Saturday 11 April 2015

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Updated about twice a week
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4. Articles are organized into the following groups. 
All the articles on this website are for educational purposes only.  They are not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
(natural healing and development for the 21st century)
1) Physical Health Conditions
Sensory Organs (skin, eyes, nose, ears)
Other (Radiation poisoning, etc.)
5) Trauma And Rape, And Their Healing  This includes articles about rape, healing rape, trauma release, trauma retracing, and others.
1) LIFESTYLE (clothing, sleep and rest, sexual habits, and more)
2) FOODS AND GENERAL NUTRITION (Articles discuss many common food items, plus topics such as developmental foods, fasting, juicing, fruit-eating, cholesterol and others)
3) DIETS (Includes articles about many common diets such as the Atkins diet, GAPS diet, the zone diet, the cult diet, Ann Wigmore, Weston Price Diet, paleo diet, blood type diets, vegetarian Diets, dehydration diet and others)
2) PATTERNS FOUND ONLY ON A RETEST HAIR MINERAL ANALYSIS (A more technical section about retest hair analysis interpretation.)
E. MENTAL DEVELOPMENT (An important aspect of nutritional balancing science and human healing at very deep levels.)
I. PHYSICAL SCIENCES (what is the nature of reality)
              A. Yin and Yang
B. Tetras
C. Holography, fractals, chaos theory
D. Systems theory, cybernetics
E. Vector mathematics
F. Down science
              Downward Energy And Healing
II. APPLIED PHYSICAL SCIENCES (technology and engineering)
              A. Electronics, radio, and psi weapons
              Psi Warfare Or Electronic Warfare
              Wave Guides
            B. Power Generation
            C. Environmentalism
            Healing The Earth
1. Souls:
IV. SOCIAL SCIENCES (interactions between bodies)
              E. Spirituality And Religion:
              F. Culture And Nationality
The Hilsdale College/Imprimus.  Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Michigan, produces an excellent monthly bulletin called Imprimus.  A subscription is free, and it offers some of the finest commentary on today’s major political, social and economic issues.
The Foundation For Economic Education or FEE.  This is an extremely excellent and important group offering a monthly magazine about Austrian economics and free market capitalism.
            D. History And Cycles Of Time:
David Barton and  David Barton is one of America’s most brilliant historians who makes American history come alive.  He emphasizes that American moral values and laws were almost wholly derived from and based upon the Bible, an important fact that is kept from American school children and adults.  He teaches the truth that has been lost in American education.
E. Education:
            This section is divided into disease categories.  Click on the category of diseases to read about:
Digestive Conditions:
Gastritis or Inflammation Of The Stomach
Endocrine Disorders:
Women’s And Men’s Health Conditions:
Dental Health:
Biological or Preventive Dentistry (discusses tooth decay, dental amalgams, root canals, cavitations, dental infections and more)
Cardiovascular Conditions:
Nervous System Conditions:
Renal Or Kidney Disorders
Metabolic Conditions:
Infections And Immune Response Imbalances:
Structural/Mechanical Disorders:
Sensory Organ Conditions (skin, eyes, ears, touch, taste, smell):
Taste and smell disorders (see Anorexia)
Hemochromatosis/Hemosiderosis (see Iron Overload).
Skin Conditions (Also see morgollons disease above)
National Defense Needed by Brian T. Kennedy (of the Claremont Institute)
Tropical Fruit Drinks (Noni, Nopal, Acai, Goji, Camu Camu, etc.)
The Culture War
The Great Divorce
Special Foods For Everyone Today
All Food and Nutrition Articles
Blue Corn, A Wonderful Food For The 21st Century (cereal, tortillas and tortilla chips)
Articles About The Nutritional Balancing Cooked Vegetable Diets
Articles About Other Diets
Copper, Lingual Dyskinesia, And Tics – A Case History (© 2011, The Journal of Pediatrics)
General Articles About Supplements
Articles About Individual Products
Paramin (calcium and magnesium)

10. Prayer Circles (see Entity Attachment And Release)
11. Other: body work such as Rolfing Or Structural Integration,  Massage and others.
Adrenal Stress Pattern = sodium above about 100 mg%.
