Friday 4 September 2015

Candida and the musculoskeletal system - courtessy of Yandex search engine

The Muscular System
The muscular system includes over 700 skeletal

muscles that are directly or indirectly attached to

the skeleton by tendons or aponeuroses. The muscular

system produces movement, as the contractions

of skeletal muscles pull on the attached

bones. Muscular activity does not always result in

movement, however; it can also be important in

stabilizing skeletal elements and preventing movement.

Skeletal muscles are also important in

guarding entrances or exits of internal passageways,

such as those of the digestive, respiratory,

urinary, or reproductive systems, and in generating

heat to maintain our stable body temperatures.

Skeletal muscles contract only under the command

of the nervous system. For this reason, clinical

observation of muscular activity may provide

direct information about the muscular system, and

indirect information about the nervous system. The

assessment of facial expressions, posture, speech,

and gait can be an important part of the physical

examination. Classical signs of muscle disorders

include the following:

Gower’s sign is a distinctive method of standing

from a sitting or lying position on the floor.

This method is used by children with muscular

dystrophy (p. 65). They move from a sitting

position to a standing position by pushing the

trunk off the floor with the hands and then

moving the hands to the knees. The hands are

then used as braces to force the body into the

standing position. This extra support is necessary

because the pelvic muscles are too weak

to swing the weight of the trunk over the legs.

Ptosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid. It may

be seen in myasthenia gravis (p. 66), botulism

(p. 65), myotonic dystrophy (p. 65), or following

damage to the cranial nerve (N III) innervating

the levator palpabrae superioris muscle of the


• A muscle mass, an abnormal dense region within

a muscle, is sometimes seen or felt in a skeletal

muscle. A muscle mass may result from torn

muscle or tendon tissue, a hematoma, or the

deposition of bone around a skeletal muscle, as

in myositis ossificans.

• Abnormal contractions may indicate problems

with the muscle tissue or its innervation. Muscle

spasticity exists when a muscle has excessive

muscle tone. A muscle spasm is a sudden,

strong, and painful involuntary contraction.

Muscle flaccidity exists when the relaxed skeletal

muscle appears soft and relaxed and its

contractions are very weak or absent.

Muscle atrophy is skeletal muscle deterioration,

or wasting, due to disuse, immobility, or interference

with the normal muscle innervation.

• Abnormal patterns of muscle movement, such

as tics, choreiform movements, or tremors, and

muscular paralysis are usually caused by nervous

system disorders. These movements will

be described further in sections dealing with

abnormal nervous system function.


Two common symptoms of muscular disorders are

pain and weakness in the affected skeletal muscles.

The potential causes of muscle pain include:

1. Muscle trauma: Examples of traumatic injuries

to a skeletal muscle would include a laceration,

a deep bruise or crushing injury, a muscle tear,

or a damaged tendon.

2. Muscle infection: Skeletal muscles may be

infected by viruses, as in some forms of myositis,

or colonized by parasitic worms, such as

those responsible for trichinosis (p. 64). These

infections usually produce pain that is restricted

to the involved muscles. Diffuse muscle pain

may develop in the course of other infectious

diseases, such as influenza or measles.

3. Related problems with the skeletal system:

Muscle pain may result from skeletal problems,

such as arthritis (p. 59) or a sprained ligament

near the point of muscle origin or insertion.

4. Problems with the nervous system: Muscle pain

may be experienced due to inflammation of

sensory neurons or stimulation of pain pathways

in the CNS.

Muscle strength can be evaluated by applying

an opposite force against a specific action. For

example, the examiner might exert a gentle extending

force while asking the patient to flex the arm.

Because the muscular and nervous systems are so

closely interrelated, a single symptom, such as

muscle weakness, can have a variety of different

causes (Figure A-22). Muscle weakness may also

develop as a consequence of a condition that affects

the entire body, such as anemia or acute starvation.

Figure A-23 (p. 64) provides an overview of

muscular system disorders.

Necrotizing Fasciitis EAP p. 178

Several bacteria produce enzymes such as

hyaluronidase or cysteine protease. Hyaluronidase

breaks down hyaluronic acid and the proteoglycans

(large polysaccharide molecules linked by polypeptide

chains) that make up the intercellular cement

between adjacent cells. Cysteine protease breaks

down conective tissue proteins. These bacteria are

dangerous because they can spread rapidly by

liquifying the matrix and dissolving the intercellular

cement that holds epithelial cells together. The

streptococci are one group of bacteria that secrete

both of these enzymes. Streptococcus A bacteria are

62 The Body Systems: Clinical and Applied Topics

involved in many human diseases, most notably

“strep throat,” a pharyngeal infection. In most

cases the immune response is sufficient to contain

and ultimately defeat these bacteria before extensive

tissue damage has occurred.

