Understanding Systemic Yeast Problems
If you are reading this article it is probably because you are at the "end of your rope" with your pet’s skin and/or ear problems. Far too often when dogs are diagnosed with allergies, they are in fact, suffering from a systemic yeast infection which resides in the gut. The yeast/fungus die off (mycotoxins)workes ist way out to the skin surface and because it is highly acidic, it itches and burns causing the dog to itch and chew.Antibiotics and steroids will not clear up the source of the problem YEAST/FUNGUS. They only address secondary bacterial infections and provide temporary relief from itching. Remeber 70% of the immune system resides in the gut so when the gut is unbalanced in pathogens and Yeast/fungus overgrowth, that means the immune system is suspressed! When that happens it makes the dogs more vulnerable for secondary infections and Demodectic Mange flare ups as well. If an older dog has Demodex, I highly suggest treating for systemic yeast infection with Skin Recovery Kit #30 and boost the immune system with Transfer Factor or Colostrum.Yeast problems can be caused by different yeast organisms. One is Malassezia pachydermatitis, which is a common yeast organism found on normal and abnormal canine skin and ears. Other yeast problems involve Candida Albicans, which can be systemic and the root cause of the problem. Yeast found in the body changes to its fungal form and starts to overgrow in the gut, causing toxins to leak into the body and causing a breakdown in the body's defenses (immune system). The result is that we start to see a reaction (such as a skin, coat, ear or bladder infection) and the reaction is in the whole body's system (systemic). If you understand that the skin is the biggest filter organ in the body, you can understand that this is where the junk and toxins in the body end up, causing the issues you see in your pet.
I feel this is one of the biggest health problem facing pet owners today, as well as in humans, and the basis for many human diseases. I will tell you now, there is hope but it takes time, effort and patience on your part. So, take time to go through this information and share it with your veterinarian. I will try to keep it brief, a mini-course so to speak, but you have to do the homework! (words of wisdom from this retired professor!)
How Did This Happen?There are 3 types of yeast infection:
Superficial (most common) - characterized by inflammation of tissue linings, i.e. skin, GI tract, pharynx, upper and lower respiratory tract etc.;
Locally invasive - i.e. pneumonia, cystitis, esophagitis, the most common being ulcerations of the intestinal, respiratory or genitourinary tract;
Systemic - an invasive infection, characterized by lesions of the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, lung, brain and other organs. digestive tract, it is one of those organisms, like bacteria and parasites, that need a host (your pet) in order to live.
When the body (pet or human) is given the best nutritional support with a good diet, the body can keep these "critters" at low levels and they do not interfere with daily life. But when the body is compromised and fungus/yeasts and other pathogenic bacteria (e.Coli etc) and parasites (giardia, coccidia, demodectic mange mites) not only flourish, the multiple with abandoned!
2). Antibiotics Can Save a Life and Compromise Health Too.
The second issue we need to look at for yeast issues is the use of antibiotics - either "over use" of them, or using them without using a probiotic "back up" at the same time. Probiotics (beneficial yogurt like bacteria) keep the flora/fauna of the gut at good levels in the digestive track. When this flora/fauna is killed off due to antibiotics we must re-seed the gut with probiotics at the same time!!. If we don’t do this, guess what starts to grow out of control --- the yeast/fungus, which also lives in the gut and is just waiting for an opportunity to spread "like a baptist preacher's wife's fanny, at an all you can eat buffet".
But Probiotics/Prebiotics, keep fungus/yeast at lower levels in the gut as long as it is supplied daily in your pet's diet and we can't fully depend on it on some dog foods. Once there is yeast overgrowth, probiotics alone will not push the levels back down. It requires supplements to alter the pH of the environment, kill off the yeast, remove the yeast die-off from the body, and probiotics to reseed the gut with beneficial microorganisms.
Other things compromise the system such as hormones (seasons), steroids, stress, vaccines, medicines, toxins, flea preparations, yard sprays, household cleaners, detergents, fabric softeners etc. but the two issues I have found the worst at causing yeast/fungus overgrowth are
1). DIET - poor quality ingredients and lacking in nutrients and variety or nutrients that are not bioavailable to the body.