Aggressiveness  = calcium less than about 14 mg%.
Attempting To Overcome Overwhelming Stress = three lows and sympathetic dominance.
Basic Burnout = sodium less than 5 mg%. 
Beam Me Up, Scottie = fast oxidation and a low sodium/potassium ratio in those who eat a lot of fruit.
Belligerence = magnesium less than about 3 mg%
Biounavailable Calcium and Magnesium = calcium above 100 mg%, magnesium above about 9mg%. 
Bowl Pattern = a high Ca/Mg ratio and a low Na/K ratio.
Burned Out Sympathetic Dominant = low potassium and a low sodium/potassium ratio.
Calcium Shell = calcium above about 165 mg%.
Checkmark Pattern = if one connects the tops of the bar graphs of the first four numbers, the pattern resembles a check mark.  This is associated with mental problems, in many cases.  This pattern is still being researched.
Cliff Pattern = Ca/Mg ratio between about 4 and 6, AND a Na/K ratio greater than about 10, AND usually a three highs pattern with a low potassium level.
Combination Or Combo Readings = Some hair analysis readings are definitely due to combinations of factors, some of which are elevating the mineral level, while others are making it lower.
Compensated Hair Mineral Tests = When the macromineral (calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium) levels and ratios, and perhaps other indicators, are fairly close to normal in a chronically ill person.  This can be a confusing situation.
Conflict Patterns = patterns related to types of stress conflicts going on inside a person or around a person.
Cult Diet Pattern = this often includes a nickel level above about 0.3 (due to drinking rooibos or red tea), mercury above about 0.035 mg% (due to eating tunafish), and sometimes aluminum above about 0.5 (due to using aluminum-containing antiperspirants).
When some women or men are raped, they are told that to avoid another rape or death they must drink rooibos tea daily, they must avoid all red meat, and they must eat tunafish daily and fruit daily.  They may also be told to use anti-perspirants that contain aluminum, which raises the hair aluminum level.  The demands can vary, but these are the most common features of this dietary pattern.  It is designed to keep a person weak and ill.
Criminal Behavior Patterns. This is an interesting research area.  The article describes about eight patterns that seem to be associated with criminal behavior.
Dangerous Patterns = energy vampire patterns (fast oxidation with good or elevated sodium/potassium ratio and calcium/magnesium ratio), and others.
Death Patterns = Na/K < 0.4, double low ratio pattern, step-up pattern, four lows and extreme slow oxidation.  Four lows plus a double low ratio pattern is called Triple Death (see below).
Depletion Pattern = Step down pattern AND potassium of 1 mg% AND lots of poor eliminators.
Double High Ratio or Double Inflammation  = a high Ca/Mg ratio and a high Na/K ratio.  This pattern reinforces all symptoms associated with a high Na/K ratio.
Double Hill Pattern = A hill pattern on the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) along with a hill pattern on the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc).  This visual pattern is uncommon, and is a very positive sign.  It indicates “excited on the inside and outside”.
Double Patterns  = This is a general term meaning patterns that either require two or more levels or ratios to create the pattern, or that are reinforced when a second or perhaps third or fourth indicator is present.  They may also include patterns that are present on the second four numbers (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) when these mimic or have the same pattern as the first four numbers.  For example, one can have a double hill pattern, or a double bowl pattern, or a double fast oxidizer pattern, etc. involving the first four and the second four minerals on the ARL hair chart.
Double patterns have to do with fractal theory.  Fractals are simple numbers that repeat, forming much more complex systems or patterns.  The human design is fractal, and double or doubling patterns on a hair mineral analysis reflect that design.
Double double patterns = These include any double pattern that is repeated on the second four numbers (iron, copper, manganese and zinc).  For example, one can have a double double high ratio pattern.  This is a double high ratio pattern on the first four minerals, along with a double high ratio pattern on the second four minerals.