However, in 1994 tabloid newspapers had a field

day recounting stories of “killer bugs” and “flesh-eating

bacteria” that terrorized residents of the city of

Gloucester, England. The details were horrific—

minor cuts become major open wounds, with interior

connective tissues dissolving. There were only 7

reported cases, but 5 of the victims died. The

pathogen responsible was a strain of Streptococcus A

that overpowered immune defenses and swiftly

invaded and destroyed soft tissues. More over, the

pathogens eroded their way along the fascial wrapping

that covers skeletal muscles and other organs.

The term for this condition is necrotizing fasciitis.

The Muscular System 63


Muscular System


Nervous System





Heart failure

Vascular blockage

Probable immune






Metabolic or

nutritional problems

Electrolyte disturbances

(ex.: hypercalcemia,



Problems with

motor pathways

Spinal cord






Problems at

synaptic knobs

in neuromuscular



Other neurotoxins



Muscular dystrophies

Myotonic dystrophy

Muscular bruise

or tear



Problems with

peripheral nerves





Inherited disorders

Destruction of

motor neurons





Figure A-22 Potential Causes of Muscle Weakness
In some cases the muscle tissue was also destroyed,

a condition called myositis.

The problem is not restricted to the United

Kingdom. Some form of very aggressive infectious

soft tissue invasion occurs roughly 75–150 times

annually in the U.S. At present it is uncertain

whether the recent surge in myositis and necrotizing

faciitis reflects increased awareness of the condition

or the appearance of a new strain of strep bacteria.

Trichinosis EAP p. 178

Trichinosis (trik-i-N-sis; trichos, hair + nosos,

disease) results from infection by a parasitic nematode

worm, Trichinella spiralis. Symptoms include

diarrhea, weakness, and muscle pain. The muscular

symptoms are caused by the invasion of skeletal

muscle tissue by larval worms, which create

small pockets within the perimysium and endomysium.

Muscles of the tongue, eyes, diaphragm,

chest, and leg are most often affected.

Larvae are common in the flesh of pigs, horses,

dogs, and other mammals. The larvae are killed

when the meat is cooked; people are most often

exposed by eating undercooked pork. Once eaten,

the larvae mature within the intestinal tract, where

they mate and produce eggs. The new generation of

larvae then migrates through the body tissues to

reach the muscles, where they complete their early

development. The migration and subsequent settling

produce a generalized achiness, muscle and

joint pain, and swelling in infected tissues. An estimated

1.5 million Americans carry Trichinella

around in their muscles, and up to 300,000 new

infections occur each year. The mortality rate for

people who have symptoms severe enough to

require treatment is approximately 1 percent.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome EAP p. 178

Fibromyalgia (-algia, pain) is a disorder that has

formally been recognized only since the mid-1980s.

Although first described in the early 1800s, the

condition is still somewhat controversial because

the reported symptoms cannot be linked to any

anatomical or physiological abnormalities.

However, physicians now recognize a distinctive

pattern of symptoms that warrant consideration as

a clinical entity.

Fibromyalgia may be the most common musculoskeletal

disorder affecting women under 40 years

of age. There may be as many as 6 million cases in

the United States today. Symptoms include chronic

64 The Body Systems: Clinical and Applied Topics


Inherited disorders Tumors


Compartment syndrome

Bruises and tears

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Secondary disorders
Nervous system:



Myasthenia gravis

Immune problems:

Cardiovascular system:


Heart failure

Metabolic problems:




Necrotizing fasciitis




Muscular dystrophy

Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy

Figure A-23 Disorders of the Muscular System
aches, pain, and stiffness and multiple tender

points at specific, characteristic locations. The four

most common tender points are (1) just below the

kneecap, (2, 3) distal to the medial and lateral epicondyles

of the humerus, and (4) the junction

between the second rib and the cartilage attaching

it to the sternum. An additional clinical criterion is

that the pains and stiffness cannot be explained by

other mechanisms. Individuals with this condition

frequently report chronic fatigue; they feel tired on

awakening and often complain of awakening

repeatedly during the night.