2). OVER USE OF ANTIBIOTICS with no probiotic back up given at the same time to re-seed the gut with beneficial flora.
How Did I Miss This?.....A Slow Process
Generally this deterioration of the intestinal environment that causes yeast over growth,does not happen over night, it is slow and gradual process, just like the reversing of this problem. It starts with something called Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Leaky Gut Syndrome is caused by the Candida (yeast)changing into its fungal form, growing roots (rhizoid's) into one’s intestines, and penetrating the intestinal lining. This causes the microscopic tears, which allow undigested proteins to pass into the blood, causing joint problems, autoimmune reactions.
Here is a typical scenario……let’s say your dog is 3 years old and been fed a grocery store level food. It was on antibiotics a couple times for an infection. He has been healthy up until now, but one day you notice he is shaking his head, scratching his ear or perhaps chewing at his feet -- only once in a while. Then a few days later it seems to be with more frequency. Soon the dog chews it’s coat, it’s skin is raw or itches himself more often than normal, and it is obvious there is a skin infection. There starts to be patches of baldness and black spots particularly on the underbelly and legs of the body (yeast die-off residue) remember that skin is the biggest filter organ on the body. In extreme cases the dogs can start to have seizures, constant issues with reoccurring urinary tract infections, lethargy, skin welts and baldness etc.
So off we go to the vet….and what do be get?....we get an antibiotic ointment for the ears, antibiotic for the coat to make sure there is no secondary infection, and a shot of steroids to temporarily stop itching and a suggestion that "this is a food allergy" let's switch to Hills or Purina prescription diet.
The dog improves for a few days, thanks to the steroids and the antibiotic starts to clear up the itching secondary staph infection, then all of a sudden days later the dog is in full blown chewing, itching, red feet and ears and absolute misery. Back to the vet for a second or third or fourth round of the same thing and more steroids. Now it becomes a vicious circle - over and over again, back to the vet, so the vet suggests we do "allergy testing". The dog must be allergic to something perhaps it is in the diet.
And as always, when the body is in a "heightened state" of response, the least little thing can set it off and it seems come up on an allergy test as some kind of reaction from belly button lint to lima beans, from wheat to Kleenex, from fleecy toys to popcorn. You name it your dog "seems" to be allergic to it! I have seen it all on these tests. The owners return home baffled (we never eat lima beans?) and confused and a whopper of a bill and one "big-arse bag" of that expensive prescription dog food that your dog REFUSES to eat. By the time you are done with all this, you could have bought a time-share in Cabo and Prada shoes! The fact is these allergie tests have so many false positives that they are a huge money maker for the vets and really tell you nothing about the dogs situation. Remember real allergies are about immune problems...boost the immune function, change diets and we have success.
After hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars invested in tests and vet visit- the results tell you the dog is allergic to everything --things you didn't even know the dog came in contact with in your home!! (doesn't that "Australian Grass" only grows in Australia?).
Well, that is usually when people start doing a search on the internet and find my website. I am usually the "lady of last resort". Now, I am NOT a veterinarian, but I have owned a lot of dogs in 40 years, and there is a reason I am familiar with this scenario.. I have been there and done that before! I love a good challange so I decided to get to the bottom of this problem 30 years ago and that brings us to today and the information in this article.
It is my opinion the majority of systemic yeast overgrowth problems in dogs, get mistakenly diagnosed as a food allergy.
See Feed Program for Allergies
A Quick Look At Potential Contact Allergies
There are contact allergies you need to consider before you go to all this expense of allergy testing, provided you go that route. Take a careful assessment of any changes in cleaning supplies, detergents, aerosol sprays and carpet sprinkle products. You may just have a"Taa-Da" moment and save youself some major $$ in testing.
I know of a breeder who spent thousands of dollars trying to figure out what was wrong with their show dog. They had this dog back and forth to Purdue with no results. Then one day the owner called and said how his show career was over because of his skin problem and he was the #3 dog in his breed. I knew he was on a very good diet- something else was going on so I flipped through my mental rolodex..... I asked the owner "by the way, do you use Carpet Fresh?" He responded, "Oh yes, 2 -3 times a week, we have two males in the house, you know, I have to!". I said, "Well, more than likely that is your problem, you will need to have your carpets professionally cleaned to have the stuff removed, and bathe the dog with a shampoo from the vet. Rinse in a baking soda rinse and I just bet the dog will be fine. I ran into the owner 6 weeks later at a dog show, with his dog. He was glad to report once they cleaned the carpets and bathed the dog, the skin the problem went away.