One that we look for a lot is a double double low ratio pattern.  This is a double low ratio pattern on the first four minerals, along with a double low ratio pattern on the second four minerals.  It is a double slow death indicator, or double wanting to die pattern.  For more, see the article entitled Second Four patterns.
Double Low Ratio Or Double Inversion Pattern = a low Ca/Mg ratio and low Na/K ratio. This pattern reinforces all symptoms associated with a low Na/K ratio.
Double 0s Pattern = This is older terminology that is no longer used.  The newer terminology is the Poor Eliminator Pattern.  It refers to extremely low levels of lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, nickel, boron, iron, copper, and/or manganese.  Mercury could be 0.003 mg%, for example.  This is too low and indicates impaired elimination of mercury.  The poor eliminator concept is very critical.  Please read the article about it.
Excitement Fast Oxidizer.  At times, a fast oxidation rate is due to temporary upliftment or excitement for some reason.  This is always a positive pattern.
Fast Oxidation  = a low calcium/potassium ratio and a high sodium/magnesium ratio.
First-Second Patterns.  This is a term used to describe patterns that occur on the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) and repeat on the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc). 
Four Highs/Three Highs = Calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium above the ideal values.
Four Lows = calcium below 40 mg%, magnesium below 6 mg%, sodium below 25 mg% and potassium below 10 mg%.  This pattern may also be called In The Tunnel Of Death.
Giving Away Your Power = sodium level of 1 mg% or less and potassium level of 1 mg% or less.
Going Down Swinging = A very steep step down pattern with a Ca/K ratio greater than about 300:1 in a woman or Ca/K ratio greater than about 200:1 in a man.  Also see Step Down Pattern.
Grief Pattern = A double low ratio pattern, but not a step up pattern, combined with a four highs pattern.
Hard driver pattern = a four highs pattern AND a double high ratio pattern.  This is a person who pushes himself or herself hard. 
High sodium/potassium ratio = Na/K ratio above about 4.
Hill pattern = a low Ca/Mg ratio and a high Na/K ratio, usually seem more on retests, but not always.
Holding On for Dear Life = a three lows pattern plus low Na/K and low Ca/Mg plus an elevated magnesium level.  This is a person who is very close to going into a four lows pattern.  The boat is almost sinking and needing to go into dry dock soon if something is not changed.  Medical drugs, nutritional depletion, toxic metal poisoning or stress can cause this.
Immersed In Stress = very slow oxidation, and sodium<3, and Na/K<1.  This is found in some vegetarians.
Kidney Stress = this can raise the sodium and/or potassium levels.  It may even cause a fast oxidatio n rate.
L Pattern = The first four macrominerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) appear in the shape of a capital L on the graph from Analytical Research Laboratories.  This is also a three lows pattern with a very elevated calcium/magnesium ratio and a fairly normal sodium/potassium ratio with a fairly normal sodium/magnesium ratio.  The pattern indicates a lifestyle problem, and may have other significance.  It is a current subject of research.
Malnourished Pattern = Phosphorus level less than 10 along with a calcium level greater than about 400 mg% (or a petrified pattern).  This is newer and not well-researched at this time.  There may also be other malnourished patterns, yet to be discovered.
No Power Pattern = a fast oxidizer with several poor eliminators.  Normally, a fast oxidizer should be eliminating toxic metals due to the faster oxidation rate.  When this is not occurring, it is a sign of poorer health.
Paranoia patterns = very fast oxidation AND possibly a Reverse L pattern.
Passive-Aggressive = a calcium shell, with three or four highs, and possibly a low Na/K ratio.
Poor Eliminator And Very Poor Eliminator Patterns = severe difficulty eliminating toxic metals and toxic chemicals.  Indicators are very low levels of the toxic metals and some nutrient minerals, as explained in the article.
There is also a very poor eliminator pattern that is just more extreme.
Other patterns associated with impaired elimination include sympathetic dominance, very slow oxidation, a sodium/potassium ratio less than about 1.5, three lows pattern, four lows pattern or phosphorus less than 13 mg%.