Most of these symptoms could be attributed to

other problems. For example, chronic depression can

lead to fatigue and poor-quality sleep. As a result, the

pattern of tender points is really the diagnostic key to

fibromyalgia. This symptom distinguishes fibromyalgia

from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The current

symptoms accepted as a definition of CFS

include (1) sudden onset, usually following a viral

infection, (2) disabling fatigue, (3) muscle weakness

and pain, (4) sleep disturbance, (5) fever, and (6)

enlargement of cervical lymph nodes.

Attempts to link either fibromyalgia or CFS to a

viral infection or to some physical or psychological

trauma have not been successful, and the cause

remains unknown. Treatment is limited to relieving

symptoms when possible. For example, anti-inflammatory

medications may help relieve pain, drugs

can be used to promote sleep, and exercise programs

may help maintain normal range of motion.
The Muscular Dystrophies

EAP p. 185

The muscular dystrophies (DIS-tr|-fÆ’z) are inherited

diseases that produce progressive muscle

weakness and deterioration. One of the most common

and best understood conditions is

Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (DMD). This

form of muscular dystrophy appears in childhood,

often between the ages of 3 and 7. The condition

generally affects only males. A progressive muscular

weakness develops, and the individual usually

dies before age 20 because of respiratory paralysis.

Skeletal muscles are primarily affected, although

for some reason the facial muscles continue to

function normally. In later stages of the disease,

the facial muscles and cardiac muscle tissue may

also become involved.

The skeletal muscle fibers in a person with

DMD patient are structurally different from those

of other individuals. Abnormal membrane permeability,

cholesterol content, rates of protein synthesis,

and enzyme composition have been reported.

DMD sufferers also lack a protein, called dystrophin,

found in normal muscle fibers. It is

attached to the inner surface of the sarcolemma

near the triads. Although the functions of this protein

remain uncertain, dystrophin is suspected to

play a role in the regulation of calcium ion channels

in the sarcolemma. In children with DMD, calcium

channels remain open for an extended period,

and calcium levels rise to the point that key proteins

denature. The muscle fiber then degenerates.

Researchers have recently identified and cloned the

gene for dystrophin; that gene is located on the X

chromosome. Rats with DMD have been cured by

insertion of this gene into their muscle fibers, a

technique that may eventually be used to treat

human patients.

The inheritance of DMD is sex-linked: Women

carrying the defective genes are unaffected, but each

of their male children will have a 50 percent chance

of developing DMD. Now that the specific location of

the gene has been identified, it is possible to determine

whether or not a woman is carrying the defective

gene. It is also possible to use an innovative

prenatal test to determine if a fetus has this condition.

In this procedure, a small sample of fluid is collected

from the membranous sac that surrounds the

fetus. This fluid contains fetal cells, called amniocytes,

that are collected and cultivated in the laboratory.

Researchers then insert a gene, called MyoD,

that triggers their differentiation into skeletal muscle

fibers. These cells can then be tested not only for the

signs of muscular dystrophy but for indications of

other inherited muscular disorders.

MYOTONIC DYSTROPHY. Myotonic dystrophy is

a form of muscular dystrophy that occurs in the

united states at an incidence of 13.5 per 100,000

population. Symptoms may develop in infancy, but

more often develop after puberty. As with other

forms of muscular dystrophy, adults developing

myotonic dystrophy experience a gradual reduction

in muscle strength and control. Problems with other

systems, especially cardiovascular and digestive systems,

often develop. There is no effective treatment.

The inheritance of myotonic dystrophy is

unusual because children of an individual with

myotonic dystrophy commonly develop more severe

symptoms than those of the parent. The increased

severity of the condition appears to be related to

the presence of multiple copies of a specific gene on

chromosome 19. For some reason, the nucleotide

sequence of that gene gets repeated several times,

and the number can increase from generation to

generation. This has been called a “genetic stutter.”

The greater the number of copies, the more severe

the symptoms. It is not known why the stutter

develops, nor how the genetic duplication affects

the severity of the condition.

