Wednesday 30 October 2013

Candida and vitamin b12

Candida and Vitamin b12

Candida and Vitamin b12

No matter how well we try to take care of our families and ourselves, it’s almost a guarantee that we’re going to be deficient in one or more vitamins or minerals.
This could be why the vitamin industry is one of the most lucrative.
Busy lifestyles hinder us from eating as well as we should, the result we’re missing many nutrients our bodies require.
For people with chronic candidiasis, one of the nutrients they may need more of is vitamin B12.
How do you become deficient in vitamins? Normally we have plenty of magnesium in our systems, but it is adversely affected when our bodies become acidic.
Having an acidic system is common in those who have too much Candida in their bodies. You can find tests to measure the ph level in your bloodstream by testing either your urine or saliva.
The optimum ph level is 7.365. Levels above 7.8 or below 6.8 can result in death, so the body does everything it can to maintain that 7.365 level.
So how do candida and vitamin b12 work together?
Vitamin B12 is another vitamin that people with Candida are deficient in. Cobalamin, or Vitamin B12, is produced in the intestines by the good bacteria that are there. Having too much Candida causes a reduction in the good bacteria and thus the amount of Vitamin B12 at our disposal.
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble compound that, unlike other B vitamins which have to be replaced each day, can be stored in the liver and kidneys. It is necessary for proper digestion and absorption of foods.
It is also important to help the body metabolize carbohydrates and fats. Too little Vitamin B12 can weaken your immune system.
Since a weakened immune system is one of the problems associated with Candida, you can increase your body’s immune response by increasing how much Vitamin B12 you consume.
As the Candida in your body increases, your immune response is reduced. This can easily increase your risk of developing a yeast infection.
Symptoms you may expect to have with a lack of Vitamin B12 include:

• Headaches
• Reduced coordination
• Pain and difficulty walking
• Shortness of breath
• Heart palpitations
Choosing a diet rich in Vitamin B12, or taking supplements, can improve how your body deals with a yeast infection.
You can also reduce Candida by eliminating refined sugars from your diet, reducing the number of carbohydrates and their type that you eat, and avoiding foods with yeast in them.
If you suffer from bouts of Candida, you may want to consider the possibility that you have a vitamin deficiency. This may be an explanation for some of the symptoms you’ve been experiencing.
Candida and vitamin b12 together can help you cure candidiasis naturally. Vitamin B12 is important for your health, so taking supplements or eating foods rich in this vitamin can be enough to help you get a handle on the Candida once and for all.

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