Quantifying The Hair Analysis Patterns.  Many hair analysis patterns can be quantified, which is a way to assess their severity in mathematical terms, such as single, double, triple and so on.  This article explains what this means and gives the quantifying criteria for some of the important patterns.
Reverse L pattern = a good Ca/Mg ratio along with a Na/K ratio less than about 1.  This is a chronic stress pattern.
Second Four Patterns = patterns that appear in the second four mineral graphs on an ARL calibrated hair mineral chart.  This is a more advanced research topic, but a very interesting one.  Many are possible, and the article lists a number of them.
Severe Lifestyle or Attitude Stress = a calcium shell (calcium level greater than about 165 mg% in a woman or about 155 mg% in a man) along with a Ca/Mg ratio greater than about 9.5.
Severe or Double Burnout = a calcium shell and a low sodium/potassium ratio.
Skidding = a three lows pattern (see below). 
Slow On Crutches = a slow oxidizer whose oxidation rate is propped up by the presence of toxic metals, so that on a retest the oxidation rate slows even further.
Slow Oxidation = a high calcium/potassium ratio and a low sodium/magnesium ratio.
Sodium Crisis = A good calcium/magnesium ratio and a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 50-60 and perhaps balanced mixed oxidation.  This may indicate many poor eliminators in the kidneys/adrenals and high stress on the kidneys/adrenals.
Sodium/Potassium Ratio or the vitality ratio.
Spillover Patterns = can be any hair analysis pattern that spills over to the second four minerals on an ARL chart (iron, copper, manganese and zinc).  It can also be a pattern of the Na/K ratio that spills over to the Ca/Mg ratio.  In this sense, the term spillover patterns has the same meaning as double patterns.  Spillover may be a more descriptive term for this phenomenon.
Spiritual Defensiveness = a calcium/magnesium ratio greater than about 13.5.  This indicates a lifestyle, habit or attitude imbalance.  Common causes for the pattern are a problem with a job or a relationship, drug use (including marijuana), alcoholism, homosexuality in some cases, or a school problem for a child.  A bad attitude can also cause the pattern if it is severe enough.
Step Down = slow oxidation, high Ca/Mg, high Na/K, and visually it must look like steps going downward from left to right.  This pattern may also be called Stepping In To Life.  It indicates a karmic beginning or starting a new aspect of life, and is considered a very positive pattern.
Step Up = fast oxidation, along with a low Ca/Mg and a low Na/K.  Also, visually it must look like steps moving upward to the right.  This may also be called Stepping Out Of Life.  It is a quick death pattern.  If not changed, it usually results in a fatal stroke or heart attack, or some other health catastrophe.
Stress From Within And Without = high Ca/Mg (stress from without) with a potassium level of 4 mg% or less (stress from within).
Stuck Patterns = include the following:
1) a bowl pattern.
2) 4 lows pattern.
3) A sodium/potassium ratio less than 1.
4) Very slow oxidation and/or a calcium shell pattern.
Stuck In A Pit or a Low Bowl = four lows pattern along with a bowl pattern.  This pattern is not healthful, and may be considered a slow death pattern.  It is often mainly nutritionally-related, however, and thus can be turned around with a nutritional balancing program. 
The pattern consists of two “stuck” patterns.  The deeper the bowl and the lower the four lows, the more extreme the pattern.  The words “low bowl” just refers to the fact that it is a bowl pattern and a four lows pattern, and not to how deep in four lows one is.  This pattern is often associated with reduced awareness, as well as fatigue and other symptoms.
Sympathetic Dominance = potassium of 4 mg% or less OR three highs or four highs with a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 4.  The pattern is reinforced if the Ca/Mg is greater than about 9.5.  Four lows is also considered a sympathetic dominance pattern.
            This is a very important autonomic nervous system imbalances.  Please read all about it.  It is very common today, especially among urban dwellers.
