Saturday 3 August 2013

Beebes account of Candida and her heart

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Tue, Dec-16-03, 05:28
I am new to this board. I have read some very interesting things that have got me thinking. I have suffered with heart problems since I was about 13 years old. It began just as I was undergoing the hormonal changes etc.... Since then, I have developed increasingly debilitating symptoms of shortness of breath, arrhythmias and tachycardia. I have always been brushed off by cardiologists who tell me I need to relax. I am not an anxious person. I am very even tempered. Stress does aggravate things, but is not a major issue for me.
In the last few years after the birth of my last two children, I have developed migrating joint pain, a rosacea rash on my face, and my heart has gotten worse. I had a cardiac work-up done that showed fluid around my heart. I had a cathter ablation done for the tachycardia, which has resolved. But everything else is the same or worse. My doctor has referred me to a rheumatologist for testing for lupus. I was almost resigned to the possibility of that until I began to read about yeast. I have taken inumerable courses of antibiotics since childhood. I was very succeptible to strep throat and ear infections etc... After my first child was born, I spent the following year battling recurrent yeast infections and cystitis. I now have a chronic soar throat and hoarseness on top of everything else, but the main concern is my heart. There are some days that I wake up and can barely brush my hair. It is all I can do to feed and take care of three children. Since my cardiac tests are basically normal, I am wondering if something in the way of yeast and toxins and stuff can affect your heart rhythm. I have read that people with mitral valve prolapse often have candida problems, and that was actually in a medical journal. I have a slight MVP. I am almost embarassed to be complaining about all of this stuff. Iam not a whiner. I just usually keep it to myself and do what I can to work around it. But if someone out there can share some wisdom or experience, it's worth being a little embarassed. BTW, I am currently using Monistat for it's intended purpose. Does it sound like yeast?

Thank You to anyone that can help. Kent, are you reading this? I would love to hear what you have to say. I have been to your website.
Thu, Jan-29-04, 05:18
Some people (me for example), in addition to responding to the waste products of yeast metabolism, also have specific allergies to the yeast proteins. When the yeast dies off (boom and bust cycles from high carb meals), the burst yeast cells produce the free proteins that I'm allergic to. This sets up a chronic inflammatory reaction which can produce body wide symptoms. At lower levels it produces flu-like symptoms, joint pain, fatigue and increased skin sensitivity. At higher levels it can cause increased heart rate and I will even break out in body wide hives as my immune system activates the IgE pathway (histamine release).

Eating low carb and making sure I get plenty of fiber plus probiotics have been enough to keep yeast populations low and to keep the allergy response as low as possible.

I was tested you yeast cytoplasmic proteins during allergy testing (blood tests) and my antibody titers to yeast proteins was sky high while most others were in the normal range.
Jeanne Sch
Mon, Feb-09-04, 12:20
Hi Beebe:
I wouldn't be surprised if your heart problems are related - especially the water issue. I have CHRONIC water in my ear and when I have bad die-off reactions from my Diflucan, the water fills in my lungs.
I also have rosey cheeks and was checked for Lupus but I have a great doc who knows fungus almost as well as I do and he agreed that was my problem. I've been doing LOW CARB and Diflucan meds for over 6 months and although I have a yen for sweets, I am MUCH healthier than I have been in the last 10 years.
Hope you get to feeling better soon :)

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