Saturday 12 September 2015

Premature Candida activity-mimics oestrogen- interfers with Krebs cycle

Nutritionhelp Statistics – Candida

I am frequently asked how it is that Candida can get out of control.  There are several factors that encourage yeast over-growth, but first let’s consider what Candida actually is.
In healthy individuals, Candida is a bud-like yeast, that is present within the intestines in small numbers, and kept in check by billions and billions of friendly bacteria. A key role of Candida is to kick-start decomposition within the body once we die, and it does this by changing into its fungal form which needs no oxygen. It can then spread rapidly, putting roots into the walls of the gut and pushing spores through the gut wall, to move throughout the body. In this way, Candida is able to break down cell membranes, providing food for other microbes in decomposition. It was for this reason that the Egyptians removed the intestines before mummification in order to prevent any decomposing.

Certain factors within the  21st Century Western World, encourage Candida activity prematurely, leading to a number of health problems. Not only can gut yeast affect the digestive process, but when unchecked, in its fungal form it can push through the gut wall (causing much damage on the way) and enter the circulatory system, where it can travel to any part of the body. It favours mucous membranes including the vagina, lungs, urinary tract and sinus passages, and sites of wear and tear, such as joints and muscles.
The 79 plus toxins that Candida releases can cause problems in their own right – for example mimicking oestrogen or interfering with energy production in the Krebs cycle within cells. The toxins might also exacerbate any other problems influenced by yeast, increasing or intensifying symptoms.

So what influences encourage the yeast Candida to become such a problem. Erica White lists a number of factors within her Beat Candida Cookbook , where she comments in some detail on the processes involved. A main issue is sugar. If you have ever made bread you will know how a small spoon of sugar gets the yeast going, causing it to froth and bubble and expand.  In just the same way, sugar in our diets encourages yeast within the gut to increase. The problem is that sugar now is predominant in our Western diets. It is in everything from tomato ketchup to an Indian take-away, in addition to all the sweets, drinks, desserts, biscuits and snacks that are regularly included in our daily diets.

Another influence is the use of antibiotics, which in addition to killing off the infection, wipe out friendly bacteria as well, leaving more space for the yeast to expand, grow and colonise. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, available on prescription or over the counter can also destroy friendly bacteria, while steroid treatments (including HRT and The Pill) might influence immunity, weakening the body’s ability to keep yeast in its proper place. Viruses too, as they impact immunity, can influence the body’s ability to keep yeast in check.
Stimulants such as tea, coffee, chocolate, cola and alcohol, can cause the adrenal glands to release sugar from the body’s stores, which may well find its way to feeding yeast. The stress response may influence the adrenal glands in a similar way, so it is of utmost importance that stress-management is practised while bringing yeast under control.

Hormonal changes for women, whether within the menstrual cycle, menopause or pregnancy can all encourage yeast activity, so it is not unusual for more women than men to suffer with yeast-related symptoms.
So let’s continue to review the impact of the Nutritionhelp protocol on yeast-related symptoms. For details on how the statistics were gathered read here
  • For clients recording a craving for bread, 93% saw some improvement, with 87% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording a  need for frequent tea, coffee or sugar foods or drinks, 92% saw some improvement, with 76% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording a craving for sweet foods, 91% saw some improvement, with 71% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording mucus in stools, 86% saw some improvement, with 50% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording nausea, 90% saw some improvement, with 45% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording abdominal pain, 83% saw some improvement, with 38% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording bloating, belching or intestinal gas, 77% saw some improvement, with 36% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording urinary frequency or urgency, 70% saw some improvement, with 43% seeing considerable improvement
Remember, that as yeast dies it releases even more toxins which can continue to contribute to and influence symptoms in the short-term form time to time, so this may be impacting some of the statistics above.
To gain your own personal programme to support gut ecology, encouraging friendly bacteria and limiting yeast activity, visit  This also provides a tailor-made supplement programme to help support the immune system

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