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Stanmore Bay, New Zealand
#70 Jul 16, 2014
EPILEPSY - As a teen I had one seizure, but lots of dizzy spells, which I recognise now were pre-seizures. It cam when there was extreme fear or stress for a year or so. That passed and didn't happen again. The doc thought it was hyperventilation.
Years later, as an adult, under severe fear and stress, seizures began quite regularly. I wasn't taking good care to eat right or exercise. After that, the medication helped control my seizures, but I always had pre-seizure incidents (auras). Last year surgery helped reduce the brain activity causing epilepsy. I take a smaller dose and no auras. VAGUS NERVE - Over the years there were times I'd become very sleepy for no reason. It increased in the last 1-2 years. Like after lunch mainly, or my mood would change. BEFORE surgery there were mild episodes, of sleepiness, headaches, loss of focus on tasks. It connected with the time to go to have a BM (bowel movement). My head would feel full and throb, especially around my neck. It was harder to think clearly. Sometimes felt so tired, I MUST lay down, though it wasn't convenient to do that. AFTER surgery this was a severe problem. It started with pain meds, that cause constipation. The head and neck aches with severe pressure made it impossible to concentrate, listen or learn to learn and remember even simple tasks. Took more naps in the day, feeling exhausted. But straight after a BM, it quickly disappeared. There was a connection, but needed to know if there was a nerve from the bowel/ rectum to the neck. The vagus nerve was the link. There was no straining on the toilet, I was not feeling I needed a BM. It was while the stools were preparing before the BM, that the pressure was felt in my neck. PROBLEM - Observed that I musn't ignore BM warning-feelings, just get to the toilet and wait if I have to. The relief always came after a BM, unless I'd left it too long before going to the loo. There was mild constipation I hadn't realised was happening. Reading about fibre, improved those symptoms. I feel much brighter and alert.(Unless I've worked reallly hard and had a late night.) SOLUTION - Take fish oil tabs every morning 4000mg before breakfast. Have fibre in my breakfast and liquids. Eat fruit and nuts occasionally for snacks, have more fibre in general, drink juice now and then, sip water throughout the day, Do gentle exercise, a walk or watch moderate exercise clips on Youtube. This lifts my energy and feels great. After doing this for just a month, I've had only one day where the sluggish feeling came back. I knew how to deal with it. Symptoms and causes are different for everyone. Listen to our body and observe how it feels and try different things to feel better. Now make sure to have a BM when the first feeling comes, If I ignore it, the urge to go passes, but there's a backlog (excuse the pun) so the symptoms actually get even worse. The body supresses the urge, and can take hours to get that back and sitting on the loo won't always help. I feel sure this is a contributor to some narcolepsy. You FEEL exhausted but know you're not, the tiredness it's a sort of physical trick. |
#71 Jul 16, 2014
Terlin, see a G.I. doc or go to another major hospital like Mayo, or U.to get answers. the vagus most important function is the digestive system, monitors the heartrate, and breathing. Do some research. Get on the digestive motillity forum and you will see what others are dealing with and there experiences. Lots of the same issues. You can get advise first hand from others.They will share what did/didnot work for them. Hang in there,your not alone.
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#72 Jul 16, 2014
Well I tried the chiropractor for my GI/Vagus Nerve symptoms. She ended up making me feel worse. She was definitely affecting my vagus nerve when she cranked my neck back and forth. Up to 4 days after, I would be in tunnel vision and feel completely out of it and anxious. I stopped going to her and couldn't finish my treatment..