The Amigos - Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Often Nickel and Chromium = present when at least one of the major amigos (iron, manganese or aluminum) is elevated or is a poor eliminator.  It is called the amigos or friends, because if one of these is out of range, often all of them are, but are hidden.
            This is a very important pattern.  The amigos are always oxides that are highly irritating and do oxidant damage.  For this reason, I sometimes call them the irritants or oxidants.  Rather than give anti-oxidants, which are extremely yin, one can reduce oxidant damage by eliminating from the body the amigos or oxidants.
Iron, manganese and aluminum toxicity are extremely common medical problems that the medical and holistic healing professions have great difficulty getting rid of.  Nutritional balancing takes care of them easily, in most cases.
Three Lows = three of the four macrominerals – calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium – are less than their ideal values.  This is also called Almost Four Lows, One Foot In The Tunnel or Skidding pattern.  It means a person is quite close to a four lows pattern.
There are four possible ways this can occur (low calcium, low magnesium, low sodium or low potassium).  Each has a slightly different meaning, but this is less critical than the overall pattern of three low macrominerals.  For more, see the article entitled Four Lows.
Tired Fast Oxidizer or Temporary Fast Oxidizer = fast oxidizer with a low Na/K ratio.
Toxic potassium pattern = a sodium/potassium ratio less than about 0.4.  Human life is not possible with a sodium/potassium ratio less than about 0.3 to 0.4.  When one sees a Na/K ratio lower than this, it indicates that some of the potassium reading is caused by the elimination of toxic potassium.  It is a type of artifact, in other words, and the real Na/K is higher.
Trauma Patterns = a calcium shell, particularly if it is a double or greater shell, OR a double low ratio pattern on the second four minerals, OR a potassium level less than 1 mg% (cannot be read on an ARL test at this time), OR a sodium/potassium ratio less than 1, OR a double low ratio pattern on the first four minerals, OR a Ca/Mg ratio greater than about 13.5.
            Other possible indicators are a vampire victim pattern (see below), a vampire pattern (see below), or any extreme pattern such as very slow oxidation or very fast oxidation.  Another is a cult diet pattern (see above). 
Triple Death = A four lows pattern combined with a double low ratio pattern.  This is a more severe death pattern than either a four lows or a double low ratio pattern alone.
Trying Hard To Stay Afloat = high Ca/Mg and high Na/K ratio, along with a potassium of 4 mg% or less.
Trying Too Hard = Calcium above 170 mg% (a calcium shell), and potassium of 4 mg% or less (sympathetic dominance).
Vampire Patterns = a person is in fast oxidation by stealing energy from others.  Usually a fast oxidizer with good Na/K ratio in an adult.  The pattern is worse if the Na/K is elevated, and even worse if it is a double high ratio pattern with fast oxidation.  An energy vampire may have a low Na/K, at times.
Vampire Victim Patterns = When the sodium is 1 mg% and the potassium is 1 mg%.  It is also present, though to a lesser degree, in a slow oxidizer with a sodium of 2 mg% and a potassium level of 1 mg%.
This indicates a psychological, more than a physical victimhood pattern, although physical depletion occurs, as well.  (See above under Depletion Pattern).  It can be quite yin and destructive.  Fortunately, it usually changes with a nutritional balancing program.
            Other names for this pattern are the poor me pattern, feeling sorry for oneself pattern, or playing the victim pattern.
This is still being researched.
Wasting One’s Time = a calcium shell, a high Ca/Mg ratio and a potassium of 4 mg% or less.  Pattern may be more correctly called biding one’s time. in some cases.
Workaholic = three or four highs, along with a high sodium/potassium ratio.  This pattern may also be called the intense pattern because the person is often very intense.
Wrong Two Highs Patterns (4 of them).  These occur when two macrominerals are high and two are low, but they are not the usual configurations.
Amigo doubling = when at least two of the amigos double on a retest.  This is generally very good, indicating a strong amigo dump is in progress (see amigo dump below).
              It is possible to even have an amigo tripling or amigo quadrupling, which are even better with a similar meaning.
