Wednesday 17 December 2014

repost -Candida hairloss, actual accounts

  • Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  depj  8 year  41,406  Candida Support
    I have come across some very information recently. Being a sufferer of Candida and hair loss (im only 20 y/o), I first became aware that something was internally wrong when I suddenly began losing my hair about 1 year back. After doing tireless online searches, I came to the conclusion that my hair loss was candida related. I figured I had candida as a result of my extensive use (on and off for 3 years--used them sometimes for 9 months at a time) of broad-spectrum antibiotics to help control my acne. All the sites I visited said hair loss is a possible sympton of candida. At the time, I wasn't really experiencing any other pronounced symptons of candida, or so i thought (I was experiencing acne and on-and-off constipation, but that how my bowels have been since I can remember so I didn't immediately attribute that to candida). So, like I said, I read that hair loss was a sympton of candida, and I figured I had candida because I had a complete blood panel done and thyroid tests to rule out any other hormonal or gland-related problems. Anyway, what I discovered in the last few days is the actual CAUSAL CORRELATION b/w candida and hair loss. Basically, the theory as it goes is that the beneficial intestinal flora that was killed off by the antibiotics, not only plays a crucial role in controlling levels of candida, bt it also plays a vital role in the break-down and processing of BIOTIN--an essential B Vitamin derivative for hair. So, basically, Im thinking that this is the cause for my sudden hair loss. But what got me thinking is that I know a lot of ppl (you all) suffer from candida but it seems that hair loss is one of the more rare symptons of the infection as it is not often mentioned. Is this in fact the case? How many of you suffer from hair loss or damaged hair? How many of you attribute this to candida? Does the correlation I offered sound correct? Please reply. Your posts are most graciously appreciated. Thanks.

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    • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  shroom  8 year  38,197
      I can tell you one thing, this is caused by 'leaky gut syndrome' It happens because u are not absorbing crucial nutrients. You should check to see if you have gluten intolorances.------------Shrooom
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    • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  Zapp  8 year  38,631
      There are two conditions that I am aware of that are related to candida and may cause hair los. Hypothyroidism frequently accompanies candida overgrowth, and is well known to cause hair loss. Do web search and see if you have any of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Candida can also cause mineral imbalances. A zinc deficiency is also well known to cause hair loss. White marks on the fingernails are often an indication of a possible zinc deficiency.
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    • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  averyj  8 year  38,490
      I also have hair loss from Candida and, it seems, from hypothyroidism, as well. Over the past year, I seem to lose more hair every time I shampoo. My hair does not shed or come out whenever I comb it. My doctor just increased my thyroid medicine and I've recently started the yeast-free diet because, it seems, whenever I eat carbohydrates or sugar-laced items, I have an intense itching/burning sensation in my scalp--exactly where my hair is falling.

      I've also started taking Nystatin to kill the yeast, megadophilus to increase the good bacteria, and Nizoral, which is an anti-fungal shampoo. Another helpful tip I learned from the Internet is to wash my hair in cold water and use a chlorine-eliminating shower filter. Apparently, since yeast lives in warm, moist areas, it's best to wash your hair--and maybe your whole body--in cold water. I've also started taking 2,000mcg of Biotin, along with my multivitamins. Too early to know whether any of this is working yet since I only started my regiment a couple of weeks ago, but I remain hopeful. Good luck to you. I know exactly how you feel.

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      • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  depj  8 year  37,909
        Avery, thanks you so much for your response. Your protocol seems ideal and it is one which I hope to follow. Please keep me updated with your progress. Do you have an e-mail address or Instant Messenger progam I can contact you with more readily? You're help is much appreciated. Thanks.


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        • To Depj by  averyj  8 year  37,791
          Yes, you may e-mail me at Please indicate in the subject line something like From DepJ at Curezone, just in case it goes to my Spam folder.

          During the holidays, I cheated a bit on the diet and ate a little chocolate cake. My head was on fire! So, I know for sure now that it is the Candida overgrowth that's causing my scalp problem, which is triggering the low thyroid problem AND the hair loss. So, I will continue my regiment to see if my hair returns. I am starting to see very fine, new growth in the area where my hair was falling, which is promising.