Botulism EAP p. 184

Botulinus (bot--LI ¯-nus) toxin prevents the release

of ACh at the synaptic terminal. It thus produces a

severe and potentially fatal paralysis of skeletal

muscles. A case of botulinus poisoning is called

botulism.1 The toxin is produced by a bacterium,

Clostridium botulinum, that does not need oxygen to

grow and reproduce. Because the organism can live

The Muscular System 65


1This disorder was described 200 years ago by German

physicians treating patients poisoned by dining on contaminated

sausages. Botulus is the Latin word for sausage.

quite well in a sealed can or jar, most cases of botulism

are linked to improper canning or storing procedures,

followed by failure to cook the food

adequately before eating. Canned tuna or beets,

smoked fish, and cold soups have most often been

involved with cases of botulism. Boiling for a half

hour destroys both the toxin and the bacteria.

Symptoms usually begin 12–36 hours after eating

a contaminated meal. The initial symptoms are

often disturbances in vision, such as seeing double

or a painful sensitivity to bright lights. These

symptoms are followed by other sensory and motor

problems, including blurred speech and an inability

to stand or walk. Roughly half of botulism

patients experience intense nausea and vomiting.

These symptoms persist for a variable period (days

to weeks), followed by a gradual recovery; some

patients are still recovering after a year.

The major risk of botulinus poisoning is respiratory

paralysis and death by suffocation.

Treatment is supportive: bed rest, observation,

and, if necessary, use of a mechanical respirator.

In severe cases drugs that promote the release of

ACh, such as guanidine hydrochloride, may be

administered. The overall mortality rate in the

United States is about 10 percent.

Myasthenia Gravis EAP p. 184

Myasthenia gravis (ma-as-TH-nÆ’-uh GRA-vis) is

characterized by a general muscular weakness that

is often most pronounced in the muscles of the

arms, head, and chest. The first symptom is usually

a weakness of the eye muscles and drooping eyelids.

Facial muscles are often weak as well, and the

individual develops a peculiar smile known as the

“myasthenic snarl.” As the disease progresses,

pharyngeal weakness leads to problems with chewing

and swallowing, and it becomes difficult to hold

the head upright.

The muscles of the upper chest and upper

extremities are next to be affected. All the voluntary

muscles of the body may ultimately be

involved. Severe myasthenia gravis produces respiratory

paralysis, with a mortality rate of 5–10 percent.

However, the disease does not always

progress to such a life-threatening stage. For

example, roughly 20 percent of patients experience

eye problems with no other symptoms.

The condition results from a decrease in the

number of ACh receptors on the motor end plate.

Before the remaining receptors can be stimulated

enough to trigger a strong contraction, the ACh

molecules are destroyed by cholinesterase. As a

result, muscular weakness develops.

The primary cause of myasthenia gravis

appears to be a malfunction of the immune system.

Roughly 70 percent of the individuals with myasthenia

gravis have an abnormal thymus, an organ

involved with the maintenance of normal immune

function. In myasthenia gravis, the immune

response attacks the ACh receptors of the motor

end plate as if they were foreign proteins. For

unknown reasons, women are affected twice as

often as men. Estimates of the incidence of this

disease in the United States range from 2 to 10

cases per 100,000 population.

One approach to therapy involves the administration

of drugs, such as neostigmine, that are

termed cholinesterase inhibitors. As their name

implies, these compounds are enzyme inhibitors;

they tie up the active sites at which cholinesterase

normally binds ACh. With cholinesterase activity

reduced, the concentration of ACh at the synapse

can rise enough to stimulate the surviving receptors

and produce muscle contraction.

Polio EAP p. 184

Because skeletal muscles depend on their motor

neurons for stimulation, disorders that affect the

nervous system can have an indirect affect on the

muscular system. The poliovirus is a virus that

does not produce clinical symptoms in roughly 95

percent of infected individuals. The virus produces

variable symptoms in the remaining 5 percent.

Some individuals develop a nonspecific illness

resembling the flu. A second group of individuals

develop a brief meningitis (p. 74), an inflammation

of the protective membranes surrounding the CNS.

In the third group of people, the virus attacks

somatic motor neurons in the CNS.

In this third form of the disease, the individual

develops a fever 7–14 days after infection. The fever

subsides, but recurs roughly a week later, accompanied

by muscle pain, cramping, and paralysis of

one or more limbs. Respiratory paralysis may also

occur, and the mortality rate for this form of polio

is 2–5 percent for children and 15–30 percent of

adults. If the individual survives, some degree of

recovery usually occurs over a period of up to 6


For unknown reasons, the survivors of paralytic

polio may develop progressive muscular weakness

20–30 years after the initial infection. This

postpolio syndrome is characterized by fatigue,

muscle pain, and weakness, and, in some cases,

muscular atrophy. There is no treatment for this

condition, although rest seems to help.

