Saturday 1 November 2014

Breakthrough Science for sufferers of Miniere's Disease, tinnitus, Vertigo and Dizziness by Dr. Donald Leibel

Breakthrough Science For
Sufferers of
Meniere’s Disease,
Tinnitus, Vertigo and Dizziness

By Dr. Donald Liebell

    There’s new hope for Meniere’s Disease, a condition which affects the inner ear—resulting in symptoms such as: ringing in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness, vertigo, balance trouble, ear pressure, and hearing loss (usually in one ear): Meniere’s disease has a vast history, with few substantial solutions provided since it was first reported by Dr. Prosper Meniere in 1861.  It may begin with just one of the above symptoms and progress gradually with others.  No exact cause of Meniere’s disease has been established or agreed upon.  It has been theorized that it’s related to an increase in pressure and volume of a fluid that exists outside the cells, called endolymph.
    Other factors that have been suggested include aspirin use, alcohol and smoking, as well as viral infection.  There is no specific medical test for Meniere’s disease.  The diagnosis is typically made as a result of other conditions and causes being ruled out. 

    Fortunately, a handful of doctors around the world have been successful in treating patients afflicted with this condition through specialized, non-surgical treatment.  Our "secret"... Examination and Treatment of the Upper Neck (Not Just the Ear).  For more than 50 years, doctors who specialize in the upper neck (cervical spine) have found it most certainly can be involved in Meniere’s.  More importantly, through precise structural correction of upper neck imbalances, considerable success with patients suffering Meniere’s disease has been achieved.  Sadly, this aspect of diagnosis for this condition has been largely ignored by the American “mainstream” health care system.   However, a recent medical research paper in the International Tiniitus Journal (2007, Vol. 13, No. 2. pp. 132-137) has revealed some critical support to our viewpoint:

    ”Unquestionably, the upper cervical spine [top of the neck], the Temporomandibular joints [TMJ or jaw joint], the Eustachian tube, and the autonomic nervous system can contribute to the global symptom complex of Meniere’s disease… Clinical practice also shows that treating disorders of the upper cervical spine and temporomandibular joints can lessen Ménière’s disease symptoms, suggesting a relationship.”

       - Burkhard Franz and Colin Anderson, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Melbourne, and Tinnitus Research and Balance Clinic, Victoria, Australia  -  The Potential Role of Joint Injury and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction in the Genesis of Secondary Ménière’s Disease

    The researchers indicated that the neck (and the TMJ) could be related to Meniere’s disease through nerve and/or blood vessel connections… and that expert treatment of the upper neck has been successful in treating patients with Meniere’s symptoms.

    CRANIO, The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice also published research revealing that the majority of patients in their Meniere’s study had neck problems:

“Symptoms of cervical spine disorders, such as head and neck/shoulder pain, were all significantly more frequent in the patient group than in the control group. Most of the patients (75%) reported a strong association between head neck movements in the atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joints [top of the neck] and triggered attacks of vertigo… The study shows a much higher prevalence of signs and symptoms of cervical spine disorders in patients diagnosed with Meniere's disease compared with control subjects from the general population.

        - Cranio. 1998 Jul;16(3):194-202.  Cervical signs and symptoms in patients with Meniere's disease: a controlled study. Bjorne A, Berven A, Agerberg G. Clinic of Periodontology, Lasarettet, Ystad, Sweden.

    In 2008, the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research published a stunning study of ten patients who all experienced significant improvement in their Meniere’s condition following non-surgical upper cervical corrective care.  In fact most had a complete recovery.  All patients had their neck examined and x-rayed, revealing misalignment of the upper two bones (atlas and axis, or C1-C2 vertebrae).  The misalignments were causing interference to normal nervous system function. 

    Even more stunning were the results of a research study, published in the same journal with 60 cases of chronic vertigo.  100% of cases either improved or completely reversed their condition.  56 of the patients recalled a history of trauma, but all had a neck imbalance, which was treated by precision upper cervical correction.  All participants had been diagnosed by their physicians with various forms of vertigo, including Meniere’s, positional vertigo and migraine associated vertigo.
    J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. Nov. 8, 2006   Sixty Patients With Chronic Vertigo Undergoing Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care to Correct Vertebral Subluxation: A Retrospective Analysis. Dr. Erin Elster

    As supportive evidence piles up, it’s clear that anybody who suffers from Meniere’s or any form of dizziness, vertigo or migraines should be examined by an upper cervical specialist.  In my practice I successfully utilize Bio-Energetic Medicine, in addition to the Atlas Orthogonal procedure.

Click HERE to Learn More About the Upper Neck (Atlas Vertebra)
Click HERE to Learn About Upper Neck (Atlas Orthogonal) Treatment
Click HERE to Learn About Cold Laser Therapy
Click HERE to Learn About Auricular Therapy (Needle-Free Ear Acupuncture)

           Ask Me Questions

Although I receive lots of questions daily, I do respond to all of them (in the order received), usually within 48 hours.  Please understand that my answers are for general information only.  I cannot provide specific medical advice via email; that can only be provided through proper evaluation in my office.  For appointments, please call my office.  

   Your email address or other information is confidential; I will never share it with anyone, nor will it be used for any form of solicitation.   I look forward to your questions! 

                                                     - Dr. Donald Liebell

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