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#73 Jul 23, 2014
Well it's been just over a year since I had the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment to my left neck and I'm still struggling with swallowing, breathing and sleep. In case anyone is experiencing the same issues here's what happened to me :
In May of last year a chiropractor injured me using a device that emitted a percussion type impact to the side of my neck and left me with possible cranial nerve damage. I’ve been struggling ever since with swallowing and breathing difficulties and have yet to have an accurate evaluation or conclusive diagnosis. Given the acute onset after the injury I’m fairly convinced that the root of my problems is neurological ie.damage to the vagus nerve (or branches of). What happened : May 2013 – Impact injury to side of neck below left ear. Within 1-2 hours - Complete weakness from soft palate all the way down to lower pharynx. Inability to swallow properly. Feeling of aspiration/penetration. Left side of throat dead. Can’t perform full strong swallow Within 1 week – Can’t initiate certain types of swallow. Throat paralysis. Need to sip water to trigger swallow. Sometimes takes 3 or 4 attempts. Back of throat dead and no sensation on left side. Within few weeks – voice goes hoarse. Within 2 months – Starting to experience problems breathing. Just occasional at first but feel like I can‘t get a full inhalation Within 3-4 months – Having bad breathing problems. Gasping. Within 7-8 months.– Diagnosed with OSA. Will have to start CPAP. AH index was 2-3 in 10/13. Mid 2014 between 7-10 (worstening) Symptoms as of July, 2014 1) I still have a weak/dead feeling in my soft palate behind the uvula on the left side. I have the sensation that there is some collapse in this area and further down my pharynx, like my soft palate ‘flaps’ back in my throat. I believe this has led to me developing obstructive sleep apnea that continues to worsen. I’ve never even so much as snored in my life. My AH Index has gone from 2 back in October 2013 when I started measuring it to between 7-10 now. I’m certain that doesn’t just happen unless there is some pathology involved. 2) I can’t execute a strong swallow. I feel the need to press against my throat above my collar bone whenever I swallow just to feel like I have completed a normal swallow. I realize it’s to ‘simulate’ a lower pharyngeal constriction because it’s not happening automatically. A recent esophageal manometry shows 100% abnormal peristalsis in my esophagus. I’m sure this same pathology is causing pharyngeal constrictor weakness as well. It’s the same nerve supply 3) I have difficulty breathing. Breathlessness and a cough. A feeling of constriction in the bronchs on the left side. Sensation of not being able to achieve a full inhale. My daytime oximetry level has also dropped from before injury at 99-100% to around 95% now. 4) I often cough after drinking liquids? It’s because I have a brief sensation of tracheal penetration and feel the need to cough to clear it. 5) I have a lack of sensation in the back of my throat on the left side. I can’t feel hot or cold. I can’t even feel soreness. For example I usually feel a little discomfort after any scoping procedure like larynoscopy but I only feel it on the right side of my throat. 6) I continue to have the inability to initiate certain types of swallow? This is a very distressing sensation. I will try over and over but my throat is paralyzed. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, it just doesn’t happen. A lot of the time I have to spontaneously close my pharynx quickly so that I can then execute a swallow. | |
#74 Aug 2, 2014
Maria Whalen's program sounds great but I can't afford the $5,000 fee. Does she have a book out? | |
#76 Aug 13, 2014
where are the answers??????????
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#77 Aug 16, 2014
I am sooooo happy to come across these conversations. My "chest pain" started 3 years ago. But before that I had rapid onset of "vertigo"-sucking head feeling, rapid heart rate for no reason, & "asthma"-periods where I felt like i couldn't breath. I would get so cold I felt like i was going to freeze to death and then it would just stop. I would feel so weird I would just start crying bcuz i didn't know what was wrong with me. Several doctor visits resulted in being placed on multiple medications and multiple expensive tests done. None of which helped. My doctor kept encouragin me to go to a chiropractor but how could my heart pain be related to my spine??? I finally agreed after a few months. Originally I went to a chiropractor who had no idea what she was doing. I felt worse each time I went. I finally switch to a chiropractor who does ART-Active Release Therapy, he has been amazing. He has helped me understand it is my vagal nerve, he wanted to pop my neck right away and I refused, because I have heard horror stories of how people have gotten messed up. But after several sessions and a lot of relief with the chest pain, I have agreed to have an MRI. He belives it will show my atlas is misaligned (my head not aligned with my body, pinching this nerve) and he will adjust it to set me straight. I have been searching for answers for so long, I do hope he is right. After several of his sessions, my chest pain is random and alternates with severe knots in my upper back. I have pin point neck, shoulder, & elbow pain on and off. I also have migranes, stomach pain, and constipation issues, which I never had before any of this. The heart rate issues and chest/shoulder pain have sent me to the ER on several occasions thinking I was having a heart attack. The pains are so random and in so many different places, usually pin point and go away or change locations with positional changes, that I do believe that it could be my vagal nerve. When I have the sensation of passing out I get anxious and my heart races, I get hot and start to freak out. I know I am driving my husband crazy, I have to get this under control!!! Thank you all for sharing your stories as it helped me decide to have the expensive MRI and I'm hopeful it will show what's going on.
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#78 Aug 17, 2014
I am looking for help with that also. I have discovered this from a inginal hernia. I had surgery on it three times. I feel from the scar tissue that is present in my abdomen, it is pinched and causing abdominal pain and bowel problems. I am looking into it and will see Dr. Darius Ameri in Melrose. | |
#79 Aug 17, 2014
Same reaction. I feel that any virus, constipation or digestve abnormality triggers vegus nerve. Then the cold sweat nausea, loose bowels. Twice I passed out and went to hospital for head injuries. Scary that this could happen while driving or on steps, etc. My doc says be very consistent with fiber and water intake. Been better using these tips, but one day without my 5 minute oatmeal and it started. Got down, drank Gatorade, hot tea,rested. Passed over after bowels moved.