Amigo Dump = a rise or a fall of at least 30-40% in the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum on a retest.
Armoring Up = more poor eliminator patterns on a retest or more extreme poor eliminator patterns on a retest, provided that the person follows a nutritional balancing program.  Other tentative names for this pattern are preparing for battle or holding on to your poors.
Backing Out Of Four Lows. (see below under Out Of The Tunnel Backwards).
Back To Life = Moving into a step down pattern on a retest that was not present on the previous test.
Bowling = Moving into a bowl pattern on a retest hair analysis.  This usually indicates moving into a retracing of a trauma or some other difficult situation.  The criteria are that the calcium/magnesium ratio increases AND the sodium/potassium ratio decreases.
              Extreme bowling on a retest hair analysis is called “Diving Head First”.  It require that the calcium/magnesium ratio at least doubles, AND the sodium/potassium ratio at least halves, or decreases by 50% or more.
Coming Alive = On a retest, all four of the macromineral levels (Ca, Mg, Na, K) increase.  The pattern is present when 1, 2 or 3 of the first four minerals increases, while the others remain the same.  The pattern is strongest when all four of the macrominerals increase, and weakest when only 1 of the macrominerals increases.
Coming Back To Life or Making Progress In Four Lows= A retest pattern in which a person who was in four lows pattern remains in four lows, but the ratios improve, the levels of the macrominerals improve, and/or the phosphorus level improves.
Coming Out Pattern = A 2x shell changes to no shell, AND a 50% reduction or more in the Ca/Mg ratio, though it may still be high, AND phosphorus increases by 3 mg% or more, AND sodium/potassium ratio improves and flips AND a deep bowl changes to a step down pattern.  This is still being researched.
Crash Landing = when fast oxidation on a previous test changes to slow oxidation on a retest.  The pattern might be present if a mild slow oxidizer moves into very slow oxidation on a retest.  This is usually good, and usually involves the elimination of “crutches” that were keeping a person in fast or faster oxidation.  However, symptoms can be annoying such as fatigue, depression and perhaps in some cases constipation, joint pain or others.
Diving Deep = A low sodium/potassium ratio becomes even lower on a retest by at least 10%.  This is associated with deep retracing, usually of a trauma.  Diving Deep can also show up as a lower four lows on a retest, although the meaning is not as clear in this case.
Double Joy = Two joy patterns together.  The most common combination is a hill pattern plus a coming alive pattern.  However, it could involve an improved sodium/potassium ratio, an improved calcium/magnesium ratio or a much higher phosphorus level.
              It could also be a hill or coming alive pattern on the first four numbers AND a hill or coming alive pattern on the second four numbers.
Down Elevator = the levels of all four macrominerals decrease by at least 40% and they decrease the same amount.
Eliminating toxic potassium = the Na/K ratio dips down to less than about 0.4 on a retest.  Human life requires a Na/K ratio greater than about 0.4.  If the ratio is lower, in almost all cases it is due to the elimination of some toxic potassium, which elevates the potassium level and reduces the Na/K a lot.
            The sources of toxic potassium include human male sexual fluid, eating fruit, and babies are usually born with some toxic potassium from their mothers.
Emerging From The Bomb Shelter = A decrease in a calcium shell of at least 50%.  The shell may still be present, or it may be gone altogether.  This indicates a person no longer needs a shell, or not much of one compared to the previous test.  It is a good sign of a stronger body and/or mind.
Everything Coming Out = A rise in most or all of the toxic metal levels and the amigos (iron, manganese, and possibly chromium or selenium) on a retest.  This is very good and usually reflects a much better energy level and often much better elimination or less sympathetic dominance present.
Excitement Fast Oxidizer = At times, a person goes into fast oxidation on a retest simply due to excitement.  The meaning is something like a hill, although it is perhaps more superficial.
Exiting The Cult = A rise in nickel from a low level to a toxic level on a retest.  This is an important pattern because many people in cults or groups are forced to drink rooibos or red tea spiked with nickel.  This is a potent toxin that needs to be eliminated from the body during healing.