Polio has been almost completely eliminated

from the U.S. population due to a successful

immunization program. In 1954 there were 18,000

new cases in the United States; there were 8 in

1976, and none since 1994. The World Health

Organization now reports that polio has been eradicated

from the entire Western Hemisphere.

Unfortunately, many parents refuse to immunize

their children against the poliovirus, because they

assume that the disease has been “conquered.”

Failure to immunize is a mistake because (1) there

is still no cure for polio, (2) the virus remains in the

environment in many areas of the world, and (3) up

to 38 percent of children ages 1–4 have not been

immunized. A major epidemic could therefore

develop very quickly if the virus were brought into

the United States from another part of the world.

66 The Body Systems: Clinical and Applied Topics


Hernias EAP p. 204

When the abdominal muscles contract forcefully,

pressure in the abdominopelvic cavity can increase

dramatically, and those pressures are applied to

internal organs. If the individual exhales at the same

time, the pressure is relieved, because the

diaphragm can move upward as the lungs collapse.

But during vigorous isometric exercises or when lifting

a weight while holding one’s breath, pressure in

the abdominopelvic cavity can rise to 106 kg/cm2

(1500 lb/in.2), roughly 100 times normal pressures.

Pressures this high can cause a variety of problems,

among them the development of a hernia.

A hernia develops when a visceral organ protrudes

abnormally through an opening in a muscular

wall or partition. There are many types of

hernias; we will consider only inguinal (groin) hernias

and diaphragmatic hernias here.

Late in the development of the male, the testes

descend into the scrotum by passing through the

abdominal wall at the inguinal canals. In the adult

male, the spermatic ducts and associated blood

vessels penetrate the abdominal musculature at

the inguinal canals on their way to the abdominal

reproductive organs. In an inguinal hernia, the

inguinal canal enlarges, and the abdominal contents

such as a portion of the intestine (or more

rarely the bladder) are forced into the inguinal

canal (Figure A-24). If the herniated structures

become trapped or twisted within the inguinal sac,

surgery may be required to prevent serious complications.

Inguinal hernias are not always caused by

unusually high abdominal pressures. Injuries to

the abdomen, or inherited weakness or distensibility

of the canal, may have the same effect.

The esophagus and major blood vessels pass

through an opening in the diaphragm, the muscle

that separates the thoracic and abdominopelvic

cavities. In a diaphragmatic hernia, also called a

hiatal hernia (ha--tal; hiatus, a gap or opening),

abdominal organs slide into the thoracic cavity,

most often through the esophageal hiatus, the

opening used by the esophagus. The severity of the

condition will depend on the location and size of

the herniated organ(s). Hiatal hernias are actually

very common, and most go unnoticed. Radiologists

see them in about 30 percent of individuals whose

upper gastrointestinal tracts are examined with

barium contrast techniques. When clinical complications

develop, they usually occur because

abdominal organs that have pushed into the thoracic

cavity are exerting pressure on structures or

organs there. As is the case with inguinal hernias,

a diaphragmatic hernia may result from congenital

factors or from an injury that weakens or tears the

diaphragmatic muscle.

Sports Injuries EAP p. 208

Sports injuries affect amateurs and professionals

alike. A 5-year study of college football players

indicated that 73.5 percent experienced mild

injuries, 21.5 percent moderate injuries, and 11.6

percent severe injuries during their playing

careers. Contact sports are not the only activities

that show a significant injury rate; a study of 1650

joggers running at least 27 miles per week reported

1819 injuries in a single year.

Muscles and bones respond to increased use

by enlarging and strengthening. Poorly conditioned

individuals are therefore more likely to subject

their bones and muscles to intolerable stresses

than are people in good condition. Training is also

important in minimizing the use of antagonistic

muscle groups and keeping joint movements within

the intended ranges of motion. Planned warm-up

exercises before athletic events stimulate circulation,

improve muscular performance and control,

and help prevent injuries to muscles, joints, and

ligaments. Stretching exercises stimulate muscle

circulation and help keep ligaments and joint capsules

supple. Such conditioning extends the range

of motion and prevents sprains and strains when

sudden loads are applied.

