Monday 14 September 2015

The eye

the outer eye muscles, recti and oblique.
Tension in these muscles places pressure on the eye causing abnormal eye shape which disrupts the focus of light rays in the eye resulting in unclear eyesight.
Relaxing the eye muscles with Natural Eyesight Improvement, (correct vision habits...) returns the eye and focus of light rays to normal resulting in clear eyesight.
    The eye muscles attach to the skull bones through the back of the eye socket. Nerves that connect/travel from the brain stem and through the neck vertebrae travel to, connect to the brain, head, ears, eye muscles, eyes, retina, optic nerve...
    Injury to the head/eye, neck (being hit in the head/eye, difficult birth...) can cause misalignment of the bones of the skull and neck vertebrae.
When the skull bones are misaligned, the eye muscles attached to the bones can become tense, malfunction, cause pressure, pulling on/in the eye resulting in; unclear vision, astigmatism, wandering, crossed eyes, cataracts, macula degeneration, detached retina, dim, low vision in one or both eyes and other eye problems.
Misaligned skull bones can impair function of the brain, visual cortex, left and right brain hemispheres resulting in unclear vision, crossed, wandering eyes, other eye problems, low vision or blindness in one or both eyes.
    Misaligned neck vertebrae also impairs nerve/blood flow to the head, eyes, eye muscles, retina, lens, can impair eye muscle function, cause eye muscle tension, pressure, pulling on/in the eye, unclear vision and other eye problems.
    A chiropractor specializing in Cranio-Sacral Therapy can align the neck vertebrae and the bones of the skull to return normal nerve signals and blood flow to the brain, eyes, relax the eye muscles and return them to normal function, relieve abnormal pressure, pulling, stretching on/in the eye, eye muscles, retina, lens, return clear eyesight and reverse, remove cataracts and other eye problems.   The Bates Method can  bring clear vision without chiropractic when the neck and/or skull bones are not misaligned.  The Bates Method can improve the vision to perfect clarity even when slight bone, vertebrae misalignments exist. The body has its own way of adjusting to and correcting certain conditions.    Eyeglasses should be avoided.
If you must seek chiropractic treatment: Choose a chiropractor carefully.
A honest, experienced chiropractor can improve a person’s health and clarity of eyesight, but a inexperienced and/or dishonest chiropractor can cause injury to the body and eyes; stroke, blindness, unclear vision, impaired hearing, balance and other health problems.
(All medical professions have their good and bad doctors and even a good doctor’s treatment can result in injury if a accident during treatment occurs or a underlining condition exists that chiropractic treatment may make worse.)

Example; A honest, experienced chiropractor cures blindness;
A lady on a television news program described how a chiropractor cured her blindness; the lady had a black, blind spot in the center of her visual field. It kept growing larger, blocking out more of her vision.  Eye doctors could not find the cause of the blind spot and told her she would become completely blind.
The lady heard of a treatment through the Edgar Cayce Library of Natural Cures in Virginia, USA.    See Cayce’s picture at top of page.
She was referred to a chiropractor.
The chiropractor told her that vertebrae in her neck had become misaligned due to a neck injury.
The vertebrae were out of alignment and placing pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in the neck that travel to the brain and eyes.
The chiropractor aligned the vertebrae; C1, C2, C3, C4 and all vertebrae in the neck.
C1, C2, C3 on the top of the neck are directly linked to the health/function of the eyes.
Immediately after the chiropractor aligned the neck vertebrae, the black, blind spot in the lady's visual field became smaller and disappeared.  Her vision returned to normal.

Example of honest and dishonest chiropractors;
The author of this website/book experienced an accident (a man punched me in the face) which, unknown to me at the time, caused a neck vertebrae (C4) to be slightly out of alignment. After being hit in the head I fell to the ground and was blind and partially deaf for about 10 seconds. Then I stood up and felt normal. (This was the 10th time in my life since childhood a man has hit me in the head; Relative cracked my cousin’s and my heads together for laughing when we were very young, two boys hit me in the head/eye with ice/snowballs, then hit in the face, head by a man twice in Georgia one night on leave from the U.S. Army, hit so hard my feet left the ground and body flew back and head cracked into tree. Tried to run, caught me and hit me again and I fell. He went back to get a gun. Two guys on the run robbing stores across the country. Buried myself in the Georgia woods under leaves and used old trick of concentrating, imagining I am in a different place, feeling only this thought and as real.  Enemy supposed to pick up on it. Two guys had come back with rifle to kill me but gave up searching for me and took off.  Hit a few other times by men in San Mateo and South San Francisco, California.  Never had mental/emotional trauma from these experiences due to Army’s good training, I know how the world is and don’t let it bother me. Stay positive and drive on Drill Sgt.)
  After last injury, in South San Francisco, California, two months later I developed a balance problem.   For two years I went to medical doctors for dizziness. I experienced stress, fear, anxiety attacks worrying about the cause of this condition.
The doctors prescribed tranquilizers and a drug to dry up fluid in my ears/Eustachian tubes.
Ears were cleaned of much wax. A brain scan was done and found nothing wrong.
The drugs did not work, produced side effects so I threw them away.
The doctors did not know the cause of the dizziness/fluid build up. 
One doctor said a tight muscle in the side of the neck might be pressing on the ears Eustachian tube but he did not know what caused the muscle to be tight.
    At this time I was earning $5.00 hr. working 7 days/nights a week and would go dumpster diving behind the main supermarkets, department stores for food, cloths in order to save money.  They throw away a lot of good food, cloths and many homeless people survive this way. Senior citizens do it to avoid spending money on food so they can afford their medicine. I learnt this from the homeless and met a few Old Italian Millionaires dumpster diving getting free food for their chickens on the farms near San Francisco.  The use of new dumpster compactors that crush and lock the food away for disposal is heartbreaking to these folks!
      Every day I would pass the chiropractors office on my way hauling food.
I decided to ask a chiropractors advice on the dizziness. 
I went to Doctor Soo Hoo’s office in South San Francisco and Dr. Tai worked on me.  Dr. Tai was very young and rode his skate board to work.
He said my neck vertebrae C4 was out of alignment causing the muscle tension and ear tube dysfunction.  Vertebrae up higher along the neck may have also been out of alignment.
He aligned my neck vertebrae and back.
I experienced normal/perfect balance for the first time in two years. My day and night vision was also exceptionally clear.  A few follow-up treatments were done to maintain the alignment.
The chiropractor had me return once a month only if needed.
He gave me stretching and other exercises to keep the muscles relaxed, and vertebrae aligned.
The treatment was done without X-rays.   Physical therapy was not mentioned.

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