Flip Over Pattern = On a retest, a drastic change occurs in a mineral level, ratio or pattern.  For example, a level or ratio may go from very high to very low, or vice versa.  Or the oxidation rate may flip from fast to slow or vice versa.
            When the flip is in the direction of healing, it is called a forward flip.  When the flip is away from a healing direction, such as a low Na/K or fast oxidation, it is called a back flip.
Four lows on a retest only = Life Planning, Dog In The Doghouse, Boat In Dry Dock, or Back In The Tunnel Of Death For Healing Purposes = a four lows pattern on a retest when the first test did not show a four lows pattern. 
This is an important retest pattern.  It is benign and positive, in fact, unlike four lows on an initial hair mineral analysis.  It indicates a type of resting state and that is all.  It is called ‘dog in the corner’ because it is like an animal that perhaps was injured or ill, and just wants to lay down in the corner and rest for a while.  It is called the dry dock pattern because it is like sending your boat to the shipyard to be refurbished.
Gathering Firewood = A decrease in the hair phosphorus level on a retest when a person is following a nutritional balancing program.
Getting Help = magnesium increases on a retest by at least 30-40%.  This is an important pattern.  Poorer quality magnesium is actually eliminated, causing the pattern, and is replaced by a higher quality magnesium.  Health usually improves with it.
Getting Lots Of Help = magnesium increases on a retest by at least 4 or 5 times, or more.  Often, calcium also increases by 4 or 5 times, or more.  Often, other positive patterns are present such as coming alive pattern.
Getting Into Gear = All or most toxic metal levels rise at least 10%.  This signifies more vitality and better elimination.
Hilling = moving into a hill pattern on a retest.  This indicates some type of overcoming, celebration or joyous feeling.  The criteria are that the calcium/magnesium ratio becomes lower AND the sodium/potassium ratio increase on a retest.
              Intense hilling on a retest is called “shooting to the top”.  Often, the person received an intervention when this occurs (see “Getting Help” above).  It is an intense joy, freedom or release, or ending of a difficult situation.
Holding On To Your Poors = when poor eliminator patterns become worse on a retest.  This occurs, at times, when a person is retracing certain traumas.  It is usually temporary.  This pattern is also called armoring up.
Kidney stress = a rise of 20% or more in the sodium and potassium levels, associated with a toxic metal elimination.  The rise is usually temporary.
Moving Fast = this is defined as an amigo dump (see above), plus a phosphorus above 20, two or three forward flips, and many fewer poor eliminator patterns.  It is not common, but it indicates accelerated progress for some reason.
Moving Into The Mud = this common retest pattern is present when the oxidation rate slows greatly or perhaps the sodium/potassium ratio declines drastically, indicating that a person is dealing with an old infection, toxic metal or emotional trauma.
New Start In Life = A double low ratio pattern on the previous test changes to a step down pattern, or close to it, on a retest.  This is a change from a slow death / double give-up pattern to a stepping into life pattern.  It is a double flip pattern (both the sodium/potassium ratio and the calcium/magnesium ratio flip).
This pattern indicates a new underlying strength, like a new strong floor under your feet.  It may involve elimination of a lead compound.  There can be other positive changes on the retest, such as elimination of the amigos and/or a higher phosphorus level.
Not facing a lifestyle or attitude issue = A calcium/magnesium ratio above 13.5 becomes even higher on a retest.
On fire = A rise in the phosphorus level of at least 2 mg% on a retest when a person is following a nutritional balancing pattern.
Out of the tunnel = When a four lows pattern on the first test resolves to slow oxidation.  This usually indicates improved overall health and vitality.
Out of the tunnel backwards or Out Of Four Lows Backwards, or Backing Out Of Four Lows = When a four lows pattern on the first test changes to a fast oxidation pattern (and no four lows) on a retest.  This is not the usual way to exit four lows.  It usually indicates a temporary exiting of four lows, in which the person will go back into four lows again soon.
