29 May 11
hi everyone me again ,well ive just read on a site that in more recent studies it has shown that trauma to the neck and head does indeed bear a relationship to the aggravation of /or creation of ms". i keep thinking back to my head trauma i had in oct and the symptoms which are now an ongoing problem ,b4 this i had no medical problems whatsoever. in the space of 6 months things seem to be getting worse ,and start to think back and can only pinpoint this as the cause of this condition? as nothing i have done since then have noconnection. had 2 mri scans and have a probable dx!! but still have to wait for more tests, still getting small numbness round heart area and was given ibuprofen for muclular pain ,but am conviced something more to it as it been there for 2 weeks and seemed to appear from nowhere.....thanks for reading ..any ideas?? take care nigex