Another breeder had changed diets 4 times and after talking it through we figured out the leather cleaner they used on the couch was problematic for their Dobe. If you think you have to use something on your carpet just use baking soda. Tide detergent, as well as other detergents can be a very problematic if used on dog bedding. Just wash bedding in bleach, no soap and NO softeners, which can trigger respiratory reactions in young animals and children. Particularity any aerosol sprays, like air freshener and especially Lysol and other kinds of disinfectants. Do not use them. Yard, flower, bug sprays and sprayed fields in agricultural areas…all of these things can cause serious contact allergy reactions. And lastly, swimming pools with chemicals/chlorine can also be a serious problem for skin and coats. Shaklee has a great line of Green Products for cleaning and they are safe for kids and pets.
I know of a breeder who spent thousands of dollars trying to figure out what was wrong with their show dog. They had this dog back and forth to Purdue with no results. Then one day the owner called and said how his show career was over because of his skin problem and he was the #3 dog in his breed. I knew he was on a very good diet- something else was going on so I flipped through my mental rolodex..... I asked the owner "by the way, do you use Carpet Fresh?" He responded, "Oh yes, 2 -3 times a week, we have two males in the house, you know, I have to!". I said, "Well, more than likely that is your problem, you will need to have your carpets professionally cleaned to have the stuff removed, and bathe the dog with a shampoo from the vet. Rinse in a baking soda rinse and I just bet the dog will be fine. I ran into the owner 6 weeks later at a dog show, with his dog. He was glad to report once they cleaned the carpets and bathed the dog, the skin the problem went away.
Another breeder had changed diets 4 times and after talking it through we figured out the leather cleaner they used on the couch was problematic for their Dobe. If you think you have to use something on your carpet just use baking soda. Tide detergent, as well as other detergents can be a very problematic if used on dog bedding. Just wash bedding in bleach, no soap and NO softeners, which can trigger respiratory reactions in young animals and children. Particularity any aerosol sprays, like air freshener and especially Lysol and other kinds of disinfectants. Do not use them. Yard, flower, bug sprays and sprayed fields in agricultural areas…all of these things can cause serious contact allergy reactions. And lastly, swimming pools with chemicals/chlorine can also be a serious problem for skin and coats. Shaklee has a great line of Green Products for cleaning and they are safe for kids and pets.
Systemic Yeast Issues: How the Parts Relate To The Whole.
Many contemporary veterinarians, like physicians are not trained in holistic approaches, they are trained in the allopathic method which means to look at the "parts" that are wrong and fix them with drugs and surgery. To understand and diagnose Systemic Yeast Overgrowth your veterinarian must understand that the visible symptoms you see on the outside of the dog; chewing, itching, ear infections, shedding, sores etc is only the "tip of the iceberg". You must look deeper at the core or origin of the problem and not simply treat the symptoms on a surface level. In other words..look at the whole animal, inside out and see how all the parts relate to this whole animal.To understand systemic yeast flare-up you need to know the mechanics. In a nutshell…. When the yeast/fungus starts to over grow in the gut, it destroys the mucus lining of the intestinal wall, which is a protective lining. The digestive tract is a "closed system" much like a real septic system, and it is designed to keep the waste toxins from leaking through the walls of the digestive system and into the blood stream.
When this mucus lining is broken down due to fungus growing out of control and fungus die-off, it allows body toxins and waste to leak through the walls of the digestive tract and into the bloodstream, in short it is like the body is becoming septic. What makes this problem worse is, as the fungus dies off and decays, the waste from the fungus/yeast alone can make you "sicker than a dog".