Persistent Four Lows = four lows continues on a retest.  This usually indicates that the person is still either in an initial “tunnel” pattern, which indicates poor health.  However, if it occurs on a retest only, then it usually indicates the person is still receiving new life planning.
Preparing for battle = see armoring up pattern.
Putting up a wall of protection = a rise of at least 50% in the level of calcium on a retest, causing a shell pattern.
Resolving a lifestyle or attitude issue = A calcium/magnesium ratio greater than 13.5 declines at least 10%.
Rocking Pattern.  A retest pattern in which the mineral balance shifts back and forth between fast and slow oxidation.  Often a three lows pattern and a low sodium/potassium ratio are present, but not always.
Settling Down = A retest pattern in which the levels of all four of the macrominerals (Ca, Mg, Na, K) decrease.  The settling down pattern is also present, to a lesser degree, if 1, 2 or 3 of the macrominerals decrease while the others stay the same.
Settling Into Four Lows = A settling down pattern plus a transition from slow or fast oxidation into a low four lows pattern.
            This pattern is an excellent sign when it occurs during a nutritional balancing program.  It consists of two excellent patterns combined, and indicates usually a fast process of healing.
Shelling or A More Severe Shell On A Retest, or just developing a shell on a retest = This occurs frequently.  While some of the cause can be an elimination of metastatic or biounavailable calcium, another cause that is important is that the person is waking up mentally, emotionally or spiritually, and needs some protection that a shell affords.
Up Elevator = A retest pattern in which the levels of all four of the macrominerals (Ca, Mg, Na, K) increase at least 30%, and they all increase by the same proportion so that the major ratios (Ca/Mg, Ca/K, Na/K and Na/Mg) remain about the same.
Bouncers – Some people’s hair mineral retests change a lot from test to test.  I am not sure why this occurs in some people.  The oxidation rate can vary, as can the major ratios.  A lot of stress can contribute to this progression.
Ca/Mg Worsening Or Improving On Three Successive.  A progressive worsening of the Ca/Mg ratio usually indicates that a lifestyle issue has not been dealt with, and is now even more important to end or change.  If the Ca/Mg ratio slowly improves on three or more successive tests, it generally indicates that a person is slowly handling a lifestyle imbalance such as the use of drugs, or correcting a bad attitude, for example.
Persistent Four Lows – Some people remain in a four lows pattern for a year or more.  This can occur because the person is not following the program well enough.  Stress can definitely slow down the time needed to complete a four lows session.
However, at times four lows persists occurs because the person has a lot of life planning to complete, and simply needs more time in a four lows pattern.
Rocking – A back and forth movement from test to test, from fast to slow oxidation and back again.  This is an excellent indicator of deep healing.  For details, please read the Rocking Progression article.
Steadies – Some people’s hair mineral charts remain quite similar from test to test.  This can occur if a person does not follow their nutritional balancing program very well.  However, it can also occur even if one does follow their program.
Why May A Low Sodium/Potassium Ratio Persist?  = Na/K less than about 2.4.
This section is divided into techniques and philosophy.
IV. SOCIAL SCIENCES (interactions between bodies)
A. Service And Love

B. Family And Relationships

C. Women’s And Men’s Relationship Issues
(For more women’s and men’s health conditions, click here)
E. Spirituality And Religion
1) Christianity


2) Hebraic



3) Buddhist/Hindu/Taoist/Confucian


4) Native American/Aboriginal/Indigenous

A. Economics And Business
B. Politics
Immigration by Heather Macdonald
C. Law And Government - Health Care Policy
D. History And Cycles Of Time
E. Education
E1) Core Educational Articles
Free Program (a ‘free’ basic nutritional balancing program)
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Documentation.  Many articles are not heavily documented scientifically.  In some cases, this is due to the fact that it is original research.  In other cases, it is because I want to convey the concepts, rather than prove the authenticity of all statements made.  I encourage anyone to assist me in documenting material on this website.


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