Dietary planning can also be important in preventing

injuries to muscles during endurance

events, such as marathon running. Emphasis has

often been placed on the importance of carbohydrates,

leading to the practice of “carbohydrate

loading” before a marathon. But while operating

within aerobic limits, muscles also utilize amino

acids extensively, so an adequate diet must include

both carbohydrates and proteins.

Improved playing conditions, equipment, and

regulations also play a role in reducing the incidence

of sports injuries. Jogging shoes, ankle or

knee braces, helmets, and body padding are examples

of equipment that can be effective. The substantial

penalties now earned for personal fouls in

contact sports have reduced the numbers of neck

and knee injuries.

Several injuries common to those engaged in

active sports may also affect nonathletes, although

The Muscular System 67













Figure A-24 An Inguinal Hernia

3-1. A patient experiencing a severe hyperkalemia

could have the following related problems:

a. a below-normal potassium ion concentration

of the interstitial fluid

b. a more-negative membrane potential of

nerves and muscles

c. unresponsive skeletal muscles and cardiac


d. muscle weakness and increased strength of

twitch contractions

e. all of the above

3-2. Making hospital rounds, Dr. R., an anesthesiologist,

meets with a first-semester anatomy

and physiology student named CeCe who is scheduled

for surgery the next day. Having just finished

the unit on skeletal muscles and the nervous system,

CeCe is eager to learn about the anesthesia

that will be used during the surgery. Dr. R.

explains he will be using a drug, succinyl choline,

that competes with acetylcholine and blocks the

action of this neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular

junction. What effect will this have on CeCe’s

skeletal muscles?

a. produce paralysis of all the skeletal muscles

b. cause tetany of the skeletal muscles

c. increase the force and strength of muscle


CeCe answers this question correctly but becomes

immediately concerned about this effect on a select

group of skeletal muscles. What is CeCe concerned


3-3. Tom broke his right leg in a football game.

After six weeks in a cast, the cast is finally

removed, and when he takes his first few steps, he

loses his balance and falls. What is the most likely


a. the bone fracture is not completely healed

b. the right leg muscles have atrophied due to


c. Tom has an undiagnosed neuromuscular


3-4. Samples of muscle tissue are taken from a

champion tennis player and a nonathlete of the

same age and gender. Both samples are subjected

to enzyme analysis. How would you expect the two

samples to differ?

3-5. Calvin steps into a pothole and twists his

ankle. He is in a great deal of pain and cannot stand.

In the hospital, the examining physician notes that

Calvin can plantar flex and dorsiflex the foot, but he

cannot perform inversion without extreme pain.

Which muscle has probably been injured?

the primary causes may differ. A partial listing of

activity-related conditions includes the following:

Bone bruise: Bleeding within the periosteum of

a bone

Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursae around

one or more joints

Muscle cramps: Prolonged, involuntary, and

painful muscular contractions

Sprains: Tears or breaks in ligaments or tendons

Strains: Tears in muscles

Stress fractures: Cracks or breaks in bones

subjected to repeated stresses or trauma

Tendinitis: Inflammation of the connective tissue

surrounding a tendon

Many of these conditions have been discussed in

previous chapters.

Finally, many sports injuries would be prevented

if people who engage in regular exercise used

common sense and recognized their personal limitations.

It can be argued that some athletic events,

such as the ultramarathon, place such excessive

stresses on the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory,

and urinary systems that they cannot be recommended,

even for athletes in peak condition.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome EAP p. 211

Tenosynovitis is the inflammation of a tendon

sheath. Carpal tunnel syndrome results from

tenosynovitis of the tendon sheath surrounding the

flexor tendons of the palm. The inflammation leads

to compression of the median nerve, a mixed (sensory

and motor) nerve that innervates the palm.

Symptoms include pain, especially on palmar flexion,

a tingling sensation or numbness on the palm,

and weakness in the abductor pollicis. This condition

is fairly common and often strikes those

engaged in repetitive hand movements, such as

typing, working at a computer keyboard, or playing

the piano. Treatment involves administration of

anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, injection

of anti-inflammatory agents, such as glucocorticoids

(steroid hormones produced by the adrenal

cortex), and use of splints to prevent wrist flexion

and stabilize the region.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of a

cumulative trauma disorder, or overuse syndrome.

These disorders are caused by repetitive movements

of the arms, hands, and fingers. These musculoskeletal

problems now account for over 50

percent of all work-related injuries in the United

68 The Body Systems: Clinical and Applied Topics

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