When the toxins leak into the body a whole cascade of events starts to take place, one of which is the alteration of the pH of the gut, bladder and reproduction organs. These changes in the body are the "symptoms" you recognize when you have yeast overgrowth. It is referred to as 4 stages of severity of overgrowth depending on these symptoms. The list is far to many to list here, so I will name a few that seem to be the worst in animals:
Rashes - Itching -Body Odor - Smelly Ears - Reoccurring Ear & Bladder infections -Red Skin - Sores - Scabs - Shedding - Arthritis - Genital Discharge - Hotspots - Blackened skin.
Keep in mind the biggest filter organ in the body is the skin so when these toxins leak out of the contained system and into the bloodstream, they eventually make their way to the outer layer, the skin, and deposit the toxins on the surface of the skin causing itching, irritation, odor and then a secondary bacterial infections become a problem as well. Reoccurring ear infections are often treated with antibiotic, which don't even touch yeast infections of the ears, and in fact make it worse as it destroys the beneficial bacteria of the ear canal, altering the pH of the ear and making it comfy for yeast to want to grow there. Can We Fix This Mess?
The answer is YES - we can fix or reverse this mess by making 4 changes, it takes time, patience and you changing some of the feeding protocol with your pet, but YES we can do it. It means doing these things:
1) Thyroid test - 5 panel
2) Change diet
3) Herbal Wormer
4) Start Skin Recovery Kit #30
1. THYROID -You MUST have your pet's thyroid checked - It is my opinion, after working with hundreds of cases over many years, that when we are trying to rebalance the system and reduce the yeast/fungus levels in the gut, we have a much higher success rate when the thyroid is working properly. Now the problem is that yeast die-off, known as mycotoxins, actually can destroy the thyroid gland, which is the master lock to the whole glandular system (endocrine system). This is why having an current and accurate thyroid test done is critical to a successful rebalancing of the yeast overgrowth in the digestive tract.
Most veterinarians do not do a complete thyroid panel (5 panel test), nor do they know how to recognize a low normal test. I feel it is of utmost importance that you get a thyroid test analyzed by Dr. Jean Dodds at www.hemopet.com. I feel so strongly about this that I often will not do a consultation until pet owners have this thyroid test done before our consultation. Go to hemopet.com and click on services
You will note Dr. Dodds has 4 sections with instructions and forms for you to print out and take to your vet. Your vet will draw the blood and mail it to her labratory and she will send you the accurate results. She does a complete Thyroid Antibody Panel which includes T4, Free T4, T3, Free T# and a TGAA (thyroglobulin autoantibody) test.
I really don't recommend going by your vets blood test. But if you have already gone to your own vet and they have run a T-3 and T-4 - look at the numbers, if they are in the middle (50%) range, it is considered low for the giant breeds and you must treat with thyroid meds. You must insist on it. In fact, if your dog is a large/giant breed and it comes back in the middle range say 1-10 and it reads a 5 on your dog, it means it needs to be treated with meds. Ideally a large/giant breed needs to be above the 50% range and on small active dogs it needs to be even higher than that - say on 1-10 range it would need to be a 7-8!
This is what it says at Dr. Dodd's website:
"HEMOLIFE, provides the most comprehensive diagnostic profiles for detecting and interpreting autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism, with our specialized reference ranges. We use novel, 'green' non-RIA technology never offered before in veterinary medicine (patent pending). The Thyroid Antibody Panel (Thyroid 5™) is comprised of T4, Free T4, T3, Free T3 and TGAA. No other diagnostic laboratory offers this technology or provides clients with the detail, personal assessment, and recommendations offered by Dr. Dodds and her staff."
Here is an article you can print out an determine it yourself from the test results.
2). Change The Diet:
These are foods that you can use for systemic yeast rebalancing:
My first choice is Precise Pet Foods (www.precisepet.com)
Precise Foundation - Chicken/Rice - (all life stage formula)Precise Holistic Complete - Large/Giant Breed Puppy or Adult
Precise Holistic Complete - Sm/Med Puppy or Adult
Precise Sensicare - Lamb/Rice
I am getting mixed results on any brand of grain free food when it comes to yeast rebalancing. Foods with whole grain brown rice, oats or barley work fine. But any grain free diet with potato, sweet potato, honey or yams can't be used for systemic yeast removal, and in some cases foods with regular Peas or Chickpeas/Garbonzo Beans (which are really peas), don't work well for some yeasty dogs until they are cleared up!!