          My last test results showed my thyroid level in the very low, normal range, which my doctor said is not good enough. I appreciate that because most traditional doctors are satisfied when patients are within normal, even when it's BARELY normal. He's told me to slowly increase the thyroid medicine over the next few weeks to get my level more to the middle-to-high normal range. So, we'll see how it goes. Like you, I am a female and the thought of continued hair loss is devastating.

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    • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  svillegas  5 year  37,762
      i am 23 years old and i found that something was wrong with me because i was about 17-18 when i started to see my hair thinning now that i think about it i was sick for awile the doctors diagnosed me with strep thoat so i would always be sick i dont know if it is related but ive noticed that i would often get infection of strep throat so i decided to change what i eat and did a colon/ liver cleanse i dont see any results in my hair loss but it definitely seems a lot better to me getting rid of many toxins, maybe you have all these toxins that disables the amount of hair growth one has either way i feel better about my body and hopefully i see results
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    • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  tuscansun  4 year  37,146
      I too am convinced my hair loss is from candida, in fact I am blaming a lot of other issues I've had recently directly related to candida.

      I have been researching this same subject and this is how I found this post, in a google search.

      Not only did I experience hair loss but my scalp itched intensely in only one spot and upon inspection there was never anything there. I also had a very strong thick-like "greasy" smell that often came from the back of my head. In the summer I would sweat and it smelled really bad. I could smell it when I dried my hair with a hair dryer. I also at times had tiny pimples all over my scalp.

      Then after going on a strict anti-candida diet and detox my symptoms are about gone and my hair is now growing back.

      I have chronic lyme disease also. I thought that was the reason for my hair loss and other issues but this symptom is not consistent with many others. After treating the LD with a years worth of ABX, my symptoms got worse.

      Now that I am done with the ABX and on the strict diet, things are really starting to go back to normal.

      I wish I could find valid proof there is a connection with hair loss and candida but it's not out there but I believe there is a connection.

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      • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  mickeyb  4 year  36,443
        Has anyone ever thought their hair loss was related to canddia and overcome it?
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        • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  Suzebiz  24 mon  28,126
          I just wanted to add something valuable to this line of discussion. I am in excellent shape, attractive and have always looked younger. I'll be 47 in a few months, so it's like most people would just assume what is causing me to look old is because I am old. Period. Wrong! I look young, so why have my eyes been getting smaller, swollen looking? I thought I needed my eyes done, but it was inflammation, or fake fat.

          I realized the other day that it was under my right eye that was swollen and making me look old, not just above my eyes. Under my left eye was not swollen, funny I never realized this. So I searched and searched, and finally found a chart that told me that under my right eye depicted my small intestines. So I searched and searched to find connections between yeast and my small intestines, causing inflammation around my eyes.

          I'm telling everyone this because I immediately thought of what I had in my supplement cabinet, which I haven't taken in quite some time. CANDIDA CLEAR. It's not expensive, and I'll proceed to tell you how it worked!!!

          The first night, between dinner and going to bed, I took 4 Candida Clear capsules. I woke up the next morning, and my swelling under my right eye was at least 50% reduced, almost unnoticeable.

          The second night, I took 4 capsules of Candida Clear after my dinner (I like to have something after it like a NA beer or a snack after dinner or dessert or something because it doesn't taste all that great). I woke up in the morning and a major part of the swelling was gone from around my eyes.

          Today, without the swelling around my eyes, I look 10 years younger!!! My eyes are bigger!!!! For months, I thought it was age, and was looking at Youtube for makeup techniques to make my eyes look bigger, when all along, it was the yeast overgrowth... i.e. candida!!!

          While I've been familiar with candida for years (which is why I had Candida Clear by NOW on hand) I had no idea that the swelling of my eyes -- making me look OLD when I have such a young look - most people think I'm younger than my oldest daughter -- in my early thirties.

          Okay.... Now for the thinning of my hair - hair loss.