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#80 Aug 21, 2014
I am having strange feelings. I touch my neck fed sict touch my stomach get sick have to burp to feel better. I think I have vegas nerve problems. This all started when I feel and broke my arm and hit head drs say have a pinched nerve in neck. I think this I pressing on cegas nerve I so have to burp to feel better. | |
#81 Aug 21, 2014
My eyes ears hurt bad take excedrene headache medicine I fell 2,years ago dancing. Broke arm hit. My head on floor. told I had a pinched nerve. A week later I had gallbladder removal. This other stuff started couldnt touch left side of neck. Felt sick. Could not touch stomach felt sick. from neck thru chest to stomach Can't put pressure get nauased Have belch to get relief. Worse laying down cant breath. Get PVC and heart racing so sick of this. Drs say mothingwrong | |
#82 Aug 21, 2014
I feel like there is a motor running inside of me. I get freezing cold then it goes awaycc I can't wear colors. Seat belt. No pressure on neck. Cant lie down can't. Have pillow,sheet,blanket touch my kneck. Or stomach. So miserable I need an amswer. | |
#84 Aug 30, 2014
You need to go see another neurologist, and ask to have your vagus nerve tested. Vagus nerve effects seizures, along with a lot of other things.
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#85 Sep 8, 2014
The Vagus Nerve can be impinged in various locations but Sher hit the nail on the head here and there is nothing crazy about it. There is a time and place for drugs and surgery but the Vagus Nerve exits the skull through the Jugular Foramen and a misaligned atlas can possibly put pressure on the Vagus Nerve reducing it's function. So go see a chiropractor, there are chiropractors that specifically focus on the Altas. Search Upper Cervical Chiropractic and you'll probably find one near you they are cheaper than paying for surgery and don't have the negative side effects of drugs and surgery. | |
#86 Oct 9, 2014
I got jerked off my feet while walking my 125 lb. dog in March of 2013. I fell hard, face down with my fist below my sternum. My liver was damaged, a 4 inch spot bled out. I was in bed for two months because every time I got up I felt like I was going to pass out. In July we went on family vacation. I arrived throwing up and during the week of vacation I had diarrhea three days and nausea two. A couple of weeks after vacation we went out of town for a week. The first night I threw up for seven hours. I was sick for days. We went back home and I went to the gastroenterologist. He said it was my gastroparesis...because I have diabetes. From the time I was injured, I have had the sweats. No one can explain those. I finally put things together and realized it primarily occurs when I bend over at the waist...putting pressure on the vagus nerve. This week, I started with a new doctor and was very impressed with him. He agreed with my explanation that the sweats and digestive problems are likely the result of damage to the vagus nerve and it is sending wrong signals to my brain. Here is a link to an article that really helps. The first thing I noticed about the sweating was that, being a shallow breather, I would occasionally do something tedious and quit breathing. I began heightening my awareness and doing deep breathing. This article gives eleven things one can do to improve calmness: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athle... | |
United States
#88 Oct 28, 2014
Are there any physicians in Ohio who treats vegus nerve disorders?
#97 Feb 3, 2015
I totally agree a chiropractor may be a good idea. You need to see if maybe you atlas is off. | |
#98 Feb 16, 2015
Yes. I am seeing a chiropractor who is trying to help me with it. I noticed that the problems increase if I over eat or eat late or before bedtime too. I have gone for acupuncture and manipulation techniques. it does seem to help, but as I said I have to do my part and watch the eating or it seems to get worse again. it is too early to tell, I've only had two sessions. I figured it out after watching my mother suffer this way. I looked it up and I found an article about it. My chiropractor isn't an expert on it but is willing to research i and trying to work to help me. | |
Orihuela, Spain
#99 Feb 21, 2015
I have exactly the same problems. I have been diagnosed with POTS which is responsble for fainting after eating and also MCAS which cover multiple other symptoms including GERD and IBS type symptoms. |
#102 Feb 24, 2015
I have had five years of Vagus issues. Not one Doctor seems to know what is causing my issues of itchy palms and feet, sweats, bloating, cramping, nausea and severe diarrhea. I have fainted more than I want to! Now I am having heart palpitations! I have researched my condition and it has lead me to believe I too have what you have. Had a colon test done and when the Doctor preforming this got to a certain area of the intestine, my blood pressure dropped to danger levels. He backed the tube out and all went back to normal. I am fed up with this problem and have found out that I am not alone in this. Many others such as yourself have it. What can they do about it? Meds, surgery? Need an answer soon. Thank you for your posting. Linda |
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