Friday 27 June 2014

Adam Tanase, D.C. and reverse engineering

Sickness & Disease: Reverse Engineered

Friday, May 01, 2009

Reverse engineering involves taking something apart and analyzing it in detail.

I'd like to walk you through the reverse-engineering process of sickness and disease. Let's begin at the end...

The final component is the name of the condition; this is called a diagnosis.

Before a diagnosis can be identified, a particular series of events or sensations must precede its identification. These are called symptoms.

Before symptoms manifest, a function or process has to take place abnormally. This is considered malfunction.

Something must specifically disrupt or cause this malfunction to occur. Generally speaking, we can refer to this as interference.

Prior to this interference, functioning is normal. “Normal function” is the simplest definition of health.

Through the process of reverse-engineering, it can be said that sickness is a four-step process. When a healthy person experiences some form of physical, chemical or emotional interference, it can disrupt the normal function of their body, causing malfunction. Given the opportunity, this malfunction develops into one or more symptoms. A collection of symptoms is labeled with a diagnosis.

In the standard medical model of health care, symptoms of a diagnosis are most often treated with pharmaceutical drugs. This symptom-treating approach focuses exclusively on the second half of the four-step process.

Assuming the medication successfully treats the symptoms, you’re still left with steps 1 and 2 of the problem. If the symptoms reoccur after you stop taking the medication, then the problem wasn’t actually solved, and you were never really “cured.”

In order for the problem to be truly eliminated, the first half of the process must be addressed.

The “Specific Chiropractic” model of health care reverse-engineers the process of sickness and disease. Instead of masking symptoms, the approach targets steps 1 and 2 by locating and correcting the interference.

By eliminating the interference, function will be restored. With the return of normal function, symptoms disappear naturally. This is true health restoration.

Which approach makes more sense to you?


Adam Tanase, D.C.

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