If you insist on a grain free - use if for 2 weeks along with the yeast removal program Kit#30 and if no results you have to move to a food with grain, so use one of the ones listed above.
Nutri Source - Lamb/Pea and Chicken/Pea is an option. Do not use their large breed grain free formulas because they did put potato in both of those foods.
Acceptable Treats for Dogs Going Through The Removal Program
Northwest Natural Freeze Driet Treats
Stella and Chewy's Freeze Dried Treats - Only the Jerky strips
Kona Chips only the jerky strips
Primal Treats
Wysong Dream Treats
There is some misinformation out there about yeasty dogs not being able to eat grains, but as long as they are meat based high quality kibbles with whole grains (fiber intact) they have a low glycemic index and a slow burn.Stella and Chewy's Freeze Dried Treats - Only the Jerky strips
Kona Chips only the jerky strips
Primal Treats
Wysong Dream Treats
K9 Ear Solutions, which automatically comes with each Skin Recovery kit, works best for the very toughest of ear issues and, it is not cost prohibitive and in a large bottle for many treatments and can be used on the feet or hotspots. I keep it on hand all the time for cleaning. You can purchase it separately from FirstChoiceNaturals.com when you need more.
Note: First Choice also carries the GE Ear Solution Powder that you can mix with 16 oz. of witch hazel and this is more appropriate if your dogs ears look like raw hamburger. This mix will not sting and burn where as the K9 Ear Solutions is in an alcohal base and if the ears are really bad this will hurt.
Both are essentially the same product, the GV has more of one type of natural antibacterial anti-fungal in it, the K9 Ear Solutions is a cross of two different natural antibacterial and antifungal components. BOTH WORK EQUALLY WELL - and First Choice will switch out what ever ear solution product you want if you call in to purchase the yeast kit.

3). Herbal Wormer
It is my experience that if we pre-worm your pet with this particular natural herbal wormer it will help to get the system back to balance. We know forsure we are not also dealing with parasite infestation on top of yeast overgrowth. When pets are in this condition they are so compromised that it is ideal for internal parasites to also be a issue. This is a easy safe solution which is worming with PBG-51 - for 3 days, repeat again in 10 days to 2 weeks then worm once a month to help in the rebalancing of the gut.
Ingredients: Filtered Water, 100% plant extract of Negella Sativa (Black Cumin), Mentha spicata (Spearmint), Mentha Piperita (Peppermint), and Cyatheales Dicksoniaceae (Fern).
Dosage: 1 CC - per 10 lbs body weight up to 50 lbs.
5 CC for 50 lbs or over- total regardless of weight over 50 lbs.
Give for 3 days, repeat in 2 weeks, then give once a month as a prevention.
It is my experience that if we pre-worm your pet with this particular natural herbal wormer it will help to get the system back to balance. We know forsure we are not also dealing with parasite infestation on top of yeast overgrowth. When pets are in this condition they are so compromised that it is ideal for internal parasites to also be a issue. This is a easy safe solution which is worming with PBG-51 - for 3 days, repeat again in 10 days to 2 weeks then worm once a month to help in the rebalancing of the gut.
Ingredients: Filtered Water, 100% plant extract of Negella Sativa (Black Cumin), Mentha spicata (Spearmint), Mentha Piperita (Peppermint), and Cyatheales Dicksoniaceae (Fern).
Dosage: 1 CC - per 10 lbs body weight up to 50 lbs.
5 CC for 50 lbs or over- total regardless of weight over 50 lbs.
Give for 3 days, repeat in 2 weeks, then give once a month as a prevention.
This is a liquid and can be mixed with canned meat, soft cheese or given directly with a syringe (no needle) into the side of the mouth..follow up with a treat. PBG - 51 is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and human and animal and plant friendly. There may be some loose stool if the dog is infested with parasites.
PRECAUTION: This wormer, like Panacur and other wormers, will kill adult heartworm if the dog is infested and it will clog up the heart which can kill the dog. So never use a wormer without a heartworm test or unless the dog(s) are on a heart worm preventative already. Herbal wormers, like other wormers should not be used on pregnant and lactating bitches.
