they just feel like they've finished exercise or lifting a weight. Again, they do not affect my day to day ability to do anything. I've also woken up with numb/painful arms/hands - i'm basically sleeping on them but seems coincidental. I spent another few hours on the internet over the weekend and lo and behond, after reading of "visual" symptoms I now have vague eye problems - nothing as bad or definite as blurred or double vision but an uneasy feeling all is not well.
I suppose my question is (and I'm trying to make this as general as possible as I don't expect anyone to make a diagnosis) would MS manifest itself in such a fashion in such a small space of time (i.e. 4 or 5 weeks with one "issue" (tingling foot) and then a host of issues within 10 days of each other)? My wife reminds me that I have a history of finding a "spot" and convincing myself I have cancer so I'm fully aware there could be a psychosomatic element to all this.
Of the 13 or so symptoms of MS (and apologies if that's a wrong number - seems to be the one most often quoted) I possibly have 2/3 and each of them could be caused by something entirely different. All advice is ambiguous because "no two people's MS symptoms are the same" - however, should I expect more severe visual issues or physical issues?

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