          I just today discovered that by taking Candida Clear, my hair is going to grow back thicker and more fuller than it has lately. Over the last several months, my hair has been thinning out, and I have been shedding. Thyroid alternatives helped the shedding, a little bit, but it wasn't the cause so it didn't help completely. Now that I am taking Candida Clear again, I'm sure that my hair is going to thicken up like it used to be, and more hair that I have lost is going to grow back..... and I am going to look young and beautiful once again. Some never noticed any change, but I did!!!

          I'm happy to report that yeast overgrowth will cause inflammatory issues, and there is no other anti-aging product out there that will help with the swelling around the eyes - because I've tried everything from all the expensive products to essential oils, etc., which helped a LITTLE BIT... but not completely because the YEAST OVERGROWTH was an issue causing the fake fat and inflammation around my eyes.

          I'm taking the time to write all of this to help all of those people who have the same issues and looking for answers.

          Anyone trying to lose weight? So long as you have yeast overgrowth, forget about it unless you go on a strict diet. For me, I'd prefer to take 4 capsules before bedtime and get control of the yeast that is causing the fake fat, i.e. inflammation.

          For less than $10, you can start turning the aging and hair loss process around by ridding yourself from yeast overgrowth, i.e. candida!!!

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    • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  baybay  16 mon  21,598
      Yes, I'm suffering with hair loss from Candida, I had blood test done to find out my level, my level was 32, normal range is between 0-9.
      I went to 5 different doctors 3 of then derm. They all gave me steroid shampoo and told me to get rogaine , I can express how up set I was that none of them knew any thing about Candida , one even said everyone had yeast on the scalp. Daaaa doctor . So it has been a year my hair is 40% thinner but it took this long to figure it out , because I kept listening to doctor that would say carlessly "try this see u back in 6 months.
      I know when it started I was on antibiotics for a month and was taking hormone injections ,b/c of infertility problems, which is a symptom of Candida, (another story),
      So, what I did was get pro active, I got out of the mirror, hair grows slow and wishing it was like it use to be only causes anxiety, soStop.
      Every time I wanted to obsess over it, I got down and did push UPS, it took me 3 days to do one, but 5 months later I'm very buff.
      I got on the Candida diet, and aggressively started killing the Candida, which landed me in the emergency room, from toxic die off.
      So I started slow, did the diet and took milk thistle, and a good probiotic,
      After about a month every 4 days I stated taking Candida cleanse.
      Plus vitamin B combo, vit. E gi revive,.the only doctor that helped me was my obgyn. She retested my Candida and it was 21.after4mo. And i started taking evening primrose for inflammation. I now see little sprouts on my hair line, I'm sleeping better, my joints are not sore as muck foggy head, headaches, etc. Is better too, . It still sheds but it is getting better. Candida causes Thyroidisis. I had my thyroid checked at one of the deem. Office and it was health, but my wonderful obgyn checked my thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH and sure enough it was off.
      Since I got the Candida down, it has started to regulate.
      FYI, I lost 20 lb on the Candida diet, I also juice everydayand only eat organic meat and chicken. With constantly having to do pushups if I want to obsess over the hair , starting to get in the best shape of my life.
      Now I know that Cadida has always been there creeping up on me, until the hair loss started, I just thought fatigue after lunch is normal for me etc. Now i know it is not, plus Candida is the disease behind the disease.
      My hair loss might of saved my life in the long run. Positive thought makes positive action. good luck, !

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    • Re: Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience by  Suzhookem  14 mon  19,743
      I've been sent to a Dr by my holistic health car provider to balance my thryoid. I had adrenal fatigue, was depleted of minerals and had leaky gut. My Dr did a turpentine cocktail for me. One drop for every 10 pounds. I must go back in 10 days for another cocktail. His protocol was to wear a zapper and drink 8 oz ionic silver a day. I also put some ionic silver in my shampoo, about 2/3 to 1/3. It has eliminated the white stuff that was on my head and in my ears. My Dr said candida can cause hair loss and so can thyroid. He liked the idea of the silver in my shampoo. I make my own with a Silver Puppy generator which I like very much. I'm sorry you have experienced hair loss. I didn't know which was worse ~ the weight gain or the hair loss. I think I'll rinse my hair with silver too. And cool water as I read about on this forum.

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