Here is where to purchase PBG-51 wormer at www.FirstChoiceNaturals.com
4) There are 3 Skin Recovery Kits for you to choose from:
Skin Recovery Kit #30 - All dogs, breeds and sizes and it is for yeast removal includes the K-9 Ear Solutions, which is the best ear product on the market for yeasty ears and can be used on hotspots and feet as well.
Skin Recovery Kit # 49 for Toy Breeds is now available (under 10 lbs)
Skin Recovery Kit # 41 - for kennels or homes with multiple dogs with yeast issues.
Yeast Removal Program for Overseas
The Skin Recover Kit#30 is not available for shipping to some countries. If you live overseas and want to purhcase a yeast kit, contact First Choice Naturals to see if they ship to your country. Email Jane at : 1stchoicenaturals@comcast.netYeast Removal Products for Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India etc
The products in the yeast program are the same for pets or humans. The only difference is the labeling. Some countries like Australia do not allow pet products to be shipped into the country-so the human products, with human labels will be sent instead, since they are not a problem with customs.
Yeast Removal Instructions for Australia
I have found these shampoo and sprays work best for yeast situations and for managing itching and coat repair
- Micro-Tek Medicated Anti-Itch Spray -16oz - INSTANTLY stops biting, licking and itching - THE ONLY MEDICATED LEAVE ON SPRAY! All Natural.
- Micro-Tek Medicated Shampoo Concentrate - Anti-Itch Formula - Micro- Tek is the fastest acting, most effective natural shampoo ever developed! It aids in the control of problems upon contact, using a trademarked formula developed from NASA research on the decontamination of astronauts. Ideal for allergy and yeasty skin conditions.
- Mega-Tek Rebuilder - 2 oz concentrate - Strengthens and repairs dry damaged coat and cracked paw pads! Used to repair damaged coat from itching, chewing caused by allergies and yeast issues. and bacterial infections.
You can purchase all three of these in a Skin and Coat Repair Kit#34 at a discounted price or order them separately. ....call to order: 765-287-8288
What Do I Do After The Yeast Problem Is Cleared Up?
Maintanence After the Yeast Issues - Once it has been resolved we recommend using the CORE 4 Kit #38 and use Black-Leaf 3-5 days once a month for 4 days to knock down any potential yeast over growth, OR you can worm with PBG - once a month.
This is a program for life.
To understand more why your pet's diet is probably the cause of this skin problem.
Click Here: Do Today's Commercial Diets Compromise Your Pet's Health
Information For Humans With Yeast Issues: Article - Systemic Yeast in HumansAbout The Human Detox Process - as the yeast dies off, it creates toxins in the body. Please read my suggestions on how to lessen the symptoms on this detox process. It means slowing the process which means a bit long time getting back on track, but I think well worth it. Detoxify Slowly
To Purchase: Human Yeast Managment Kit#31
To Prepare Ahead - You Have Homework
OK - this is a lot of information in a short time, but I know as you read this info, light bulbs went off and there is light at the end of the tunnel. (We will deal with your anger about how long this has gone on, and the money you have spent, at a later date). Be patient this problem didn't happen over night and it won't clear up over night. On an average 3- months is the norm, depending on the severity of the situation, some are sooner.
Question: Do I have to keep my pet on the Yeast Removal Kit for the rest of their life?
Answer: Yes - it is life long program including approved foods and treats (listed on the yeast instructions). But, once you get the yeast in control with the Blackwatch diet and the supplements in the yeast removal kit, you will move to a maintenance routine which is explained in the yeast instructions. We never get rid of yeast, parasites or pathogens, it's always about having more good microorganisms than bad microorganisms in the gut and keeping things in check and in balance.When you see some of the dogs that have used this program you will have some hope. Now it is very important that you find a good veterinarian and discuss this approach and to make sure there are not other health issues at the core of your pet's problem. I am not a vet, so to seek the advice of a veterinarian. This info and kit is not to be used in lieu of veterinarian advice, diagnosis or treatment.
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
This dog is an 11 year old dog that has suffered from yeast for many years of his adult life. After 1 month on the Skin Recovery Program the owner can see a difference. This is the elderly dog 6 weeks on the program. At least in his senior years, he can now have some relief from the steroids and medicines he has lived on his adult life.
As he improves I will feature his photos in this article. The ear photos above are from this same dog.![]()


New Yeast Removal Instructions to go with Kit #30 or #40 from First Choice Naturals.
Yeast Removal Instructions from Nzymes will come in the kit you order from them.
Canine Research in Yeast - Malassezia
The American Kennel Club has sponsored research grants for disease. Here is one that is relates to this topic.
Completed Grant No. 1840: Studies of the Host (Canine) Immune Response to the Opportunistic Pathogen Malassezia pachydermatis - Daniel O. Morris, DVM, DACVD; University of Pennsylvania.
Sponsors: American Spaniel Club, Basset Hound Club of America, Dalmatian Club of America Foundation, English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association Foundation, Westie Foundation of America
Abstract: This study confirmed that the immune system of allergic dogs recognizes a specific yeast as a contributor to allergies—that the dog’s body is mounting an allergic response to the yeast, not just reacting to a yeast infection. The yeast, Malassezia pachydermatis, is present in many dogs with skin allergies, causing itching, infection and sometimes licking to the point of self-mutilation. The most common symptoms of the yeast are ear canal infections and paw licking. Dogs with the yeast allergy can react to a quantity of yeast that would be considered within normal limits for healthy dogs. This discovery provides evidence and hope that it might be possible to manage that allergic reaction through the development of yeast-specific allergy shots, rather than relying on anti-fungal medications, which carry a possibility of side effects and don’t stop the allergic reaction from recurring.
Besides using the Skin Recovery Kit #30 and a change in diet you may have to topically treat your bitches vaginal tract or the sheath covering your male dogs penis. Here is a good option and the amounts given are for small/medium dogs, double for large/giant breeds.
In the Evening- after dinner and they have done their "business" and just before bedtime: Take 1/2 teaspoon of Ox-E-Drops in 1/2 cup of comfortably warm distilled water.
Get a good sized syringe, minus the needle.....pull this up in the syringe - then take the dog outside or put them in the bathtub and give a good flush - no, not in the fanny, in the vaginal tract or penis sheath, where ever there is a discharge. A turkey baster works great for large and giant breeds, but please have the sense to retire it to the trash can before Thanksgiving Day.
Do this 1- 2 times a day for 3-4 days then move to once a day for a few days.
In the Morning - after eating and pottying:
Take 2 tablespoon of tepid temp water and 1/8 th teaspoon of BacPakPlus Probiotic (in the yeast kit) - mix together, put in the syringe and shake it a little..put the dog outside or in a bathtub then give her a good squirt. Do this for a week as well and let the beneficial bacteria reseed the tract and crowd out the yeast overgrowth.
How Systemic Yeast Infections Affects Humans
Systemic yeast infections (fungus) are extremely difficult to detect and kill. Stanford University studies report a 497% increase in systemic infections in humans in the past 10 years due to overuse of antibiotics, diet and stress.
When pH balance of the gut is out of balance, an environment is ripe for pathogenic bacteria and fungus to multiply at an alarming rate. The byproducts of bacteria and fungus produce "toxins." These can result in systemic disease, as well as bloat, stomach gas and foam. Many diseases are often misdiagnosed in humans when the actual underlying cause is Candida Albicans (a systemic yeast infection).
Examples of systemic yeast overgrowth in humans which are often diagnosed as the following diseases:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Lupus (very severe infection)
Some forms of Schizophrenia (Huxley Foundation Research)
Arthritis or joint pain
Mood Swings
Carbohydrate / Sugar cravings
Chronic bloating
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Chronic Rashes
and a host of other diagnosed ailments are all linked to a systemic (in the blood stream) Fungal - Mycoplasm Infection. Once this infection is in the blood stream, it can affect any organ giving people many different types of symptoms. When fungus overgrowth flourishes in the gut, the toxins from the yeast keep the pH unbalanced, causing a vicious cycle. Unbalanced pH balance in the gut alters the body's chemistry and unbalances the metabolic/hormonal chemistry. Many homeopathic physicians and veterinarians feel as though a systemic yeast infection is one of the most overlooked and misdiagnosed diseases in medicine.
Here is information I have put together for Humans with Systemic Yeast.
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